"And so we begin," the girl placed a finger on top of the deck. She pulled the first card and looked at it for several moments before laying it to her upper left on the table. "This and the next card normally get buried by the third card, so I prefer to leave them out for easy reference for us both," she explained. "The card that will represent you will be the Queen of Wands. A radiant individual who draws attention to themselves without even trying. The Queen is a force of nature almost, yet not mindless at all. Skillful and successful in the things she attempts. You attract others who put value on your thoughts and judgments, even if what you say is not to their liking. Cocky, yet charismatic in one. When she knows what she wants, she doesn't sit and wonder or whine about it- she goes for it." Zodiac nodded. "No insults implied, but that does sound like you in some ways."
A second card was pulled and laid next to the queen. "The first card in your story. This one tells us what is the atmosphere surrounding your current issue. The Ten of Pentacles. A card of wealth or prosperity." The girl focused on it for a few moments before continuing. "By itself, it can be the 'happy ever after' card. A sign of success. Things go just the way you want them to. But where it has decided to appear suggests this is what you are pondering now, so your questions must be based on will this hold true. I mean, anything you have put yourself to has pretty much worked for you at least financially, but this is not about monetary success I think. You may be working your way through a bad patch in your life now or just starting what you hope is something for the better. Your mindset is basically will this new endeavor work out for you as you hope it will."
Zodiac paused and jotted on her notepad that basically was her words condensed next to the names of the cards she had done so far, then took a third card from the deck and sat it in the center of the table alone. "The problem or the obstacle that stands in your way. When a card falls here despite the fact the card sounds good, it really isn't. And another queen. The Queen of Pentacles. Like the Wand queen, she is a success story as well. She is a generous sort. Helping others, providing shelter for those who she feels needs it. Steadfast, practical. Not afraid of getting your hands dirty if the goal is worth her whiles." Again, the girl focused on the card in silence for a few moments as she took a quick sip from her cup. "This is odd and possibly conflicting, to be honest. You are already some of these things," she reached up and tapped the Wand Queen. "And things do work out," her hand moved to the Ten of Pentacles. "So why would more success be a bad thing? My gut is telling me you are questioning what you have achieved so far. Is this all there is? Is there more out there to be had? Too much of a good thing? What is missing from this picture? In that, the Pentacle Queen makes perfect sense in this spot of the layout."
She looked up at Phoenix as she considered her own words and for a brief moment felt something she normally would never even consider for her guest. She felt sorry for her.

Modding/movement of Nix discussed and agreed upon by both players.