Re: Bought and Paid For... (Trahir/Mortll HR Auction 2015)
Posted: 06 Nov 2015, 14:37
"--The following transcript was a live chat roleplay--"
Mortll: Mortll’s phone had been silent which was usually because she had turned it off just to get a few minutes of peace between her busy schedule Now it sat there fully awake and silent. She looked at the books on her shelf and decided that reading was not what she felt like , Music? ... No. She glared at the phone once more for once nobody had a disaster going on for her to clean up or fix and everything was running smoothly .
She sat there her mind wandering then it landed on something at first it was just a simple thought about the auction then it naturally went to the person that had bought her . Mr Trahison was an enigma. She liked a challenge and he definitely was one Intelligent, arrogant and reckless to a fault yet there was something there that had piqued her interest in the man maybe it was the intrigue coming at a time when she needed one .
Her fingers wrapped around the phone and found his number she pushed the button by his name and waited for the voice to speak from the other end .
Trahir Trahison: The young vampire reaches into his pocket as he gets out of his car. The drive was insanely short. The big Rolls Royce spent more time warming up than it had in motion. He walks into the farmhouse as he hits the call answer button on his bluetooth. “Trahir.”
The night before had been extremely eventful and waking up in a strange house with company was not something the Killer was accustomed to.He was still trying to figure out exactly how things had led into the other and wondered idly who would be trying to get in touch with him so quickly afterward. Surely news of what happened in the woods, or after the fact could not have reached anyone’s ears. Not yet.
Withdrawing the ringing phone he slips his bluetooth into his ear and a small grin comes across his face. He knows the number. Mortll. He had been waiting for her to call back. Apparently she is eager to have her three day stint as his employee over and done with. He heads toward the bedroom, himself eager to change out of the shredded remnants of his formerly pristine Hugo Boss suit and into something more practical for socializing.
Mortll: “ Mr Trahison Would you care to come and join me for a drink at my establishment The Voodoo Cyber cafe so that we may discuss our association well more like my service to you ,and what I may do for you ?” She paused wondering how much she should let him know “ I find myself oddly free tonight “ she wasn't sure the man was free tonight she may be wasting her time in asking , but it was worth a shot .
Trahir Trahison: Trahir stops, looking at the floor of his farmhouse. The dust there tells no tales at the moment. He nods his head absentmindedly as he listens to Mortll on the other end of the line. An idea comes to him suddenly. She is a more experienced vampire than he is. Though he has come into his own quickly, that doesn’t negate the chance of a mistake. In truth it isn’t even the possibility of his own error he was thinking of. It was the hunt the night before.
Cyber cafe. The libraries and porn stores of the new world. Though not a spot he would usually haunt the Killer can’t think of a reason to turn down the offer. “Of course. Sounds good. What time works for you ma’am?”
Mortll: “Anytime you want. I think I’m going to pop in there and do a spot inspection without them expecting me. It is always good to see what they are doing when they think i'm not around so many think of ways to get around the cameras it's quite funny to watch them squirm when i bust them for something “ She smiled at the thought “ Just come in and go to the basement i will join you there they will let you in Only certain types of clientele are allowed down there i think you will enjoy it “
The Voodoos basement area had been her idea she had seen way too many masquerade infractions in other bars and pubs. The vampires that could drink alcohol and get drunk from it would get loose lips and spill things clearly against the masquerade in the presence of humans so the basement of the VooDoo was human free and the bar served only one type of drink .
Trahir Trahison: Being wealthy had the benefit of allowing one access to some exclusive clubs. In theory. In truth only being mega-wealthy and/or a celebrity opened all the doors to the underground club and party scene and Trahir was neither. He had no 250 foot yachts, did not own a record label, was not a Hollywood A-lister. He was upper-class for sure, a millionaire, but not a billionaire by any stretch. Nor would he likely be one anytime soon. It seemed exclusivity though was within his reach after all.
All it had cost him to gain was mortality.
“That indeed sounds very pleasant Miss Mortll. Let me know if the streets are clear, That’s near the mall is it not?”
Mortll: “Well you do have a half decent feel for the city don't you? It is in fact near the Gullsborough mall on the next block over next to the Necropolis and just south of the Gullsborough transit if you wish to save a little gas money and leave that hulk of a car at home.“ She smiled she wondered if he drove the hulk everywhere, that thought made her smile widen further. Yes The Hulk that was his cars new nickname she was sure he was either going to smile at it or totally loathe it. “The traffic was pretty clear though if you do want to bring The Hulk with you “ there was laughter in her voice as she stated the last part. She would find out if the so far stone faced Mr Trahison had a funny bone hidden somewhere.
Trahir Trahison: He had planned on using cellerity to arrive. At the mention of the name “Hulk” attached to his car he snickers. “Perhaps I should paint it green and put a ram-prow on the bumper. It’s big enough to do some damage.” The car is huge, ostentatious, even. It is one of the few things Trahir owns that is not designed to simply fit in with everything else or avoid attention. “What is the standard of dress at your establishment Miss Mortll?”
Mortll: "It's casual most nights Mr Trahison but suits have been worn it won't raise a eyebrow it's a mid to upscale place especially in the basement I doubt if anyone will even care how you are dressed so come as you wish” She had only seen him in a suit at the auction and at his home. She had seen him at the blood hunt but she damn sure couldn't recall what the man was wearing on that occasion. There were many things she remembered about that night , faces, people taking her limbs and her still finding a way to survive and run while fighting for her life. She had hoped she had given them a good run . “I hope to see you soon Mr Trahison “
Trahir Trahison: “I’ll be there presently,” he says, then disconnects the call. Immediately he presses the button on his bluetooth again, bringing up the voice software. “Call Twisted Sister,” he speaks into it. After waiting a few seconds he hears the phone ringing on the other end and a familiar voice picks up the phone. “Twisted Sister, how may I help you?”
“Nicolette. I need you to go on break, find me a private place outside..Text me the address.” With that he hangs up and strips down out of his mangled suit and steps to the shower to clean off the activities of the previous night.
One the hot water has done its trick, sloughing off the blood from his escapades with Dominique he dries off quickly and moves to his closet. Opening the old heavy wooden doors he selects a grey business suit, nothing too extravagant and gets dressed. His wears a simple titanium Seiko watch, no tie tonight and a white Oxford underneath the jacket. Brown shoes and a brown belt and no custom cufflinks tonight. A pair of wingtips completes the ensemble.
Retrieving his phone he checks his text messages and sees the one from Nicolette. He steps outside and in the blink of an eye he is standing at the north end of the empty mall thanks to clerity. Texting over a quick “Thank you” to Nicolette, the Killer makes his way north to the Voodoo Cybercafe and enters, glancing around for the stairs down to the basement. Locating them he silently heads downstairs, looking around for his hostess.
Mortll: It was not hard to spot the man coming down the stairs the place was devoid of anything that might resemble a paying customer. No humans were allowed in this part of the cafe and many vampires did not know of its existence so far. Mortll had been looking to change that. She sat at the bar with a glass of blood in front of her. She smiled as he approached. “You look well tonight Mr Trahison?” It was a more casual look but still dressed well. Mortll liked that she had grown appreciate the quality in nice things since she had come to Harper Rock She motioned to the bar stool next to her. “So what would you like to drink Mr Trahison We have a full selection of Arbor Vitae here.”
Trahir Trahison: “As do you Miss Mortll. A glass of Innocence if you would be so kind.” The selection of his preferred vintage drew attention at an Andras event some time ago, but Trahir didn’t care the opinions of others. The purity of the vintage mattered to Trahir. It was different during a hunt. He preferred live prey then, he savored the moment of the kill, the skill in each method. That was the thrill of the hunt.
Something the taste of the meal left much to be desired. The Innocence vintage though, it was the blood of a newborn. Trahir was dubious and had tested this himself. In a scene straight out of Dracula he had claimed a small baby in the middle of the night and absconded with his prize back to his crypt. There the tiny bones remained, discarded in a pile that sat in what Trahir has come to think of as his guest room. He never hosts the same guest twice.
“You wished to discuss your employment. I happen to have something for you in that regard. A potential Masquerade breach actually. If you would be interested.” He takes a seat next to her and places his hands on the bar, interlacing his fingers and leaning forward, looking over to her with ice blue eyes. “It is out in the woods some though, I’m not sure how you handle being in proximity with the Fae.”
Mortll: His words piqued her interest a masquerade breach in the woods of all places. That had to be a story to tell. It was quite easy to accomplish one in the city where there were so many prying eyes and even frigging 10 yr olds ran around with cell phones glued to their ears and hands. It takes a certain amount of talent and disregard to accomplish a masquerade breach in the great woods of Northern Canada.
She did know the surprises that the deep woods could hold she had been a much younger vampire and hunting bear in the woods around the great city of Harper Rock when her second childe had literally dropped in on her from the sky, so this should be a very interesting tale Mr Trahison had. She took a sip of her blood it mingling with the red of her lips before she slowly licked it away. “ Okay Mr Trahison tell me your story of this possible masquerade breach and how i can help in fixing it?”
Trahir Trahison: Trahir watches the liquid flow from the glass into her mouth, watches her tongue draw languidly over her lips, catching the last drops of the vital fluid that had threatened for an instant to escape and gives a small smile. She is definitely not one of the blood bag drinking prudes nor one of the animal drinking weaklings he has seen while out and about. Perhaps she is capable of understanding him. Time may tell.
Vampirism is a sexually charged way of life. There is dominance, submission, bodies coming together, elongation, an erection of the fangs. Penetration, the exchange of fluids… Feeding was sexual as much as ******* was.
The slaughter though had not been. It could be compared to a virginal fumbling, an attempt at rutting by a woefully unskilled lover and over all too quickly and… messily. Trahir was still proud of his originally unwilling protege though. “A family had a mishap in the woods last night. They were attacked probably by a wild animal and… fell into their camp fire..” Trahir doesn’t say he killed them, in all honesty the kill was not his to claim. “I happened to be a casual observer at the time, I didn’t wish to interfere...“
He leaves the story there for a moment to see her reaction to the initial information. She now knew what had happened, when, and roughly where.The who and why could wait a moment. He wasn’t writing a periodical. “The mess may cause some attention when the campgrounds reopen. I think it best someone skilled in… deception and subtlety perhaps remove the evidence of them… passing through.”
Mortll: Mortll raised a eyebrow she studied him as he spoke body language always said a lot it sometimes spoke louder than what a person's mouth did. He was nonchalant about the whole thing. However from some of their previous conversations Mortll thought he did not take some things quite serious enough dismissing them as if they were no big deal or humans were stupid. She put great stock in human mass hysteria having been a victim of it on quite a few occasions in her life.