It was like knocking on heaven’s door and then being ripped back down to earth later on. It was something that only another person with a near death experience could really understand. That was the power of the drugs, not just to feel good but to create unique memories. Level the playing field. A junkie was a junkie no matter what life they led before. For a man who had grown up with nothing but a shitty father and a shitfaced mother, that was like power.
There was beauty in the world two people could make together.
“Nah. Corpses smell terrible.” The look he shot the other man practically dared Robin to shine a negative light on Jameson’s scent. It was teasing, of course. “I think it’s different for some vampires than it is for others. Like I think that some are closer to death than others. Judas, Morama’s loverboy, looks a lot more like a corpse than I do, and he has a couple of zombies he keeps as…pets? I’m not sure, but yeah. Someone like him, he’s very close to death. Me? I think I’m too grounded in the physical world, and living, and human stuff to really, fully give myself over to the other side.” He shrugged as he worked, and a couple of seconds later, he had the blunt rolled. He leaned to pop the thing into the corner of a mouth before he reached for the lighter. There was this snick-sound as the flint and metal hit then a flame burst from the top.
“I don’t feel all that different from how I used to. I don’t have to eat, but I like to. I’m stronger and faster than I was. I can break into places and get out with so much ease that it’s freakin’ ridiculous. You know that ‘Hanged Man’ thief on the news? The one that always leaves behind a tarot card? That’s me. But shh; it’s a secret.” He continued even as he lit the end of the blunt until the paper and herb inside had burned to ash and it glowed a fiery red. He licked over his lips as the scent of it began to spread. He then slumped against Robin’s side, leaning into his body so that he didn’t drool like some kind of weirdo.
“Most of the time I just feel like I can take on the whole world. It feels like I can do anything.”