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Re: ♪ Payback's a ***** ♪ (Closed)
Posted: 29 Jan 2016, 20:48
by Skylar
I plan the type of itinerary my mum would be proud of, which quite frankly makes me feel sick, but I'm doing this for Ricky, so I'll suck it up. I can do this. It's not like I'm not incapable of being organised and making plans or sticking to schedules. I mean I am a musician and businesswoman after all. It's just... well... I hate schedules and ****. Being in a certain place, at a certain time. It's conformist or something. I like to just be. You know. Wherever I am is where I am, whatever I'm doing is what I'm doing, whoever I'm doing is who I'm doing... You get the idea. That last one's kinda gone out the window since I met Ric though. Not too sad about that one, I'd rather do Ric than anyone else on the planet, even if he does make me wait for it. So yeah. Here we are. Two weeks later. Plans made. Excuses made. Bags packed.
* * *
I honestly don't know why I shout. I could whisper and I'm pretty sure he'd hear me in the other room. Must be habit - some left over human instinct or something. I ponder this and damn near almost forget what I was gonna say.
I walk out of our hotel bathroom and into the bedroom.
"Do we wanna put our passports and stuff in the safe?"
Stupid question. He's probably done it already. Though then again. I'm not sure if Ric's used to staying in places like this. Maybe he doesn't know there's a safe in our room. I'm not saying that Ric's like a skint flint or anything but knowing what I do about him, I'm pretty confident that him having money is kind of a new thing for him. Me. I'm kinda used to it. I grew up vacationing in five star hotels. My mum wouldn't stay anywhere else. You wouldn't know it to look at us. Ric and I that is. That we have money.
"We should put the jewellery I made for your mum in there as well. Maybe some of our cash too. I don't want anything going missing."
We've got more than enough cash on us for what we need to do. Thankfully since we're on holiday and stuff, and have places to go and people to see, it's not anything that would be in any way suspicious.
I find myself fingering the collar around my neck - yes, I brought it with me. I figure while Ric does his shadow thing. I'll go pre-buy tickets to exhibits and ****. Make sure we have 'evidence' of time spent here, you know, just in case we need it. If everything goes to plan we shouldn't. I mean really, who's gonna suspect us? I mean me, I haven't ever met the guy before and Ric, well thankfully Ric ain't seen the prick in years.
We’re due to go out soon. Enact phase one. Have me make contact with Dwayne. Don’t bother me. Yeah. It could be one of those things that comes out in an investigation but we aren’t planning to kill the ****** tonight so I doubt anyone will care that some blonde knocked on his door a few days before his death asking for assistance. I mean that’s totally random. Right? I won’t need the guy’s help. Not really. I could change a tyre myself, but the sake of the narrative we’ve created, I’ve made sure I’ll have the number of a local garage just in case Dwayne’s as useless as he is sick in the head.
I don’t think we’ll need his name personally. I think we’ll both know him on sight. I may never have met the guy but I know what he looks like. So does Ric. Still, this is Ric’s operation and if he wants some sort of verbal confirmation then I’ll play my part. Ric says I’m not the guys type, and maybe he’s right, but the guy definitely nails women too. I mean he dated his mum and that. I’m gonna have a hard time not clocking the guy in the face if he lays his hands on me. I can usually take a bit of flirty behaviour - I sure as hell give it – but that don’t mean I want that guy anywhere near me.
Re: ♪ Payback's a ***** ♪ (Closed)
Posted: 04 Feb 2016, 14:29
by Roderic
I'm looking through all the drawers of the hotel room when Skylar shouts for me. I know she's not in any immediate danger, other than maybe spotting a spider that might need killing, but other than that? She's fine. I glance away from the task at hand to see my wife out of the bathroom now. "Yeah?" I ask, waiting for her to tell me what she needs or wants. Well, I always know what she wants, but she doesn't look like she's in the mood to try and eat my face off, so I wait to hear what it is.
When my wife starts talking, I nod my head. "Wait. Where is the safe?" I've never stayed in a hotel to this scale before-not that this is the nicest hotel in the world, but I'm a guy of low means and expectations when it comes to finding a place to park my head for the night. I've slept in just about every damn near possibility there is, so this is a pretty sweet pad compared to parking it out in the wilderness, or some dive motel, or a couch in Momma Bear's Club house. I open another drawer and find what I'm looking for. So it's true. I've not stayed at a lot of motels or hotels, but every damn one has a Bible in it. Man, the **** people believe in, I tell you.
I grab the book and chuck it in the bin near a desk for a laptop as I scan the rest of the room. I've not checked out every nook and cranny yet, but give me another sixty minutes and I'll have turned this place upside down. Only, we don't have an hour tonight. Not until we do the drive by. But after that, I'm going to make sure everything in this place is as it should be. "Yeah. I guess." I finally agree to the suggestion of a putting things in a safe. It's not like we can take our things with us. We could, but if the passports drop out of a pocket, it might screw everything up. Big time. He might not know Skylar personally, but he knows the Hawthorne name enough to spook him. Dwayne's not stupid by any means, well, he's about average in intelligence, but Hawthorne probably isn't as common of a last name as Johns or Matthews or something like that. So it might be a little out of place and people with a guilty conscious tend to over-react, or do unpredictable things. "You ready for this?" I come around to stand in front of my wife, the passports in one hand, large bills under that and the things she's made my mom in the other hand. Once she takes them and puts them away for safe keeping, we're out the door and down to the car we've rented-me riding shot gun.
The drive there is relatively quiet, except for me making sure she is fine with doing this, that she understands the plan and to not engage the target, unless he engages her first. Which, is still a possibility. Slim, but anything is possible. The GPS takes us to some two story, run down looking house, next to other one and two story homes, in about the same shape as Dwayne's home. This is the scene I'm used to. This is a place I am familiar with and can blend in to, without ever having been here. I understand the people and their difficult times. I'm not making excuses for any of them. Some choose to live this life, some had no choice. I don't judge, I just relate. "Right. So, you need to act like your idiot family. Real girly, stupid, and say like a lot. You need to feel out of place here, so it's believable." I tell my wife before opening the car door. "Good luck." I almost duck out of the car, but scoot back in and give her two kisses to her lips. Once I'm out of the car, I quietly close the passenger door and blanket myself in the shadows. Time is ticking.
Re: ♪ Payback's a ***** ♪ (Closed)
Posted: 05 Feb 2016, 00:48
by Skylar
I show Ric the safe in the cupboard. I quickly read the instructions that sit laminated on top of it, but honestly I probably could have worked it out myself, they're all pretty similar. I load the important stuff inside, set a pin - our anniversary - and double check the thing is closed before we leave. Things aren't likely to go missing in a place like this, but since we have a place to store stuff, we may as well use it.
The drive over goes by quick. Ric's drilling me, making sure I understand the plan. He treats me like an idiot at times but I allow it. It's not that he thinks I'm stupid. At least I don't think it is. I think it's his control issues. His OCDish nature. He likes plans. He likes to stick to his plans. And so he needs me to stick to it too. I'll do my best. I'm sure he knows I'll try. I mean I'm not incapable. I'm just prone to emotional outburst and sticking my foot in my mouth because the filter between my mouth and brain doesn't ever seem to work. No big deal. Right?
I start to fluff my hair, and stop when Ric remembers to kiss me goodbye. That makes me smile. Though you know, if he wanted me to act like Alexis I probably should have dressed differently. Oh well. I'm sure I can get this guy's attention. I'm not dressed like a tramp. I'm not dressed like a prude either. I'm in the standard jeans and high heels. I switched out the t-shirt for a red, low cut tank top. My leather jacket covers my arms and the tatt on my shoulder blade, but it's open down the front. I've not got much to work with breast wise, but a good bra with a bit of padding helps. I wouldn't usually be caught dead in this kinda underwear but I'm the honey in this trap, so a girl's gotta do, what a girl's gotta do.
I move to look at my tire, as if checking it out. There's nothing wrong with it, so that's the first thing I have to fix. I slip a small screwdriver out from my inner pocket and puncture the thing, before putting it away again. The tire will deflate while I talk with the dipshit. He best be home. The lights are on, but well... you never know.
I walk up to the guy’s front door, knock an even number of times - ******* Ric - and wait. I pull my phone from pocket and frown at the thing. I'm getting into my role. When this door opens I need to sell the fact that my phone died and that I need Dwayne's help. Not only do I have to try and get him to agree to change the tire, so I don't have to call the garage I looked up, but I need to try and get him to invite me in. I'll be no good to Ricky if I can't get in the house. I hope to ******* go he lives alone. I don't wanna be taking out innocent people.
I really frown at that thought, cos it just plain sucks. I can kinda tell myself the people I've killed deserve it. They usually strike at me and mine first, so it's a kill or be killed kind of scenario. But this. This would just be murder. Dwayne don't count. He's vermin. He's worse than vermin. Besides, he was dead the moment he laid a hand on Ricky as a boy, he just didn't know it.
Re: ♪ Payback's a ***** ♪ (Closed)
Posted: 11 Feb 2016, 18:34
by Roderic
I'm almost on top of Skylar as she makes her way to the house. Even though I'm sure he's not going to do much of anything-hurt her or help her, I'm not taking any chances. I know she can handle herself to a point, but at that point, I will need to step in and finish what she can't. She's knocked on the door and we're waiting for him to grace us with his presence out in the cold. What a real nice guy. Granted, I probably would have let us sit out here too, because I know when people are knocking on my door and when you come knocking when I don't expect you-I don't care who you are. Maybe. I might for my mom. If she let on she was out there. Maybe.
Finally, the door cracks open and I recognize the voice before I see his face. "Yeah?" He calls out to her, and then opens the screen door while flicking on the outside light. "What do you want?" Finally, when the screen door opens all the way and he's standing smack dab in the middle of the entrance, I get a good look at him. He looks the same, more or less. He's got a receding hairline now. A little six o'clock shadow and packed on about an extra fifteen to twenty pounds. "Who are you?" He shouts at Skylar, still standing in the doorway, afraid to let her in, or afraid to let her see something. Either way he's afraid"Never seen you before. You live around here?" Yeah, he's edgy about something-and that something could be damn near anything.
I just wait to see how this will play out before doing anything. Before potentially interjecting. The plan was to see if it was him tonight and then come back tomorrow. But, I, more than anyone, know how quick things can change in a heartbeat.
Re: ♪ Payback's a ***** ♪ (Closed)
Posted: 12 Feb 2016, 10:33
by Skylar
I look up from my phone when the door opens and take a step back when the guy asks who I am. I'm not scared of him. Not in the least, but I'm playing my role. I'm supposed to be some damsel in distress sort. The kinda innocent little thing that needs help, not the badass ***** that I am. I'm pretty much going on instinct here. I didn't expect the guy to be hostile. I mean yeah, if Ric was on his doorstep maybe, but me? I don't look like any sort of threat. Still. The guy's jumpy, nervous. I can feel his fear. I don't mind that though. We wanted him to be afraid of us at some point and right now I can channel his fear and use it as my own.
I make myself as non-threatening as possible and start twirling the phone nervously in my hands. I look up at him occasionally but I mainly keep my eyes on his feet. I'm playing the submissive. It's a role that don't come naturally to me. Well, maybe that's not strictly true, I'll submit to whatever Ric wants me to do when we're home alone, but that's different. Like really different. And totally my choice. This. This is playacting. I need this guy to chill out and relax a little. I need him to want to help me. But **** if this don't work I don't wanna know what plan B is.
Plan B. There's always a plan B and if Ric's nearby I'm sure he's got one cooking already. I mean why the **** is this guy nervous? What have we interrupted? I shiver at with the thought of what that answer might be and I don't even try to hide it, as it goes with the character I'm currently playing. It's a good thing I'm staring at my phone too, cos god knows I don't want him seeing the thoughts going through my mind. Something tells me we need to get inside fast and that my only way in is if Ric holds a blade to the guys throat and forces him to invite me in. If that happens, we're fucked. I'll have to get that tire changed and get the car out of here ASAP. Hell I'll drive the damn thing round the corner on the rims if I have to. We'll just need to get gone before anyone takes note of it where it is.
I glance up at the guy, then back to my car and then slowly raise one of my hands to push some of my hair behind my ear.
"I was rather hoping you could help me actually."
I begin to explain what I'm doing on his porch. My accent should give him a clue as to the fact that I'm no native, and that should help him to relax a little but well, you never know. I don't hear my accent myself, but I know I have one. I know I do cos sometimes when I imitate Ric or Steve, I hear a difference. Not that I mean to emulate them, it's just something that happens when you spend too much time with someone.
"I got a flat tire and well..."
I hold up my phone.
"My battery died. And I need to call my friend to tell her I'm running late. And I may need to call a garage or something, as I've never changed a tire before and I'm not really sure what I'm doing."
I keep my voice low but I speak quickly in the hopes that I sound meek and flustered.
Damn I'm good at this acting lark. Must be the performer in me. Though I don't really have time to pat myself on the back right now. Nope. I need to stay focused. Stay in character. I need to get Dwayne playing my game. Cos it's him alright. Older, fatter, but him.
Re: ♪ Payback's a ***** ♪ (Closed)
Posted: 16 Feb 2016, 02:49
by Roderic
I'm watching Dwayne, more than I'm watching my wife. I know she'll do the best she can and stay true to character as best as she can too, so I'm not worried about her. I'm worried about Dwayne. He's still the same, I'm sure, but he's sort of unpredictable. He's moved around a lot for whatever reason-I'm guessing it's because he's touched one too many kids to stay in any place any real length of time.
"That yer's over there?" Dwayne tosses a finger to the rental car, not that he would be able to know it's a rental. They don't stick out like they once used to. Which was nice for us. No big gaudy bumper sticker, or some decal somewhere. Everything looks average, normal. Everything blends in as it's supposed to.
"Stay here." He tells Skylar in a voice that says she best do what he said. Like a warning. What's his deal? She's not his type, yet he's acting like she's the police or feds or something. Something just isn't adding up. I inch a little closer to my wife, once he's back inside, and whisper, 'Here,' so my wife knows that I'm right at her six.
"Here." Dwayne said as he opened the door and thrusts a cordless phone in my wife's hand. "Call whoever you need to. Shouldn't be out here in this kind of place for too long." I'm not sure if he's actually worried about my wife's safety or what it is he's been doing. And now I want to know. I want to know what this guy is doing. Does he got some kid in there with him? Was he making some sort of kiddie scrapbook or something? What's Dwayne's problem? I decide to find out. I'm going around out back to see what I can see through the windows, and if not through them, then I will look at opening his door and walking into his space.
Re: ♪ Payback's a ***** ♪ (Closed)
Posted: 16 Feb 2016, 14:49
by Skylar
I nod when the dipshit points out my car and make one of those universal 'umhuh' type noises that says he's correct. Seriously. The car's nicer than most of the rest of them around here, so it’s kinda obvious. I mean really, what does he expect. Nope. That ain't my car. My car's two blocks over I just fancied a walk and thought this house looked like a good place to knock at. Dumb arse.
Obviously I don't say any of that ****, or let it show in my eyes, cos that would be all kinds of bad. Then he’s disappearing on me. I hear Ric tell me he's nearby. I didn't doubt it. He wouldn't have fucked off and left me here alone - not that I couldn't handle myself against this guys - that's not the plan.
It should probably bother me that my husband is one sneaky little ****, but it doesn't. I mean it's pretty ******* impressive actually, and his skills to sneak about have come in handy more than once in our relationship. Hell he wouldn't have been able to even make our first date if he couldn't walk his arse through the door uninvited. Not to mention the fact that he had to come and get me at Dillon's and he weren't exactly welcome there either. Course I could have made Dillon invite him in.
I'm considering the superpower **** when our target comes back. I need to make this guy invite me in and since I'm not being me, my usual cheery as ****, easy-breezy self, it's proving difficult. What a time to not be me. I mentally dig through my bag of tricks as he hands me the phone, cos damn it, he's not gonna allow me in. ******.
I turn away and dial a random local number I memorised in case the guy wants to hit redial or something. Of course I don't let it ring for long before I hang up, looking at him once more.
"I... I just realised I... I don't know where I am."
I say this in my best helpless voice. I mean I've broken down, I'm from out of town, I need an address to tell my fictional friend. Right? I'm not even aware at this point that I'm buying Ric the time he needs to sneak around back, I'm just busy playing my part.
As I blink at the guy like I'm an idiot, I consider my options. I could inspire him and hope it relaxes him, but then that would sharpen his wit - if he has any - and I don't think that's a good idea. I could give up on the act I've got going and charm the ********, using the same kinda skill I use when I go out shopping. No. I've got it. I'll pacify him. Not that I think he'll attack me but it can't hurt if he's a little enamoured with me, right? I'm not his type so he shouldn't get too handsy. And it might make him less suspicious of me. So I do it. I use my nifty little superpower. If this don't work, I'm gonna have to turn up looking like a lost kid on his doorstep or something. I shiver at that thought, cos it's ******* creepy.
I'm gonna make this fake call -once he tells me where I am - and then I'm gonna ask to use the bathroom. I gotta keep trying to get that invite.
Re: ♪ Payback's a ***** ♪ (Closed)
Posted: 24 Feb 2016, 15:05
by Roderic
I don't hear much of the conversation going on between my wife and Dwayne, which doesn't matter to me anymore. If something goes down, I'm sure my wife will make sure I know, one way or another. My focus is on trying to see what's going on in this dump of a joint, Dwayne considers his house. I'm not judging-but he could spruce it up a little, not make it look so...uninhabitable looking with litter strewn about the property, siding starting to peel off from various corners and a couple cracked or shattered windows.
I can't see much other than a very small sliver of light through each window I pass. I conclude that I'm going to have to go in. But, I'm not a guy who tends to break into houses when the person is at home. I could do the distraction route by making noise on the other side of the house, but that will put Dwayne on high alert. He's already acting sketchy and anxious-I don't need to be my wife to see the guy is on edge.
I opt for the quiet option, or as quiet as I can be, by targeting the back door. I wish I had those brain powers other people have-only for a couple seconds so I can inform my wife to be her quirky, awkward, odd self she can be to a loud, obnoxious level. But, nothing I can do now. I'm just going to have to make do with what I can do, as quietly as I can do it.
I turn the knob to see if the door is open, though, I'm skeptical that it's not. He's got this place on lock down like it's fort Knox or something, so I'm not disappointed when I find it's locked. I expected as much. I keep the knob turned, like I'm going to go in had it not been locked and then lean into the door quietly. Then, I shove my weight against it. Once, twice, three times and finally a fourth when I hear the wood splint under my weight and the jam on the frame cracks.
I'm in and I climb up three stairs, and cringe at the idea of their being an odd number of stairs. Who puts an odd number of steps in a place? Something, and everything is off about this place. From Dwayne, to the stair count and then to the colors in the place. I feel like I've walked into a seventies demo house. Bright green carpeting after I pass through the vinyl floored kitchen, some tan couch with a flower design splashed all over it, a dark brown corduroy love seat and other things that just make me want to flat out become a pyromaniac.
All except one singular thing screams old hand-me-down. A computer is next to a television, resting on a computer stand, a light glow coming from the thing. I don't hear any noise, and I'm not really sure what I'm seeing yet, not until I'm only a couple feet away. Dwayne's still the same piece of **** that he's always been. It's validated by some website with labeled videos on the right hand side, with images of various kids. Judging by the titles, I'm not going to believe this is some family video's the guy is editing for someone. He's watching kiddie porn.
I'm not leaving. Our plan has been altered and is going to be carried out tonight. Everything must be destroyed, most of all Dwayne. As much as I want to take the computer, toss it out the window or smash it against the guy's head when he comes in after talking to my wife, I focus and think. I need to let my wife know about these new developments. I go out the way I come in, walking backwards even in the same foot steps I've left behind. By the time he realizes there's a little mud and dirt, it will be too late for the guy anyways. We can come back to clean tomorrow if we need to.