Dance in the Snow (open)

For all descriptive play-by-post roleplay set anywhere in Harper Rock (main city).
Hanei (DELETED 3287)
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CrowNet Handle: Hanei
Location: Harper Rock

Re: Dance in the Snow (open)

Post by Hanei (DELETED 3287) »

Johnathon continued to watch her, wondering what on earth she was doing. Then again, did it really matter? It was Corin, and while she was eccentric at times, she at least always had good style and flair. That much he knew for a fact about her, she was always good for a laugh, for a smile, for comfort, for so many things that he knew of but could not, at that moment, name off in his mind.

He brushed some stray snow from his coat, and continued to watch her, as she hugged her apparent cousin, and then begin to put on a pair of shoes that matched her dress so well. Even though he was...close to a certain other woman, he felt envy at her cousin, who could be around her without feeling awkward or even nervous. In his own, slow, almost silent way, the vampire known only as Hanei watched her and wished he was half of what she was, that by having been Turned by her, he had somehow been like her, but he wasn't.

He was a cold-blooded Killer, the hands of whom would never be clean, and whose soul would always be darker than any other's. Why? Because Fae cannot be killed, as far as his research had discovered, and once they take a morbid interest in tormenting you...they never stop.
Immortal ~ Killer ~ Shifter

Mike Barone (DELETED 2047)
Posts: 83
Joined: 04 Jan 2012, 03:27
CrowNet Handle: Boy Robot

Re: Dance in the Snow (open)

Post by Mike Barone (DELETED 2047) »

Mike shook his head, "I haven't seen him in awhile, and when I do, its only for a brief moment. I have no idea what he is up to." he said sadly. Being the only family he had left, he would like to keep up with them more. He tilted his head when Corin said she had something for him. "Alright, I'll be sure to drop by sometime." he said with a smile.

"Well, at least you don't have to worry about frost bite, right?" Mike joked, he sure had to watch out for it.
۞ تBlood Thief - Human - Sorcererت ۞
Beware of the Robot Army

College Student: Working on Bachelor of Science degree in Robotics Engineering
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