As the Spawns Spit, Spew and Sputter

For all descriptive play-by-post roleplay set anywhere in Harper Rock (main city).
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Re: As the Spawns Spit, Spew and Sputter

Post by Doc »

"--The following transcript was a live chat roleplay--"

Doc: *Doc texted Klara, he waited a few days, because he knew things were fresh for Klara. But time moved on and he waited enough.* *Text* Can we meet?

Klara: *She felt her phone buzz and looked at it not wanting to talk to anyone she saw it was Doc and texted back* Sure

Doc: *text* Can we meet at the Lab? I have an office we will have privacy.

Doc: *Doc waited at the lab. He told Jane his oldest daughter was coming to visit him. Jane gave him a look. "That tattoed one?" Doc sighed, "No the pretty one. The one you haven't met yet. Let her in and show her to my office. And for **** sake. Be nice."*

Klara: *Klara found her way to the lab, never having been here before, she wasn't sure where to go. She saw a lady and telling them that she was there to see Doc. She promptly shown to his office, she thanked the lady walking in she saw him and smiled* You needed to see me?

Doc: Doc came forward and pulled her into a brief hug. He wasn't a demonstrative man, but klara was, and he wanted to show he did care. "Yes.. " He released her, and gestured to a chair. "Have a seat." He leaned up against his desk. There was maybe less than a meter between them. "There are two reasons I wanted to see you. First.. I wanted to know 'you' were. Not if you are dealing.. or if you are .. existing.. but .. how you.. the person I know as Klara.. how you are.:"

Klara: *she hugged him back knowing how special a hug from him was. She took a seat looking up at him.* It is what it is. I sent him a letter today, I told him my issues for the 25th time and told him I hoped he'd try to come for me but he won't. After a couple nights ago he changed his story again and conveniently forgot the incident. If it is in support of me he can't remember if it's in support of her he remembers all the details. Even knowing I'm cursed with the truth and can't lie, it still means nothing. I'm hurt and I'm sad and I want to die but I'm moving forward

Doc: "Well ****.. " Doc drew a deep unneeded breath. He had hoped that Simon had a set of balls. Well **** that. He was apparently, still trying to 'salvage' **** with lies. That stupid ***. He failed to realize that all he had to do, was admit to Klara he was wrong and she would cave. Well thank god he was a ******* dip ****. Klara deserved so much ******* more. However, this made part two .. so much ******* harder. But part two could come later. "Klara." He pressed his lips together, "Darlin', you have gone through so much. And you have held your head high. You haven't digressed to name calling or insulting.. and I am so proud of that. It will get better."

Klara: *she raised an eyebrow getting a sneaking suspicion that something she didn't like was going to be dropped in her lap. She took her pistol out of the back of her pants and laid it on her lap, tired of it biting into her back she shifted positions getting comfortable waiting for the other shoe to drop* Thank you, but what is name calling going to do? They both have responsibility in this and I'd rather she step up and tell him that he needs to work on his marriage and not lie to me and he needs to get a ******* clue. Calling names won't accomplish either.

Doc: *He saw her dump the gun in her lap and he couldn't help but smile. A genuine smile. The girl had a streak after his own. "Not a ******* thing. Most people do not realize that. That is the go-to-reaction for most hurt, wounded, wronged parties. Insult, rail, regrade the other party." He grinned with true appreciation. "But not you. You stick to the issues..." He looked at her and he realized there was no good way to broach having her and Renee speak. The grin widened. Klara was too much like him. That would be a bloodbath waiting to happen. As much as he would like the world to see jsut how much damage Klara could do... He knew that would not help Klara. He held out a hand, part two forgotten. "I am proud of you."

Klara: *She looked at his hand, then down to her lap then back up* Thanks that means a lot. So apparently whatever it is you called me here for you're worried I'm going to hurt you so do you just want this one or everything I'm carrying?

Doc: "No.. I was approached to make an offer.. and I don't care if you hurt me. That is my role as your sire. When You can best me.. you do not need me anymore. But when I cause you pain.. YOu also don't need me anymore. You're hurting.. and I am not cause you pain."

Klara: *her eyes narrowed, everything in her screaming at her to walk out or shoot him in the mouth. If he couldn't talk he couldn't tell her. She knew it wasn't Simon. Simon wasn't about to come to Doc, she and Kenlie seemed to be getting along and there was no one else she had an issue with so she had a feeling she knew. She clenched her fist, having a good idea what the next words out of his mouth were going to be. She laid handed the gun to him.* If you're going to say what I think you're going to say, you are definitely going to want to hold onto this for me.

Doc: "You aren't ready. Too fresh too soon." He grimaced. "**** me .. I am male .. we're not as ******* emotional as females. That's half our trouble. " He looked at her, "You know the other half? We want to fix to things. We want to make things better." he sighed "That's what I was trying to do. .. But I can see .. nothing I can do at this point will make things better."

Klara: *She sighed* "Just tell me. It's not going to matter if its now or later. I might as well get all the painful **** down at once then I can fully put it all behind me rather than wondering when the next shoe is going to drop.

Doc: "Klara.. trust me .. it will. And I am not going to do that to you. Things do not have to be done.. .in others time. Its your call... your time. IF you don't know.. ignorance is bliss. There is a reason for that saying. trust me. There is. You don't want this right now. And even if you push. I am not doing that to you. Because I care. *I* will not be the one pushes you over the edge. *I* am the one that pulls you back."

Klara: I have a choice whether to accept the offer or not correct? Then if I still have a choice whether I want to do this or not then shouldn't it be my choice to accept, reject, or think about the offer?

Doc: Doc shook his head. It was slow decisive negative action. "You aren't ready." He drew a breath, "So many decisions I would have made different .. if I was given the luxury of time. I am giving you .. that luxury."

Klara: Don't. I need this all done at once. Since you are fighting so hard to not tell me, my guess is the offer has come from Renee. So what is the offer? She'll let me have him every other weekend and holidays?

Doc: "Klara.. " he shook his head, "You don't want to do this. He's fucked over.. you know.. I believe.. he fucked her too. You aren't ready to hear it."

Klara: *She stood and walked standing behind the chair, leaning over, her hands on the back supporting her.* Look I know she's your friend but she's not the innocent you or he thinks she is. She has your....well, lying issues. You lie to me once I'll give it to you, you lie to me twice I stop trusting your words, you lie to others about what I said, you show your lack of character. She has done all three. And I would love to hear it to what version she's telling this week.

Klara: *She looked down closing her eyes calming herself* Look I need to know everything incase he does grow a pair and come after me. I need to know it all.

Doc: *Doc laughed* I know Renee. I will not say she is a friend. ****. I can count my .. * he makes quote fingers* "friends on three fingers. Three" He smirks ruefully, "Those three.. would probably **** me over if they get the chance.." He gestures his arms wide, "She rates as a business associate. Business. Which is why I say.. YOU aren't ready. Why? I am not banking on her. I am not banking on him. IF.. and that is a huge ******* IF.. IF I had to bank on one of those two only.. She would get my money. I am sorry.. but your husband is a ******* lame *** wimp." He gathered himself, "IF. IF he does come after you.. and you fall for that ******* ****? You ******* deserve what you get."

Klara: *she smiled* Do you know what the offer is? I'd rather hear what you know then I'll be honest and tell you if I'm ready

Doc: Doc gives her a grim look. "She wants to speak to you. To you ..with a third party present. Someone to mediate. Not attached to her.. not attached to you." He gave her a look. "You aren't ready for that." A grim look. "I know this.. because You and Simon haven't come to terms. Until you and he have terms.. you and she do not need to meet. Not at all."

Klara: *she shrugged acting much more colder emotionally than she felt.* There are no terms. I left. He doesn't believe me or care about my feelings, he isn't going to change his mind, he can't live without her but apparently can me. It's all very simple, very cut and dried. There is no third party in this city that would not be tied to us one way or another. There are only two people I trust in a meeting like that would be you or Zodiac. You have no problem calling my *** on the carpet if need be. There is no ******* reason to drag my marriage and explain things to a total stranger. Conversation or not even if he does come back to me, she is still not going to be in his life for a very long while.

Klara: He doesn't come back to me, she can **** him six ways to Sunday and I don't care

Doc: 'Why do you think I said .. that you don't need to meet with her?" He squatted so he could look in her eyes. "Darlin.. " he lays his hand to his chest, "Why do you think I said you weren't ready.. ? Because I know you aren't. And I am not here to make you hurt." He looked at her. "Darlin.. I will tell them its a no go. They can ******* believe what they want. You mean more to me than Him."

Klara: *she looked at him* Them? They? Who is them and they and what do they believe?

Doc: "The ones behind the request. Will I tell you who 'they' are? No. Why? Because,...Sweetpea.. *ignorance*..yes.. ignorance is bliss. You have too much on you right now. Let me carry this for you. And if you say no.. ******* shoot me."

Klara: This is my decision to make but I need information to make this decision. I need to know who is behind the request. I'm really not as unreasonable as Crissy paints me out to be.

Doc: It is your decision. *he nods* Crissy knows who it is. Ask her. Because I will not tell you until I know you can deal with it appropriately.

Klara: *her eyes darkened for a moment* I won't ask her. You ask her anything and she always gets in the middle and just makes it worse. I know Simon and she was pushing for this. I know I can deal with appropriately if you tell me, it's not knowing that causes me to start imagining horrible things and that is when I jump to conclusions and bad things happen.

Doc: Doc sighed a long suffering sigh,. "Why must you too, question me?" He has only ever put those he considers 'his' first. But time after time; Kenlie, Catherine, and now Klara... has presumed that he has shirked that responsibility. Alright she thinks she needs a more attentive sire. SO BE IT. "Just say the word Klara.. I will release you to another."

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Re: As the Spawns Spit, Spew and Sputter

Post by Klara »

"--The following transcript was a live chat roleplay--"

Klara: *rubbed her temples* I do trust you but I have always had to handle things myself. I was raised to get the facts and make decisions. Facing the woman my husbands has put before me is a huge decision. There are just a couple things about this that bother me. If you know her why didn't she come herself to you? Why the need for someone else to put in the request. That makes think that either she's having this same conversation with someone and she most likely is being told I wanted to talk to her which means there is no reason for a meeting or you rejected speaking to her once but that isn't like you at all, you're more of the "**** off you're crazy" type of person, or she's afraid you'd kill her. I don't mean to question you, it's just where I grew up, details kept you alive. The last time I didn't have details I pass info that helped to set into motion 9-11 when I was a child. I still carry that guilty and have just learned to know facts.

Doc: "Darlin.. there is too much anger in your heart. That is why you have so many questions. You do not want to see it. And as much as I want to protect you from it, I have to say.. you are laying blame on the wrong person. I am sorry. I wish I could prove him upright. But I cannot. I see and things, you do not want to hear. You want to believe in him. everyone else ... does not. even his sire. I wont lie for him. I wont lie for you. He is not worth it.

Klara: *she shook her head* No, there really isn't anger. When I realized that I pitied him, my anger died. When I realized that he couldn't put aside his own wants to keep what is supposedly his hearts desire. I know how hard he tried to change his reputation and had started to turn it around, he had really made some huge changes in life he's willing to throw it all away, he's willing to throw me away to have what he wants. It's sad and I pity him. I can I be angry at someone who is so blind they are willing to give up everything just to have their own way. The only thing in my heart is hurt and that will take a long time to heal if it ever does.

Doc: "klara .. Darlin.. I would never propose something that would hurt you. When I said I would propose this.. it was with the belief it would help you get past this. But you are not ready." He looked at her, "It would make my life easier if you were.. BUT you aren't. And I am not going to force you. So ******* hate me .. if you want too. It is my role to be hated for your own good.."

Klara: I am ready to get past this, though I'm not sure how talking with Renee or whoever is going to make anything better. I know they weren't having sex, I know they were flirting with one another. He is obsessed with her for some reason and the only thing that she could do to help that would be to tell him to **** off but from what he's told me she's upset they can't be friends and thinks I'm a ***** for being upset with him. I do blame her for some it, she has done crap that she shouldn't have but I blame him more because he allowed it to continue and it was he that shoved me to the side. Trust me, I know who's at fault in this. I even have to take a small part of the blame myself but it all still boils down to he wants what he wants and now he can have it.

Doc: Doc almost wanted to hug her.. almost. "LIke I said.. too much anger. Which means.." He gave her a hard look. A hard knowing look. "Too much emotion." He looked at her. "Emotion is a ******* foible. A weak link." He stared at her, hoping she got his message as he spoke slowly and clearly, "A way to hit you at your weakest point." He stopped for a long period. "I .. do not want you ... exposed." A short respite, "Do we understand?"

Klara: *she nodded* I do trust you and you're right, I am still too emotional right now. I have no issues with you meeting with them if you feel that's the best. I trust you.

Doc: "Darlin I am not speaking for you. Only you can do that. I will just buy you time to gain your strength. I have faith in you.

Klara: *she rolled her shoulders and shiver ran down her spine* There will be no point in the future. You and I both know that. He's not going to come and I'm finally coming to terms with that and doing my best to accept it.

Doc: Doc leaned forward to gently take her chin in his grip, "Klara. You think that is the end. *I* believe that is your release... You will not fly until you see that."

Klara: *she looked up at him, tears forming in her eyes as she looked at him* In time I'm sure I'll feel that way but haven't you ever loved someone so deeply that live didn't seem to possible to live without them? That's what Simon is to me and I have to find a way to stop loving him

Doc: "No.. I haven't. And I am not asking you to stop loving him. I am asking you to let him go.. If you love him.. you will let him go."

Klara: *nodded* I'll always love him, he will always be in my heart. How do I let go of something I already lost?

Doc: If you truly love him.. letting him going isnt a problem. You will know its what is best for him.

Klara: And what if I know I am the best for him?

Doc: Ah.. Darlin.. you cannot speak for another. You can only speak for yourself. If he does recognize you as his best. NOTHING you can do.. will change his mind.
Klara: *she nodded* And that's why he now holds my ring *she looked at her ringer once again closing her eyes* and why we are now separated. I'm not waiting for him. If he wants to talk I will talk. Yes I would like it work out but if I was enough for him we wouldn't be having this conversation. I'm moving on, living my life. I'm not going to sit and wait. He wanted time, he has all the time he wants.

Doc: *Baby.. Darlin.. You are not moving on. You are waiting. You are praying.. that he will come after you. You say you aren't waiting.. but you are. I wish I could make it better for you. You are stagnant. You are forcing yourself to remain immobile."

Klara: *she blinked looking at him, confused* I am praying yes, but why do you say I'm waiting? How am I immobile? Am I really doing that?

Doc: *Doc squatted on his haunches, so that he looked up to her, rather than down. "I am sorry.. but you are. You are blind to the effects he had forced on you. It is not something I relish telling you"

Klara: *she looked at him reaching out to caress his face and kissed his cheek* Thank you for telling me. I need to hear things from someone I trust and love. I came to you to take me into your family because you are brutally honest and you understand sometimes people need to die. I need your honesty in my life. I know you're not perfect but you’re close enough for me, you're what I need in my life. Never hold back, I am a realist even though I dream, I need the brutally honest truth

Doc: He pressed his lips together in a resigned gesture. She understood. "I am here for 'YOU'. Whenever you need me."

Klara: Tell me what I need to do?

Doc: "I wish could. But I am not soothsayer. I am a ******* asshole.. that pisses people off."

Klara: *she smiled* That you are but a lovable asshole. I trust you, if you say this is bad then I trust you and I will forget about. I met someone the other night. I swear he has to be your brother.

Doc: *He looks at her, his eyes are hard" If his name is Robert,,.. or any variation.. ******* shoot him."

Klara: *she blinked* No his name is Dragon. I was a little drunk *she looked then looked taking ownership of her stupid behavior* I was ******* drunk of my gourd. A whole bottle of Tequila pretty much guzzled. He came in, from what I remember he asked why I was drunk, I told him a little bit, he told me I was weak and had no backbone and to go kill Renee and maybe do the same to Simon. I drew my sword he told me I was fool to be getting drunk over a man who would be that way to me. I swore he was channeling you. It creeped me out. We're having drinks so I can apologize for being a pathetic drunk. It's the last time that happens.

Doc: "Dragon? I don't know a Dragon. You must have been really ******* drunk."

Klara: I was. He's brand new to the city I guess. Not sure of his story.

Doc: "You sure he isn’t a figment of your imagination?"

Klara: *she laughed* I hope not because I'm meeting him and I will look pretty stupid. You should thank him though. When he said almost word for word what you said, it was like a slap in the face and I knew it was time to start making the total break. I promise I will work on the hoping and praying. Trust me time is helping with that because in my opinion if you know you're losing someone why the hell do you need days to lick your wounds? Every minute that goes past not hearing from is killing my hope. It's a process Doc. I can't do it all in one day but slowly he's digging his own grave with me

Doc: "well if he has made you realize something I could not.. he has my thanks." He reached up to caress her face, "You deserve so much more than what Simon -ever- gave you."

Klara: *nodded* I'm starting to realize that. Thinking back to how many times he just caved to Crissy instead of fighting for what he wanted, for what we wanted. Even getting together it took him forever to decided if he loved me or Emily more. I do deserve a man who only has eyes for me, believes me when I tell them something, I mean for fucks sake I can't lie. I deserve a man that sticks up for me rather than a friend. I am starting to see it. It's always been me that fought for us. Crissy has put us through hell and he caved every time. When I put the contract on Crissy, he actually sold me out and told her I was the knowing there was a good chance she would kill me. Yeah, I do deserve something better.

Doc: "I am sorry I could not be the one to make you realize it. You are worthy of so much more"

Klara: You did make me realize it, I just didn't want to admit it to myself. Having a total stranger say exactly what you said left me no choice but to admit it.

Doc: "It doesn't matter who really.. As long as YOU know this"

Klara: I do know it. I just always made excuses. *she looked down picking at the bottom of her shirt* It was just easier to lie to myself that he loved me as much as I loved him

Doc: Doc leaned forward and pressed a kiss to her forehead. "You know now. You can start to heal. "

Klara: *she smiled and nodded* I do realize that and that is why if he does show up I'm not bending.

Doc: 'That's my girl." He smirked crookedly.

Klara: *she smirked* I still may kill him

Doc: "If you need too.."
Safe in his arms
Don't dwell on what went wrong. Instead, focus on what to do next. Spend your energies on moving forward toward finding the answer. ~ Denis Waitley
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Re: As the Spawns Spit, Spew and Sputter

Post by Doc »

"--The following transcript was a live chat roleplay--"

Doc: The feline exited the catacombs, made it's way to its lair in the mausoleum, where the Puma shifted back to it's bipedal form. Doc paced back and forth in the chamber, as he tried to plot his next action. He didn't like seeing her break down and cry like that. Had Victor been a ******* *** again? And would she thank him for getting involved? No she told him to butt the **** out. He noticed his cell was blinking. He reached for it and saw it was a text from her. It was simple, Happy Thanksgiving.. then the next one, 'miss you'. **** him. Was crying over him? **** He texted back "Was it happy? Mine sucked. Sorry about my temper." He hit send. He could have said he missed her too, he had even typed it out, but erased it. He couldn't do that, it was too needy.

Kenlie Santos: She'd been asleep for a little while when the sudden sound of her phone going off roused her from her nap. Fumbling around, she grabbed hold of the device and unlocked her screen so she could see the messages. Part of her was upset that it wasn't Victor -- she was more worried about him than anything. But... Doc didn't hate her enough to completely cut her out. That relieved her more than he'd know. Yawning, she tapped out a reply. "Mine did too. I probably deserved it."

Doc: Doc read the text and he got angry all over again. But this time it was directed at himself. He had never meant to make her think she ever deserved to treated badly. That was the point of their fight. It was because He wanted her treated with respect! He dialed her number. He had nip this fast. There was no way he was going to let Kenlie allow herself to take the blame. He probably should have waited to call her, until he knew exactly how to say it properly.. **** it was already ringing..

Kenlie Santos: Kenlie's 'brows furrowed as her screen lit up with his name. 'Charles', not 'Doc'. She wasn't used to him calling her unless he was really worried, like the time she had dropped off the face of the earth for a few months and had been perpetually wasted for so long that she couldn't remember her own college graduation. After a deep breath, she hit the green button to pick up the call and placed the phone to her ear. "Hi..."

Doc: He heard her voice, it sounded tired. "Hello Carmen.." He had no idea how to tell her she didn't need to take the weight of the world on her shoulders. "You didn't deserve anything but good things. The fight .. was because I .." He paused, "I don't want you disrespected. Whether you believe he did or not.. you're my baby. I never want to hear my baby struggling like you did that night... And then.." He sighed, "That child came in.. and well.. I apologize for my anger at you. It should have been directed elsewhere."

Kenlie Santos: Her lips parted to form an apology, but before the words could leave the tip of her tongue he was on a tangent. She closed her mouth and listened. When he called her his baby, she had to press a fist to her mouth to keep something back, whether it was a sound or simply a tremble of her lips. Kenlie tried to sniff softly, so he didn't hear. "We're working things out with Kaelyn as best we can... she didn't come with a manual. Neither of us have ever been parents, or been responsible for someone else, so we're... trying. He's trying." She shook that subject off with a shake of her head and closed her eyes. "But... struggling?"

Doc: "Yes struggling! I heard you flailing about. Things crashing. Cursing him." He stopped abruptly, he started getting upset again. He counted. His voice was a bit a more calm when he started again. "It is true I didn't know the full situation.. but the ******* smug look on his face.. pissed me the off." He tried counting again. He sighed. "I apologize."

Kenlie Santos: "Doc..."
Kenlie Santos: She pressed her lips together for a moment. This seriously wasn't a conversation that she should have with her sire and the man who may as well be her father, but... **** it. There wasn't really another way to explain it.

Kenlie Santos: "First of all... the bar was close to closing time and I really didn't think you would show up... second of all... I'm what people call..." She trailed off for a second, bit her tongue, rubbed her lips, then sighed.

Kenlie Santos: "... you know what a submissive is, yes?"

Doc: What more did she want? He ******* apologized. Count. ******* COUNT! As she started speaking again, he ramped right back up to anger. "**** that! Submissive means that the Dominant has to look out for the submissive.. not ******* degrade them!"

Doc: "If you think otherwise.. you are mistaken."

Kenlie Santos: She sighed. "I accept your apology, even though you really don't need to apologize because you don't understand it..."

Kenlie Santos: "I didn't feel degraded. Actually, had it not started a huge fight, I would have found it ******* hilarious."

Kenlie Santos: "I talked back to him... a lot. He worked me up, bound me, and walked away unexpectedly. I totally had it coming."

Kenlie Santos: "He didn't lay his hands on me wrong. He didn't call me names... Nothing like that."

Doc: Doc laughed softly, "I don't? Baby.. I understand the proper way it should be. If all you have experienced is the degradation.. of course you would defend it. Because you have probably been taught to. And based on his face.. he is into degradation. He walked away to punish, i,e, degrade you. That is not the master role. I know the master's role. I know it well."

Kenlie Santos: "Not something I've been taught... no. Something that I like, yes." She crinkled her nose. "Different submissives have different quirks and different needs. You should know that, too."

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Kenlie (DELETED 4989)
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Re: As the Spawns Spit, Spew and Sputter

Post by Kenlie (DELETED 4989) »

--The following transcript was a live chat roleplay--

Doc: "Agreed.. and a good master.. knows how to please without being ******* degrading. Think on that."

Kenlie Santos: "And no, it's not all I've experienced. But do we really have to get into that?"

Kenlie Santos: "He does."

Kenlie Santos: "You have absolutely no idea the love and care he's shown me. How could you?"

Kenlie Santos: "All you see is a silly boy toying with your daughter."

Kenlie Santos: "Not saying I blame you... but am I wrong?"

Doc: "I do not want you disrespected." He counted. "What happens in your sex life.. as long as it stays .. there.. is not my concern. When it is opened up to the public like the other night. It becomes my problem. It will always be my problem."

Kenlie Santos: "Okay..." she murmured, her tone apologetic as she quieted down. "It won't happen again."

Doc: "Carmen.. respect yourself. Hold your head up high. Be your own person."

Kenlie Santos: She blinked. "You think I don't respect myself?"

Kenlie Santos: "You think I'm..."

Doc: "I want you to know .. that I am here for you. Always."

Kenlie Santos: "Are you saying that because you want me to know you're not going to disown me... or because you think I'm being unfair to myself?"

Doc: 'I am not going to ******* disown you. I get ******* angry and say **** I don't mean."

Kenlie Santos: "I know."

Kenlie Santos: "When you asked if I was releasing you... that really upset me more than anything that night."

Kenlie Santos: "But I know how you are because I get that way, too."

Doc: "As soon as I said I regretted it.. I didn't want to push it.. but ****.. something.. makes me."

Kenlie Santos: "I get it..."

Doc: "Thank you .. I really didn't mean it. I know it doesn't make it better. But its true.”

Kenlie Santos: "I know. I do. Why did your Thanksgiving suck? Do you even celebrate Thanksgiving?"

Doc: "Well first.. Canadian thanksgiviing is in October.. and second.. it did suck cause .. I thought you hated me."

Kenlie Santos: "I'm aware... I am Canadian."

Kenlie Santos: "And no... I don't hate you."

Doc: "I am glad you don't hate me. .. You and Dominique are sisters. I thought you were 'american' too."

Kenlie Santos: "Born in New York, yeah. But I was raised here."

Kenlie Santos: "Better healthcare."

Doc: *He laughed* You keep telling yourself that.

Kenlie Santos: She rolled her eyes a bit. "Okay... cheaper healthcare. If you saw my family, you'd understand."

Doc: When you have to wait six months to get a specialist to look at you.. you wouldnt think its better.. cheaper yes.. I will give you that. But if you have an aggressive tumor.. you're ******* screwed"

Kenlie Santos: "I know."

Doc: "Luckily.. we dont have to worry about that.”

Kenlie Santos: "Anymore."

Doc: "Baby.. I was looking out for you.. before..."

Kenlie Santos: "What?"

Doc: "Why do you think I called you?"

Kenlie Santos: "Today...?" She was confused.

Doc: "No.. before you had your accident."

Kenlie Santos: "When I fell off the face of the earth," she murmured. Now it made sense.

Doc: "Yes."

Kenlie Santos: "Thank you..."

Doc: "I started caring for you.. that first day.. I didn't want anything from you.. except for you to be happy"

Kenlie Santos: "But why?"

Doc: "Why? Baby.. you are loveable.. as you are. Why else?"

Kenlie Santos: She stayed quiet for a moment, smiling into her hand. Then it faltered, and she thought outloud. "Do you care about Dominique?"

Doc: "Of course I do.. why would you wonder that? I went to extremes to get her..."

Kenlie Santos: "I don't know everything about it... but I know that much..."

Doc: "I don't think she realizes.. She thinks I hate her.. I do not."

Kenlie Santos: "You need to show her that... I'm not sure how, but you do."

Doc: "I've ******* tried. You don't think I have? She just gives me that look. So I keep her space. I watch from afar."

Kenlie Santos: "Okay, okay... Okay."

Doc: "At least from afar.. I can see her.."

Doc: "I push too much .. she will ******* cut me off."

Kenlie Santos: "I know."

Kenlie Santos: "What if... I initiated?"

Doc: "Baby.. I doubt you can.. but give it your best shot."

Kenlie Santos: "I will!" She grinned.

Doc: Doc smiled at how excited she sounded, the smiled faded as he knew she would not succeed. But he wasn't going to tell her that . "I will look forward to your call.. but if it dont happen.. not a problem baby."

Kenlie Santos: "I'll do my best. Promise." With that, she trailed off a bit. "Is it okay if I come over tonight? I don't know where Victor is... he was upset. Not with me, just... everything. I really don't want to go home to an empty house. I'm not used to it anymore."

Doc: "Of course you can.. anytime you don't have to ask."

Kenlie Santos: "Okay... which place are you at? I just have to shower and change clothes after I feed."

Doc: "I have a chamber in the mausoleum.. " He gave her the number, "Just don't tell Cat.. I gotta have a place she can't track me down.."

Kenlie Santos: "Did... you find her?"

Doc: He sighed, "No.. But its alright..she is too ******* stubborn to leave me"

Kenlie Santos: "Yeah she is... trust me. I'll be there in a few minutes."

Doc: "I’ll be here."
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Re: As the Spawns Spit, Spew and Sputter

Post by Doc »

"--The following transcript was a live chat roleplay--"

Klara: *Klara showed up to Doc’s office, her eyes red, her hair looking like it hadn't been brushed in days. Blood stains on her clothes. She looked like she had been sleeping in a crack den, which she had been and it showed. She walked past the workers straight back to Doc's office, something having bothered her for days and it was time she got her answer. She burst into the office looking a little crazy* Why the hell did Elliot tell Kenlie and I that you raped Cytherea?

Doc: Doc looks at Klara's state and then frowns at her accusation. "What the **** are you talking about? I never raped Cytherea..!" He retorted angrily. "The ****! Did she tell him that? Is that what Elliot said? ****! That ******* lying *****!"

Klara: Klara's eyes wide at his anger, a genuine reaction. "Cytherea is his daughter right?"

Doc: "Yes.. and my ******* wife... who fucked me over.. for Robert Pratt... and Now.. I hear she told Elliot I raped her? Really? ******* Lying *****!"

Klara: Klara nodded. "I ran into Kenlie at Lancaster's a few nights ago, she was drunk and I was buying a bottle to go home and get drunk and he was talking to us. He made some snide remark and I asked him why you two hate each other so much and he said that you raped his daughter. I was about to question him further when Kenlie turned white and ran to the bathroom and couldn't stop puking and seemed even more upset than she had been when I came in. But he said you raped his daughter.”

Doc: "Well **** him. Cytherea lied to him. I never ******* raped her. Never!" He threw a pen he had been holding across the room. "******* *****. She and Pratt were thick as thieves. The ***** set me the **** up.. "

Klara: Klara dodged as the pen went sailing past her head. "I figured you hadn't anyways but why would he tell us that? I couldn't tell if it was more for my benefit or Kenlie’s. He seems to trust her more than me. I get this impression he's not to fond of me anyways. If Kenlie hadn't started to turn herself inside out at that moment I would've had some answers or he would've been wounded.

Doc: "Look Elliott is ******* sore.. because he and Pi are a thing.. and I fucked her first. Then I married his childe. So yea.. he hates me. So if he can be an asshole and spread lies to my spawn .. I guess he will. He can say what ever he ******* wants.. it’s ******* lies. I know it and he knows it. Sad ********."

Klara: Klara chuckled softly, "Hmmm so it sounds like he's trying to start crap with us." She frowned a bit, "How dedicated is Kenlie to you?"

Doc: "If he wants to start ****.. let him. I am not playing his game. He can throw all the ******* **** he wants to. And if Kenlie wants to believe Elliot instead of me.. so be it. I make no apologies and I am not about to dignify his spurious lies by even acknowledging them. If people want to believe him over me.. fine. I don't ******* care."

Klara: I don't think she believes him but I'm just wondering whose benefit it was meant for. I came to you differently than she did. I came to you because I felt I could learn from you. She came because of her sister who hates you. I don't know where her loyalties lie at all but I saw the look on her face and I think Elliot is someone that shouldn't be near Dom or Kenlie. He wants to start crap with me, fine. My loyalty isn't going to waiver, he wants to try to and make Kenlie doubt, he'll still have issues with me.

Doc: "She is a big girl. She can make her own decisions. If Elliot wants to drive us apart.. and she lets him.. so be it. But I would like to think she would bring her concerns to me, just as you have. If she feels can't.. there isn't much hope for a good turn out either way, is there?"

Klara: Klara nodded, realizing the truth of his words though she got the impression that Kenlie did like him and would be loyal but how long could that last with how Dom and Doc were towards one another and if Elliot started in on her too. "True, but sometimes outside forces, especially when there are possibly two working against you, well sometimes they can wear a person down and get in through a small crack."

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Re: As the Spawns Spit, Spew and Sputter

Post by Klara »

"--The following transcript was a live chat roleplay--"

Doc: Doc looked at Klara, "I know." He gave her a look, "Think about how much more difficult it would be, to be the rope in a game of tug of war. I refuse to play that game. It is quite simple to stop the negative forces from having power over you. You stop associating with them. Period."

Klara: Klara bit her lip, "Can I speak frankly?"

Doc: Doc counted. He was angry, but he needed to get control of it. "Of course. And I apologize for yelling. It caught me off guard."

Klara: She waved her hand in dismissal, she knew his temper and as long as she wasn't the reason for it he could bellow all he wanted around her. "I agree that you stop associating with negative forces but one of those forces for Kenlie is her sister. You and Dom are always at each other's throat and if I know there isn't any love loss there and I've never even spoken more than hello to the woman, what do you think she's most likely telling her sister? If it comes down to loyalties who do you think Kenlie is going to side with? The man who her sister hates or her sister? It doesn't really matter what Elliot says or thinks when you have your own spawn that would like to see you dead in more ways than one to her.

Doc: Doc actually smiled. "MInx and I .. have a love hate relationship.. We love to hate each other. And as much as it 'looks like' I would be willing to disown her.. That will never happen. At least on my end. She can be prickly and irritable, but I usually deserve it. That said, I also know she will never turn Kenlie against me. I have her word on that. And if there is one thing I can say about Dominique, she is as good as her word. She would sooner die than go back on her word. So of Kenlie chooses to believe Elliott.. it will be.. because Kenlie wants to; not because Dominique twisted her thinking."

Klara: That's not what I'm saying. I know Dom wouldn't do it, she hates the shadow realm enough that she would never go back on her word and I know you would never disown her at all and I don't think you're as hard hearted towards her as you pretend to be either. You're a crusty old man but you love us all in your own way. I know if it were my sister and you turned her against her will and how you two are always at each other's throats, I would've already had you in the shadow realm once. Just watch her, his words freaked her out I think.

Doc: "Duly noted. Though I do not think there is anything to worry about. But should I be wrong, on my head be it."

Klara: Klara smirked, "Oh it will be and heaven help you, I think those two could give you a run for your money. I just felt like you need to know what Elliot said and Kenlie's reaction to it, neither set well with me and I've grown kinda partial to you. I'll leave you be, I've got more things to kill. I swear Gangland is a hell hole. How that part of the city ever got to that level is beyond me. I better get, those stupid crack whores keep stealing my blanket."

Doc: *Doc grinned* Thank you for letting me know. I appreciate it.

Klara: Klara nodded flicking off a piece of dried brain that was attached to her shirt watching it fall to the floor. She realized she was in his nice clean office and for the first time realized what she looked like. She tried smoothing her hair only to see the blood and grime on her hands, she looked at her shoes and then her shirt, pulling it up to sniff it and made a face. She leaned over picking the brain matter off the floor and threw it in the trash. "Can you smell me from there?"

Doc: "I think the whole block can smell you.." He nodded sagely.

Klara: Her eyes went wide and she blushed "Holy hell why didn't you say something? I've been working through things. I figure I might as well try and help the crime problem in the city but I guess sleeping in a crack den took things a bit too far?" She raised an eyebrow in question then a devious looked flashed across her face as she rose walking over to hug him tightly "I love you daddy" she teased as she walked out the door. She turned to smirk "Off to kill then finally a shower."

Doc: Doc mutters.. "Now I need a ******* shower..." as he flicked a bit of brain matter off his shoulder.
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Re: As the Spawns Spit, Spew and Sputter

Post by Doc »

"--The following transcript was a live chat roleplay--"

December 7, 2014

Catherine Nilson: Cat: Stop bitching and just decorate the damn tree.

Catherine Nilson: Cat: It will take ten minutes dad

Doc: Doc: I am not putting up a damn tree.

Catherine Nilson: Cat: But you have to.

Doc: Doc: No.

Catherine Nilson: Cat: But it's three weeks till Christmas.

Doc: Doc: Sooooo? Christmas is a holiday dedicated to a human that supposedly died for humans.. we're not humans. We're better than that. Why do I want to slaughter a tree for that guy?

Catherine Nilson: Cat: *follows him around humming annoying Christmas carols in monotone*

Catherine Nilson: Cat: Everybody knows that's not what Christmas is about. Maybe in the nineteen fifties. Now it's about buying your daughter stuff.

Doc: Doc: I will buy you stuff.. not having a tree though.

Catherine Nilson: Cat: Okay. *secretly plots*

Doc: Doc knows that look on her face. "No Tree."

Catherine Nilson: Cat: *blinks twice* What.

Catherine Nilson: Cat: *mumbles under her breath about him being paranoid*

Catherine Nilson: Cat: *already has a party planned and everything now: Deck Doc's Halls it will be called.*

Doc: Doc: Klara did get me a sweater.. Let me go put it'll like it.. be right back..

Catherine Nilson: Cat: *making plots and schemes while he dresses up*

Doc: Doc returns wearing the sweater and gives her a thumbs up gesture. "Great huh?"


Catherine Nilson: Cat: *crumples up her face like she doesn't know whether to laugh or barf*

Doc: Doc grins, her reaction was worth it. "Yes.. awesome. I may wear this in public too"

Catherine Nilson: Cat: Please don't. Everybody knows we're related.

Doc: Doc: What? Its a great sweater.. it even jingles when I move...*thrusts his hips a few times to show off the great huge jingle bells* See? How awesome is that?

Catherine Nilson: Cat: *can't help snickering as she facepalms to hide her laughter.* Oh my god. This is what Christmas is really about.

Doc: Doc grinned "I knew you would really appreciate it"

Catherine Nilson: Cat: No I don't. *laughing as she says it*

Doc: Doc can’t help grinning, "Yes.. yes you do.."

Catherine Nilson: Cat: I'm gonna go do stuff. *flees* XD

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Re: As the Spawns Spit, Spew and Sputter

Post by Doc »

"--The following transcript was a live chat roleplay--"


Mortll: Text: Call me when you get a chance something very interesting happened.

Doc: *text* What's up?

Mortll: Text: Didn't Your spawns boyfriend die ?

Mortll: Text: The Paladin

Doc: *text* Yes.. from what I can gather, he took a bullet to the head. It was self inflicted from official accounts.

Mortll: Text: You should see this video then

Mortll: Text: the ****** either has a twin or he’s not so damn dead

Mortll: Text: *sends file:* 12.10.14 Your security camera at 5, 4, Jardin De Fleurs recorded Verne passing by.

Doc: *text* What the ****?

Mortll: Text: that’s what i said

Doc: Doc thought to himself ‘Did he fake his death? Was Dominique in on it? How could she not be? Unless .. she turned him?’

Doc: *text* I need to speak Dominique.

Mortll: Text: I used my mad skills. He’s still human still a paladin...So something strange is up.

Doc: *text* I saw the coroner's report. He was dead. There was a brain sample. Unless they switched bodies.

Mortll: Text: could be a twin ... but my skills wouldn’t pick up a twin.

Mortll: Text: they just aren’t equipped to pick up someone I can’t concentrate on.

Doc: *text* A twin could be a possibility. Doubtful. But it could.

Mortll: Text: Yeah think a bit of investigation is in order powers are nice but nailing something physically down is much much better.

Doc: Doc: *Text* I am going to see what Carmen knows.

Mortll: Text: Let me know what you find out.

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Re: As the Spawns Spit, Spew and Sputter

Post by Kenlie (DELETED 4989) »

--The following transcript was a live chat roleplay--

Doc: *text* Verne.. Dominique's dead boyfriend. Did you see the body?

Kenlie Santos: [text] yes. What kind of question is that?

Doc: *text* and it was Verne? And he was dead?

Kenlie Santos: *Called him.*

Doc: *Answers* Carmen.. tell me.. you verified he was dead.

Kenlie Santos: I ******* looked into the casket and put a ring on one of his fingers. Yes. It was Verne and he is dead. Why are you asking.

Doc: Can your phone receive a file while you're talking?

Kenlie Santos: Yes..

Doc: *Doc sends a copy of the file to Carmen* Text sends file : 12.10.14 Your security camera at 5, 4, Jardin De Fleurs recorded Verne passing by.

Doc: That ******* looks like Verne to me. Tell me I am wrong.

Doc: Carmen?

Doc: Is that him?

Kenlie Santos: *her hands were shaking and her breaths suddenly became harsh and fast. It took her a second*

Kenlie Santos: Wh-wha..

Kenlie Santos: What the ****?!

Kenlie Santos: No. Someone is ******* playing games.

Doc: Does he have a twin?

Kenlie Santos: No.

Kenlie Santos: Someone is ******* around.

Kenlie Santos: He is dead.

Doc: I didn't think so. So I have ask again. Are you sure he was dead? Or .. were you so upset that you 'presumed' he was dead?

Kenlie Santos: I..

Kenlie Santos: He was ******* buried! He..

Doc: *Doc Waited.*

Doc: A casket was buried. I will ******* dig up that casket. I can have it exhumed.

Kenlie Santos: No... Please no..

Kenlie Santos: This... Dom just got through this... Please, Charles..

Doc: No? *Doc's tone changed "Why 'no'? The ******* leader of a group that is set on our wholesale destruction.. is walking around.. and you want me to not follow up.. because it might hurt Dominique. The whole of vampire secrecy is to be put on hold because it might hurt your sister? Is this what you are asking?

Kenlie Santos: They won't take him back…

Doc: ******** Carmen. He faked his ******* death. They were in on it. They didn't tell you or Dominique.. unless she was in on it too.. because they aren't ******* stupid.

Kenlie Santos: Dom would never do that!

Kenlie Santos: You didn't have to hold her hand at that funeral!

Doc: When the casket is exhumed. And there is no body. We will know.

Kenlie Santos: You didn't live with her while she was bedridden with grief for a month!

Kenlie Santos: If this was some paladin ******* plot, Dom had NOTHING to do with it.

Doc: How do you think she is going to feel.. if she wasn't in on it.. when she finds out.. you wanted to hide this **** from her? Hmmm? You think she will be happy? No. It will ******* hurt.. but then reality will set in. As it should.

Kenlie Santos: Fine.

Kenlie Santos: Dig it up.

Doc: Sugar coating the truth never works Carmen.

Kenlie Santos: Better yet.

Kenlie Santos: I'll do it myself.

Doc: If his body is there. Then it is someone ******* about.
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Re: As the Spawns Spit, Spew and Sputter

Post by Doc »

"--The following transcript was a live chat roleplay--"

Doc: No. Carmen. You are suspect.

Kenlie Santos: What?

Doc: You are the sister of a possible Compatriot.

Kenlie Santos:

Kenlie Santos: How could you say that?

Doc: You are too close. If you did it up.. People will say you are involved as well.

Doc: You will make it worse.

Kenlie Santos: So if he faked his death.

Doc: You will be marked forever. You will never get rid of that stain.

Kenlie Santos: Dom and I are in danger?

Doc: Possibly yes.

Kenlie Santos: Wow..

Doc: Her more than you. She 'found' the body.

Kenlie Santos: You won't defend us... Will you?

Doc: Why do you think I am ******* calling you

Kenlie Santos: To warn me.

Doc: I am trying to ascertain what you know.. when you knew it.. and how ******* deep in the **** you are.

Doc: I think you knew nothing.

Kenlie Santos: The casket they buried at the cathedral... If he's dead you won't find him in there.

Kenlie Santos: We buried him here.

Doc: ****.

Doc: Why the **** did you do that?

Doc: NOW you do look ******* complicit!

Kenlie Santos: *was very clearly talking between sobs*

Doc: *doc raked a hand through his hair.*

Kenlie Santos: Because she wanted him home.

Doc: Or because she KNEW he WASN’T ******* DEAD!

Kenlie Santos: I'm telling you this so you don't think I'm trying to hide anything.

Doc: *He growls in agitation*

Kenlie Santos: She didn't know, God damn it.

Kenlie Santos: I know my sister.

Kenlie Santos: She would have killed herself if it would've meant peace.

Kenlie Santos: She was a wreck. She still is.

Doc: I believe you.. I am not taking your word for her. You love her. You should. But I also know her. And I know she would love to give me the big '**** you'.

Kenlie Santos: Yeah. She would. But don't convict her based on that.

Kenlie Santos: Find evidence and I'll believe it.

Doc: I am not going to convict her without talking to her.

Kenlie Santos: .., Charles?

Doc: But I need to know.. where the ******* grave is. And I need to know it now. AND.. if someone else goes to exhume the 'proper' grave.. what are they going to find? And brace yourself for the fall out.

Kenlie Santos: *sniffed and sighed*

Kenlie Santos: I'll meet you and your person out front of Vita Bella.

Kenlie Santos: It is under a tree.

Kenlie Santos: If he's there... He will be in a suit. Sock-less... With a rosary and a ring made from my old sword.

Doc: It's going to take me a few to get a backhoe.

Kenlie Santos: Okay...

Doc hung up and started making calls.


Mortll: Text: you still on for saturday and sunday at the cabin?

Doc: *text* Are you ******* kidding me? I have two spawns that could be drawn and quartered because a paladin friend of theirs may have helped faked his death..

Mortll: Text: Nobody knows yet and i doubt they will exhume on a weekend especially since its at a church where they do services ... That would be monday at the latest anyone would do it unless you're going to start digging yourself.

Mortll: Text: if you are I’ve got plenty of shovels ill help.

Doc: *text* Oh it gets ******* better.. the one at the church.. is empty. Dominique ******* stole the body.

Mortll: Text: ohhh jesus the one that gave you such a ***** of a time to find the last time hid the body.

Doc: *text* Bingo. Weekend may have to ******* wait.

Mortll: Text: Crap we need some down time . but this is important.

Doc: *text* Thank you.


It was harder to find and rent a backhoe, than Doc first imagined. However, he was willing to dig that **** up himself, if he needed to. He had changed clothes, grabbed a shovel and put his phone on vibrate as he drove toward Vita. He had no idea who or what might be at Vita, so he parked across the river from it, and used water walk to access the property. He didn’t even have to go that far. He saw the hole. As he closed in on the hole, he saw an empty casket in the hole.

Doc shouldered the shovel and headed back the way he came. He pulled his phone, and texted Mortll.

*text* Weekend is back on; as soon as I make some calls.

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IC Forum username: That Guy
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