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Re: Bought and Paid For... (Trahir/Mortll HR Auction 2015)

Posted: 06 Nov 2015, 14:37
by Trahir Trahison
"--The following transcript was a live chat roleplay--"

Mortll: Mortll’s phone had been silent which was usually because she had turned it off just to get a few minutes of peace between her busy schedule Now it sat there fully awake and silent. She looked at the books on her shelf and decided that reading was not what she felt like , Music? ... No. She glared at the phone once more for once nobody had a disaster going on for her to clean up or fix and everything was running smoothly .

She sat there her mind wandering then it landed on something at first it was just a simple thought about the auction then it naturally went to the person that had bought her . Mr Trahison was an enigma. She liked a challenge and he definitely was one Intelligent, arrogant and reckless to a fault yet there was something there that had piqued her interest in the man maybe it was the intrigue coming at a time when she needed one .

Her fingers wrapped around the phone and found his number she pushed the button by his name and waited for the voice to speak from the other end .

Trahir Trahison: The young vampire reaches into his pocket as he gets out of his car. The drive was insanely short. The big Rolls Royce spent more time warming up than it had in motion. He walks into the farmhouse as he hits the call answer button on his bluetooth. “Trahir.”

The night before had been extremely eventful and waking up in a strange house with company was not something the Killer was accustomed to.He was still trying to figure out exactly how things had led into the other and wondered idly who would be trying to get in touch with him so quickly afterward. Surely news of what happened in the woods, or after the fact could not have reached anyone’s ears. Not yet.

Withdrawing the ringing phone he slips his bluetooth into his ear and a small grin comes across his face. He knows the number. Mortll. He had been waiting for her to call back. Apparently she is eager to have her three day stint as his employee over and done with. He heads toward the bedroom, himself eager to change out of the shredded remnants of his formerly pristine Hugo Boss suit and into something more practical for socializing.

Mortll: “ Mr Trahison Would you care to come and join me for a drink at my establishment The Voodoo Cyber cafe so that we may discuss our association well more like my service to you ,and what I may do for you ?” She paused wondering how much she should let him know “ I find myself oddly free tonight “ she wasn't sure the man was free tonight she may be wasting her time in asking , but it was worth a shot .

Trahir Trahison: Trahir stops, looking at the floor of his farmhouse. The dust there tells no tales at the moment. He nods his head absentmindedly as he listens to Mortll on the other end of the line. An idea comes to him suddenly. She is a more experienced vampire than he is. Though he has come into his own quickly, that doesn’t negate the chance of a mistake. In truth it isn’t even the possibility of his own error he was thinking of. It was the hunt the night before.

Cyber cafe. The libraries and porn stores of the new world. Though not a spot he would usually haunt the Killer can’t think of a reason to turn down the offer. “Of course. Sounds good. What time works for you ma’am?”

Mortll: “Anytime you want. I think I’m going to pop in there and do a spot inspection without them expecting me. It is always good to see what they are doing when they think i'm not around so many think of ways to get around the cameras it's quite funny to watch them squirm when i bust them for something “ She smiled at the thought “ Just come in and go to the basement i will join you there they will let you in Only certain types of clientele are allowed down there i think you will enjoy it “

The Voodoos basement area had been her idea she had seen way too many masquerade infractions in other bars and pubs. The vampires that could drink alcohol and get drunk from it would get loose lips and spill things clearly against the masquerade in the presence of humans so the basement of the VooDoo was human free and the bar served only one type of drink .

Trahir Trahison: Being wealthy had the benefit of allowing one access to some exclusive clubs. In theory. In truth only being mega-wealthy and/or a celebrity opened all the doors to the underground club and party scene and Trahir was neither. He had no 250 foot yachts, did not own a record label, was not a Hollywood A-lister. He was upper-class for sure, a millionaire, but not a billionaire by any stretch. Nor would he likely be one anytime soon. It seemed exclusivity though was within his reach after all.

All it had cost him to gain was mortality.

“That indeed sounds very pleasant Miss Mortll. Let me know if the streets are clear, That’s near the mall is it not?”

Mortll: “Well you do have a half decent feel for the city don't you? It is in fact near the Gullsborough mall on the next block over next to the Necropolis and just south of the Gullsborough transit if you wish to save a little gas money and leave that hulk of a car at home.“ She smiled she wondered if he drove the hulk everywhere, that thought made her smile widen further. Yes The Hulk that was his cars new nickname she was sure he was either going to smile at it or totally loathe it. “The traffic was pretty clear though if you do want to bring The Hulk with you “ there was laughter in her voice as she stated the last part. She would find out if the so far stone faced Mr Trahison had a funny bone hidden somewhere.

Trahir Trahison: He had planned on using cellerity to arrive. At the mention of the name “Hulk” attached to his car he snickers. “Perhaps I should paint it green and put a ram-prow on the bumper. It’s big enough to do some damage.” The car is huge, ostentatious, even. It is one of the few things Trahir owns that is not designed to simply fit in with everything else or avoid attention. “What is the standard of dress at your establishment Miss Mortll?”

Mortll: "It's casual most nights Mr Trahison but suits have been worn it won't raise a eyebrow it's a mid to upscale place especially in the basement I doubt if anyone will even care how you are dressed so come as you wish” She had only seen him in a suit at the auction and at his home. She had seen him at the blood hunt but she damn sure couldn't recall what the man was wearing on that occasion. There were many things she remembered about that night , faces, people taking her limbs and her still finding a way to survive and run while fighting for her life. She had hoped she had given them a good run . “I hope to see you soon Mr Trahison “

Trahir Trahison: “I’ll be there presently,” he says, then disconnects the call. Immediately he presses the button on his bluetooth again, bringing up the voice software. “Call Twisted Sister,” he speaks into it. After waiting a few seconds he hears the phone ringing on the other end and a familiar voice picks up the phone. “Twisted Sister, how may I help you?”

“Nicolette. I need you to go on break, find me a private place outside..Text me the address.” With that he hangs up and strips down out of his mangled suit and steps to the shower to clean off the activities of the previous night.

One the hot water has done its trick, sloughing off the blood from his escapades with Dominique he dries off quickly and moves to his closet. Opening the old heavy wooden doors he selects a grey business suit, nothing too extravagant and gets dressed. His wears a simple titanium Seiko watch, no tie tonight and a white Oxford underneath the jacket. Brown shoes and a brown belt and no custom cufflinks tonight. A pair of wingtips completes the ensemble.

Retrieving his phone he checks his text messages and sees the one from Nicolette. He steps outside and in the blink of an eye he is standing at the north end of the empty mall thanks to clerity. Texting over a quick “Thank you” to Nicolette, the Killer makes his way north to the Voodoo Cybercafe and enters, glancing around for the stairs down to the basement. Locating them he silently heads downstairs, looking around for his hostess.

Mortll: It was not hard to spot the man coming down the stairs the place was devoid of anything that might resemble a paying customer. No humans were allowed in this part of the cafe and many vampires did not know of its existence so far. Mortll had been looking to change that. She sat at the bar with a glass of blood in front of her. She smiled as he approached. “You look well tonight Mr Trahison?” It was a more casual look but still dressed well. Mortll liked that she had grown appreciate the quality in nice things since she had come to Harper Rock She motioned to the bar stool next to her. “So what would you like to drink Mr Trahison We have a full selection of Arbor Vitae here.”

Trahir Trahison: “As do you Miss Mortll. A glass of Innocence if you would be so kind.” The selection of his preferred vintage drew attention at an Andras event some time ago, but Trahir didn’t care the opinions of others. The purity of the vintage mattered to Trahir. It was different during a hunt. He preferred live prey then, he savored the moment of the kill, the skill in each method. That was the thrill of the hunt.

Something the taste of the meal left much to be desired. The Innocence vintage though, it was the blood of a newborn. Trahir was dubious and had tested this himself. In a scene straight out of Dracula he had claimed a small baby in the middle of the night and absconded with his prize back to his crypt. There the tiny bones remained, discarded in a pile that sat in what Trahir has come to think of as his guest room. He never hosts the same guest twice.

“You wished to discuss your employment. I happen to have something for you in that regard. A potential Masquerade breach actually. If you would be interested.” He takes a seat next to her and places his hands on the bar, interlacing his fingers and leaning forward, looking over to her with ice blue eyes. “It is out in the woods some though, I’m not sure how you handle being in proximity with the Fae.”

Mortll: His words piqued her interest a masquerade breach in the woods of all places. That had to be a story to tell. It was quite easy to accomplish one in the city where there were so many prying eyes and even frigging 10 yr olds ran around with cell phones glued to their ears and hands. It takes a certain amount of talent and disregard to accomplish a masquerade breach in the great woods of Northern Canada.

She did know the surprises that the deep woods could hold she had been a much younger vampire and hunting bear in the woods around the great city of Harper Rock when her second childe had literally dropped in on her from the sky, so this should be a very interesting tale Mr Trahison had. She took a sip of her blood it mingling with the red of her lips before she slowly licked it away. “ Okay Mr Trahison tell me your story of this possible masquerade breach and how i can help in fixing it?”

Trahir Trahison: Trahir watches the liquid flow from the glass into her mouth, watches her tongue draw languidly over her lips, catching the last drops of the vital fluid that had threatened for an instant to escape and gives a small smile. She is definitely not one of the blood bag drinking prudes nor one of the animal drinking weaklings he has seen while out and about. Perhaps she is capable of understanding him. Time may tell.

Vampirism is a sexually charged way of life. There is dominance, submission, bodies coming together, elongation, an erection of the fangs. Penetration, the exchange of fluids… Feeding was sexual as much as ******* was.

The slaughter though had not been. It could be compared to a virginal fumbling, an attempt at rutting by a woefully unskilled lover and over all too quickly and… messily. Trahir was still proud of his originally unwilling protege though. “A family had a mishap in the woods last night. They were attacked probably by a wild animal and… fell into their camp fire..” Trahir doesn’t say he killed them, in all honesty the kill was not his to claim. “I happened to be a casual observer at the time, I didn’t wish to interfere...“

He leaves the story there for a moment to see her reaction to the initial information. She now knew what had happened, when, and roughly where.The who and why could wait a moment. He wasn’t writing a periodical. “The mess may cause some attention when the campgrounds reopen. I think it best someone skilled in… deception and subtlety perhaps remove the evidence of them… passing through.”

Mortll: Mortll raised a eyebrow she studied him as he spoke body language always said a lot it sometimes spoke louder than what a person's mouth did. He was nonchalant about the whole thing. However from some of their previous conversations Mortll thought he did not take some things quite serious enough dismissing them as if they were no big deal or humans were stupid. She put great stock in human mass hysteria having been a victim of it on quite a few occasions in her life.

Re: Bought and Paid For... (Trahir/Mortll HR Auction 2015)

Posted: 06 Nov 2015, 15:31
by Mortll
"--The following transcript was a live chat roleplay--"

Mortll: “So this family that got attacked and burned did they have a vehicle? Do you know if they were local or visiting? Do you know how long they were stalked or singled out any information you can give me about them will be of use. I need to know what loose ends need to be tied up and just how bad the problem could possibly be.” she paused a moment Remains are not a problem to dispose of That is quite simple cars are a bigger problem but i know people that will take care of it.” She smiled. “ Corpses in the woods are not too hard to deal with it's when people realize that they are missing that becomes sticky.“

Trahir Trahison: “There’s a car with a camper,” he says as the wine comes. Wine… Innocence. He takes a sip and lets the fluid rest in his mouth a moment, allowing the flavor to permeate his senses. Setting the glass down he swallows the blood and nods. “Excellent vintage, thank you.” Straightening up in his seat he leans back slightly. “I would imagine they are likely the type of family that lives on the road, off the grid. No paper trail to follow. They were camping in an area that was closed to the public, camping season over and all that.”

Trahir wasn’t 100% sure about this, but had observed the family “moving in” over two weeks ago and from his times stalking them the only people he had seen or heard them in contact with was some uncle the wife had been sleeping with. “The last number on the phone the woman used should be considered a loose end. Someone she was having extramarital relations with. He could pose a problem I suppose, but not one that can’t be handled if someone has the right connections. I believe it was her husband’s brother.””

He turns his gaze back to Mortll after taking another drink from the glass before him and placing it gently back on the bar. “Is that something you would be able to make disappear?” Trahir watches her, trying to ascertain the extent of her influence, her contacts. “If not I could use it as a crash course in teaching Dominique how to clear the table after dinner I suppose.”

Mortll: Ahhhh Mortll thought things suddenly became much clearer. This was part of his little intrigue with Dom and things had gotten a bit out of hand and sloppy “Well I think animal mauling and burning the bodies was a bit on the extreme side If you knew the wife was having an affair It could have easily been set up as a murder/suicide , Husband finds out takes the lot to the woods and offs them cover up, complete with just a few gunshot wounds done correctly. You should be more instructive. I'm sure Dom is very unskilled at covering her messes up.“

She thought for a moment “Yes we take all information on the family out of the car make sure it has nothing of theirs remaining. It goes to the chop shop, it will be cut up for parts and sold all over the place . The camper is more problematic it will have to be totally dismantled and destroyed but not where it stands, There has to be no trace of them at all left there they have to not exist the campsite will have to be scrubbed we will need shovels and a work truck from one of my shops will do, “ she looked at his clothes so neat and crisp “ You might want to change your clothes Mr Trahison things are about to get dirty “

Trahir Trahison: Trahir arches a brow as she speaks. The plan is sound, apart from the chop shop it’s how he usually handles issues himself. It’s not the plan itself that catches his attention. “You don’t have thralls to do your clean up?” He is slightly surprised by this. “I had thought a longer standing member of the blood would have lackeys and minions aplenty in low places willing to help out in silence for some of their cherished coinage.”

Trahir is not opposed to getting his hands dirty. He wouldn’t be good at what he did if that was the case. “Everyone has to start somewhere Miss Mortll. Last night it was enough to allow for the thrill of the hunt. The mundane clean-up afterward was to be a topic for another evening. Besides, when one has such a prize jewel as yourself in one’s employ, even as temporary as the arrangement is… one feels as though they can be a little sloppy and that they are still safely covered.” He gives a small winning smile to Mortll. “So you are wishing to spend some time with me on this little excursion?”

Mortll: Mortll laughed softly “ It's not a matter of wishing to spend time with you Mr Trahison it's a matter of practicality two will work faster than one, Not giving her any instruction on how to clean up just made more work, If you teach them right the first time you don't have huge messes to go back and clean. The whole point is to be able to handle such things on their own without assistance. Doing it right the first time is a must like most things in this life there are no do overs.” She had sired a few vampires that did not make it in this lifestyle but one thing she could always say about her brood. They were independent and strong the ones that did survive and they never needed her help or anyone else's. There were a few exceptions she did have a few just slip away into the fade and one that had totally lost it and was withering away in Winterbrook Asylum. That had been her mistake and she had unleashed that being onto the city so it had been her mess to clean up. She definitely was a fan of not having to do such things in the first place.

“So it seems we are going to keep each other company for a few hours.” She smiled then pulled out her phone and without hardly looking at it her fingers moved hitting the screen to dial her assistants number “ Hey Jane I need you to be free tonight. No working at the shop . You will be meeting me there. No you don't have to use a gun you're a danger to society with one of those. Just meet me at Jardin it's just a simple drive and delivery task you don't have to worry that pretty little blonde brain of yours about it. Do yourself a favor and wear dark clothes and put on that wig I bought you.“ She moved her fingers over the screen once more putting the phone back to her ear “ Hey I’ve got a load of junk scrap metal that i need cleaned up do you want to come pick it up and haul it to the scrap yard? Yeah you get to keep all the money from the sale for disposing of it for me. Thanks hun your a doll “ she looked back up at the man sitting beside her “Ok Mr. Trahison everything is set for the disposal of your problem Do you wish go change clothes or go directly to my other shop ?”

Trahir Trahison: He doesn’t explain his reasoning in leaving the scene intact.. He doesn’t need to. Right now he is weighing and measuring the reaction of Mortll to the situation. He admires the way she instantly takes control and is bemused by the lecture at the same time. He decides to let her be the star of the show for the moment and to play his part as a secondary figure in the scene. “I believe I have other suits that could replace this one were it to become… tarnished, The Masquerade is more important. We should proceed straight to your other shop.”

He doesn’t mention he didn’t bring transport, relying on his more than adequate vampiric means of transit.

He finds the irony of Mortll being the boss in this little endeavor amusing given the current terms of their association. “Lead the way Miss Mortll,” he adds with a small smile playing on his lips after he downs the remainder of the drink.

Mortll: She slid off the bar stool and walked up the stairs instead of heading to the front entrance she walked toward the back of the cafe and used the back door leading to the alleyway. Her baby was parked out back a solid black 1965 Corvette Stingray. She walked around to the passenger side and opened the passenger side door and waited for him “ Your chariot awaits Sir.” She said with a bit of a flourish and a smile.

Trahir Trahison: Trahir is not used to being a passenger in a sports car. He has on occasion found need of the local limousine service, primarily to pick of exotic guests when Canuck blood doesn’t seem to fit his palate for the evening, never a sports car though. He opens the driver’s side door for Mortll and waits for her to seat herself before closing it and making his way to the passenger side. Part of him wants to snatch the keys from her and drive himself but of course that would be rude and not in his character. He slips into the seat gracefully and puts on his seatbelt..

Following the law is important to Trahir when it comes to minor things like seatbelts. It wouldn’t do to be pulled over en route to or from a murder scene for something so minor and inconvenient as a moving violation in an automobile after all. Glancing over to Mortll he gives a nod of approval at her choice of vehicle and lets her know he is ready to depart.

Mortll: Mortll burst out laughing as he opened the driver's side door and waited for her. She conceded and walked around the car and climbed into the driver's seat. She didn't bother snapping her her seat belt. She had never been caught by the police not that high speed police chases were her style. She had never seen anything she couldn't talk herself out of since she had acquired certain powers and face it if they got in a wreck which was highly questionable, her fear of death had long gone after being dead several times. She knew her will to be here was so strong that nothing would stop her from coming back .

She looked over at her passenger as she cranked the car and adjusted the gear shift. He was handsome and well built but that was not exactly what attracted her to people. It was personality and a certain challenge in being around them and figuring them out. They had to have intelligence and wit. It didn't take her long to pull up into the West Towers parking garage. She was quite sure he already knew where her shop was so it shouldn't be that much of a surprise or a guess that she would have a lair nearby. " We will walk from here it's just next door and we will need two vehicles. We will be meeting my thrall. She will take the car on a trailer covered with a tarp to the chop shop once it's been scrubbed and we will use the delivery truck to haul remains and the trailer back here.” She smiled “Sound like a plan ?”

Trahir Trahison: The Killer listens to her, watching her as she talks. His face is a mask, emotionless, void as he hears her plan. His eyebrow raises at the mention of meeting her thrall. An exchange perhaps for her meeting his? Trahir didn’t knowingly murder thralls in any case. That seemed too close to attacking the vampire themselves and that was rarely something he set out to do. The plan was sound so as she asks his view on it he nods his head. He considers a sweep of the area to get rid of footprints as well but in all likelihood the evidence of the whole thing would be long gone by spring.

“Sounds like a plan to me.”

Trahir didn’t have chop shop contacts he would simply have burned the car after scratching the vin and called it good. There were plenty of old wreckers in the woods. Of course he would have taken it somewhere more remote. “Chop shop sounds convenient.” He wonders idly if Jane’s automotive shop would end up with any of the parts. That would be appropriately amusing if so.

“I’m guessing you have someone to take care of the remains?”

Mortll: She looked at him seriously. “You let others take care of any of your kills?“ She didn't wait for an answer “ If you do that is a mistake. I rarely ever do that and on the occasions that i have its teaching experience. The less people know about where my skeletons are buried or hid the better.“ She continued into the shop and stopped by the front desk asking the cashier if Jane had arrived yet “It wasn't a surprise that she had not, she knew she hadn't given the woman quite enough time to reach the place. “Why don't you come with me and you can see what is to become of your little package we are taking care of before we load the tools onto the truck ?”

Trahir Trahison: His eyebrow goes up once more. She definitely has her own ego. He’s been accused of the same though he doesn’t see it personally. “Seems to be working so far,” he says. “I haven’t ran into any problems of yet.”

He pulls out his phone and shoots a text over to Nicolette before tapping the screens off button. “Nicolette will be en route shortly too. She’ll meet us at the site,” he says looking back up to her as he follows her into the shop. “Two making it faster than one as you said.” He grins cheerfully, his eyes untouched by the smile as he waits to see the final destination of the ‘little package’’.

Re: Bought and Paid For... (Trahir/Mortll HR Auction 2015)

Posted: 16 Nov 2015, 04:20
by Trahir Trahison
"--The following transcript was a live chat roleplay--"

Mortll: Mortll did not say a word her brow furrowed as he said his thrall or whatever she was: maid, driver,butler extraordinaire, might even be his sex slave for all Mortll knew, was going to meet them. Jane's involvement in this was going to be short since all they needed was someone to haul the car to the chop shop and she wasn't going to tear the camper apart herself and load it and all the soil from around the area of the fire, for him to drive it or leave him alone to do all the manual labor by himself. Mortll shrugged it off and led the man up the stone steps to the top floor of the building it was more of a roof top with a huge hot house on top of it.

The dogwoods were out of season their leaves had turned red and brown, some falling to the ground already. She took note that she should probably plant some ornamental Maple trees up here to make it as much of a fall showcase as it was a spring one. She lead him through the place to the back and reached through a mass of tall ornamental grasses and pulled open the concealed door a whole section of grass an all swinging back to reveal the passage to another greenhouse. She looked back at him “This is where i keep my private Greenhouses and it is hidden because of the rarity of some of these plants i've spent the last few years collecting them and the collection is still underway “

The sea of all different varieties of roses lay before them “I could probably bore you for hours telling you all the different varieties. The differences between the old world roses and the china roses and the tea roses but i don't think we have time for that “ she smiled She lead him through the maze of plants and back to the right there were 4 large areas piled high with soil and other things “This is where your little cook out is going to end up it will be processed first before it's added but generally it's going to be plant food “ She wasn't sure how well this man liked plants or flowers but she loved them many times it was her means of escape to come here and flood the place with music and work quietly. She watched him closely trying to gauge his reactions .

Trahir Trahison: Plants. Trahir had no idea on his feelings before being turned as he has erased his mortal memories and proclivities thinking of them as bad habits, but at this stage the only value they have are aesthetic and to produce oxygen to keep his prey alive and breathing. His callous gaze passes over everything he passes by, taking it in, absorbing it and committing as much of it to memory as he can. It isn’t exactly because he cares, it is more along the lines of intel gathering. He enjoys having as much knowledge at his disposal as possible. Especially since the vampire he is in the company of is definitely older and likely more capable than he is. There is knowledge to be gathered here and potentially information to be used.

“Quite the botanist. I’ve yet to pick up a hobby, thus far learning about the blood has taken up most of my time. There is power in creation though and shaping the lives of that which surrounds us. I can see the lessons such an endeavor as this would be able to teach. Patience, the wherewithal to keep at it, the determination to complete the collection you have. The knowledge provided along with its potential uses, poisons, cures and the likes. Very impressive.”

Trahir had heard there were natural plants still in the world with toxins which could be harvested that left no trace in the bloodstream of the victims they were used on. Perhaps he would tap Mortll’s knowledge for a future endeavor if the other vampire were willing to share her knowledge.

The means of elimination of unwanted messes of course catches his attention. Fertilizer. How very apropos. The cycle of life, from birth to death and death to renewal. It was similar to his own modus operandi with his reptilian friends. He nods as he takes everything in. “It’s beautiful,” he says. Most would be speaking of the flowers themselves. He speaks of the method of disposal of the prey’s remains.

Mortll: Mortll smiled “ I think so Jane should be here any minute so let's get moving The trucks are this way " She led them out the back door there sat a delivery truck and a Pickup truck with a 16 ft trailer. She went around to the back of the delivery truck and slid the back door up. She pointed to a work area “We will need a couple of shovels grab a pick and just in case and one of those long pry bars.” she paused a moment “ Grab some of those heavy leather gloves and a sledge hammer too . “ She went over to a cabinet and pulled out a couple of large flat plastic cases she opened each one and grabbed several batteries off of the charger placing them in each of their designated spots in each case.

She watched him as she placed each case into the back of the truck “ So this shouldn't take too long couple of hours tops?”

Trahir Trahison: Nodding Trahir agrees with the guesstimation of the time frame the small group would be looking at. “Give or take, yes. That seems like a reasonable estimate.” His mind has already moved from the task at hand and is formulating a plan on another pressing issue. “After the bodies are properly disposed of along with the vehicles I have a request to make of you for tomorrow evening. It’s nothing too taxing though, a minor thing to be sure. I digress though. First things first yes? Let us clean up this little mess in the woods and while we do that perhaps you could tell me a little of what you know of the history of our kind since the elders’ reawakening…”

Mortll: They had successfully managed to get everything in the Truck and Jane had just come stumbling through the door. Mortll telepathically warned the woman not to say a single word while in front of the other vampire. She was to take the truck follow them and sit in silence the entire time. Mortll was glad to see the brunette wig and dark clothes as she had instructed the woman to wear and even more so to see a pair of dark sunglasses firmly in place perched on her nose concealing her eyes. She knew some vampires had the ability to track and kill simply by sensing one's aura. From her appraisal of Mr Trahisons abilities he lacked in that particular skill so a good disguise would likely protect Jane ... or at least lend a certain amount of uncertainty on Mr Trahisons part if he saw the woman again.

Mortll tossed Jane a set of keys and nodded toward the truck with the trailer . She was well aware that Mr Trahison was going to use her for information about the city but she had not quite figured that he would be questioning her about the past and their origins. She had figured he was going to put her knowledge to use by getting or obtaining what she knew on the people around the city now. This showed something about the man She smiled “ Well that we can do while we are going to the campsite “ she dug a second set of keys out of her pocket and held them out to him “You are driving unless you are not familiar with a larger vehicle after driving The Hulk i imagine you would be quite proficient handling one “ She didn't wait for him to answer she went to the passenger's side of the large delivery truck and climbed inside.

She bounced a little on the seat and waited for her companion to join her.

Trahir Trahison: It was immediately apparent to Trahir when seeing a human wearing glasses that the girl was trying to conceal her identity. He was reminded of the old Corey Hart song “I Wear My Sunglasses At Night”. Were he capable of it he would have been tickled and even laughed. As it was the idea of the incognito woman piqued his interest. He activates Hyper Perception as the mortal walks by, taking in every detail visible, every blemish on her skin, every curve of her facial features not obstructed by the sunglasses and… there, her hairline didn’t truly reach her scalp… a wig. He can’t make out the true color but he would bet dollars to nickles it was not brunette. He turns his gaze to Mortll and gives her a questioning look as he climbs into the vehicle next to her.

“Was that necessary? I could find her by scent alone if I wanted to. We need to work on these trust issues.”

He reaches up and buckles his seatbelt after drawing the locking mechanism together carefully. “It’s about 10 miles west of the city.”

He turns the key in the ignition, firing the engine to life.

Mortll: Mortll smiled “That was not only for you it wouldn't do for her to be tracked back to me by the humans this car is going to be taken to. I don't mind killing but i have got her trained even though she is a bit of a klutz “ She smiled at him as they made their way to the campsite “Well you know that there was a human uprising 200 years ago and all vampires were exterminated that we know of “ She watched him as he listened, she knew someone must have told him some of this. She figured he would listen to her and pop in and ask questions as he saw fit.

Trahir Trahison: Trahir remains silent as he listens to Mortll, his attention split between the road ahead and the information she gives about their history. He has indeed heard the story, several times in fact from several sources. Each told it slightly differently than the other though. Some omitted things, some added things. Several key points though remained the same.

Re: Bought and Paid For... (Trahir/Mortll HR Auction 2015)

Posted: 16 Nov 2015, 04:29
by Mortll
"--The following transcript was a live chat roleplay--"

Mortll: “Well, there is a freaky part to the story there were vampires that started having visions before the holocaust Isabella Drake and a few others saw visions of a Crow-like being that led them here to this city. They came here because of these visions and realized that the place was special that the fabric between death and the living world was weaker here and that somehow even if they were killed there might be a way for them to come back. Things started getting hairy between humans and vampires. So Isabella led all that she knew here to Harper Rock and they devised some sort of plan that if they were killed anyone that remained would find a way to bring the others back. Of course there is always someone that thinks they can rule the world and Isabella had the unfortunate luck to have brought him along, A fellow by the name of Cobb. He betrayed the others told the hunters were to find them then hauled *** and hid for two centuries perfecting his necromancy and powers and as it goes a classic story of greed and revenge he fucked up in his quest to be strong and tore the rift in the veil allowing the others to come back . This part you probably already know “ She paused waiting to see if he had any questions so far

Trahir Trahison: Glancing over to Mortll, Trahir nods. “I’ve been told similar. There are minor differences each telling, but so far that’s about right on point.” He doesn’t add anything he has already heard, preferring to hear each rendition untainted by the views of others. It’s much the same as a control group in an experiment. “Please Miss Mortll, continue.”

Their surroundings roll by the windows of the big truck as the go, eventually turning from the concrete jungle scenery of the city to a more natural wooded environment as the exit Harper Rock’s city limits and enter the no man’s land between it and the next great bastion of humanity.

Mortll: Mortll had guessed as much she cleared her throat a bit and continued “Well not all of those that were holed up together there in the shadow realm were allies before they were ripped from their lives. There were newly turned vampires that had been turned minutes before their untimely deaths or hours that returned. Isabella Drake, Zachariah Staus, Mircea, Quartermaine, Keara Aithne , were the originals that followed The Crow to Harper Rock. Chad Worthington III and his brother Silver Argent were a couple of fledglings that were forcibly turned in a last minute revenge plot by a vampire that died and did not make it back .”

Trahir Trahison: He’d heard about that last part. That was the lineage that his adopted sire’s mate came from. They jokingly called the lineage Worthlesston. Trahir hadn’t met any of the elders that he was aware of and had only communicated with one, Keara Aithne via Crownet and even then only briefly. He supposedly had been inducted into the Vedarian line due to his blood lineage but so far nothing had come of it. He remains silent letting Mortll continue..

Mortll: “This lot climbed out of the Shadow realm and started siring our race again and Crow started to govern the way we hid ourselves, he watched us, through the crownet and cameras. He made the Crownet and then when a good number of us shunned his protection he left stepped back and left us to whatever destruction we bring upon ourselves, I guess I somehow think he's still watching for whatever purposes he has .. I have no clue as to what he really is or even who it is that is pulling the strings now ... i personally think im going to pull a Cobb if the **** hits the fan and cover my own *** cause i'm the only one that is really going to look after it.” She watched as the lights illuminated the now gravel road they were on. They were drawing near .

Trahir Trahison: The drive itself is uneventful. Trahir handles the big vehicle with ease though he can’t remember driving anything so large. He knows this connects somehow to the mortal life he lost by choice. He is not by nature an introspective man though so he pushes the thought away, choosing instead to focus on the road and the history lesson. Within a half hour they are pulling up at the campsite, a 2016 Rolls Royce Phantom illuminated in the headlights of the big truck as he pulls it to a stop.

“So who is the Administrator, who has their claws in the mayor and how would one go about locating Crow?”

Mortll: She had to laugh at his question. It was the question that any vampire that knew anything of the crow and what mess this city was in asked themselves just about every day. “Well to be honest i don’t think anyone knows the answers to those questions. The mayor's office is impenetrable and the force behind it has been silent we hear little to nothing from it. I sometimes think the only way to force whatever power that is behind the mayor is to challenge its power just as crow was challenged. Or make circumstances that it could not avoid addressing maybe a sudden disappearance of his human puppet.” She shrugged her shoulders as she opened her door and slid out of the large truck. Jane was pulling in behind them Her eyes wandered over the campsite. It would not be too hard to erase the signs of human existence here. She directed Jane to back the trailer in they would load the car first and let her be on her way while they cleaned up the site and the camper. She looked at Mr Trahison “ Well Sir... are you ready to work?”

Trahir Trahison: Unclasping the seatbelt and opening the door, Trahir exits the large truck, looking around and locating Nicolette. The thrall is staring at something in the campsite and the vampire bets he knows what it is. He gives Mortll a nod and moves to his thrall’s side, looking at the pile of bodies in the now-cold ashes of the fire from the night before. “Don’t get squeamish girl or you’ll suffer a far worse fate. Put on a pair of gloves and start helping the other two women.”

Trahir walks over to the bodies and reaches down, grasping one and slinging the burned husk other a shoulder before kneeling down to position, lift, and fireman carry a second. He makes his way over to the truck and places the bodies down on the tarps in back before heading back over to get the other two. He ignores the humans as they clean and, after setting the last of the quartet in the truck, turns to Mortll. “Doc has access to medical facilities does he not? He doesn’t offer body removal and disposal services?”

Mortll: She had taken Jane over to the car while Mr Trahison and his thrall were playing with the bodies Mortll and the other woman quickly combed over the car and threw all personal items into a trash bag when it was satisfactorily empty Mortll put the car in neutral and asked jane to steer while they pushed it to the back of the trailer. Mort hooked the winch up and the car was soon sitting on the trailer she hooked it down with chains so it would stay put and fastened a tarp over it. It had went much faster than she had thought it would and Jane surprised her she sensed that the woman was afraid. She worked calmly fast and without messing up which was a change for the normally flustered and accident prone thrall.

Mortll glanced back over her shoulder at Mr Trahison he put a good dose of fear into her thrall that made the woman want to spend very little time in his presence this could be of use in the future .Mortll smiled Jane was set and ready to go waiting for instructions on where to take the car. Mortll gave her the card with the Chop Shops information “When you get there talk as little as possible. The car was your aunts that passed away and give them a fake name number and address. Got it ?’ The woman nodded and as Mortll backed away and took off with the car in tow. Mortll heard the man mention Doc and getting rid of the bodies as she was picking up the garbage bags of personal belongings. Her eyes became steely “Well if you prefer his services over mine I’m quite sure he will oblige.” She dug out her cellphone and tossed it to the man. “Here, his number is in there call him and I can go home and relax in the pool.“ She looked at him steadily. “Though i wouldn't want it to be known to a fellow Ty member that you couldnt handle a little clean up “ She knew the man didn't need help cleaning up this mess it was a test for her but she knew better than most how Doc viewed things and such a thing would be seen as a weakness in his eyes. Doc was a professional foremost but she would never call on him for help again. She had accepted it at one time but never again even if they reached the level of friendship they once had again.

Trahir Trahison: He’d struck a nerve. Noting that he dismissed the notion by handing her back the offered cellphone and stating “I was actually thinking about ways Dominique could get rid of bodies. If her sire has access to a crematory over that would definitely be a great boon for her.” Yes, he knew of the former relationship Mortll had shared with Doc. Not the ins and outs of it. Doc was a private person and coupled with Trahir’s general disinterest in the personal lives of those around him that assured his ignorance of the dynamics between the two. He was having enough trouble sorting out his own personal intricacies to worry about other people's.

“Do you charge normally to get rid of a mistake? It seems a sound method you are using and more productive than some others I have heard spoken of.” Trahir misses his own living methods, his two crocodiles. They were undoubtedly enjoying their new temporary residence in St. Augustine. Soon though he would have a suitable habitat set up for them and they would not have to be bordered each winter. He hated Canada. It was so inconvenient. Why could immortality not be tied to somewhere more temperate?

Re: Bought and Paid For... (Trahir/Mortll HR Auction 2015)

Posted: 26 Nov 2015, 19:20
by Trahir Trahison
"--The following transcript was a live chat roleplay--"

Mortll: She had to laugh at the thought paid body disposal, that would be ideal in a vampire ran world . This was not the case in Harper Rock or anywhere else. The less others knew about your business or indiscretions the better off you were. You might end up being on the local Tv or Blackmailed like he so fondly was doing to Dom... “Well Mr Trahison it is a good method and it is a secret method I'm trusting that you have the good sense to keep it a secret. You would do good to find several methods of hiding your kills I think i should show you a few on our hunt So that any clean up at all is unnecessary “ She smiled and pulled the shovels and buckets out of the truck. “ All of the burn area will need to be picked up and even the soil for a few inches down will need scraped up. Could you have your thrall start on that While we tear apart this camper? “ She looked at it it was what she thought old they should have no problems getting it apart and the wheelbase into the larger truck she climbed up into the back and used the tarp to drag the bodies to the front wouldn't do to have them messed up even worse.

Trahir Trahison: An eyebrow raises at her offering to show him how to dispose of his kills. "Clean up is absolutely necessary in this case. It gave me a nice menial task which we could undertake for this period of employment while I get to know you better while freeing me up last evening for other matters. Unless there is a purpose to leaving a body somewhere I don't. Though I admit to sometimes wanting to leave a calling card or take a trophy. I don't however."

He moves to where she directs him and begins helping, scraping away the soil saturated with the proof of the bloodletting that had occurred not twenty four hours prior.

"I do however need help in designing a suitable environment for a crocodile habitat. Do you know anything about radiant heat or pumps and filters suitable for such?" He gives her a sideways glance and then taps his nose. "Your secret garden will remain secret. My lips are sealed."

Mortll: ‘She had to laugh she left bodies lying about all the time in the wide open accidents happen and as long as they were not bleed dry people didn't miss a quart or 2 of blood they mostly figured it had been lost due to trauma or other incidence. Hell the accident rate here in Harper Rock had probably risen significantly since the vampire race has reawoken.
“It's all in the subtleties Mr Trahison and i do believe you could use a good dose of it.” She smiled at him “Yes i can help you with your little problem of a suitable environment for your reptiles How big are you willing to go and how much money are you willing to part with on the endeavor ?”

Trahir Trahison: The subtleties. Trahir was intimately familiar with them. He wondered briefly what Mortll saw when she looked at each of the flowers she grew. Trahir saw hidden meanings in each one given as a gift, worn as a corsage, displayed in a foyer or showcased on a dinner table. The Killer could tell his life story in a simple outfit.

"If you say so..." he says casting his gaze over the campground and then moving over to one of the trees to lean against it. It was the same one he climbed to get a good view of the slaughter the night prior.

Thinking of the set up for the reptiles he shrugs. "Money comes and goes. It's a matter of time being able to afford anything. With my current estate as collateral I suppose a couple million could be borrowed from the bank without touching my liquid assets."

Looking over to Nicolette, Trahir calls her over. "When we are done here be sure to check the tracking on Lolong and Gustave. Make sure they are doing well."

Nicolette nods and gives a quick "Yes master" before going immediately back to work.

Returning his attention to Mortll he shrugs. "I suppose the cost all depends on the layout of the project. I'm thinking something with a skylight to allow sunlight in, there would need to be a bank for them to bask on and of course water is a necessity. They will grow to about fifteen feet, but assume twenty-five to be safe. I tend to overfeed them."

Mortll: She looked at him thoughtfully for a moment “Well most of the money would go into the ground work and structure We could use a land survey That will most definitely be needed. but we can talk about that later. Let's get the hell out of these woods before something takes notice that we are here. I like to keep my limbs Mr. Trahison.“

She smiled and picked up the plastic boxes out of the back of the truck that contained the saws “That camper shouldn't take us long with these “ she walked over to him and extended her laden hand toward him with a grin .

Trahir Trahison: “Yes, I’ll have a survey done and the results sent over to you.” He takes the saw and, at the mention of the Fae, indirect though it may be, Trahir arches a brow. His eyes move toward the humans nearby. “It would be interesting to see if the would attack with witnesses. I’ve never heard of one attacking in front of humans.” His eyes scan then out into the woods surrounding them, his face a mask devoid of emotion .

“They are out there. Maybe watching us already. Maybe they are held at bay by the desecration of nature the humans represent. What do you think?”

The Fae have interested Trahir since before he knew they were real. For longer than he can truly remember. “Everyone has theories on why they hate us, why they attack us and leave humans alone. What is yours Miss Mortll?”

He walks toward the camper ready to do some demolition.

Mortll: Mortll bent and opened her case bringing out her sawzall or as others knew it as a reciprocating saw. She paused a moment to contemplate his question.

“I think it is just nature's way of telling us we are not necessarily top of the food chain. The fae have no good reason for hating us other than we exist, Just like dogs and cats if they are left in the wild they are natural enemies it's only when men interfer that they tolerate each other. I don't see any one intervening on our behalf with the fae. So we are going to be chased up a tree every chance they get. It's their passion and sport to be our bane and our ego check.” She stood and popped the battery pack into her saw and looked for a good spot on the camper to start .

Trahir Trahison: “I disagree. I think they have a reason. I would be willing to go out on a limb and say some of them still remember it and I would further stipulate there are vampire wraiths that remember it too. They may not be in Harper Rock, I certainly would not be if I had the choice, but they are out there.” He takes one of the Milwaukees in hand and walks over to the camper. “These will make a lot of noise. You wouldn’t happen a plan for if we draw attention to ourselves?”

Mortll: Mortll checked the time on her phone they had hardly been there 30 minutes. The fae usually took their time before attacking but then she wasn't prone to wandering the woods as of late, so her timing or theirs may be different nowadays.”Well i was hoping to be done with this and out of here before they have a chance to show up so let's not hang around for them. “ She didn't wait for an answer she just found a good spot and started sawing careful not to put too much pressure on the blade. The noise of the saw drowned out anything Trahir might have said but the work had started going quickly they had it chopped down to pieces and thrown into the truck in no time.

She dusted her hands and placed them on her hips looking satisfied with their work “ Mr Trahison I do believe that we are done “.

Trahir Trahison: Handing the Sawzall over to Mortll with an inclination of his head. The work had been done effectively, but he wasn’t entirely happy. Trahir had not anticipated having to be out here himself. That wasn’t part of his plan. He had planned on going out to a bar or a club that night perhaps, and doing what he thought of as “digging a well”. The reference to wells being a source of continual liquid refreshment.

He had given the matter some thought and there were certain types of people who were more suited to be preyed on by vampires than others. There were a multitude of factors involved from their credibility to their proclivities toward inebriation of substance abuse to their past being marred with abusive patterns. Some people were weak. Much like a lion stalking, the weak, once separated from the herd became a perfect food source.

He had thought to begin digging a well which consisted of these weak-minded humans. A list of addresses, a schedule to avoid drinking from the same ones too much, a fallback plan for when hunting in the lean months of winter left him with naught but the gnawing thirst burning in his throat.

He had wanted Mortll to handle this. Still, the night had not been a total loss and in coming along he felt they had done some bonding and he had at least gotten some more insight into the storied past of the vampiric population of this wretched little hell he was forced to reside in.

“Excellent. That went quicker than I had anticipated.” There is something wrong. He can’t place it, but there is a different feel to the air. He glances around into the woods surrounding them and comes up empty. Perhaps another man would have entertained the notion that the mention of the age old enemy of their kind, the Fae had him spooked. That would make sense were he any other of their kind perhaps. Trahir was unshakable. His emotions deadened by Path and Darkness, he was no more capable of fear than he was of love.

Something though… something was bringing the Darkness roiling to the surface. “We should
take our leave of this place Miss Mortll, before the authorities come by.”

Re: Bought and Paid For... (Trahir/Mortll HR Auction 2015)

Posted: 04 Dec 2015, 22:34
by Mortll
"--The following transcript was a live chat roleplay--"

Mortll: Perhaps he was right. Mortll hopped up on the back of the truck and pulled the door down sliding the latch in place, her feet firmly back on ground she turned toward her companion when something came rushing from the darkness of the trees at them. She only had time to duck. The Fae slamming into the back of the truck barely missing her head as she rolled backwards. She could hear the sounds of the others coming for them as she drew her gun and screamed at Trahir to get into the truck .

Trahir Trahison: Fae. That explained the feeling he had noticed. From his vantage point the thing looked like a huge white wolf. It was beautiful. Pale blue eyes filled with an eternity of rage that Trahir’s young mind could not yet fathom. Within him the Darkness bubbled frantically. It was as though the spirit part of him wanted to flee as much as the human side wanted to know more about the creature.

The woods behind him was suddenly alive. There were others. They were coming. By the sounds of it they were coming fast too. “Go now!”

The words are directed at not just Mortll, but Nicolette too. Trahir doubted the creatures would harm the humans, but there was not any point in tempting fate. “GO!”he yells as blade and gun fill hands. He had heard that the fae were implacable rivals. That they could not be killed, could not be bested in combat.

It just so happened that vampires could not be killed either and the Killer was very curious about the unbeatable in combat part.

Mortll: This wasn't Mortlls first run in with the beasts known as Fae. Her last run in with them had left her laid up for a week with her heart half ripped out of her chest and a missing arm. She did not relish that happening again. She looked back to see where Mr Trahison was and took aim at a fae that was rushing toward him the bullet struck and the beast stopped only for a moment shaking its head before roaring growl came from deep within its throat.It shook its head and contiued its trajectory. She turned toward the truck heading to the cab “ Get in the truck “as she leapt onto the running board one of the beast lunged at her latching onto her leg long bloody streaks appeared her pants shredding. She shrieked and shot the thing between the eyes knocking it backwards as she slammed the truck door open. “**** **** **** “ she growled to herself. It was a good thing she had left the keys in it as she turned it,the animals were clawing at the door as the engine roared to life. She looked at the other door expecting her cohort to enter it any moment.

Trahir Trahison: Of course the woman wasn't going to do as he told her. That would make it too easy. She was going to be stubborn, hang around and watch him burn through the supernatural fuel in his veins and be torn asunder limb by rended limb. With his attention divided between the huge white wolf, the onrushing batch of unseen enemies rushing toward them, and the evidence he needs to see get to safety Trahir deems it impossible to win in this situation. If he gets in the truck, the huge wolf will likely get them both before they make it to the road. If he stands and fights, Mortll won't leave, he'll run out of whatever in his blood it Is that fuels his vampiric powers and they'll likely both die. He sees only one option. To be the pied-piper and get the Fae away from the remnants of the crime scene so the evidence can be disposed of. He may possibly die in the process depending how it works out. His sword quickly finds its way into its sheathe. With a snarl of frustration he arrives at the truck in a blur, jerking the passenger door open and leaning in.

"Get the evidence to safety Mortll. I will lead them off. Do what I say. I can only keep them away so..."

Again, his form blurs as the door slams and the teeth of the giant canine find purchase on nothing but the passenger side mirror. Rapid fire shots ring out in the cold night air and the beast shudders against the truck, shaking the whole vehicle with the impact of the rounds penetrating it's flesh. Then it is off, leaping after the vampire standing thirty yards away with a smoking gun in his hand. "...long."

Once again Trahir blurs, the third time in not even ten seconds. The wolf's teeth again find no purchase on flesh and another short barking burst of gunfire sends another barrage of bullets pounding into it. The bullets seem ineffective and there is no way the young Killer can keep this up much longer when two of the uses of the power were already unanticipated. More gunfire echoes out from deeper into the woods, followed by an enraged howl, drawing most of the Fae from the truck.

Just up the road an engine roars to life, the headlights of the Rolls Royce Phantom coming on to chase away the darkness of the night around the truck. The car shoots backward suddenly kicking up dirt as the engine roars defiance at any would-be pursuers.

The car fishtails, coming around ninety degrees and the tires scream and smoke as they spin a full three seconds before finding purchase, the luxury sports car peeling off toward the city, Nicolette behind the wheel.

From a distance, more shots can be heard breaking the tranquility of the once peaceful autumn night as Trahir leads the Fae away from the campsite.

Mortll: Of course the man wasn't going to listen...he was young and cocky and inexperienced. She should just let him suffer the consequences of being macho. Her hands tightened on the steering wheel as she gunned the truck rolling over whatever was in front of her. Her mind reached out to the man finding his “Use your animal form dammit ! They won't attack you in animal form “ She hoped he listened to her as the wheels of the truck squealed onto the highway and she slowed her speed She looked down at her leg and noted that it wasn't deep enough to take stitches with her vampiric metabolism.

Trahir Trahison: Hearing the advice in his head infuriates the already irritated Killer. For the first time in his brief life as a dead man he wishes he was telepathic so he could respond with a scathing cut down. That had been his plan until the all-knowing-Mortll had taken her sweet time getting out of Dodge. Trahir had experimented with the limits of his vampiric powers. There was no way after using hyper-perception to examine the disguised thrall and celerity three times already to lead the Fae away from the others, that he would be able to use celerity once more plus shift. It was too much, he was too young. In fact he couldn’t shift now if he tried. Having to go to the truck and then that short distance away had altered the situation and butchered his plans. Now it was time to… re-vamp the plan.

Firing another three-round burst at the Fae rushing for him Trahir activates celerity one more time, the earth again blurring beneath him, and in an instant earth and leaves, grass and moss become concrete and asphalt, glass and steel. All at once Trahir is standing at the entrance to West Tower. He leans back against the wall of the building.

Calmly he removes his phone from his pocket and texts Nicolette Safe?

A few seconds later he gets a reply Safe.master

He then texts Mortll: Is the evidence safe?

The Killer is half expecting the wolf to appear out of thin air and rend him limb from limb. As long as the evidence from the night before was safely disposed of, the one week of hell in the Fade would possibly be worth it.

Mortll: Mortll winced as she pulled the buzzing phone out of her back pocket . He must have made it to safety if he had time to text. Kudos to him. His problems had became her problems just because he was wanting to play teacher and things got sloppy. She had half a mind to just take the truck and dump its contents on the city hall doorstep and be done with it.

If there was anything there that implicated Dom though... She had grown fond of the young vampire when she had met her and helped her in the streets.and wouldn't want anything to happen to her. Almost like she hadn't wanted anything to happen to Mr Trahison back there but the way he had seemed to act had put her off real fast. She was capable had always been capable and she had gotten the impression that Mr Trahison was doubting her skills.

Good way to get someone in the i don't give a **** mode. She paused before she typed into the phone. Your cargo is safe What about you ? She sighed Maybe she should give him the benefit of the doubt. she really had only known him for a day but these little tests of his were growing annoying very quickly. She pulled the truck into Jardin de Fleurs and closed the garage doors behind her. It was about time she got herself a drink or two in the mood she was in they would be lucky not to end up in her kitchen.

Trahir Trahison: His phone goes off as he watches his surroundings. There seem to be enough people on the streets that a Fae, or any sane and intelligent supernatural creature would give pause in showing itself. He figures it must be safe enough.

Looking at the text for a moment he sends back an answer. Yes, West Tower, north side of the building. Where are you? His anger disappears as abruptly as it had surfaced at the knowledge the evidence was not scattered throughout the forest. He’s going to have to explain how this employee thing works to Miss Mortll as she seems to be under the impression she is in charge of the situation. He stands still, breathing as a human breathes and fidgeting slightly as humans do so as not to attract any attention from passersby while he waits for a location to head toward.

In the interim he shoots a text to Nicolette once again Take the rest of the night off. You did well.

Mortll: I am at Jardin let yourself in you know the way. She tucked the phone away in her pocket and went to the nearest water source which happens to be a water hose and turned it on splashing her face washing the grime from her The truck and trailer sat in its birth. Jane had already went back to the apartment Mortll had set up for her..All that left being done was unloading all the scrap metal from the truck onto the trailer and packing the bodies. She was going to change her clothes and slip out into the park and grab a bite before she finished up .The trailer would be hauled off in the morning and sold to the scrap yard. The bodies packed into boxes and taken to her kitchen to be processed. In the end everything would be scattered to the four winds.

She would still be paying another visit to that campsite there were still things out there that could lead someone to her and they must be disposed of unless it rained tomorrow but she was not going to get her hopes up that it would and destroy their tracks. Now she would have to wait on Mr Trahison before she could feed. She opened the back of the truck and started to chunk the scrap metal onto the flat trailer, while she waited on him .

Trahir Trahison: His reserves were spent. Celerity no longer a possibility.. Thus it is with a stony resignation that he begins to walk.Luckily the block where Jardin le Fleurs resides is close. One block caddy corner to the southwest actually. The cold night air is crisp and clear, scents easily picked out from it’s subtle breeze. There is no wolf scent upwind at least. He relies on his eyesight to scan downwind but sees nothing. He grows confident that the creature has not followed him into the city limits. It seems what he has heard about the habitats of man repelling the nature bound Fae is correct. The thing had been intent on killing Trahir and seemed to have given up the hunt.

Brom: (speaking in rhyme) Now, if you doubt this tale is so, I met that spook just a year ago. Now, I didn't stop for a second look, but headed for the bridge that spans the brook. For, once you cross that bridge, my friend.

Chorus: (singing) The ghost is through, his power ends.

Re: Bought and Paid For... (Trahir/Mortll HR Auction 2015)

Posted: 04 Dec 2015, 22:40
by Trahir Trahison
"--The following transcript was a live chat roleplay--"
Trahir Trahison: It doesn’t take long before Trahir stands at the door of Jardin de Fleurs and is reaching out, pushing it open to enter. Instantly his eyes scan for signs of Mortll. Trahir is agitated at having to expend more energy than he had anticipated, agitated that his direction was not immediately followed and agitated that he had to tuck tail and flee without a fight. At the same time he is acutely aware that the Fae had outnumbered him and likely could have easily overpowered him even in single combat. At least the big one could have. His ego will not allow him to merely accept the need for retreat and the only outlet he has to vent some of the pent up frustration the night had brought was to let Mortll know in no uncertain terms that he was in charge.

Mortll: Mortll decided that she should meet him up front the trailer hadn't been that hard to unload so she shucked off the gloves and pulled down the door of the truck and made sure everything was locked down. Jane would be given instructions to pull the trailer out of there in the morning and to leave the rest to Mortll to finish. She walked quickly through the multitude of flowers and back out of the door. Mortll winced as she walked down the stairs her leg throbbing. The tall dark male was standing there expressionless.

Mortll nodded to him and walked past him trying not to limp or grimace if anyone asks her why she had blood on her jeans she would just tell them it was a mishap with a branch or something while she was pruning. The key was for them not to get a good look at it so she kept moving and went straight into her office. If he followed he followed. She paused a moment to pull out an extra shirt and some pants from the closet and fetched the first aid kit, tossing them on the desk. She pulled off the grimy shirt and unbuttoned her pants carefully peeling them off.

Her leg was shredded she sat down on the chair and started to clean the wound before it closed up with anything inside of it that would force its way out later.

Trahir Trahison: Following Mortll into the office, Trahir closes the door gently, careful not to slam it, the motion belies his intent as he rounds on her, his body squarely facing her, his size definitely being used to block as much space in from of her as possible. His head is lowered and glittering crocodilian eyes shine from the shadows cast by the loose hair hanging down before them. “If you ever hesitate in a situation with my life or that or my property in the balance a Fae will look like a pleasant little puppy looking to play fetch. I on the other hand will look like a crocodile ripping off a limb or two like the Fae was trying to do to me. You are on my time and my dime and whether or not you agree with my methods, my ideas, you will do as I say when I say, how I say Miss Mortll or so help me God your service will be spent cleaning up the guano left by the crocs on the side of my pond.”

His tone is surprisingly quiet for the amount of venom it contains. Almost as it the emotion was contrived, a repetition of a witnessed tantrum of another. His expression though is stony, hard and as unyielding as steel.

Having said his piece he looks down at the wound on her leg for a moment and then motions to it. “Do you need blood to replace what you have lost?”

Mortll: Mortll finished patching up her wound and notice the bra she was wearing was torn as well as the shirt she had been wearing she just slipped it off tossed it in the garbage and put the t-shirt on. She gently slipped the pants over her legs and hips as he continued his rant . She looked at him levelly as he seemed to have finished . “Are you done?”

Trahir Trahison: Trahir nods. He has said what he wanted to say. “Yes,” he says simply. There is no need to expound further. He is sure that Mortll doesn’t need a lecture. He is also certain that her extra couple years in the blood will have her believing he is a rank neonate who knows nothing. Trahir finds the sentiment laughable every time he hears it from one of the other vampires spawned since the Shadow Realm spit out the new breed of Elders and they sired their first broods a mere four years ago. Four years, a drop of time in an ocean of time laid out before them all. Not even a drop. What was four years in an eternity? For every vampire there seemed to be a human lurking within, poking their heads out to make their lingering presence known.

In Trahir’s estimation they should be worried about the procurement of blood, the sanctity of the Masquerade and keeping those who fell under their fangs and brought back by their blood as suitable as possible to immortality. From what Mortll said some of the returned First Generation vampires were no better suited for undeath than some of the so-called vegetarian vampires.

He motions over to the truck, the direction of it at least. “Thank you for hauling the evidence. I appreciate the help. I’m sure Jane will too.”

Mortll: Mortll did not need to say anything to him she was going to give him credit enough to figure out that his threats meant little to nothing to her. She had heard every word he said if he thought they were actually threats It would be quite amusing to her. He knew that she had volunteered for the blood hunt anything he could do to her like ripping her from limb to limb did not phase her one bit. She had no fear of pain or death. He was really going to threaten her with shoveling croc **** and corpses after she had just shown him piles of compost that she had helped build herself pretty much containing **** and parts of rotting corpses. He would figure it out. She slipped her feet into her boots and smiled at him. “Yes i need to feed and I'm quite sure Jane will appreciate the Thank you.”She stood “Did you use all of your spiritual energy up fleeing the Fae ?”

Trahir Trahison: He stiffens at the question. The answer of course is yes, but he is, as always, loathe to display any weakness before another predator. Especially one who could likely take him down without much effort at all at the best of times. He weighs his options and then decides that mutual honesty would be preferred. He’s not sure if she could tell if he lied regardless. “Yes. I had to change my plan at the last moment when you hesitated. I’ll be fine though. I have some connections who will be able to help me regain it at no personal cost.”

Trahir doesn’t really consider money to be a ‘cost’, it’s simply a renewable resource he has forever to earn. The mindset coming from a mixture of having few needs that money could buy and a fairly sizeable fortune for one who has no need to spend any of it. The black market mystical shops served him well enough in a pinch at times like this if he didn’t feel like requesting aid from his adopted family.

He glances over to her out the corner of his eye and tries to determine if she is using telepathy. When he uses powers his eyes change but as far as he can tell, he is the only vampire he knows that this is the case. She seems to simply be changing clothing, as unabashedly as he himself does. He knows this too is an anomaly. Many of the vampires in Harper Rock cling to human feelings of shame and propriety when it comes to nudity. Trahir wishes he could hunt the streets nude, it would certainly save Nicolette trips to the mall to procure more clothing weekly.

“Where do you normally feed?” It is not a question he would often answer himself, since unlike his naked form, Trahir sees hunting as something deeply personal. Still, he hopes she doesn’t say one of the farms in the city where livestock are raised. He has heard of a few vampires who feed primarily from animals and he counts himself fortunate not to have many of them on speed dial.

Mortll: Mortll walked to the center of the room and stood there a moment suddenly the air in the room grew colder as the first spirit arrived to be followed by 2 more it was not much but with the blood loss it was all she could manage. “ Take those they are not much but they will do until I feed” She grabbed her jacket and shrugged it on the two pistols in concealed in the back weighed it down a bit. “ The park is ripe with people wanting to be alone this time of night,,, one of the easiest places in town to pick up a quick meal if you don't go on a killing spree.” She watched him a moment then asked “ Do you want to come with me or are you going to call it a night?”

Trahir Trahison: “I believe you said we would hunt tomorrow at a place of your choice and me without my phone. I recall those were the stipulations you placed. There are some matters I need to attend but nothing pressing. If you would like the company I will come with you.” He motions to his sidearm and the short sword concealed to the casual observer and gives a slight grin. “I’m not unarmed which is fine but...”

He reaches into his pocket and withdraws his phone just enough for it to come into view before dropping it back into the pocket and smoothing his jacket. “There are very few places I am comfortable setting my phone down as I’m sure you can imagine.” He gives a small smile. “There is nothing on there to incriminate me of course, but others… well.”

Mortll: She smirked “And that is why I told you to leave it when we hunt. If I get a video of me I'd rather it be with my makeup on and not covered in the camera man's brain matter” she said pointedly.

“You want me to hold it until I finish feeding or can you show a bit of self control and keep it in your pocket?” She didn't know how he would take her comments she really didn't care either way.” You can or go take care of your business. Which will it be?"

Trahir Trahison: "Covered in the cameraman's brain matter..." His tone is deadpan and his stance has changed, muscles relax and his eyes move from hers to the hollow of her throat. His head lowers slightly, his chin coming down to cover the softer tissue of the throat and his right foot moves back.

"I'll keep my belongings my dear..." The young vampire's eyes remain on her upper chest, one of the first places where any sign of quick arm movements show. "Tell me... how it would be that a cameraman would find his grey matter involved". His eyes remain human, icy blue, as cold as the windswept plains of the midwest in the middle of winter but his tone has changed from casual to match the chill of his gaze.

Mortll: It wasn't too hard to see the change in the man's demeanor. She cracked a smile. She was damn near full blown laughter. “ Are you really going to ask that after we just cleaned up one mess ... I don't leave my messes laying around the woods Mr Trahison, nor do I allow people to get evidence on me to use against me to break the Masquerade and if it takes putting a bullet into your lovely little brain to protect it, I will.” She pulled her sheathed sword from under her desk, standing she she slung it over her shoulder and simply vanished.
She materialized in an area of the park she knew was always abandoned and tucked her sword away under her coat. The night was growing old and she was ravenous.

Trahir Trahison: Scowling as she vanished, Trahir’s eyes narrow. “Hm… Mystic or Killer…” He hadn’t seen the usual tell-tale blur of celerity so teleportation was most likely. Unless she had telepathically contacted someone and had herself summoned out. The possibilities were endless. What wasn’t endless were his patience and the time between now and dawn.

He turns and walks out from Jardins De Fleurs and heads out into the city streets going north. The night has enough time left for a hunt and he can always send Nicolette for the car in the morning so it will be available to him the next evening. He doesn’t plan at sleeping at the farm this day, he feels the need suddenly for darker atmospheres. Something within him feels… changed. He feels drawn toward the northwest, toward his least used property..