Time was passing, as they played their game, keeping the puppet candidate tied up in the basement tunnels of the center, but he has still heard nothing from the other parties, on how their end of the mission was going. The smile still frozen on his face as the puppet autographed Pru's breast, the killer reached out telepathically to Alex, questioning what was up. Giggling at his red headed partner's question as he waited for an answer from the allurist that had drawn him into this mission, he replied "He is, he is. I cant wait to vote for him, the city needs a pu... candidate with morals like he has, he will really fix this city, wont you Mr. Bancroft?"
Pru's elbow bounced off the rock hard muscles of his torso, as a true smile reached his lips. The titan haired killer seemed to be loosing her focus on the goal again, and Mordechai was glad that inside the illusion, he still had the hardened muscles of his true form. Nothing from Alexandria. This was an odd development. A flicker of concern crossed his face as he reached out to his sireling, the multitalented gypsy mystic Zodiac. He dispensed with his normal humming of 'Black Magic Woman' by Santana, and shot his voice straight at her. The silence from Alexandrea concerned him. "Zo, I get no answer from Alex, what is happening. Where are you guys, not sure how much longer we can stall the puppet, before we have to do something drastic." As Pru turned into him, he realized the taller female was reaching the end of her rope. She must not realize that everything he had done and said so far was for the good of the mission, and he could feel the tension building in her.
As she turned to one of the guards and played with him about his weak human musculature his smile returned. Mordechai knew his partner could break the man in half... with one hand. Giggling again to cover the concern over the fact that now he had received no answer from Zo either, he shot a message into the red heads thoughts. "Neither Alex nor Zo are answering, something is up. I don't know if something is wrong with my power, or if something has happened to keep them too occupied."
The killer was not worried, that emotion was never shown, unless it concerned his beloved kennedy, but concern over the outcome of the mission was definitely there. Seizing on Prudence's quip about a sorority, Mordechai realized that that might be their way out. "I am not happy with operational silence at this point of the mission Pru. Something is wrong, its time for a strategic withdrawal." Pru caught the message and started the break.
Turning into her Mordechai finished the kiss on her soft pale lips, knowing that would be much more distracting to the five men watching them. "Always ready for you Prissy." After staring into her eyes for a few seconds, he snuggled against her as he turned to face the master vampires puppet. "It really would be awesome if you were to come to the party. It starts in thirty minutes at the GSG house at HRU." Including all the men in her smiling gaze she looked into each of the guards eyes in turn, planting a small enthrallment pushing them towards heading to the non-existent party in Newborough.
Raising one hand to her lips she blew a long kiss towards the mayoral wannabee, then giggled again as he led her partner down the hall towards the corner in the direction they had come from, buttocks swinging like a metronome, bumping hips with Pru every fourth step. Rounding the corner he pulled her faster, "Let's move it, we gotta go. Something is up, and we have to get out of here, in case they have caught on." Finally bursting from the doors into the moonlight, he lead the titian haired beauty to the Judge, then hiking the translucent mini up over his hips, he swung aboard the bike. They had parked near the outer edge of the lot, and with a quick glance he assured they were alone. The outline of the busty blonde bimbo started to shimmer, and in her place stood a seven foot one inch, three hundred and ten pound mountain of vampiric killer. A massive New Rock slammed into the starter, as he growled to his partner "Get on Pru, time to roll." The rumbling thunder of his low pitched voice the final change to show he was back.
For the good of the Mission [Pru]
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- Posts: 1697
- Joined: 28 Dec 2011, 23:17
- CrowNet Handle: Mordechai
Re: For the good of the Mission [Pru]
''Si vis pacem, para bellum'' ~*~*~*~*~*~ ''morituri te salutant''
''Deep within the shadows I'm the hungry wolf you fear''
''Si vis pacem, para bellum'' ~*~*~*~*~*~ ''morituri te salutant''
''Deep within the shadows I'm the hungry wolf you fear''
- Registered User
- Posts: 2164
- Joined: 31 Jul 2011, 14:25
Re: For the good of the Mission [Pru]
Concern crossed her features for a second when Mordie started thinking in her mind about the others. She couldn't help it, when something was wrong with a 'mission,' Prudence went to def com mode and wanted to figure it the **** out, fix it and get on with the night. She didn't really know Alex and things with her and Zodiac were strained because of stupid **** between her and CC, but she wouldn't leave them behind in a mission, or throw them under the bus to fix **** on their own. "Let's go, Miranda." Prudence batted her lashes at the other men before Miranda decided to give the guys one last 'push' to whatever agenda Mordie had planned. Bancroft on campus perving on women a quarter of his age? Maybe it would be interesting news, but not unexpected. News lines were often headed with **** like that.
When Miranda's lips caressed Prudence's, the redhead stopped dead in her tracks, all concern for her other partners in crime going right out the window. There was confusion mostly because Prudence wasn't sure why they had to sell something when they were ready to leave anyways. Prudence went along with whatever it was Mordie was planning and planting in their minds, and returned the kiss, one of the arms of the redhead's wrapping around the waist of the woman to keep the two of them close. That was what the men probably wanted and supposedly it was for the good of the mission.
When the kiss was broken, Prudence moved away, slowly. Probably more slowly than she should have because even in the confusion of what was going on, there was something hidden entwined with the confusion. "Wooooah." A hand went to her temple as Prudence tried to get past the whirlwind of strong emotions she was feeling.
Thankfully, those emotions didn't last too long before she was being dragged away, the woman walking slowly as if she were walking through a wall of fog. When they were outside, Mordie dropped the ruse and was now Mordie. She wanted to gag. Prudence had just kissed Mordie. Sort of. Kennedy was going to kill her, even if it was for the 'good of the mission.' Prudence probably would. "Whatever." Prudence growled at him as she inched up the latex skirt and got on back. Since she didn't have a gun, and their comrades were MIA, shooting him was out of the question, for now.
When Miranda's lips caressed Prudence's, the redhead stopped dead in her tracks, all concern for her other partners in crime going right out the window. There was confusion mostly because Prudence wasn't sure why they had to sell something when they were ready to leave anyways. Prudence went along with whatever it was Mordie was planning and planting in their minds, and returned the kiss, one of the arms of the redhead's wrapping around the waist of the woman to keep the two of them close. That was what the men probably wanted and supposedly it was for the good of the mission.
When the kiss was broken, Prudence moved away, slowly. Probably more slowly than she should have because even in the confusion of what was going on, there was something hidden entwined with the confusion. "Wooooah." A hand went to her temple as Prudence tried to get past the whirlwind of strong emotions she was feeling.
Thankfully, those emotions didn't last too long before she was being dragged away, the woman walking slowly as if she were walking through a wall of fog. When they were outside, Mordie dropped the ruse and was now Mordie. She wanted to gag. Prudence had just kissed Mordie. Sort of. Kennedy was going to kill her, even if it was for the 'good of the mission.' Prudence probably would. "Whatever." Prudence growled at him as she inched up the latex skirt and got on back. Since she didn't have a gun, and their comrades were MIA, shooting him was out of the question, for now.

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- Posts: 1697
- Joined: 28 Dec 2011, 23:17
- CrowNet Handle: Mordechai
Re: For the good of the Mission [Pru]
Mordechai released the clutch leaning hard over as he rolled on the throttle. The big bike almost laid down as it spun one hundred eighty degrees, pivoting on a massively muscled leg, anchored by a size fifteen New Rock. A surging thrust of the massive thigh uprighted the bike, flying stones and a roar of power, the only evidence left of its presence in the parking lot. "I do not know what happened to the others, or even if they completed their part of the mission. We held them up as long as we could without having to press the borders of the limits you imposed" The killer forced these words into mind of the titian haired, latex covered killer behind him. The roar of the wind and exhaust as the bike sped from the centre, preventing normal conversation. As the macadam sped beneath the spinning wheels of the Judge, Mordechai ran over the operation in his head looking for anything that could explain what happened, why the others were not contacting them, and if there part had lasted long enough to allow the others to complete their task, or as least to shine an unkind light on the puppet from their actions alone.
He had seen Pru, 'Prissy', pop a few pictures with her smart phone when 'Miranda' had been close to Bancroft, adding those up with the earlier videos from the bikers would surely have some affect. Now it would be up to the other teams to finish him off. They had done their part. Pru had, as expected, performed well. Once the mission had really gotten started she had focused and performed extremely well. She had helped keep both the puppet and his guards occupied, and had actually surprised him when she had all but bared her breast for an autograph. Bringing up the college sorority had been genius, and if his subtle pushes to the men's psyche held and came to fruition, it would tarnish Bancroft's reputation even more.
Mordechai's red headed friend had been the perfect back up, as he knew she would be. They had not sparred in quite some time, but the firmness of her pectoral muscle as he steadied it for the autograph, and the tightness of her gluteals, showed that she was still working out hard, and would have been a valued partner if things had gone south. The only odd think that he had noticed was when he had returned her kiss to draw all the attention of the men on to the two beautiful women before them, and to help push them towards the sorority party in hopes of more, Prudence had spaced out. There were no other terms to describe it. Mordechai had to almost drag her from the building. If he hadn't known better, and he did, after almost four years, he would have sworn she was an allurist like his kennedy, trying to process swirling emotions in her head with the real world forgotten.
The whispered whooooah only added to that conclusion, as the two other times he had given her a polite kiss on the cheek to maintain the illusion that he felt and acted normally, like a human, Pru had run off yelling and scrubbing her fist at her cheek. The tall killer gave a mental shrug as the bike roared towards Pru's country themed bar, the High Noon Saloon. The reaction had been totally out of character for the female killer, but has his mind dwelled on it, and picked at the edges of the puzzle, a light came on in his mind. From rumors he had heard, and from the things he had actually had seen with his own mis-colored eyes, Pru's close relationships with males were, and had been strained and troubled. From her stunned reaction to the kiss, it seemed almost as if she preferred her more intimate actions in the company of other females... and had not even known it herself. Another mental shrugs pushed the thoughts from his mind. No matter who or what she chose, she was still Pru. She would still be his first choice for back up, and he would still defend her with everything at his disposal. She was his friend, and she had brought his kennedy to him. Nothing would change that.
Slowing the Judge he killed the engine and let momentum roll it past the saloon to park in the back lot he favored. They could drop into the back room or her office and debrief what had happened on the mission, and try to contact the others. If she had other things still on her mind, well she would have his support in that as well. "Let us get inside, and decide a course of action. Try to contact the others, and discuss what happened back there."
He had seen Pru, 'Prissy', pop a few pictures with her smart phone when 'Miranda' had been close to Bancroft, adding those up with the earlier videos from the bikers would surely have some affect. Now it would be up to the other teams to finish him off. They had done their part. Pru had, as expected, performed well. Once the mission had really gotten started she had focused and performed extremely well. She had helped keep both the puppet and his guards occupied, and had actually surprised him when she had all but bared her breast for an autograph. Bringing up the college sorority had been genius, and if his subtle pushes to the men's psyche held and came to fruition, it would tarnish Bancroft's reputation even more.
Mordechai's red headed friend had been the perfect back up, as he knew she would be. They had not sparred in quite some time, but the firmness of her pectoral muscle as he steadied it for the autograph, and the tightness of her gluteals, showed that she was still working out hard, and would have been a valued partner if things had gone south. The only odd think that he had noticed was when he had returned her kiss to draw all the attention of the men on to the two beautiful women before them, and to help push them towards the sorority party in hopes of more, Prudence had spaced out. There were no other terms to describe it. Mordechai had to almost drag her from the building. If he hadn't known better, and he did, after almost four years, he would have sworn she was an allurist like his kennedy, trying to process swirling emotions in her head with the real world forgotten.
The whispered whooooah only added to that conclusion, as the two other times he had given her a polite kiss on the cheek to maintain the illusion that he felt and acted normally, like a human, Pru had run off yelling and scrubbing her fist at her cheek. The tall killer gave a mental shrug as the bike roared towards Pru's country themed bar, the High Noon Saloon. The reaction had been totally out of character for the female killer, but has his mind dwelled on it, and picked at the edges of the puzzle, a light came on in his mind. From rumors he had heard, and from the things he had actually had seen with his own mis-colored eyes, Pru's close relationships with males were, and had been strained and troubled. From her stunned reaction to the kiss, it seemed almost as if she preferred her more intimate actions in the company of other females... and had not even known it herself. Another mental shrugs pushed the thoughts from his mind. No matter who or what she chose, she was still Pru. She would still be his first choice for back up, and he would still defend her with everything at his disposal. She was his friend, and she had brought his kennedy to him. Nothing would change that.
Slowing the Judge he killed the engine and let momentum roll it past the saloon to park in the back lot he favored. They could drop into the back room or her office and debrief what had happened on the mission, and try to contact the others. If she had other things still on her mind, well she would have his support in that as well. "Let us get inside, and decide a course of action. Try to contact the others, and discuss what happened back there."
''Si vis pacem, para bellum'' ~*~*~*~*~*~ ''morituri te salutant''
''Deep within the shadows I'm the hungry wolf you fear''
''Si vis pacem, para bellum'' ~*~*~*~*~*~ ''morituri te salutant''
''Deep within the shadows I'm the hungry wolf you fear''
- Registered User
- Posts: 2164
- Joined: 31 Jul 2011, 14:25
Re: For the good of the Mission [Pru]
Prudence snorted and rolled her eyes when Mordie mentioned the limits she imposed. She would probably do just about anything-but screwing some windbag puppet was off the tables. Even Prudence had a limit on some aspects of her life and she didn't feel they needed to go that far. Not when they had a few pictures stacked against the guy. So instead of saying anything or even trying to explain her limits-all Prudence did was poke Mordie in his side with her right index finger before adding a quip, "Maybe next time Miranda can get real close and personal." She cackled, letting him know that she would go along for another scenario like this-but if he wanted to get Bancroft in some action doing the ya-know-what-that was gonna be all on Mordie's shoulders.
They headed back to her saloon, the redhead having long forgotten about the close proximity the two of them shared now that Mordie had changed back to himself and was talking business again. When he parked the bike, the woman didn't take any second to peel her way off the bike and start heading for the bar. She couldn't wait to get out of the cheap, skin-tight dress and into something different. Even if it would have been her old style of clothing. Prudence hadn't needed to change much in the last few months at the bar, so her new wardrobe hadn't trickled over to the spares she kept here in case she had to break up bar fights and her clothes got ripped or bloodied.
"Uh, ok." She shrugged her shoulders, not sure where Mordie was going with this as she pushed open the doors to the western themed bar and held it long enough for him to grab it from her. When they walked a few feet in, Prudence veered to the left and headed to the office. Once she got inside, the redhead opened a large wooden wardrobe and started digging around for some of her clothes. "Get comfy while I get outta this ****." With the door half opened and angled just right from the chair she offered Mordie, he wouldn't really see much-if anything while she changed. With a black skirt picked out and a black t-shirt that had the words, 'Come at me bro,' in white and blue written on it, the redhead ditched the latex outfit and changed into the other. Prudence closed the door and reappeared in plain view of her friend. "Soooo, what's up?"
They headed back to her saloon, the redhead having long forgotten about the close proximity the two of them shared now that Mordie had changed back to himself and was talking business again. When he parked the bike, the woman didn't take any second to peel her way off the bike and start heading for the bar. She couldn't wait to get out of the cheap, skin-tight dress and into something different. Even if it would have been her old style of clothing. Prudence hadn't needed to change much in the last few months at the bar, so her new wardrobe hadn't trickled over to the spares she kept here in case she had to break up bar fights and her clothes got ripped or bloodied.
"Uh, ok." She shrugged her shoulders, not sure where Mordie was going with this as she pushed open the doors to the western themed bar and held it long enough for him to grab it from her. When they walked a few feet in, Prudence veered to the left and headed to the office. Once she got inside, the redhead opened a large wooden wardrobe and started digging around for some of her clothes. "Get comfy while I get outta this ****." With the door half opened and angled just right from the chair she offered Mordie, he wouldn't really see much-if anything while she changed. With a black skirt picked out and a black t-shirt that had the words, 'Come at me bro,' in white and blue written on it, the redhead ditched the latex outfit and changed into the other. Prudence closed the door and reappeared in plain view of her friend. "Soooo, what's up?"

- Registered User
- Posts: 1697
- Joined: 28 Dec 2011, 23:17
- CrowNet Handle: Mordechai
Re: For the good of the Mission [Pru]
Mordechai hear, but ignored Pru's little quip. She should know that he set the mission parameters by her limits, and would not have pushed through them. He followed the titian haired killer across the lot and into the Saloon, his mind still niggling at why he had been unable to reach the other participants of the nights activities. His telepathy had never failed him before. Finally he gave a small shrug, deciding to hunt them down in person, as he knew his voice and ears still worked.
A low growl rumbled up as his partner's outfit garnered a multitude of stares and leers, the quick glances that their owners cast at the massive bad tempered killer silenced the whispering, and the majority found something else of interest quickly. Soon they reached the solitude of her office, and he took her offer of a chair, settling his bulk carefully within its confines.
His mind began replaying the nights events as Pru stepped behind the door of a wardrobe and stripped out of the latex. A momentary flash of pale hip confirmed that the dress was all she had worn, but the teases of hip and elbow that became exposed as she slipped into street clothes did nothing to distract him from his thoughts. Time after time as he went though the actions of all involved the conclusion was the same, short of resorting to physical action of one sort or another, there had been nothing else they could do to prolong the absence of the puppet from the stage.
Finally he turned his attention to his partner as she stepped clear of the wardrobe decked out in a much more modest outfit, the skirt barely above her knee. Mordechai had no true interest in her body, his heart and soul were owned by kennedy, but he couldn't resist a little quip as he tried once more to increase his capacity for humor. "One extreme to the other, no wonder Kayden calls you granny Pru" A quick flash of smile crossed his lips, "You have the granny panties to go with the skirt?" Like an erased chalkboard his countenance immediately blanked, " I do not know what is next, when I leave I am going to search for Zodiac, to my knowledge neither she nor I has ever missed one of the others messages before. We will consider the mission ended. As a solo entity, we completed our assigned objective. It is done."
A low growl rumbled up as his partner's outfit garnered a multitude of stares and leers, the quick glances that their owners cast at the massive bad tempered killer silenced the whispering, and the majority found something else of interest quickly. Soon they reached the solitude of her office, and he took her offer of a chair, settling his bulk carefully within its confines.
His mind began replaying the nights events as Pru stepped behind the door of a wardrobe and stripped out of the latex. A momentary flash of pale hip confirmed that the dress was all she had worn, but the teases of hip and elbow that became exposed as she slipped into street clothes did nothing to distract him from his thoughts. Time after time as he went though the actions of all involved the conclusion was the same, short of resorting to physical action of one sort or another, there had been nothing else they could do to prolong the absence of the puppet from the stage.
Finally he turned his attention to his partner as she stepped clear of the wardrobe decked out in a much more modest outfit, the skirt barely above her knee. Mordechai had no true interest in her body, his heart and soul were owned by kennedy, but he couldn't resist a little quip as he tried once more to increase his capacity for humor. "One extreme to the other, no wonder Kayden calls you granny Pru" A quick flash of smile crossed his lips, "You have the granny panties to go with the skirt?" Like an erased chalkboard his countenance immediately blanked, " I do not know what is next, when I leave I am going to search for Zodiac, to my knowledge neither she nor I has ever missed one of the others messages before. We will consider the mission ended. As a solo entity, we completed our assigned objective. It is done."
''Si vis pacem, para bellum'' ~*~*~*~*~*~ ''morituri te salutant''
''Deep within the shadows I'm the hungry wolf you fear''
''Si vis pacem, para bellum'' ~*~*~*~*~*~ ''morituri te salutant''
''Deep within the shadows I'm the hungry wolf you fear''