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Re: [ORPC] A touch of the green eyed monster (CLOSED)
Posted: 18 Oct 2014, 02:20
by Keara Aithne
If he thought he was getting away from it that easily he most definitely had another thought coming, as Keara tightened her grip on his hand and pulled him back to her. Sometimes it helped her to be the strongest of the pair, though she didn't like having to show her superior strength over him unless they were doing something a little more light-hearted and fun.
"Think you do that this conversation over is?"
The couple had caught the eye of a young man across the courtyard but he hadn't made a move towards them. Andrew knew Keara and could see that she was deep in discussion about something. It wasn't the best idea to interrupt her and he knew it. So he stayed where he was, waiting for the opportunity to present itself in which he could walk over and introduce himself. He' never officially met Enver before but he knew of him, both through the movies and through having caught glimpses of the couple on a few previous occasions.
"Say such things to me and walk away you cannot."
She reached her arms up over his shoulders and clasped her hands behind his head. She wasn't one for such displays of public affection but this conversation seemed to require, if only to keep him focused on her, much like she had done earlier when she had cupped his face. She couldn't help but be drawn to the darker areas of the market, as while they were also good places in which to have private conversations; they were also the sorts of places she and her kind drew strength from. Shadows after all had a stronger connection to the darkness through the powers that they could wield, but even Ever would feel the benefits of resting in the danker, darker areas of the city for a day. With his focus on her she continued to speak, once more trying desperately not to get lost in his beautiful, dark eyes.
"My silly boy you are. Worry you never should for your thoughts with me to share. And start I shall by saying that your thoughts too in this quite silly are. Lorde away before has been. Home to you then she did return. Hope we shall that this time no different shall be. Worry perhaps I would that this a curse of your lineage is, but you so seldom from my side are unless we good reason for apart to be do have." She gave him an encouraging smile and then allowed a little of her emotions to show before she continued, as something he said had pained her a little.
"I your family am Enver. Leave you I never shall. My family yours is. Just as yours mine are." She pushed herself onto the tips of her toes and lightly kissed his lips.
"Family what we make it is. No biologically ties to this world do I have. Well... None that from my loins did come. Perhaps distant relatives in England still I do have."
She reflected on that for a moment, aware of the fact that she would have to employ a genealogist to track down the descendants of her siblings.
"Quite honest as to your mother I should be. Yes? So, yes. Too old perhaps she is."
Epsilon was older than the rest of her childer, but what his exact age was, she wasn't sure. She couldn't expand on that without lying, something she was incapable of doing, and so she quickly moved the conversation on.
"More important than age though, is the fact that believe I do not that you eternity with your mother could spend. Forever Enver. Say you do that trying she is for an effort to make but when turned we are, our true natures magnified are. More so for those that upon your path do tread. What if she upon her old ways did fall?
If truly honest I am My Love. And say this I do with a heavy heart. For know I do what means she does to you and grateful I am that she, you into this world did bring, but believe I do not that like I would for eternity with her to spend.
And please. Mad with me do not be My Love. My best reasoning till last I have kept."
Keara released her fingers and gently stroked his jawline with her fingertips before running her thumb over the scar in his hairline.
"Scar you do my love. Heal properly you do not and confessed I did long ago that I the reason for this do not know. Gifts have we do that not of our path are. Blessings and curses both. And well... Possible it is for ones illness into this life to bring. Your mother quite ill is. Possible it is that like that forever she could be. So before any decision make you do. Think this through properly you should. Forever a long time is. Forget that said I did that I with her would not wish to be. Know you should that support you I shall. Matters not to what decision you come. Only that live with it you can."
With that, and fearing that he might push her away if she tried to kiss him after all that she'd said, she simply wrapped her arms around his waist and hugged him tightly. She loved him and she would support him, no matter what, even if that entailed eternity with Emilee. She'd die without him and she knew it. There was no future for her that did not have him in it.
((Benefit 2))
Re: [ORPC] A touch of the green eyed monster (CLOSED)
Posted: 19 Oct 2014, 14:37
by Enver Marshall II
When she first started talking, Enver was completely fixated on his wife. She always had some sort of innate wisdom that he didn't possess yet, be it from his lack of age in this life compared to her, or his own, well known stubbornness. No, he knew fully well this conversation wasn't done, even if he tried to make it that way. Tried to figure it all out on his own, as he'd been trying to. Rather unsuccessfully.
At first, his wife reassured him and eased his mind about Lorde. She was right. Lorde had always come back and when she was ready, she would be back. Still, waiting for the time to pass for the right moment was eating at him. Along with Falcon's absence, River's, and even Sin's. It was true his wife's family was his, but didn't she see? How few people he sired? How few people he gave the curse of vampirism too? And how few people he trusted to be himself around? All those people, the first of that group were gone.
His jaw clenched together as his wife moved on to talk about his mother. Months ago, Enver probably wouldn't have had these thoughts. He barely flinched when his old man died, mostly because they hadn't talked in years. Not since Abi. But since she self-imposed herself in to his life and even Every's, Enver was having second thoughts.
But here they were and his wife wasn't even attempting to entertain the idea of siring his mom. Everything she said spoke volumes of why his mom shouldn't be given immortality. And what was worse was she flat out admitted that his wife couldn't think of being around her. Sure, she had said forever, and deep down Enver knew forever meant at least three hundred years, but the rational side of Enver (what little there was), was gone and he was closing off his thoughts and feelings to his wife with each spoken word against the idea.
When she was done, Enver stood there, his shoulders slumped forward, the male slightly defeated. He didn't ask for this burden. If he could buy his mom more time in any way he could, Enver would have done it. The only thing that would save her was the one thing he didn't enjoy being most nights. His wife just didn't understand. "Forget it." He scowled as Enver took another bite of the cookie. "It's obvious that no matter what I say or how I feel about anything, you just see the negative. She could be a completely different person. Maybe better. If she got a second chance."
He knew he was being irrational and that his wife was more than likely right. If he actually gave it more thought than what he had. He knew that when he was first sired by River that everything, good and bad about him had been amplified and the scars on him were evidence that his wife had strong points and her reservations made sense. But this was his mom and his emotions were running high, eve if he didn't admit it. She was the last Marshall remaining besides him. His human life would be gone in a few months. Everything that he knew, enjoyed and even learned to live with. "It's easy for you to say because you have Deanna. And a big family. Not all of us have that." He might have sounded bitter. In fact, he was sure he did, but he didn't try and change how he felt or what he had said. Instead he looked away from his wife and her cold, practical opinions.
((flaw 1))
Re: [ORPC] A touch of the green eyed monster (CLOSED)
Posted: 19 Oct 2014, 18:52
by Keara Aithne
She could feel the tension in his body. She knew her words had pained him, but they had to be said. He needed to know what she thought and how she felt. He'd asked her for her opinion and she had given it freely. Keara also knew that Enver sometimes needed a little time to think things through. He was prone to making rash decisions and sometimes he made better ones, if he had the opportunity to sit back and actually consider what he knew. In this instance, she was relatively certain that he needed the time to process what she'd just said and was resigning herself to the fact that she would have to wait this one out. Something she might have been able to do more easily, had he not then opened his mouth.
Her fingers bit into his back, as she now clutched at his shoulder blades, keeping him to her. She didn't want to show her own frustration, as she had said all that she needed too on the matter and all that was required now was for him to make up his mind about the whole thing. Instead, as he spoke of what she had, she felt her own negative emotions take over and without meaning too, summoned her dagger to her hand. Had they not been off to one side, the blade would have been noticeable but as it was it was, for the most part, hidden between Enver and the wall.
Adjusting the weapon in her hand, she now held the dagger with the blade against her forearm. This was a common way for her to hold it if she were to lash out and strike at someone; and that someone in this scenario was likely to be her husband. She fought against her own violent instinct, not wanting to harm him when he was in such a fragile, emotional state. In her effort to curb the instinct to stick the blade in his back for the hurtful thing he'd said, she pressed the blade a little too hard against her skin. The knife's edge sliced the length of her skin and she let out a very soft, barely audible moan.
"Enver..." she moved to protect the blade behind her back and tried to manoeuvre herself between Enver and the wall at the same time.
"Your jacket require I do."
She didn't explain but the scent of her blood was in the air. Enver was all too familiar with that fragrance but if he were too much within his own mind he may not have noticed it. The thing about shadows blood was that it was a double edged sword. On the negative side it was black in colour, so if people saw it, it was obvious that there was something wrong with her. On the positive side it evaporated quickly into the atmosphere, meaning that if and when she did bleed, there was never any evidence after the fact. Every path had its quirks and for the most part Keara loved hers. Shadows differed more so from the other paths due to the colour of their blood and the manner in which they died and reborn and in Keara's eyes that made them more interesting. She wasn't thinking of this however as she looked across the courtyard and saw those familiar eyes looking back at her.
"Quickly now Enver," she urged as Andrew took the eye contact to mean that he was safe to approach.
((Flaw 2 & Benefit 3))
Re: [ORPC] A touch of the green eyed monster (CLOSED)
Posted: 22 Oct 2014, 01:53
by Enver Marshall II
The second a particular blade showed up, Enver knew he had overreacted. Or at least upset his wife. He stood there, feet planted in the ground as he waited for the blade to find a new home in him. But it never happened. He started to grin, but realized that while the blade hadn't found a home in him, it had found a home. In his wife. He groaned when she asked for his jacket, but shrugged out of it anyways, then draped it around her shoulders as he sighed.
"We should go home. You can't keep walking around like that. Couldn't really buy clothes now anyways." Enver said after clearing his throat. Sure, he knew that her blood would disappear, but it would need to be closed until she healed over night or the next couple of nights. And while he didn't give a rats *** about walking around with a decent size cut or a bullet hole in him, Enver knew his wife would. Besides, a good excuse to go home and stay indoors anyways. It was a win in his eyes.
"We could-" The male's eyes wandered around as he began to talk and just happened to finally land on the guy approaching him and his wife. His words were stalled as Enver watched the guy approach them and how he took note of Enver's wife first and then, finally him. He frowned, but gave the guy a nod as he closed the distance between him and the pair. Enver didn't know who he was, and how or why he knew his wife. So Enver stood there, and sized the guy up a little. Then waited for his wife to introduce him to the stranger. He could be a Vedarian Enver hadn't met face to face yet. He sure the hell wasn't anyone Enver knew and he wasn't a reporter. At least not that Enver could tell. The lack of a badge, recording device and camera assured him of that. So what did he want?
Re: [ORPC] A touch of the green eyed monster (CLOSED)
Posted: 22 Oct 2014, 06:11
by Keara Aithne
"Worry too much you do," she tells him as he slips his jacket over her shoulders.
As Andrew makes his approach, she pushes her arms into the sleeves, keeping the blade flush against her wound. With the weapon and the wound both hidden under Enver's jacket, which swamped her and covered most of her outfit, she was now safe to converse.
With a brief nod in Enver's direction, Andrew moved to hug Keara; albeit briefly. He was awkward about it though and as he spread his arms to embrace her he paused, adjusted his positioning and then moved to wrap his arms around her. Keara accepted the hug and even half returned it, patting him on the back as she did so. This was something that anyone who knew Keara would have been surprised by. Not only did she struggle with such forms of physical conduct, but she had even been known to become violent in the wake of such actions; something Enver knew all too well. In fact, outside of feeding or turning, this would have been the first time that he'd ever seen her hug someone that wasn't a member of their family.
"Greetings Andrew. Well I trust you are?"
"Oh yes. I'm very well thank you. I thought I saw you and I didn't want to interrupt, but I just had to say hello and ask how you are? So... How are you?" Andrew casts a semi nervous glance in Enver's direction and does a double take when he recognises him. "Oh wow. You're... Wow!" He turns to look at Keara. "I knew you were married but I didn’t' realise you married Enver Marshall. That's wow. How have I not read that somewhere."
He prattled on and distracted himself away from his question as to Keara's health, which was a good thing as she wouldn't have been able to say that she was well, not with her the damage she'd just done to her arm. Instead, Keara jumped on the chance to draw the subject away from herself and focus the attention on to Enver.
"Seems it does, that need I do not for my husband unto you to introduce," she looked between the two men. "Enver, this Andrew is. He the best customer of Goth Garb is. Designed many articles of clothing together we have in the year that passed has."
Andrew beamed with pride at being referred to as the best customer. Shed said it before in front of him but it didn’t matter he liked being referred to as being the best at something, even if it was just buying clothes.
Re: [ORPC] A touch of the green eyed monster (CLOSED)
Posted: 23 Oct 2014, 03:33
by Enver Marshall II
Enver didn't think he worried all that much. Not more than the average person. Not when it came to people that mattered. His wife was the top of the list. He didn't comment on anything she said about that, his attention and focus on the guy approaching them.
Andrew. The name didn't sound too familiar. He wasn't Vedarian. He was breathing and while Enver still did this, he had to focus on completing the task. It felt unnatural to him to not do it. Even if he'd been a vampire for a few years now. As the guy kept talking, Enver started to like him. Andrew knew who Enver was and that they were married. Good.
"It was a pretty low-key event. No press." He commented with a nod to the guy, finally giving him the time of day. Until his wife began to introduce the two of them to the other. Then Enver's mood changed completely. He knew who this prick was. His wife had written about him in her journal. His imagination began to run away with him in that instant. Did his wife see this guy naked? Did he see his wife naked at some time? Yes. The answers to both those were yes, Enver decided as he looked the guy up and down. And while he knew his wife would be professional about her job, it didn't matter. They had been in close quarters together. Be it she measuring him or helping him in a dressing booth. She had been in the same room as him, touching him and who knows how often he tried to touch her? The smile on Andrew's face said it all. Enver knew this guy had the hots for his wife. The guy had to go. Quickly too.
"Nice to meet you Andrew." Enver said coolly before he nudged his head to the right. "But We've got things to do." A possessive hand came around his wife's shoulder as he tugged her to him. Letting Andrew knew right where he stood. Outside of anything he and his wife had. He pointed to a store he thought his wife would like, gave Andrew a hard stare, then looked at his wife. "Come on, beautiful. The dogs are at home waiting."
Re: [ORPC] A touch of the green eyed monster (CLOSED)
Posted: 23 Oct 2014, 23:55
by Keara Aithne
As the men talk, Keara concentrates on her wound, trying to seal it shut with her power. She's successful but even then she's unable to relax, as the blade is still pressed against her skin and another slip up could be problematic. Thankfully, Enver's sleeves covered her arms and allowed her to cradled the hilt of the dagger in her palm without it being seen.
The shift in Enver's mood wasn't easy to pick up on, unless you were watching for it, which of course Keara was and when he tried to hurry them off towards one of the nearby shops, she couldn't help but frown ever so slightly. There was no reason for Enver to be rude and while he hadn't been hostile towards Andrew, he was being rather dismissive. The young man was her best customer and she couldn't afford for Enver to go ruining her business by scaring him away.
"Sorry," she says over her shoulder as they walk past the human. "Speak with you soon I shall. Of this I sure am."
Despite the words of the couple however, Andrew tags along behind them and continues to talk. He knows now that he's intruding but he has one last question to ask before he leaves them to it and goes about his own business.
"Are you going to be about next Wednesday? Only. I spoke to Serena and she wasn't sure what your schedule was like. She said she'd contact you but I haven't heard anything back from her. So... Are we on for next Wednesday? I have a great new idea for a t-shirt. I think you'll love it."
Keara gave him one of her quirky smiles and nodded her head by way of affirmation. She hadn't heard anything from Serena in a couple of days, which wasn't like the woman, but then Halloween was coming and for some reason sales in Goth Garb seemed to go up around that time.
"Make time for you I shall," she adds, before looking back to her husband.
The grip he had taken on her shoulder and the manner in which he'd tried to remove Andrew from the conversation showed her that he didn't much care for him. She knew he was marking his territory as some people were prone to do, herself included, and so that didn't bother her. In fact she quite liked that he was so possessive of her. As she considered his behaviour and tried to decide if she should scold him for it later, she couldn't help but fix her eyes upon him. She didn't need to watch where she was going if Enver was guiding her but the fact that she was staring at him was all too obvious, as she had to crane her neck up and tilt her head to the side to do so. As she looked at him she studied his proud jawline and smiled to herself. She considered herself blessed beyond measure to have this man in life and once more found herself with the overwhelming urge to kiss him.
Re: [ORPC] A touch of the green eyed monster (CLOSED)
Posted: 24 Oct 2014, 02:44
by Enver Marshall II
This guy was kidding, right? Not only had Enver told him they had things to do, but he made it a point to be even more known when Enver started more or less making the couple walk away from him. Somehow, the guy took it as an invitation to follow them and finish his thoughts. Enver let it go on for so long until Andrew started buttering his girl up. At least that's how he saw it. That's how he felt about it.
Enver stopped, and forgot about his wife for a moment. Even though he could feel her eyes on him. He had a thousand things running through his mind, especially when the guy dropped the L word. Everything around Enver changed. You could see it in his face. First, he clenched his jaw. Then his brows knitted together and his gaze became steely. To Enver it didn't matter how it was used and if it was potentially harmless, the guy needed to be put in his god damn place. The arm around his wife dropped as the other pulled back and punched the guy smack dab in his face. On his left side of the face before Enver gave him a piece of his mind.
"Stay the hell away from my wife. Get your own girl. A single, available girl. Not mine. Come near her again and I'll shove my foot up your *** so far, every time you cough you'll be feeling it for weeks." Enver scowled at the male, his eyes narrowed and focused on him as a hawk before he walked off, the male squeezing at his punching hand. He didn't resort to violence as a means to an end, but something about this guy made him loose his cool. So much he ended up hurting his hand because there was a right way to punch a guy and apparently Enver didn't have that down to an art yet. But no way was he going to allow this guy to think he could up enter their lives. Or use the words he had and how friendly he seemed to be with his wife!
As Enver got distance from the guy and the situation, his temper seemed to dwindle. He felt better. He felt good about giving the guy a potential black eye. He did what he had to. Enver knew he did the right thing. It felt right at the time.
((Flaw 2))
Re: [ORPC] A touch of the green eyed monster (CLOSED)
Posted: 24 Oct 2014, 18:27
by Keara Aithne
Keara could see how Andrew was grating on Enver's nerves but she did not expect what happened next. She'd seen Enver annoyed, she'd seen him angry, but she'd never seen him attack someone for no reason before. Had she known he was capable of attacking an innocent, she may have reacted in time to stop him but deep down Keara didn't think he'd strike out at Andrew. He was against violence. He'd lectured her on killing people. This was not the Enver she knew and loved.
He was soon yelling at the poor guy and Keara moved to Andrew's side and began inspecting the area where Enver's fist had impacted his face. A crowd was gathering and when Enver stalked off, Keara was torn between staying to help with damage control and chasing her husband down. She was equal parts furious and impressed. Furious because he'd attacked her best customer with absolutely no provocation and impressed because she was a rather twisted woman in some ways and actually enjoyed seeing her husband fight. It wasn't something he did often. Usually only to defend himself. Though he was certainly more comfortable attacking her these days, much to Keara's delight.
She cooed over Andrew for a few moments, glad that the scene had been short lived and no-one had, had the time to pull out their phones and record the incident. She wasn't so much worried about Enver breaking any vampiric laws of secrecy, as everything he said and did could be explained away as good old fashioned, human jealousy. What she was worried for, was his reputation. They still hadn't gone public with their marriage. In fact they'd done a very good job at keeping it all secret, though that was going to be tougher soon as she would be taking him name as her own. An incident such as this circulating in the media would not only attract unwanted attention to the pair, it could bias the public to their relationship.
Enver had asked her months ago to take his name and she was more than happy to do so but the process was rather delicate, as Enver wanted everything to be legal and above board, which is nigh on impossible when one of the couple doesn't officially exist. She had forged documentation of course, documents that would allow her to own the Asylum and they were good enough for that. They just wouldn't hold up to any real scrutiny, the kind of scrutiny that reporters liked to subject their victims too and by marrying Enver in human terms, this was something they both knew they were opening her up to. As such, Enver's contacts were busy building the kind of identity that no-one could question. Keara had suggested they start with a real identity and build from there. Her "birth" name would be something different and she would have "legally" change her name to Keara Aithne around the time she emerged from the Shadow Realm. It was a convoluted plot really but it was all they could do to keep her true nature hidden. It was a process that they would have to repeat in a decade or so, only then they would both be fabricating new lives and names.
Keara made short work of pacifying Andrew. She didn't have Enver's supernatural talents for that, but she apologised for Enver's behaviour and offered to design him an entire outfit for free. Andrew likely had a fractured skull and Keara told him to go to the emergency room and get himself checked out. She'd cover any costs. All he had to do was let Serena know what he needed and he'd be taken care of. All of this was done while still cupping the hilt of the dagger in one hand and trying not to give in to her baser urges and chase her husband down. Despite what Enver might think by her staying at Andrew's side, he was the one she wanted to be with and the very second that she was able to leave the scene of the incident, she followed after her love.
"Enver. Home we are going," she said catching his elbow with her free hand. "Talk I think we should."
She had him in a vice like grip as she began to walk them towards the Market's exit. She wasn't sure if she was going to slap him or kiss him when she got him home, but that didn't really matter. What mattered was the explanation she hoped to receive. She needed to know why he did what he did? What Andrew had said or done to bring about such rage? She understood jealousy, but his reaction was extreme to say the least.
Re: [ORPC] A touch of the green eyed monster (CLOSED)
Posted: 25 Oct 2014, 02:10
by Enver Marshall II
A wary, wry grin pulled on his features as his wife started pulling him towards the front of the market. She wanted them to leave. Good. The sooner they got away from the guy who was getting felt up by his wife; who loved her doing it too, the better. He didn't resist her grip on him. He welcomed it. Even if, in his mind his wife had taken a bit longer than he thought was necessary to leave Andrew right where he was. The guy deserved it. A single nod by Enver confirmed his inner thoughts.
"Yeah. Talk." He looked at her through narrowed eyes, giving her a look that said he was not happy. The male didn't want to waste any time getting home and talking. He had a few choice things to say about that jackass sniffing around her.So Enver pulled out a copy of the tome and focused his thoughts on the intended location. Most nights he enjoyed being there. Spending time with his wife. Doing whatever to pass the time and being alone with her in their own private part of the floor.
Enver focused on those feelings and was soon gone. He reappeared where he should have and took a look around. Too many people around. I'll hold the elevator. He sent the thought to her before he headed to the elevator, pressed the down button and waited for it to come up and for her to appear after him.
While he waited, he thought over his actions and why he had lost his cool over some human that didn't have half the things Enver could offer Keara. When he focused on Andrew and the words he kept saying, over and over again; that temper reared its ugly head again. So much, Enver's fist connected with the wall next to the elevator doors as it glided open.