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Re: What's happened and what's going on.
Posted: 19 Jan 2016, 12:46
by Roderic
I like when progress is being made. I don't mind challenges, but it's like an experiment. If something doesn't keep working, you have to find a new angle and so forth until it does work, meanwhile, time is being wasted. Dezzy seems to want to progress and not draw this out any further than it needs to be. I had a feeling she had an IQ over twenty-five and that she would eventually come around. Not completely, that would be ludicrous to jump right in to any situation with eyes wide shut, but just enough to make some form of progress.
Her dog growls at me, and I can't say I'm surprised. Dogs are territorial animals, much like myself, but I'm really not here to kill Dezzy. Again. "Bear." I nod at him, even if he's got his teeth glaring at me through a tightly closed jaw. He saunters off after a few minutes, which is good, because I know they don't really like me. And with him around, we won't make much progress over snapping and growling.
I follow Dezzy into her living area and look around without any word. I'm not judging what she has or doesn't have. I'm observing the things she's collected and has in her possession. They will tell me what sort of person Dezzy is, outside what I already know about the woman. Where is the television? Does she have movies, and if she does, how many? A lot would indicate she liked to rot her brain out, and a little would tell me she does something else in her free time other than vegetate. Any color scheme in the apartment would probably tell me what colors she likes, girls like painting things the colors they like, or even love. Books would tell me two things, possibly. One. What she's going to school for. Two, if they aren't academic books, what her type of genre is that she enjoys reading in her free time.
She smokes, not a surprise. I thought she did when I turned her the night we met. Or someone close to her smoked. The smell was on her clothing. We don't smoke the same brand, but that's alright. To each their own. Mine's a little more stronger of a smell, while her's seems a little more sweeter. "What's happening to you?" I finally ask before taking a seat on the couch. "What do you mean?" I'm interested in hearing about what is exactly going on with one of my newest things.
Re: What's happened and what's going on.
Posted: 19 Jan 2016, 18:43
by Dezzy (DELETED 7384)
Dez felt the shaking of her hand as she turned back to Ric quickly, her eyes blurred for just a fraction of a second before he spoke. She didn't have much, television wasn't her thing, books were. She had tons of stolen library books, some on the shelves, most piled in her chair. She'd only just moved in, a few weeks ago, so there wasn't really a color. Plaster white walls, a plaid chair, and a brown coffee table. One thing that would be noticed is the wolves, they were everywhere, statues on the small mantle, on the bookshelf, a few paintings on the wall that were obviously done by her.
With her shaking getting worse, she looked around quickly, hoping Bear would come and warn her, was it a seizure? Was the Other trying to rear it's ugly head? She couldn't tell the difference, not yet. She swung those green eyes back to Ric, "I'm fine, but let's make this short, okay?" She said, fearing he would see her weakness, her insanity. She quickly moved the books from the chair to the table, with titles like 'Where the Red Fern Grows' and 'Lord of the Flies', she was sure that he'd think her strange for liking something so mundane, but she didn't care, she just wanted him to go so she could lock herself away until it was over.
Just then, after the last book was laid on the table, she collapsed, body shaking and limbs locking in place. A seizure. She should have known, should have been aware of it. She writhed on the floor, eyes wide as she felt her mind go blank, pain... Unbearable pain was her world for the minutes that she was locked like that, it felt like eternity to her. She wanted to scream, to cry, because she was a slave to the pain, and nothing she did would ever change it.
Bear was at her side in an instant, laying his head across her throat as she lay there. His big brown eyes showing the worry and sadness that he couldn't help her. He stared at Ric, as if asking him, 'Please help her.' Though there wasn't actual words, the feeling and look was there. Dez finally sunk into that daze that comes after a seizure, her limbs going limp and her eyes rolling in her head, soon would come the sickness, and she would be rushing to the bathroom any second to let the gush of blood she'd had that night into the toilet she no longer needed to use. A deep breath and there it was, in a flash she was running to the little bathroom and hugging the porcelain as she let it go.
Re: What's happened and what's going on.
Posted: 21 Jan 2016, 12:49
by Roderic
The first thing I notice about the books in the chair are the barcodes on them. I don't assume anything other than she goes to the library and checks them out. She's an avid reader, because it appears she is reading a few books at a time, why else would they be piled in a chair and not arranged neatly on some surface in the room. No television. That surprises me, because most everyone other than myself has one in the living room. Though, I haven't been in a lot of other people's homes. I doubt Doc had a television in his home. Or if he did, it was rarely ever on. He doesn't strike me as the kind of guy that watches crap. Maybe realistic things like me. Science things probably. I'm not knocking television completely, just about ninety-eight percent of it.
I don't notice her shaking, because I'm still observing Dezzy's surroundings and her personal belongings. I look her way when she suggests keeping things short. There goes progress. I nod, then watch her shake. Was she scared of being alone with me now that the dog was gone? Just a few minutes, even at the school, she was a cocky, confident little thing and now she's shaking like a leaf in the dry, cold month of September.
I ponder if I want her to be afraid of me. Some fear is always a good thing. My first Thing seems to think she can do and say whatever she wants without consequences, but one day it's going to catch up to her. Someone will make sure of that. Dezzy puts a book down and then drops to the ground harder than the book that was placed on the table. What the hell? And begins to shake, convulse and spasm all over.
I'm no doctor, but I know the signs of a seizure and someone who is possibly epileptic. There was this kid when my mom and that sad excuse of a dad I had were together that had seizures about once a month. It's downright scary the first handful of times, especially when you're a kid. I look for a pen or pencil, but don't see one in the living room. By the time my search is ended, books and papers are shuffled around and she's on her feet jolting for the bathroom. That was quick, or maybe it wasn't quick at all. Maybe it has to do with being a vampire and unlimited time that makes things seem to happen faster or slower. It's kind of a toss up some days for me. Some days, I don't have enough time to do the things I want to do, or need to do and then the next night I'm bored in a few hours after I've managed to finish a couple tasks.
"Dezzy?" I ask as I head in the direction she went sprinting off in. I follow the hall a little and come to a dour. I don't hear her in it, but that doesn't mean she's not in it. She could be having another seizure. I open the door and see it's a bedroom, close the door without taking another look in and head to the other door. I should have guessed it was this one, the door was half opened and there was the sight of a dog tail's tip hanging out the door. "Hey." I say as I push the door open a little more, the dog's hip connecting with the door lightly as I look to see what's going on. "You doing okay?" I focus on her face to see if I see blood from her mouth. I remember when that kid in my class almost bit the tip of his tongue off. Sure, it'll heal for her, but it's still a nasty wound.
Re: What's happened and what's going on.
Posted: 21 Jan 2016, 18:53
by Dezzy (DELETED 7384)
Dezzy groaned as she let go of the toilet, trying to wipe the excess blood from her lips before looking at him. It apparently didn't work because he had a look like she'd maybe hurt herself or something. Dez nodded, "I'm fine, just a seizure." She muttered, moving to lean against the tub and buried her hand in Bear's fur. She stared at Ric for a moment. "When I was--Human, they lasted a lot longer. Sometimes hours." She mused, trying to decipher why it had only last minutes, "Now they are more frequent, but a lot less intense and considerably shorter... Is it because of what you did to me?" She asked, then frowned, "Sorry, that sounded wrong. Is it because I'm a vampire now?"
She didn't know how to talk to people, after four years of being in that place. She barely knew how to keep herself from going crazy being alone in this place. The wolves and Bear kept her busy, but sometimes she needed the interaction of other people.
Finally, she felt strong enough to stand and looked at him, "Uh, we can go back in the living room, if you want?" She said, feeling a little uncomfortable at the nearness of him, it wasn't just him though. Dez didn't like being that close to anyone, Kaylee, Ric, people in general. Sighing, she grabbed Bear's collar and squeezed, then released him and watched him slip past Ric. She wanted to do the same, but that would mean touching him, and that was something that she never did, not even with Kaylee.
Taking a deep breath, she looked in the mirror, adjusting the ponytail and her bangs, then ran water in the sink and washed her face. The taste of the blood didn't bother her, it was more just trying to do something so she didn't have to look at him, or feel his nearness. She knew her limits, and being crowded was one of them. She watched herself in the mirror as she pretended to primp, thinking that would make him uncomfortable enough to leave so she could slip away, or at least make him back up a few paces. Green eyes watched him, even as she fixed her hair again, pulling the curls in the ponytail into some semblance of being tamed.
Re: What's happened and what's going on.
Posted: 22 Jan 2016, 17:15
by Roderic
I listen to what Dezzy has to say and then lean against the door so my back is against the frame and my feet are on the other, one crossed over the other. I actually don't know the answer to her question. I had always heard that once people were a vampire, anything pre-vampire sort of disappeared. Minus the deep down psychological ****. That probably would never go away for some people. As time progressed it might actually make them down right insane. Decades of dealing with a disorder would probably make any person, any vampire, certifiably insane. And then I looked forward to the day I got to kill them and let them take a time out in the Umbra to try and get their **** together again.
"Maybe. I think it comes down to a few factors, but nothing is out of the realm of possibilities as a vampire, or when your body is significantly altered in some drastic way." I finally say, knowing who she should contact to try and find out. "For example, there are these types of vampires called Allurist. Real whiney, emo bunch of things. I assume most of them were that way before they were made a vampire. Let me tell you from personal experience. Even if they are wrong, logically and just flat out wrong, let them think they are right. You don't want to deal with the tangents of some of 'em." I shake my head and push one foot off the frame, then the other. It's cool we're talking and bonding, but doing that in the living room sounds a lot better to me. I can grab a couch, or chair and she can grab a couch or chair that is a little bit away from me. Not five feet at best from me.
"I have a friend. He's in our online space. Forum for Hawthorne-that's my last name." I say as I start heading to the living room. "I'll shoot him a text later on in the week and see if he's available to talk to you about your seizures. He's blunt, like me, and doesn't sugar coat a single thing. But, he's damn smart and probably the sanest of us all out there. His name is Doc. If you're okay with that?" I ask after taking a seat on a couch, that was a little ways away from the chair with the books on it.