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Re: Dedicated Hackers
Posted: 27 Oct 2014, 03:03
by Mordechai
Cassandra wrote:
EXP seems somewhat unrelated to payout amount for me. I think that 9k hack was 180-190 EXP, and I've gotten 210 exp for 4k hacks. It makes me think that EXP is less-randomly tied to SecLvl than file value is, but I'm not making another spreadsheet and SecLvl only shows up once briefly at the beginning of a hack - and really doesn't make any pragmatic difference. If it's a Business/Evidence hack, I'm just hacking it no matter what SecLvl it is, and if I'm doing my Randoms for the day, I'm (personally) more concerned about file value so I rush right over to the Admin node to run Evaluate.
For Hacking Raids, what exactly causes one to spawn? Like, do you have to physically be at a particular place in the city? Do they just randomly happen when you're attempting to start a certain kind of hack? The announcement intentionally doesn't describe anything about them, there isn't any information in the Wiki, I haven't run across a thread...
1} hack raids come randomly while you are hacking. if there is one running, it will show when you download a file. It will say something like ''file ****.*** was downloaded. you also heard about a relic blahblahblah more info can be found at 'this company inc.' at which point you do a sabo atack on that company. in a raid, your moves are cut down, intell doesnt change it. if i recall you start with 15 moves. you need to find a switch and run switcher, then goto an admin, and 'connect' that puts you on next floor, ALWAYS run pacify, before you connect.
2} xp and value have no bearing on each other xp is a function of sec level and number of files downloaded, nothing else so if you get the system with 2 file nodes, or only 1-2 files per node, or low sec lvl, your xp is low.
Standard hack 40 + (# files transferred × 6) + (security × 4)
Training hack 20 EXP
Business hack 20 EXP
Evidence hack Varies
Unsuccessful hack (any type) 0 EXP
Scripting Varies
Re: Dedicated Hackers
Posted: 27 Oct 2014, 04:09
by Temperance Avila
Been hacking since the game started, something I look forward to everyday. Congrats on leaderboard high, I'm trying to get there myself. I'll look you up when I'm online next.
Re: Dedicated Hackers
Posted: 27 Oct 2014, 04:50
by Madison
Mordechai wrote:Cassandra wrote:
EXP seems somewhat unrelated to payout amount for me. I think that 9k hack was 180-190 EXP, and I've gotten 210 exp for 4k hacks. It makes me think that EXP is less-randomly tied to SecLvl than file value is, but I'm not making another spreadsheet and SecLvl only shows up once briefly at the beginning of a hack - and really doesn't make any pragmatic difference. If it's a Business/Evidence hack, I'm just hacking it no matter what SecLvl it is, and if I'm doing my Randoms for the day, I'm (personally) more concerned about file value so I rush right over to the Admin node to run Evaluate.
For Hacking Raids, what exactly causes one to spawn? Like, do you have to physically be at a particular place in the city? Do they just randomly happen when you're attempting to start a certain kind of hack? The announcement intentionally doesn't describe anything about them, there isn't any information in the Wiki, I haven't run across a thread...
1} hack raids come randomly while you are hacking. if there is one running, it will show when you download a file. It will say something like ''file ****.*** was downloaded. you also heard about a relic blahblahblah more info can be found at 'this company inc.' at which point you do a sabo atack on that company. in a raid, your moves are cut down, intell doesnt change it. if i recall you start with 15 moves. you need to find a switch and run switcher, then goto an admin, and 'connect' that puts you on next floor, ALWAYS run pacify, before you connect.
That is incorrect about starting moves. Hacking raids
do cut your moves down but it is not to 15. Mad starts a hacking raid with 20 or 21 moves which is roughly half of what her normal moves in a system are.
Re: Dedicated Hackers
Posted: 27 Oct 2014, 11:08
by Cassandra
First good reason I've ever heard for raising Intel above 20.
Re: Dedicated Hackers
Posted: 04 Nov 2014, 04:09
by Cassandra
Good News: Beat a Hacking Raid
Bad News: about 24 hours after dishing out big bucks for the exact same artifact I got
Re: Dedicated Hackers
Posted: 04 Nov 2014, 04:11
by Phoenix
>.> Nix's evil
Re: Dedicated Hackers
Posted: 04 Nov 2014, 04:19
by Cassandra
Phoenix wrote:>.> Nix's evil
You like dis post.
And precognizant, apparently. That's gotta come in handy in business.

Re: Dedicated Hackers
Posted: 04 Nov 2014, 04:20
by Cassandra
David, can I have someone with Crafting weld two Monocles together into a pair of glasses so at least I can be broke and stylin'
Trying to imagine Cass bombing around the Sanctum wearing a monocle like, "Pip ho, cheerio old boy *taps a few keys* right shame about your offshore bank accounts, it is, quite right"
Edit: fake indie nerd reading glasses fitted with a plastic lens in one side and a monocle in the other. BOOM. copyrighted.
Re: Dedicated Hackers
Posted: 04 Nov 2014, 17:35
by Sundial
Congrats on the raid win!