Music in the Park (Open)
- Pi dArtois
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- CrowNet Handle: Pi
Re: Music in the Park (Open)
Pi moved in smoothly to take one of the cases from the blind man, then offered her arm since he’d asked for it. She wasn’t experienced with how to lead someone but she figured the best she could do was to lead him on paths that were not pot holed, direct him when it was time to cross a street and generally ensure they all made it to Lancaster’s in one piece.
She listened to them talking quietly, directing where they went by the expedient course of directing Bartismas as he walked. But it wasn’t the direct path she directed them, but back to the Training Room. Only Mordechai would be able to see where she led and witness what she would reveal and she was confident the blind man, wouldn’t be able to figure out what she was about to do.
Pi smiled at Mordechai’s joke and quipped back in return a witty rejoinder, something small and light, but enough to keep the mood light. They rounded the grassy area behind Wickbridge bank and the door to the Training Room loomed. With an ease which indicated experience she didn’t have Pi guided Bartimas to the door of her office and pulled it open.
“One step up” she guided, waiting patiently as he followed her gaze falling to Mordechai as she wondered if he’d say anything about where she’d let them. She wondered if he would be able to smell the acrid sting of chlorine, or hear the small swish of water in the pool as the pumps swirled chemicals through the water. Inside this space was an air of sweat, and chlorine, not exactly the bar she promised but she’d brought both Mordechai and Bartimas here to take advantage of the portal she’d placed right inside the office door.
She wasn’t sure if this was a masquerade violation, was pretty sure it was. But she didn’t give a damn really. If anyone questioned why there was a portal to the other side of the city in plain sight of this space then they could damn well ask her themselves. No humans came here, not many anyway and she was pretty certain no one had complained about this two way portal that could transport them all to Lancaster’s in a heart beat.
Her voice was apologetic, solely for the benefit of the blind man, attempting to explain the odd way they were about to travel. “It’s just through this door… watch your step.”
Watch your step, what a way to put something that would mean stepping through a fade portal and transported to Lancaster’s. As soon as they came through the other side they would be standing in the entry way to the pub, they’d be able to hear the soft murmurs of customers within, the music playing. She didn’t believe there was any live music tonight, but maybe, if Bartimas was amenable, that would change.
Now, hopefully, he didn’t freak out by the mode of transportation to get there. She knew Mordechai, who could see, and follow, could walk the portal without any help from her. So she held onto Bartimas’ arm and made to step through.
(ooc: Hope this is okay! PM me if you want me to edit)
She listened to them talking quietly, directing where they went by the expedient course of directing Bartismas as he walked. But it wasn’t the direct path she directed them, but back to the Training Room. Only Mordechai would be able to see where she led and witness what she would reveal and she was confident the blind man, wouldn’t be able to figure out what she was about to do.
Pi smiled at Mordechai’s joke and quipped back in return a witty rejoinder, something small and light, but enough to keep the mood light. They rounded the grassy area behind Wickbridge bank and the door to the Training Room loomed. With an ease which indicated experience she didn’t have Pi guided Bartimas to the door of her office and pulled it open.
“One step up” she guided, waiting patiently as he followed her gaze falling to Mordechai as she wondered if he’d say anything about where she’d let them. She wondered if he would be able to smell the acrid sting of chlorine, or hear the small swish of water in the pool as the pumps swirled chemicals through the water. Inside this space was an air of sweat, and chlorine, not exactly the bar she promised but she’d brought both Mordechai and Bartimas here to take advantage of the portal she’d placed right inside the office door.
She wasn’t sure if this was a masquerade violation, was pretty sure it was. But she didn’t give a damn really. If anyone questioned why there was a portal to the other side of the city in plain sight of this space then they could damn well ask her themselves. No humans came here, not many anyway and she was pretty certain no one had complained about this two way portal that could transport them all to Lancaster’s in a heart beat.
Her voice was apologetic, solely for the benefit of the blind man, attempting to explain the odd way they were about to travel. “It’s just through this door… watch your step.”
Watch your step, what a way to put something that would mean stepping through a fade portal and transported to Lancaster’s. As soon as they came through the other side they would be standing in the entry way to the pub, they’d be able to hear the soft murmurs of customers within, the music playing. She didn’t believe there was any live music tonight, but maybe, if Bartimas was amenable, that would change.
Now, hopefully, he didn’t freak out by the mode of transportation to get there. She knew Mordechai, who could see, and follow, could walk the portal without any help from her. So she held onto Bartimas’ arm and made to step through.
(ooc: Hope this is okay! PM me if you want me to edit)
K I L L E R || E L L I O T ' S


- Posts: 27
- Joined: 28 Jul 2014, 03:39
Re: Music in the Park (Open)
The young man shifts his weight forwards, smiling for a moment before he says “I didn’t accept it as an insult. I don’t normally play for money… But its impolite to refuse something freely offered I’m finding…’ He grins slightly, before turning his blind gaze towards the woman who has stepped forwards to take his arm, and a case. He hands the violin case to her, bemusedly at the offer to carry something, before he says simply “I can carry my own things you know…’ In that same bemused tone, before he simply shrugs it off, smiling all the while. After a long pause he stretches, allowing the woman to lead him along.
He walks with a good natured sort of air, his hand on the cane brushing back and forth before his stepping feet as he lets her lead. He simply turns his gaze to the side after a moment, once the door has been opened to the building she does eventually lead him to, saying with a bemused smile “Strange smell for a club…” before he steps forwards, allowing her to brush him up and towards the portal. He after a moment, says simply “Interesting sort of path to take there, given you said it was right nearby...’ His tone is mild, almost teasing, in a way, as he steps through the portal with a careful sort of air
He walks with a good natured sort of air, his hand on the cane brushing back and forth before his stepping feet as he lets her lead. He simply turns his gaze to the side after a moment, once the door has been opened to the building she does eventually lead him to, saying with a bemused smile “Strange smell for a club…” before he steps forwards, allowing her to brush him up and towards the portal. He after a moment, says simply “Interesting sort of path to take there, given you said it was right nearby...’ His tone is mild, almost teasing, in a way, as he steps through the portal with a careful sort of air

- Registered User
- Posts: 1697
- Joined: 28 Dec 2011, 23:17
- CrowNet Handle: Mordechai
Re: Music in the Park (Open)
Mordechai silently watched as Pi moved in on the musician, relieving him of his violin case, as she took his arm. Falling in behind them, a few paces back, his eyes roved the neighborhood as the moved thru Wickbridge. As the moved towards the old undersecretary's office the killer wondered how fast Bartimas' nimble fingers could get the guitar case down and open. It did not bounce or sway as he moved. Mordie knew what ever in the case weighed more than a guitar, and was most likely hammer-forged, or rifled. The building had been renovated, a new sign hung over the door. ''the Training Room''. It had been years since he had passed tru the office. As a fledgling he often used the office computers to hack, and the stairs in a back closet as a shortcut to the sewers, and the Zone. The massive killer quirked an eyebrow at Pi as they entered. The scents assaulting him were definitely not those of a bar.
''Did some remodeling I see'' Pausing at the door, Mordie's eyes scanned the rows and racks of equipment. He took in the lap pool to the right and the benches to the left. Walking in farther , he saw mats and combat dummies for martial arts training. Nodding his head he turned towards Pi, "This can do much more for 'us' than the office ever did.'' Turning towards the portal the killer silently followed them through.
''Did some remodeling I see'' Pausing at the door, Mordie's eyes scanned the rows and racks of equipment. He took in the lap pool to the right and the benches to the left. Walking in farther , he saw mats and combat dummies for martial arts training. Nodding his head he turned towards Pi, "This can do much more for 'us' than the office ever did.'' Turning towards the portal the killer silently followed them through.
''Si vis pacem, para bellum'' ~*~*~*~*~*~ ''morituri te salutant''
''Deep within the shadows I'm the hungry wolf you fear''
''Si vis pacem, para bellum'' ~*~*~*~*~*~ ''morituri te salutant''
''Deep within the shadows I'm the hungry wolf you fear''
- Pi dArtois
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- Joined: 19 Aug 2011, 19:13
- CrowNet Handle: Pi
Re: Music in the Park (Open)
“Oui.” She answered Bartimas with a comforting smile. She knew he couldn’t see her expression but she’d heard that you could ‘hear’ smile even if you couldn’t see it. So she smiled, and answered with the smile hoping it worked as she hoped. “And yes, nearby, just through here.”
It was a gamble bringing a stranger through the portal. It wasn’t a gamble she’d have taken if he wasn’t blind but he was and she felt quietly confident that any anomaly he experienced could be easily waved away with a smile and a flippant remark. Well, not that he’d be able to see her smile.
“Yes.” She replied to Mordechai before she wanted through the portal, “It is an improvement I’m happy with.”
She had forgotten about the Office, and the Under Secretary work she’d done when she’d first moved to the city. It was self designed, self designated but it had always been a effort to inform and educate. The small space it had once been with one desk and had been it. The changes made to the interior now was a small miracle considering the humble beginnings. If only Mordechai knew about the underground passages the dArtois had found, his eyebrows would arch even higher. Below their feet sat the maze of tunnels that led to the heart of where she kept her other secret, the portal room that connected d’Artois to every nook and cranny of the city.
The portal was a simple experience, but the change was obvious, from one moment and the next, probably more than the pretext of opening and closing a door could explain away. They walked right into the sound of the bar, muffled by the closed door but still present. Shuffling of glasses, music filtering into the entrance way. It didn’t then how would she explain Bartimas being on the other side of the city when they left. For a second Pi hesitated when she realised what she’d done. She hadn’t anticipated how in the world she was going to explain how they managed to traverse the breadth of the city in a single second.
With a shake of her head she waited for Mordechai to follow them through and led the way into the pub. Entering the space eased her, a subtle shift in how she held herself. Tension she didn’t know she felt fell away and with a genuine smile she greeted Lorelai, and moved to the corner with the fireplace to the spot that was known as hers - a small grouping of chairs by the open fireplace, now crackling with heat.
“If you would like to take a seat by the fire, I can get us something to drink.” She offered, acting as host.
It was a gamble bringing a stranger through the portal. It wasn’t a gamble she’d have taken if he wasn’t blind but he was and she felt quietly confident that any anomaly he experienced could be easily waved away with a smile and a flippant remark. Well, not that he’d be able to see her smile.
“Yes.” She replied to Mordechai before she wanted through the portal, “It is an improvement I’m happy with.”
She had forgotten about the Office, and the Under Secretary work she’d done when she’d first moved to the city. It was self designed, self designated but it had always been a effort to inform and educate. The small space it had once been with one desk and had been it. The changes made to the interior now was a small miracle considering the humble beginnings. If only Mordechai knew about the underground passages the dArtois had found, his eyebrows would arch even higher. Below their feet sat the maze of tunnels that led to the heart of where she kept her other secret, the portal room that connected d’Artois to every nook and cranny of the city.
The portal was a simple experience, but the change was obvious, from one moment and the next, probably more than the pretext of opening and closing a door could explain away. They walked right into the sound of the bar, muffled by the closed door but still present. Shuffling of glasses, music filtering into the entrance way. It didn’t then how would she explain Bartimas being on the other side of the city when they left. For a second Pi hesitated when she realised what she’d done. She hadn’t anticipated how in the world she was going to explain how they managed to traverse the breadth of the city in a single second.
With a shake of her head she waited for Mordechai to follow them through and led the way into the pub. Entering the space eased her, a subtle shift in how she held herself. Tension she didn’t know she felt fell away and with a genuine smile she greeted Lorelai, and moved to the corner with the fireplace to the spot that was known as hers - a small grouping of chairs by the open fireplace, now crackling with heat.
“If you would like to take a seat by the fire, I can get us something to drink.” She offered, acting as host.
K I L L E R || E L L I O T ' S


- Posts: 27
- Joined: 28 Jul 2014, 03:39
Re: Music in the Park (Open)
The young man smiles gently as she makes her way with him, helping him to step. Once he has stepped through the portal he hesitates a moment. His head turns to one side, listening for a moment before his mind whirls through putting together pieces. On one occasion, or another, mostly in heading home from his sire’s family’s place, he would experience the exact same sort of sensation. He pauses a moment, when she conceals what exactly just happened, and mentally he shrugs at the thought. He was already hopelessly lost, and would need to use that relatively recent trick he learned to get home anyways, so it is with a more or less cheerful smile that he makes his way where lead.
He does walk slower, however, with the saturation of noise from the rest of the bar. While not overly loud, or busy, it is a bit of effort to focus on potential hazards, his pace slowing somewhat as he focuses more upon navigation via his cane then using all his senses. He is quiet for now, his smile warm despite that as he listens to the pair who have accompanied him talking about this club he has been lead into. The crackling of the fire is something he smiles at, making his way a bit closer to the fire then one might expect, sitting in the chair closest to it as he carefully rests his cane against his lap before setting the guitar case, and the violin case when it would be handed back, out next to the chair, carefully away from the fire.
He simply smiles, lifting his sunglasses covered face upwards to gaze towards the pair, more or less by practice now as Pi talks of getting them all drinks. He murmurs after a moment “This place has a very pleasant atmosphere…. Thank you very much for leading me here, and for the hospitality…” He smiles, his frame more or less relaxed, simply resting in his chair, head held high, listening to the sounds around them, content to listen and wait for now it seems.
(Apologies for the delay, my sister just had a baby so it has been a busy few days)
He does walk slower, however, with the saturation of noise from the rest of the bar. While not overly loud, or busy, it is a bit of effort to focus on potential hazards, his pace slowing somewhat as he focuses more upon navigation via his cane then using all his senses. He is quiet for now, his smile warm despite that as he listens to the pair who have accompanied him talking about this club he has been lead into. The crackling of the fire is something he smiles at, making his way a bit closer to the fire then one might expect, sitting in the chair closest to it as he carefully rests his cane against his lap before setting the guitar case, and the violin case when it would be handed back, out next to the chair, carefully away from the fire.
He simply smiles, lifting his sunglasses covered face upwards to gaze towards the pair, more or less by practice now as Pi talks of getting them all drinks. He murmurs after a moment “This place has a very pleasant atmosphere…. Thank you very much for leading me here, and for the hospitality…” He smiles, his frame more or less relaxed, simply resting in his chair, head held high, listening to the sounds around them, content to listen and wait for now it seems.
(Apologies for the delay, my sister just had a baby so it has been a busy few days)

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- Posts: 1697
- Joined: 28 Dec 2011, 23:17
- CrowNet Handle: Mordechai
Re: Music in the Park (Open)
[congrats, that is a special part of life]
Mordechai wondered at Pi's seeming sense of secrecy as she stepped through the portal with the blind muscian. Unconsciously his hand grazed the grip of the glock in its holster as he followed through behind them. He sensed no trickery from her, but it was pecular the way she acted. Clearing the portal the killer stretched to his full height. They were in Lancaster's, that he knew for sure, the sights and sounds of the busy bar assaulted his heightened senses. Slipping his stetson from his head he continued to follow as his eyes tracked around the bar. They paused for a moment on the blonde human that the D'artois leader singled out for a greeting, giving her a curt nod before heading towards the fireplace and its apparently cozy setting. Settling onto one of the larger of the chairs that provided a view of the room, Mordechai twisted a bit to adjust his massive frame to the cushions. He followed Pi with his eyes as he spoke to the male violinist that had brought peace to the turmoil of his thoughts this night. ''Bartimas,'' The mans name rolled smoothly off the killers tongue, like a brook dancing down a graveled stream bed, ''have you been in Harper Rock long? I do not believe I have seen you around before.'' Although he seldom spoke with others, the music that flowed from this man's fingertips had had a profound effect on him. ''I would hear you play again.'' The low rumble of his voice would not carry far, but he knew that the one he spoke too would most likely have a profound sense of hearing.
Mordechai wondered at Pi's seeming sense of secrecy as she stepped through the portal with the blind muscian. Unconsciously his hand grazed the grip of the glock in its holster as he followed through behind them. He sensed no trickery from her, but it was pecular the way she acted. Clearing the portal the killer stretched to his full height. They were in Lancaster's, that he knew for sure, the sights and sounds of the busy bar assaulted his heightened senses. Slipping his stetson from his head he continued to follow as his eyes tracked around the bar. They paused for a moment on the blonde human that the D'artois leader singled out for a greeting, giving her a curt nod before heading towards the fireplace and its apparently cozy setting. Settling onto one of the larger of the chairs that provided a view of the room, Mordechai twisted a bit to adjust his massive frame to the cushions. He followed Pi with his eyes as he spoke to the male violinist that had brought peace to the turmoil of his thoughts this night. ''Bartimas,'' The mans name rolled smoothly off the killers tongue, like a brook dancing down a graveled stream bed, ''have you been in Harper Rock long? I do not believe I have seen you around before.'' Although he seldom spoke with others, the music that flowed from this man's fingertips had had a profound effect on him. ''I would hear you play again.'' The low rumble of his voice would not carry far, but he knew that the one he spoke too would most likely have a profound sense of hearing.
''Si vis pacem, para bellum'' ~*~*~*~*~*~ ''morituri te salutant''
''Deep within the shadows I'm the hungry wolf you fear''
''Si vis pacem, para bellum'' ~*~*~*~*~*~ ''morituri te salutant''
''Deep within the shadows I'm the hungry wolf you fear''
- Pi dArtois
- Registered User
- Posts: 4270
- Joined: 19 Aug 2011, 19:13
- CrowNet Handle: Pi
Re: Music in the Park (Open)
“Merci.” Pi replies, taking the time to look around the pub as they entered and agreeing with the blind man’s statement, even if she wasn’t entirely sure how he came by the deduction. It could have been a rat infested hell hole for all he knew and he’s really be none the wiser, except, she expected he’d probably smell the difference. Either way she agreed with him and was proud of what her and Elliot had created here and she knew her expression showed it, even if Bartimas couldn’t see, Mordechai could.
“The bar is to our left, and runs along the corner, with a pool table off to the left.” She described as she moved them conveniently towards their alcove near the fire and the stage. It was her place in the bar, the set of chairs sitting so she could enjoy the fire and a clear view of the stage. Usually it was Elliot who stood there, but tonight, as Mordechai had requested, she rather hoped a man with talented fingers and an ability to make a violin sing would grace them with more of what they had heard earlier.
“Bathrooms are on the back wall, and then we’re moving towards the stage and the fireplace with a set of chairs we can sit at. Unless you’d like to … play?” she asked, sliding Mordechai a small smile as she extended her offer for him to take up where he left off as well. It would be an easy thing for her to catch the eye of the Manager on duty tonight, to tell her to turn down the surround system and dial up the microphone on stage. “If you would like, I can take you there and you can take over the stage. My.. Elliot, gets up there and plays often, so our customers are used to a little impromptu live acoustic sets." she offered with a smile he couldn’t see.
“Mordechai and I can grab a drink while you play?”
It wasn’t how she had planned to spend the night, nor who she’d predict she’d be with but she liked the idea of reaching out to new people, and in the case of Mordechai, old people she’d known she hadn’t caught up with an age or two. The bar was reasonably quiet, a few loitering groups of people holding up the tables they crowded around. The hum of voices and the odd laugh was a comforting counter point and when they reached their destination she waited. If Bartimas wanted to play, she’d lead him to the stage.
“The bar is to our left, and runs along the corner, with a pool table off to the left.” She described as she moved them conveniently towards their alcove near the fire and the stage. It was her place in the bar, the set of chairs sitting so she could enjoy the fire and a clear view of the stage. Usually it was Elliot who stood there, but tonight, as Mordechai had requested, she rather hoped a man with talented fingers and an ability to make a violin sing would grace them with more of what they had heard earlier.
“Bathrooms are on the back wall, and then we’re moving towards the stage and the fireplace with a set of chairs we can sit at. Unless you’d like to … play?” she asked, sliding Mordechai a small smile as she extended her offer for him to take up where he left off as well. It would be an easy thing for her to catch the eye of the Manager on duty tonight, to tell her to turn down the surround system and dial up the microphone on stage. “If you would like, I can take you there and you can take over the stage. My.. Elliot, gets up there and plays often, so our customers are used to a little impromptu live acoustic sets." she offered with a smile he couldn’t see.
“Mordechai and I can grab a drink while you play?”
It wasn’t how she had planned to spend the night, nor who she’d predict she’d be with but she liked the idea of reaching out to new people, and in the case of Mordechai, old people she’d known she hadn’t caught up with an age or two. The bar was reasonably quiet, a few loitering groups of people holding up the tables they crowded around. The hum of voices and the odd laugh was a comforting counter point and when they reached their destination she waited. If Bartimas wanted to play, she’d lead him to the stage.
K I L L E R || E L L I O T ' S


- Posts: 27
- Joined: 28 Jul 2014, 03:39
Re: Music in the Park (Open)
There is a quiet moment of listening to room for several long seconds before he flicks a faint smile as he settles himself down. As Mordechai speaks to him in particular, he turns his head slightly towards the other man, saying pleasantly “Time for me is… rather difficult to judge I find. I was here for several weeks before I got off the streets though..’ He toys with his clothing, for a moment seeming self-conscious of his clothing, such a far cry from the near rags he had once been wearing more than not. His attention drifts around the interior a moment, listening to the soft sounds of others, the clink of glasses mixing pleasantly with the buzz of conversations throughout the building, and the crackle of the fire behind him.
When the soft request for him to play again comes next, he lets out his bright, cheerful smile, saying “My hands are about warmed up from inside…” he flexes them carefully, saying softly “I barely notice the cold after all my time on the streets, and since I got… Well healthy again, but I do sometimes feel a bit stiff if im out there too long, even if I don’t notice it..’ His smile is warm as he stands carefully, turning his head towards the words then coming from Pi.
His attention is drawn along the room, directed towards sounds, which now have a place, or associated location in his mind. The faster clinking of glasses combined with the periodic heavier thump of a fuller one indeed was the bar. His head nods slightly as he listens, directing his attention very slowly across the room before it lingers upon where she said the stage was. Currently it was indeed quiet, and for a moment, he murmurs “I suppose there is one area in the room I can recognize from a lack of sound. Ill fix that for you if you would indeed like… have already had one request for such.’ He turns his blind gaze towards where Mordechai was sitting before he nods politely, stretching himself out a moment before picking up the instrument cases once more.
As he offers her a warm smile, then Mordechai one again, he states simply enough “Well… Shouldn’t keep the room quieter when it could really soar…” as he allows himself to be lead up and atop of the stage. There would be a few moments of more or less, finding a spot on the stage he likes. His cane taps across for a moment or two, first locating the edges, as he finds himself more or less to the center. Once a chair is more or less situated, he settles himself down onto it and carefully draws out that old violin once more. This time however, he seems almost distant, serene, mind whirling as he tunes the violin.
This was far more serious, a more particular crowd to perform for. On some level, his mind more or less establishes, this really should be something special. Firstly, people who come to enjoy, to be entertained… Not those he would happen to find overhearing him in the park. Everyone here was here to relax, to enjoy… And he would add what he could. Carefully, his fingers tune the instrument, adjusting the strings very carefully before he lifts the butt of the instrument to his throat. Besides helping people enjoy a night out, this was also a business. Helping someone who has shown every intent to be kind to him was indeed another thought flowing across his mind, and he carefully empties his brain of other thoughts as he lifts the bow.
A quick scale ensures that the instrument is indeed perfectly tuned to his ear, and then he begins to play. It had taken him several seconds of thought to decide what he would play, but what he had settled upon was beautiful, to say the least. It was something he had occasion to hear while he lived on the streets, and had managed to come by a church for the soup kitchen they had been running. Hearing the mass that had been going on, while the entire room burst into song, over the melody he made the attempt to recapture… It had stuck with him. A sort of glorious, soaring melody involving long, lingering notes, left pulsing on the air. He didn’t attempt to play what he would imagine club or bar music would be. No, he played for glory of the song, for music itself… Letting the soaring notes capture their own attention as his head bows, whole upper body swinging as his arm gracefully guides the bow over the instrument. Even if he didn’t recall the entire original melody, his improvisational skills more than would make up for that, adding a new movement, almost on the spot. His face is slack, calm… serene, far belying the intense concentration the music is requiring. But there is pleasure to it… To the act. To totally losing one’s self in song, in creation itself. And the peace on his face would convey that.
When the soft request for him to play again comes next, he lets out his bright, cheerful smile, saying “My hands are about warmed up from inside…” he flexes them carefully, saying softly “I barely notice the cold after all my time on the streets, and since I got… Well healthy again, but I do sometimes feel a bit stiff if im out there too long, even if I don’t notice it..’ His smile is warm as he stands carefully, turning his head towards the words then coming from Pi.
His attention is drawn along the room, directed towards sounds, which now have a place, or associated location in his mind. The faster clinking of glasses combined with the periodic heavier thump of a fuller one indeed was the bar. His head nods slightly as he listens, directing his attention very slowly across the room before it lingers upon where she said the stage was. Currently it was indeed quiet, and for a moment, he murmurs “I suppose there is one area in the room I can recognize from a lack of sound. Ill fix that for you if you would indeed like… have already had one request for such.’ He turns his blind gaze towards where Mordechai was sitting before he nods politely, stretching himself out a moment before picking up the instrument cases once more.
As he offers her a warm smile, then Mordechai one again, he states simply enough “Well… Shouldn’t keep the room quieter when it could really soar…” as he allows himself to be lead up and atop of the stage. There would be a few moments of more or less, finding a spot on the stage he likes. His cane taps across for a moment or two, first locating the edges, as he finds himself more or less to the center. Once a chair is more or less situated, he settles himself down onto it and carefully draws out that old violin once more. This time however, he seems almost distant, serene, mind whirling as he tunes the violin.
This was far more serious, a more particular crowd to perform for. On some level, his mind more or less establishes, this really should be something special. Firstly, people who come to enjoy, to be entertained… Not those he would happen to find overhearing him in the park. Everyone here was here to relax, to enjoy… And he would add what he could. Carefully, his fingers tune the instrument, adjusting the strings very carefully before he lifts the butt of the instrument to his throat. Besides helping people enjoy a night out, this was also a business. Helping someone who has shown every intent to be kind to him was indeed another thought flowing across his mind, and he carefully empties his brain of other thoughts as he lifts the bow.
A quick scale ensures that the instrument is indeed perfectly tuned to his ear, and then he begins to play. It had taken him several seconds of thought to decide what he would play, but what he had settled upon was beautiful, to say the least. It was something he had occasion to hear while he lived on the streets, and had managed to come by a church for the soup kitchen they had been running. Hearing the mass that had been going on, while the entire room burst into song, over the melody he made the attempt to recapture… It had stuck with him. A sort of glorious, soaring melody involving long, lingering notes, left pulsing on the air. He didn’t attempt to play what he would imagine club or bar music would be. No, he played for glory of the song, for music itself… Letting the soaring notes capture their own attention as his head bows, whole upper body swinging as his arm gracefully guides the bow over the instrument. Even if he didn’t recall the entire original melody, his improvisational skills more than would make up for that, adding a new movement, almost on the spot. His face is slack, calm… serene, far belying the intense concentration the music is requiring. But there is pleasure to it… To the act. To totally losing one’s self in song, in creation itself. And the peace on his face would convey that.

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- Posts: 1697
- Joined: 28 Dec 2011, 23:17
- CrowNet Handle: Mordechai
Re: Music in the Park (Open)
Mordechai watched as Bartimas skillfully wove through the bar to the stage area, as the musician prepped his instrument, the killer turned towards Pi, extending a hand towards the bar, ''Shall we?'' he rumbled out. The crowd naturally parted around the duo as they made their way towards the bar, between her reputation as the owner, and his natural aura of menace. There was nothing special that he did, people just stayed out of his path. ''My treat tonight, this fledglings music has put me in a good mood. You order tho, if you would.'' Turning his back to the bar that only came to his waist he leaned against it as he listened to Bartimas tune the violins strings. Nothing was planned for the night, and this chance meeting seemed quite fortuitous. Wonderful sounds once more crept out of the violin, coaxed by the skillful fingers of a master. 'Virtuoso' crossed his mind as he hoped that the house music would soon be muted.
The venue had changed but the affect was the same. The notes seemed to pulse against his massive frame, then quiver and worm their way inside inside him. He could feel them sinuously crawling through him as they released the bound tension inside him. Mordie wonder if perhaps the man had recorded some of his play, if he had, an ipod might be in order.... though he had noticed that at time Bartimas seemed uncomfortable, almost as though he was not used to the nice threads he now wore, as if not to long ago he had been far worse off. The song had barely started but its effect was instantaneous, calmed from his inner stresses he turned to the female killer at his side. The corners of his lips quirked upwards slightly, a vestigial smile, ''A very nice place you have here Pi. It seems quite busy.'' His trained eyes roved over the crowd before he continued, one eye brow raised ''Why the secrecy over the portal?'' He wondered both aloud to her, and to himself as he tried to think of a reason.
The venue had changed but the affect was the same. The notes seemed to pulse against his massive frame, then quiver and worm their way inside inside him. He could feel them sinuously crawling through him as they released the bound tension inside him. Mordie wonder if perhaps the man had recorded some of his play, if he had, an ipod might be in order.... though he had noticed that at time Bartimas seemed uncomfortable, almost as though he was not used to the nice threads he now wore, as if not to long ago he had been far worse off. The song had barely started but its effect was instantaneous, calmed from his inner stresses he turned to the female killer at his side. The corners of his lips quirked upwards slightly, a vestigial smile, ''A very nice place you have here Pi. It seems quite busy.'' His trained eyes roved over the crowd before he continued, one eye brow raised ''Why the secrecy over the portal?'' He wondered both aloud to her, and to himself as he tried to think of a reason.
''Si vis pacem, para bellum'' ~*~*~*~*~*~ ''morituri te salutant''
''Deep within the shadows I'm the hungry wolf you fear''
''Si vis pacem, para bellum'' ~*~*~*~*~*~ ''morituri te salutant''
''Deep within the shadows I'm the hungry wolf you fear''
- Pi dArtois
- Registered User
- Posts: 4270
- Joined: 19 Aug 2011, 19:13
- CrowNet Handle: Pi
Re: Music in the Park (Open)
Pi didn’t have anything to add as she listened to Bartimas tell about his life, feeling that some of what he revealed was common to her own experience of living out on the street in her early time here in Harper Rock. She hadn’t adjusted easily to this life. It had taken her months to crawl out of the abandoned houses she hid in to escape the sun and even longer to find the bloodline that had claimed her despite the fact the person who had turned her had left her largely to her own devices, appearing only to shower her with random words of encouragement, money before disappearing again.
She wondered if Bartimas had a family, and whether he had someone to take care of him. It wasn’t that she was considered herself a particularly nurturing woman, but it seemed that any new vampire should have some place they should go, to belong, to help them adjust to being what they were. Isn’t that why she had created the Under Secretary Office, and what had been the intention of the Training Room when her and Jonah had conceived of the idea?
So she stood, listened and nodded, watching quietly as he made his way to the stage and took up his instrument again. The violin. Even here in this place that bustled with the hum of conversation, broken only by the laughter of sporadic groups, the instrument cut through so many turned towards the stage, watching, listening. For a second she let her gaze drift across the people gathered and smiled as she saw one face, then another, followed by more turn towards the stage. The hum quieted and then ceased altogether.
A violin, in a pub. The melodic strains hung in the air, wavering there like a siren’s call seducing those within the walls to take a moment. The music itself spoke of hushed reverence and poignant memory. Inside, just like she felt outside, it moved her. Even in this place a transcendent moment was possible and she was glad, doubly glad, they came here so he could play.
Someone behind the bar turned down the overhead speakers, the sudden cessation of competing sound a welcome interlude, letting the sound of smoothly manipulated strings take center stage.
Pulling her attention away from the man and violin she let herself be led to the bar, ordering a drink for both her and Mordechai as he requested. Special wine, which really, was code for warm blood, served by one of the vampire bartenders. He wanted to buy, so she let him, settling in beside the tall killer and making herself comfortable.
Pi was well known here, but no one called out a greeting to her. The very fact no one did was surprising (although there were a few regulars who were prone to bend her ear were present). Sliding a look at the man beside her she wondered if his rather tall presence was a reason for their caution, or maybe it was both man on stage and Mordechai together. How could she compete with such music and the sheer size of the male beside her. She was dwarfed by both, one literally, the other musically. She smiled, realizing that with Elliot she should be used to both of those feelings.
Giving Mordechai another sidelong look she smiled as the staffer pushed their drinks across the bar, nodding towards the other as she picked up the glass for herself and drank.
“I’m …. Cautious about … things like that.” She answered his question quietly, talking in low tones in reverence to the music that was playing. “I don’t know him… or how much he… knows. I suspect he is, one of us but I’m not sure and until I’m… very certain, caution seems the better part of… well, cautiousness.”
Looking toward the bar she smiled at his compliment. “Merci.” She replied, answering at last. “It is Elliot’s… place, a space where we can both be… ourselves.” And it was true, more now for her than it had been when she’d convinced Elliot of the benefits of owning something like this. “And you Mordechai? What have you been doing all these years since we have talked? Have you found your place?”
Pi wasn’t looking at the tall man beside her as she spoke, instead her attention continued to stray to the man on stage, her gaze pulled back to watch as he played. “He’s very good isn’t he? Do you suppose he has somewhere to stay… now?”
She wondered if Bartimas had a family, and whether he had someone to take care of him. It wasn’t that she was considered herself a particularly nurturing woman, but it seemed that any new vampire should have some place they should go, to belong, to help them adjust to being what they were. Isn’t that why she had created the Under Secretary Office, and what had been the intention of the Training Room when her and Jonah had conceived of the idea?
So she stood, listened and nodded, watching quietly as he made his way to the stage and took up his instrument again. The violin. Even here in this place that bustled with the hum of conversation, broken only by the laughter of sporadic groups, the instrument cut through so many turned towards the stage, watching, listening. For a second she let her gaze drift across the people gathered and smiled as she saw one face, then another, followed by more turn towards the stage. The hum quieted and then ceased altogether.
A violin, in a pub. The melodic strains hung in the air, wavering there like a siren’s call seducing those within the walls to take a moment. The music itself spoke of hushed reverence and poignant memory. Inside, just like she felt outside, it moved her. Even in this place a transcendent moment was possible and she was glad, doubly glad, they came here so he could play.
Someone behind the bar turned down the overhead speakers, the sudden cessation of competing sound a welcome interlude, letting the sound of smoothly manipulated strings take center stage.
Pulling her attention away from the man and violin she let herself be led to the bar, ordering a drink for both her and Mordechai as he requested. Special wine, which really, was code for warm blood, served by one of the vampire bartenders. He wanted to buy, so she let him, settling in beside the tall killer and making herself comfortable.
Pi was well known here, but no one called out a greeting to her. The very fact no one did was surprising (although there were a few regulars who were prone to bend her ear were present). Sliding a look at the man beside her she wondered if his rather tall presence was a reason for their caution, or maybe it was both man on stage and Mordechai together. How could she compete with such music and the sheer size of the male beside her. She was dwarfed by both, one literally, the other musically. She smiled, realizing that with Elliot she should be used to both of those feelings.
Giving Mordechai another sidelong look she smiled as the staffer pushed their drinks across the bar, nodding towards the other as she picked up the glass for herself and drank.
“I’m …. Cautious about … things like that.” She answered his question quietly, talking in low tones in reverence to the music that was playing. “I don’t know him… or how much he… knows. I suspect he is, one of us but I’m not sure and until I’m… very certain, caution seems the better part of… well, cautiousness.”
Looking toward the bar she smiled at his compliment. “Merci.” She replied, answering at last. “It is Elliot’s… place, a space where we can both be… ourselves.” And it was true, more now for her than it had been when she’d convinced Elliot of the benefits of owning something like this. “And you Mordechai? What have you been doing all these years since we have talked? Have you found your place?”
Pi wasn’t looking at the tall man beside her as she spoke, instead her attention continued to stray to the man on stage, her gaze pulled back to watch as he played. “He’s very good isn’t he? Do you suppose he has somewhere to stay… now?”
K I L L E R || E L L I O T ' S