[This post was quoted due to rpp previously received during first attempt with a bug.]Fire set on its course down her spine as the impact sent her back to the floor. The hot lead tore through the muscle and shattered the vertebrae beneath it like a freight train tearing up the tracks beneath it as it moved. The shot in her back left Satine immobile for a brief second until the part of her that refused to give in felt the blood surfacing and she wanted more. More, that is,of his blood in return. He wanted to dance and she was still in the running for taking the lead. This was hardly all her fault and he knew it. The shitstorm took more than just her to get it rolling and he was about to find out that is exactly what she thought.
A burst of energy brought the young necromancer to her feet and aiming for his heart. It would be pure luck and a win if she landed her bullet just where the barrel of her gun was aiming. Most of the time she would not be so determined but she was oozing her cold blood from her back and her head. She tried not to think about it. It made things worse and it already hurt like hell. Everytime she started to say something it was like a sentence from her near future did a backflip landing on the bandwagon and was riding whatever she said like a bucking bronco. talking was over rated, especially now that her finger was curling on the trigger of the gun.
“You can diss my cass.”
The sound of the shot fired was simultaneous with the kick back of the gun in her hand that was dwarfing her tight grip. With the fuzzy peripheral vision making it harder for her to see what was going on east or west of her she pulled the weapon back before he made any fast moves to take possession of it. In a flip of her right leg she twisted back feeling each shattered bone as her spine did what it was required to have her land on the wall behind her. Her spidey skills kicked in and she was up the wall and clearing the ceiling. The gun in her bloody hand awkwardly clunked on the metal light fixtures that she nestled behind for cover.
Time had passed since she first got her hands on the rapid fire in the Eyrie that fateful night when things spiraled quickly and changed the chain of events forever. Bunny got the business end of a line of fire meant for Micah. That was all it took for him to lose his mind. Again another human he had attached himself who ended up being injured by her was the source of his rage. That and her less than smooth transition into being the new obedient vamp on the block didn’t help. The fact his wife, her sister, was likely being hit with a blinding migraine at about that moment was all the more reason to get even deeper behind the steel rafters high above where he was currently bleeding on the dance floor.
“Jack tut!” She took another shot not so much focusing on accuracy as she was intending to get Mr. Whistlin’ Dixie to do a jig. She heard what she was saying but was more confused as to what the hell it meant. “Foot!”
Sound of Madness-(Closed)
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- CrowNet Handle: Alice In Wonderland
Re: Sound of Madness-(Closed)

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- CrowNet Handle: FuckYourMorals
Re: Sound of Madness-(Closed)
The round that was discharged from the barrel of her gun hit him in the shoulder causing him to stumble a few steps back. Air hissed out from between his clenched teeth as he glared at the form of his childe scurrying across the ceiling to hide in the rafters. “Never took you for a coward Satine.” He had to shout to be heard over the music. The whining blasting from the speakers made his head ache and his irritation increase. The only positive thing about that was was that it covered the sound of gunfire which in turn kept the nosy population from calling the cops. He’d be in jail and Satine would be on her way to the hospital. Neither of those things could happen.
He needed to end this.
He was tired of chasing her around. Toying with her had been fun at first but now that she was hiding all it was doing was pissing him off. It never crossed his mind that she was doing it to protect Vel in a roundabout way. His anger had once again taken hold and refused to let go, blinding him to anything but the source of his rage. Vel was probably suffering once again because of it and when he finally managed to calm down he’d regret his actions. But Satine had a way of getting under his skin. She could so easily find the right buttons to push that would set him off and he couldn’t help but wonder if she did it for kicks.
“Come on Alice. This is what you wanted isn’t it? An all out brawl?” He moved on silent feet, eyes glued to the ceiling in an attempt to pinpoint her location. The song had ended, making his voice much easier to be heard. It also helped in locating her as he could hear her shuffle along the ceiling to wedge herself behind a light fixture where she thought she would be protected. “You targeted Guns for a reason. To piss me off. Now that you’ve accomplished that, you’re hiding from me?” His words dripped with fake disappointment. “I thought you could handle the heat Satine. You’ve let me down. You know what that means don’t you? Creepy gets to take your place.”
**** if he wasn’t looking forward to that.
A slight flicker of motion drew his attention. There she was. The killer wanted to laugh. Surely she didn’t honestly believe that the light would save her. The jumbled words that spilled from her treacherous tongue told him she wasn’t quite ready to give up but it didn’t matter. She’d ran from him much like her coward of a husband. “I see you Satine. Run rabbit, run.” Bringing the gun up he fired off a round that flew right at her with intent. The game was ending. Now.
He needed to end this.
He was tired of chasing her around. Toying with her had been fun at first but now that she was hiding all it was doing was pissing him off. It never crossed his mind that she was doing it to protect Vel in a roundabout way. His anger had once again taken hold and refused to let go, blinding him to anything but the source of his rage. Vel was probably suffering once again because of it and when he finally managed to calm down he’d regret his actions. But Satine had a way of getting under his skin. She could so easily find the right buttons to push that would set him off and he couldn’t help but wonder if she did it for kicks.
“Come on Alice. This is what you wanted isn’t it? An all out brawl?” He moved on silent feet, eyes glued to the ceiling in an attempt to pinpoint her location. The song had ended, making his voice much easier to be heard. It also helped in locating her as he could hear her shuffle along the ceiling to wedge herself behind a light fixture where she thought she would be protected. “You targeted Guns for a reason. To piss me off. Now that you’ve accomplished that, you’re hiding from me?” His words dripped with fake disappointment. “I thought you could handle the heat Satine. You’ve let me down. You know what that means don’t you? Creepy gets to take your place.”
**** if he wasn’t looking forward to that.
A slight flicker of motion drew his attention. There she was. The killer wanted to laugh. Surely she didn’t honestly believe that the light would save her. The jumbled words that spilled from her treacherous tongue told him she wasn’t quite ready to give up but it didn’t matter. She’d ran from him much like her coward of a husband. “I see you Satine. Run rabbit, run.” Bringing the gun up he fired off a round that flew right at her with intent. The game was ending. Now.

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- Posts: 212
- Joined: 29 Oct 2014, 03:23
- CrowNet Handle: Alice In Wonderland
Re: Sound of Madness-(Closed)
Spiderman made it look so easy. Of course he did. He was not getting shot at like one of those ducks darting back and forth at the carnival shooting range like she was. Hurricane Andras was out of control and he was going to get a downgrade quickly if she could just get her brain and her body to coordinate for the attempt. Satine was done playing. Her last nerve had been likely blown away with his well aimed shots. Thanks to him she had more holes in her than she had time to heal up on her own. With that brief awareness she accepted she was getting in way over her head and the ceiling she was clinging to had only reminded her of it.
The problem with the necromancer weaving around like a disoriented and displaced arachnid was that among other things she was a sore loser. She refused to back down whether she started the battle at hand or not. Her level of rage was a known curse and it was going through the roof. Unfortunately she was somewhat depending on Wonderland’s to stay put since she was dangling from what was attached to it. Through her fuzzy and fading vision she could still see him watching her as if he was waiting for her to come crashing down in failure. Micah Andras was such a pain in her ***. Not that she was some prize to be proud of. Karma was screwing them both...hard.
Ducking under another steel beam holding up the various sound system components was easy enough until the less sturdy plastic that encased them started giving in. It was hardly a contender with her pulse of death that was rolling through the club. The last of the lights blinked as the blur of her sire’s massive body moved slowly beneath her telling her how she targeted his human employee unfairly and was out of line. She grunted as she struggled to keep her hold on the ceiling above her. As if it was anymore cruel chopping off a few warm fingers compared to what he had done to her finger wearing the band that Andrew Shedim slid on it. It is always funny until someone got hurt...then it was apparently hilarious.
The fixture she was about to crawl and tuck behind bailed on her by popping free of the braces that held it in place. Her hand felt empty air and she clawed for what was in reach. Her legs dangled briefly before she took the bone grinding pain of swinging her legs back up. Just as she did she felt the rush of fresh fired lead find her body where she least wanted to feel it.
Satine received another hole where she was bleeding from which made her a bloody slick mess on the move. In desperation to stay above the dance floor she curled her arm around the last bar of steel close enough to reach. It proved to be nothing she had planned. It failed to support her weight and plummeted with a loud bang. She was getting too weak. She could feel it increasing faster than she could fully process. There was no where to go but down which she did.
Satine dropped as the lights finally faded without the aid of those fancy strings of fail proof spider web. As she did she still had enough fire left in her that had every intention of reminding the audience below her that she was not going to go down without a fight. Her hand raised and the barrel of her gun wiggled in its attempt to aim based on the last of her will to leave him with a reminder of who she was, he created. The shot was fired and her hand kicked back with the power just before she landed to the floor with a painful and bloody thud.
“B-U-C-K C-H-I-P-S!” She cried out so loud and hard she felt her toe nails retreat into their nail beds. If she knew what she was saying is not at all what her brain was trying to communicate she would have saved him the amusement and kept her mouth shut. “B-U-C-K C-H-I-P-S!”
The problem with the necromancer weaving around like a disoriented and displaced arachnid was that among other things she was a sore loser. She refused to back down whether she started the battle at hand or not. Her level of rage was a known curse and it was going through the roof. Unfortunately she was somewhat depending on Wonderland’s to stay put since she was dangling from what was attached to it. Through her fuzzy and fading vision she could still see him watching her as if he was waiting for her to come crashing down in failure. Micah Andras was such a pain in her ***. Not that she was some prize to be proud of. Karma was screwing them both...hard.
Ducking under another steel beam holding up the various sound system components was easy enough until the less sturdy plastic that encased them started giving in. It was hardly a contender with her pulse of death that was rolling through the club. The last of the lights blinked as the blur of her sire’s massive body moved slowly beneath her telling her how she targeted his human employee unfairly and was out of line. She grunted as she struggled to keep her hold on the ceiling above her. As if it was anymore cruel chopping off a few warm fingers compared to what he had done to her finger wearing the band that Andrew Shedim slid on it. It is always funny until someone got hurt...then it was apparently hilarious.
The fixture she was about to crawl and tuck behind bailed on her by popping free of the braces that held it in place. Her hand felt empty air and she clawed for what was in reach. Her legs dangled briefly before she took the bone grinding pain of swinging her legs back up. Just as she did she felt the rush of fresh fired lead find her body where she least wanted to feel it.
Satine received another hole where she was bleeding from which made her a bloody slick mess on the move. In desperation to stay above the dance floor she curled her arm around the last bar of steel close enough to reach. It proved to be nothing she had planned. It failed to support her weight and plummeted with a loud bang. She was getting too weak. She could feel it increasing faster than she could fully process. There was no where to go but down which she did.
Satine dropped as the lights finally faded without the aid of those fancy strings of fail proof spider web. As she did she still had enough fire left in her that had every intention of reminding the audience below her that she was not going to go down without a fight. Her hand raised and the barrel of her gun wiggled in its attempt to aim based on the last of her will to leave him with a reminder of who she was, he created. The shot was fired and her hand kicked back with the power just before she landed to the floor with a painful and bloody thud.
“B-U-C-K C-H-I-P-S!” She cried out so loud and hard she felt her toe nails retreat into their nail beds. If she knew what she was saying is not at all what her brain was trying to communicate she would have saved him the amusement and kept her mouth shut. “B-U-C-K C-H-I-P-S!”

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- Posts: 3867
- Joined: 22 May 2011, 00:12
- CrowNet Handle: FuckYourMorals
Re: Sound of Madness-(Closed)
At first he didn’t realize he’d been hit. As her body hit the floor the sound of the bullet leaving the chamber didn’t register to his ears. A murderous rage had descended over him as he approached her. Glass crunched underneath the steel toed boots on his feet and the acrid scent of gunpowder filled his senses. His finger was steady on his trigger and at this point in time his fury was so massive that not a single thought was given to the one woman who would be feeling the aftershocks of this game of cops and robbers he and his ***** childe/sister-in-law were engaging in. After it was all said and done he’d regret the pain he caused Vel but this? This thing with Satine was long overdue and it was way past time he taught her a lesson that she would never forget.
It started as a dull throbbing ache centered right where his heart lay. Easy to ignore, or so he thought. He was wrong. With each step he took towards the woman lying on the floor the pain increased until it ripped through his body with an agonizing accuracy. The killer’s hand game up to grab at his chest and when he pulled it away, his palm was stained a dark crimson. Instead of getting pissed off about it he started laughing, a slightly deranged sound. His steps halted and he took the tip to load another clip into his well loved firearm. **** had just gotten real. He was far from indestructible. Everyone had weaknesses including him. He bled just like any other mother ******. But that didn’t mean he had to stand there and take it like a *****. That wasn’t who he was.
Ignoring the pain in his chest he crouched down beside Satine as she lay there on the floor, a bloody mess. He looked into the silver eyes that were oh so familiar to him and felt nothing. No remorse, no regret, no sympathy - nothing. She’d brought this on herself. Micah hoped that all of the scheming she’d done behind his back, hooking up with a half wit loser who wasn’t worth more than a grain of salt then running off into the sunset to tie herself to that in the most binding way possible….he hoped it was worth it to her. She’d destroyed any and all hope of her having a relationship with her sister, and with him. At this point Micah didn’t know if there was even anything left to be salvaged and frankly he didn’t even care.
The barrel of his gun traced down the side of her face before pressing against her chest. Silence so loud it hurt his ears surrounded them. His gaze held hers, steady, emotionless and not showing her an ounce of the pain he was in thanks to the bullet she’d fired into his heart. His finger rested on the trigger for a brief instant the he pulled, firing off a single round that had nowhere to go but deep into her chest cavity. The scent of her blood, his blood, hung heavy in the air. She was barely hanging on. Every last drop of her blood was laying on the floor underneath her back and at last he felt vindicated. It would be so easy to end her right then and there and he started to pull the trigger again but stopped himself at the last second, sparing her a trip to the shadow realm. Leaning in so close his lips almost brushed against her ear, he whispered a few final words to her. “You aren’t worth it.” Standing he tucked his gun away, pulled out his tome and disappeared, leaving her lying there in a pool of her own blood.
It started as a dull throbbing ache centered right where his heart lay. Easy to ignore, or so he thought. He was wrong. With each step he took towards the woman lying on the floor the pain increased until it ripped through his body with an agonizing accuracy. The killer’s hand game up to grab at his chest and when he pulled it away, his palm was stained a dark crimson. Instead of getting pissed off about it he started laughing, a slightly deranged sound. His steps halted and he took the tip to load another clip into his well loved firearm. **** had just gotten real. He was far from indestructible. Everyone had weaknesses including him. He bled just like any other mother ******. But that didn’t mean he had to stand there and take it like a *****. That wasn’t who he was.
Ignoring the pain in his chest he crouched down beside Satine as she lay there on the floor, a bloody mess. He looked into the silver eyes that were oh so familiar to him and felt nothing. No remorse, no regret, no sympathy - nothing. She’d brought this on herself. Micah hoped that all of the scheming she’d done behind his back, hooking up with a half wit loser who wasn’t worth more than a grain of salt then running off into the sunset to tie herself to that in the most binding way possible….he hoped it was worth it to her. She’d destroyed any and all hope of her having a relationship with her sister, and with him. At this point Micah didn’t know if there was even anything left to be salvaged and frankly he didn’t even care.
The barrel of his gun traced down the side of her face before pressing against her chest. Silence so loud it hurt his ears surrounded them. His gaze held hers, steady, emotionless and not showing her an ounce of the pain he was in thanks to the bullet she’d fired into his heart. His finger rested on the trigger for a brief instant the he pulled, firing off a single round that had nowhere to go but deep into her chest cavity. The scent of her blood, his blood, hung heavy in the air. She was barely hanging on. Every last drop of her blood was laying on the floor underneath her back and at last he felt vindicated. It would be so easy to end her right then and there and he started to pull the trigger again but stopped himself at the last second, sparing her a trip to the shadow realm. Leaning in so close his lips almost brushed against her ear, he whispered a few final words to her. “You aren’t worth it.” Standing he tucked his gun away, pulled out his tome and disappeared, leaving her lying there in a pool of her own blood.