reunion [dd]
- Registered User
- Posts: 1697
- Joined: 28 Dec 2011, 23:17
- CrowNet Handle: Mordechai
Re: reunion [dd]
Slipping off his leathers he stacked them with the shirt on top of the New Rocks. Drawing up to his full height the killer stretched as his eyes did a thorough scan of their surroundings. The silvery moonlight laid rippling shadows across the sculpted muscles of the huge male's chest and thighs. His was not the defined, pumped, bulging look of a body-builder. His was the smooth, massive look of a laborer or an athlete. Some one who used the massive muscles in their everyday life, not just juicing them up for a one day show. As he turned in a circle the muscles rolled beneath his skin, like a nest of pythons twisting for position. Satisfied they were alone, Mordechai turned back, his eyes possessively drinking in the sight of his beautiful kennedy as she slipped from her clothes. The slowly revealed female sent a burning heat flowing slowly through his veins, like an infusion of fresh blood had just been pumped into him. Slowly, silently he moved forward, his onyx eyes locked on to her curves, absorbing every move, every rolling motion of her curves drew him closer. As the last article fluttered to the ground, Mordechai leaned forward enveloping her in his arms, and lifting her as he rose to his full height, the killer cradled her to his chest as he instinctively nuzzled her neck, inhaling the sweet scent of her musk and desire.
Turning towards the lake he slowly walked into the water, holding his kennedy tight to him as he possessively kissed her, taking all that she offered. It had been so long since they had stopped to just take time to be with each other. His mind still teased at his problem and as he thought it though, he realized that right then, at that very moment, with kennedy in his arms, he was happy. Happy was an emotion. He was feeling an emotion. Slowly he turned in a circle the curves of his hips sending small waves out from him as if he was the epicenter of a small quake, and he realized, he was. The killer was shaking. Not from the cold, not from his realization. He was shaking because he was so happy. An emotion. Slowly he moved deeper into water till it came up to his chest. Turning his back to the center of the lake Mordechai leaned back, pushing off with his feet he slowly kicked, just enough to keep their heads above water. Slowly, reluctantly, he raised his lips from her mouth. ''I think I have found the answer'' He growled out just above a whisper. "I am broken, that is a given. You are my cure though. When i hold you, I feel, actually feel. Not decide what emotion is appropriate and pretend I feel...With you in my arms, I feel." Stretching out he floated on his back, easily making a raft with his massive frame for his beloved kennedy to stretch out on. "I went to Zo, asked some advice. She read my cards. They made sense to a degree then, although at one point she seemed ready to shoot me. Now, though, I am really beginning to see what is behind them all, the path I need to take." Mordechai paused, drifting aimlessly for a moment while his eye drank in the sight of the beautiful nude female sprawled out on top of him. ''ken......''
Turning towards the lake he slowly walked into the water, holding his kennedy tight to him as he possessively kissed her, taking all that she offered. It had been so long since they had stopped to just take time to be with each other. His mind still teased at his problem and as he thought it though, he realized that right then, at that very moment, with kennedy in his arms, he was happy. Happy was an emotion. He was feeling an emotion. Slowly he turned in a circle the curves of his hips sending small waves out from him as if he was the epicenter of a small quake, and he realized, he was. The killer was shaking. Not from the cold, not from his realization. He was shaking because he was so happy. An emotion. Slowly he moved deeper into water till it came up to his chest. Turning his back to the center of the lake Mordechai leaned back, pushing off with his feet he slowly kicked, just enough to keep their heads above water. Slowly, reluctantly, he raised his lips from her mouth. ''I think I have found the answer'' He growled out just above a whisper. "I am broken, that is a given. You are my cure though. When i hold you, I feel, actually feel. Not decide what emotion is appropriate and pretend I feel...With you in my arms, I feel." Stretching out he floated on his back, easily making a raft with his massive frame for his beloved kennedy to stretch out on. "I went to Zo, asked some advice. She read my cards. They made sense to a degree then, although at one point she seemed ready to shoot me. Now, though, I am really beginning to see what is behind them all, the path I need to take." Mordechai paused, drifting aimlessly for a moment while his eye drank in the sight of the beautiful nude female sprawled out on top of him. ''ken......''
''Si vis pacem, para bellum'' ~*~*~*~*~*~ ''morituri te salutant''
''Deep within the shadows I'm the hungry wolf you fear''
''Si vis pacem, para bellum'' ~*~*~*~*~*~ ''morituri te salutant''
''Deep within the shadows I'm the hungry wolf you fear''
- Registered User
- Posts: 310
- Joined: 05 Mar 2013, 00:18
Re: reunion [dd]
Kennedy's eyes couldn't help but drift up as she caught him removing his leathers out of the corner of her eye. Watching him undress was just as exhilarating to her as if they were doing foolish teenage acts to 'get in the mood'. Such girlish reactions confirmed that she belonged to no one other than him and he was everything she ever wanted or needed. Never was she materialistic like snobby rich girls her age, she was realistic in her wants and needs and Mordechai provided her with all of that and more. Casually placing her clothes in a pile, not caring if they were folded or not as she didn't have anyone that she cared to impress as no one really mattered outside of him unless it was family. His sculpted body was realistic even though it would seem to others that he was photoshopped but bulging muscles all in the proper and useful places to show he was a worker, not some schmuck that tried to impress with showing muscles that people didn't realize existed. Hell...those types of men couldn't even put their arms down properly...they always looked stiff as if they were crafted after one of those little plastic army men that boys would play with. A soft chuckle slipped from her at the thought of muscle bound schmucks that lived life with constant weights in their hands.
Instantly she was pulled from her thoughts as he moved toward her, enveloping her into him. He was possessive and protective all in a way that wasn't overbearing. It was desired to her as he always made her feel safe, even if she made a wrong move and landed in the Shadow Realm. He was always talking with her to let her know that she was being thought of and never left to be alone. Pressing into him gingerly only to smile as he lifted her up, cradling her close to his body. A soft content sigh escaped her as he nuzzled into her neck. Security and comfort all at the same time. They were the perfect couple in her eyes and nothing would make her wish to pull away or leave him.
As he turned toward the water and his lips pressed to hers, she didn't have a care in the world if anyone would walk into the clearing and find them. If they did, they would see a couple that was clearly comfortable in their skin and didn't care if the world knew it. What concerned her was the sudden shaking and trembling that suddenly appeared out of no where. Pulling back from the kiss reluctantly, she looked around to see if she could notice anything unusual that would indicate an earthquake until her eyes caught the water around them. The trembling was coming from them. Tilting her head as her eyes met his as he seemed unphased or at least to her when he leaned back and made himself a raft to her. Curling up upon him, she rested her head on his chest as she listened carefully to his words. He had made his revelation to a problem that she didn't realize was a problem as she never had the chance to see him without emotion in the nearly two years they had been together.
As her name left his lips, she lifted her head from his chest. Her eyes once again met his as they floated across the frosty lake. A soft smile upon her lips as she looked at the man that she loved with her entire being and more, curious as to what he wanted to say but happy that he had found the answer that he was looking for. Giving a soft nod, she spoke ever so softly that her sire would deem as being weak but it was just her not needing to have her guard up while having a genuine moment of love or passion with him. Kennedy never needed to worry with him nor him with her.
Instantly she was pulled from her thoughts as he moved toward her, enveloping her into him. He was possessive and protective all in a way that wasn't overbearing. It was desired to her as he always made her feel safe, even if she made a wrong move and landed in the Shadow Realm. He was always talking with her to let her know that she was being thought of and never left to be alone. Pressing into him gingerly only to smile as he lifted her up, cradling her close to his body. A soft content sigh escaped her as he nuzzled into her neck. Security and comfort all at the same time. They were the perfect couple in her eyes and nothing would make her wish to pull away or leave him.
As he turned toward the water and his lips pressed to hers, she didn't have a care in the world if anyone would walk into the clearing and find them. If they did, they would see a couple that was clearly comfortable in their skin and didn't care if the world knew it. What concerned her was the sudden shaking and trembling that suddenly appeared out of no where. Pulling back from the kiss reluctantly, she looked around to see if she could notice anything unusual that would indicate an earthquake until her eyes caught the water around them. The trembling was coming from them. Tilting her head as her eyes met his as he seemed unphased or at least to her when he leaned back and made himself a raft to her. Curling up upon him, she rested her head on his chest as she listened carefully to his words. He had made his revelation to a problem that she didn't realize was a problem as she never had the chance to see him without emotion in the nearly two years they had been together.
As her name left his lips, she lifted her head from his chest. Her eyes once again met his as they floated across the frosty lake. A soft smile upon her lips as she looked at the man that she loved with her entire being and more, curious as to what he wanted to say but happy that he had found the answer that he was looking for. Giving a soft nod, she spoke ever so softly that her sire would deem as being weak but it was just her not needing to have her guard up while having a genuine moment of love or passion with him. Kennedy never needed to worry with him nor him with her.
| I used to crave the world's attention; I think I cried too many times |

| I just need some more affection; Anything to get me by |

| I just need some more affection; Anything to get me by |
- Registered User
- Posts: 1697
- Joined: 28 Dec 2011, 23:17
- CrowNet Handle: Mordechai
Re: reunion [dd]
Mordechai paused, lost in thought, hoping that she would realize he was thinking. He often paused when speaking. Laconic by nature and nurture, the killer chose his words carefully in the best of times, but now, what he was trying to say was far more important than any normal everyday conversation. His heterochromic eyes scanned her body more thoroughly than any TSA employee would dare, were she to decide to fly. Ever mound and vale was recommitted to memory. He longed to touch her, to run his fingers through her silken tresses, to caress and knead her sculpted muscles, but the killer knew an toward movement would upset the equilibrium of their floating paradise. He would have to settle for the feeling that gravity provided, as it molded her softer flesh to his, forming them in to one symbiotic organism floating on the lake. He tried once more to continue. "Yes, path. I must embark on a path of hope and change. Hope, that you will continue to feel as you do. Change, in that I want to become more.... acceptable? For you. I do not feel emotion, I do not feel" Once more she distracted him. The musky scent of her arousal met his preternatural sense of smell, lightly layered with the lavender scent that seemed to follow her everywhere. Inhaling deeply, he sighed contentedly as his body responded to her. Continuing on he tried to explain, what he himself did not understand totally. "When I am with you, I feel. Without you, I exist. I am not good with words. I do not wish to be without you" One muscled arm slowly wrapped around her lithe frame, as he closed his eyes. Expanding his senses, his ears brought to him the rustle of small mammals scurrying about the shore. The air was silent as most of the avians of the area were settled on their roosts, awaiting the rising of the sun. The chorus of a few hardy frogs braving the skim ice along the shore, added to the natural symphony that was helping to calm him as he sought the words he needed. His arm tightened, drawing her even closer as he caught a wayward tendril of her hair in his teeth, tasting her, as her scent filled his nostrils. A rudder appeared close to her hand that she would easily be able to guide her living raft with, as his mind pondered the pleasures she had often shared with him. A low chuckle rumbled from his chest softly vibrating against her as he smiled, " You make it hard to concentrate. Zodiacs cards, told my past, well enough, that I wish to follow the advise they gave on how to improve myself. I am meeting new people, and interacting with them. I am working on my sense of humor, tho it seems some have trouble understanding it. People do not respond to my jokes, as they do to yours." Opening his eyes again he stared deeply into hers. "I owe you a great debt of gratitude, that I do not think I shall ever be able to repay. Even though it seems now that our lifespan is clearly longer than a humans."
''Si vis pacem, para bellum'' ~*~*~*~*~*~ ''morituri te salutant''
''Deep within the shadows I'm the hungry wolf you fear''
''Si vis pacem, para bellum'' ~*~*~*~*~*~ ''morituri te salutant''
''Deep within the shadows I'm the hungry wolf you fear''
- Registered User
- Posts: 310
- Joined: 05 Mar 2013, 00:18
Re: reunion [dd]
They could have floated there for hours and she wouldn't have cared. She was with Mordechai and at that moment, that was all that mattered. He was the sun in a world of darkness. If she had to think about a life without him then she would fall into a world of despair. Snuggling more upon his chest as they floated, she smiled as his body woke, coming to life as his emotions drifted through him for her. It was always easy to tell when he was happy or excited when she was around and what followed was always fun. Reaching over to let her fingers dance in the water, she smiled at the simpleness of their life but how it worked perfectly for them. As he began to talk about his path and the change that he felt that he needed to make that would be acceptable for her. A furrowed brow pressed deeply upon her face as she lifted her head to look at him.
"Mordie....I have never asked you to change for me and you shouldn't have to feel that you need to change for anyone but yourself. Seriously...if you feel that you need to change for others then those people aren't worth your time if they can't accept you for who you are without question. I love you Mordie and I always will even if I only remain your pet until this earth claims the ashes of our death, never letting us to return to this world."
Kennedy wanted to melt into his embrace as he held her but she really wanted to look at him as he spoke. Carefully, she moved and shifted so that she was sitting on his abdomen without sinking into the water. Her hands resting upon his chest though at times, she absentmindedly let her fingers follow the water beads that rolled along his chest. His words were soft and caring as he spoke and it was comforting to know that everything was okay and he was working on what he felt was wrong. Her fingers continued to caress his upon his chest as she listened to his words. Oddly enough to her, his words seemed much like the start of a proposal to her and her heart nearly fluttered out of her chest until her mind caught up with her heart, reminding it that he wouldn't marry because he never felt that a piece of paper was needed to ensure the need to solidify a relationship. Coming back down to Earth as he listened and smiled.
"I never want to be without you either so you have nothing to worry about there. You can trust even if you can't trust anything other than that." A soft chuckle slipped from her as she carefully leaned down to kiss him. "Well...we can always fix your concentration issues if you really want. I am glad that Zodiac is helping you. She's a good friend to both of us and she will make sure that everything works out in the end. I promise." She looked back at him and tilted her head as she listened to him. " don't owe me anything and I would never ask you to try to repay me for anything that I have done. I love you and I would do all that I have done for you again, a thousand times over if I had to because I love you and it's just that simple."
"Mordie....I have never asked you to change for me and you shouldn't have to feel that you need to change for anyone but yourself. Seriously...if you feel that you need to change for others then those people aren't worth your time if they can't accept you for who you are without question. I love you Mordie and I always will even if I only remain your pet until this earth claims the ashes of our death, never letting us to return to this world."
Kennedy wanted to melt into his embrace as he held her but she really wanted to look at him as he spoke. Carefully, she moved and shifted so that she was sitting on his abdomen without sinking into the water. Her hands resting upon his chest though at times, she absentmindedly let her fingers follow the water beads that rolled along his chest. His words were soft and caring as he spoke and it was comforting to know that everything was okay and he was working on what he felt was wrong. Her fingers continued to caress his upon his chest as she listened to his words. Oddly enough to her, his words seemed much like the start of a proposal to her and her heart nearly fluttered out of her chest until her mind caught up with her heart, reminding it that he wouldn't marry because he never felt that a piece of paper was needed to ensure the need to solidify a relationship. Coming back down to Earth as he listened and smiled.
"I never want to be without you either so you have nothing to worry about there. You can trust even if you can't trust anything other than that." A soft chuckle slipped from her as she carefully leaned down to kiss him. "Well...we can always fix your concentration issues if you really want. I am glad that Zodiac is helping you. She's a good friend to both of us and she will make sure that everything works out in the end. I promise." She looked back at him and tilted her head as she listened to him. " don't owe me anything and I would never ask you to try to repay me for anything that I have done. I love you and I would do all that I have done for you again, a thousand times over if I had to because I love you and it's just that simple."
| I used to crave the world's attention; I think I cried too many times |

| I just need some more affection; Anything to get me by |

| I just need some more affection; Anything to get me by |
- Registered User
- Posts: 1697
- Joined: 28 Dec 2011, 23:17
- CrowNet Handle: Mordechai
Re: reunion [dd]
The killer was at peace. Finally. Something about his kennedy did that to him. Though he felt more when she was near, overall , she brought peacefulness to him on lavender scented air. Mordechai watched as his kennedy played in the water as he spoke to her. A small smile picked at the corners of his lips. Silently he floated as she replied. He took in her words as she explained her feelings abou changing. She didn't seem to understand that noone had asked him to change, but that this was something he needed to do for himself. To make him feel complete. Whole. Worthy. It just was, needed. Kennedy's declaration of love brought a soothing warmth running under his skin. Her words were heartfelt, her sincerity obvious in her face. Reaching up he softly traced her curves with his calloused fingertips, before pulling her down. His long muscled arms wrapped around her as he stole a kiss, then smiled and rolled over dropping his kennedy into the water with a chuckle. Reaching out he caught her wrist and dragged her up against him as he treaded water, moulding her nubile form to the hard planes of his massive frame.
With a smile meant only for her, he reached out and began to stroke towards the shore, drawing her with him. Once again he let his senses reach out searching the nearby area for intruders, before drawing her into his arms as his feet touched down in the shallows. Carrying her to their clothes he settled her gently on his duster and sat beside her. "Oldtown Theatre, is nearby. The night is young. Would you go on a date with me?"
With a smile meant only for her, he reached out and began to stroke towards the shore, drawing her with him. Once again he let his senses reach out searching the nearby area for intruders, before drawing her into his arms as his feet touched down in the shallows. Carrying her to their clothes he settled her gently on his duster and sat beside her. "Oldtown Theatre, is nearby. The night is young. Would you go on a date with me?"
''Si vis pacem, para bellum'' ~*~*~*~*~*~ ''morituri te salutant''
''Deep within the shadows I'm the hungry wolf you fear''
''Si vis pacem, para bellum'' ~*~*~*~*~*~ ''morituri te salutant''
''Deep within the shadows I'm the hungry wolf you fear''
- Registered User
- Posts: 310
- Joined: 05 Mar 2013, 00:18
Re: reunion [dd]
Peace was all that she ultimately felt. There was a calmness to the wilderness even though there were beasts that threatened to stalk and harm them but with being in the lake...they were safe from the Fae's harm. Kennedy always felt like she was at home with him. She couldn't imagine her life at this point without him and to her...that was a good thing because he made that strong of an impression on her that she wanted to keep him around. A soft sigh slipped out of her as his hands began to caress along her flesh, smiling softly down at him.
Kennedy didn't see what was coming next. She hadn't thought anything about it as his arms wrapped around her and pulled her down for a kiss. A brightly surprised squeal exploded from her as he suddenly rolled them over, dunking her beneath the water. Rushing to the top, she felt his hand wrap around her wrist to pull her close. Her eyes looked at him and the shock was still very clear upon her features as she looked up at him. He was being playful which was a side that nearly, if ever, came out so she couldn't be upset with him. Snuggling into his form as he pulled them toward shore, she relaxed as the water moved across her skin. Her head pressed into his neck as he carried her out of the water and onto shore. Once her feet touched down on top of his leather jacket, she pulled back and looked around before getting dressed. His words were a bit shocking but he was definitely in a good mood. Nodding her head, she smiled as she finished dressing. "I would actually love to go on a date with you."
Kennedy didn't see what was coming next. She hadn't thought anything about it as his arms wrapped around her and pulled her down for a kiss. A brightly surprised squeal exploded from her as he suddenly rolled them over, dunking her beneath the water. Rushing to the top, she felt his hand wrap around her wrist to pull her close. Her eyes looked at him and the shock was still very clear upon her features as she looked up at him. He was being playful which was a side that nearly, if ever, came out so she couldn't be upset with him. Snuggling into his form as he pulled them toward shore, she relaxed as the water moved across her skin. Her head pressed into his neck as he carried her out of the water and onto shore. Once her feet touched down on top of his leather jacket, she pulled back and looked around before getting dressed. His words were a bit shocking but he was definitely in a good mood. Nodding her head, she smiled as she finished dressing. "I would actually love to go on a date with you."
| I used to crave the world's attention; I think I cried too many times |

| I just need some more affection; Anything to get me by |

| I just need some more affection; Anything to get me by |
- Registered User
- Posts: 1697
- Joined: 28 Dec 2011, 23:17
- CrowNet Handle: Mordechai
Re: reunion [dd]
Smoothly and steadily the muscular killer dressed, his eyes locked onto the slowly disappearing curves of his vibrant kennedy. Straightening as he finished the buckles of his New Rocks, Mordechai lifted a small flat stone from the shore, rolling it in his fingers as he watched his kennedy finish up with her outfit. A snap of his wrist sent the stone flying across the lake, silently he counted as it skipped, twelve, thirteen, fourteen, slowly it sank beneath the surface. His ears picked up kennedy's soft spoken words, and spinning he swirled the buxom allurist up into his arms. She had agreed to a date! Swirling her in a circle the killer tossed her into the air, then easily catching her in his arms, Mordechai broke into an easy ground eating lope as he jogged toward Gray's, and the Judge. Moon light filtered through the trees lighting his path as as he surefootedly leaped logs and rocks, headed back to civilization.
Crossing into the parking lot the massive killer easily lifted his kennedy onto the pillion seat, a small grin tracing his lips. "You said, 'Yes' " His eyes traced her form, than searched the outlying areas of the lot, slipping onto the Judge, one easy kick or the spiked New Rock, and the motor rumbled to life, echoing softly from the trees that surrounded the lot. A few birds took wing, but the massive killer gently slipped the clutch, almost quietly rolling from the lot, leaving mother nature undisturbed. A short roll out down the block and around the corner and there it was. The Marquee spoke of numerous movies, but only one caught his eye. "Thirty days of night". A low chuckle erupted from deep in his belly. Pulling up onto the walk before the theater, one boot slapped down the stand. Spinning off the bike he smiled to his beloved, "Look, a Vampire movie, shall we?"
Crossing into the parking lot the massive killer easily lifted his kennedy onto the pillion seat, a small grin tracing his lips. "You said, 'Yes' " His eyes traced her form, than searched the outlying areas of the lot, slipping onto the Judge, one easy kick or the spiked New Rock, and the motor rumbled to life, echoing softly from the trees that surrounded the lot. A few birds took wing, but the massive killer gently slipped the clutch, almost quietly rolling from the lot, leaving mother nature undisturbed. A short roll out down the block and around the corner and there it was. The Marquee spoke of numerous movies, but only one caught his eye. "Thirty days of night". A low chuckle erupted from deep in his belly. Pulling up onto the walk before the theater, one boot slapped down the stand. Spinning off the bike he smiled to his beloved, "Look, a Vampire movie, shall we?"
''Si vis pacem, para bellum'' ~*~*~*~*~*~ ''morituri te salutant''
''Deep within the shadows I'm the hungry wolf you fear''
''Si vis pacem, para bellum'' ~*~*~*~*~*~ ''morituri te salutant''
''Deep within the shadows I'm the hungry wolf you fear''
- Registered User
- Posts: 310
- Joined: 05 Mar 2013, 00:18
Re: reunion [dd]
As she slipped on her jacket, she turned toward the lake at the sound of the stone skipping across the surface. Bright honey eyes looked up at him. He looked magnificent under the moonlight which made her twice as proud that she belonged to him. His movements were quick and she didn't anticipate him picking her up before tossing her in the air before catching her once again. A bright giggle erupted from her as she rested in his arms. He was in a very good mood and because of that, she didn't want the night to end. If anyone approached and even threatened to make him angry, she had a bullet with their name on it aimed at their head and her blade ready to remove the jewels they held dear.
Kennedy watched the world fly past her as Mordechai hurried through the wilderness, trying to avoid the attention of any Fae. It was an exhilarating feeling and because of that, she had to learn the power for herself. It was a power she used often other than when she inspired him, making him just a little bit stronger to help him with any task that stops him in his tracks. He was insanely strong in her opinion but he always seemed grateful for the extra oomph each day so she kept it up. Kissing the side of his cheek as he crossed the parking lot to Judge, couldn't believe the night they were having. It was well long over due but they both had found themselves to be busy, though always found each other at the end of the night to rest together at home.
As he set her on the back of Judge, she tilted her head in slight confusion as her eyes met his. "Why wouldn't I say yes? You are the only person that I could imagine saying yes to..." His excitement was odd but she chalked it up to the changes that he was working on for himself. Wrapping her arms his waist as she held to him as he took off down the street. It was a short ride but still a ride nonetheless. Looking at the movie listings as they pulled up. His suggestion made her laugh as she nodded her head. "Oh the irony..." Slipping off the bike, she smirked. "Should we keep track of how many things they have wrong?"
Kennedy watched the world fly past her as Mordechai hurried through the wilderness, trying to avoid the attention of any Fae. It was an exhilarating feeling and because of that, she had to learn the power for herself. It was a power she used often other than when she inspired him, making him just a little bit stronger to help him with any task that stops him in his tracks. He was insanely strong in her opinion but he always seemed grateful for the extra oomph each day so she kept it up. Kissing the side of his cheek as he crossed the parking lot to Judge, couldn't believe the night they were having. It was well long over due but they both had found themselves to be busy, though always found each other at the end of the night to rest together at home.
As he set her on the back of Judge, she tilted her head in slight confusion as her eyes met his. "Why wouldn't I say yes? You are the only person that I could imagine saying yes to..." His excitement was odd but she chalked it up to the changes that he was working on for himself. Wrapping her arms his waist as she held to him as he took off down the street. It was a short ride but still a ride nonetheless. Looking at the movie listings as they pulled up. His suggestion made her laugh as she nodded her head. "Oh the irony..." Slipping off the bike, she smirked. "Should we keep track of how many things they have wrong?"
| I used to crave the world's attention; I think I cried too many times |

| I just need some more affection; Anything to get me by |

| I just need some more affection; Anything to get me by |
- Registered User
- Posts: 1697
- Joined: 28 Dec 2011, 23:17
- CrowNet Handle: Mordechai
Re: reunion [dd]
The night was still young, as this far north, winter darkness was quite extended, and the creatures that go bump in the night, were able to start their 'days' much earlier, and continue them much later, then during the summer. The moonlight lit the theater parking lot, and coupled with a few street lights and his enhanced vision, Mordechai easily scanned the area for threats. Other then a few flurries in the air, and some late night movie buffs who were already headed for the theater's warmth, the area was empty, and quiet. Nodding silently to himself, the killer reached out drawing his kennedy close. His head bowed to lightly kiss her the top of her head, then tucking her at his side under his protective arm, led her to the entrance. Slipping through the entrance as unobtrusively as possible, Mordechai looked slowly around. The theater was one of the few places in Harper Rock that he had never been. Aisles to the left and right evidently led to restrooms, from the sounds of water and flushings that came from those directions. One more place he would not need to visit this night.
Stepping forward, his eyes tracked over the huge stuffed crocodile in the entryway. It separated the flow of people, directing traffic left to the ticket booths, and right towards a seating area where people could await the starting of the next showings. Walking to the left Mordechai led his love up to the short line waiting for tickets to the last showing of '30 Days of Night' and patiently waited their turn. At last they reached the counter and when the five foot tall college girl working it gawked up at him, he part his lips and the word "Two" rumbled out from between them. A quick glance at the stubs showed that the movie was showing in screen room three, and they had eighteen minutes left. Nodding slightly to himself, he turned towards the well lighted concession stand. They would have nothing that he could imbibe, but his kennedy could, and that would help with the illusion of humanity. As they cleared the ticket area, he finally glanced down to the petite brunette shelter in his shadow, and answered her question. " Because when I am with you, I feel. When I feel I wonder why one such as you would shackle yourself with one such as I" Looking back towards the food counter they were rapidly approaching he queried "Popcorn?"
Stepping forward, his eyes tracked over the huge stuffed crocodile in the entryway. It separated the flow of people, directing traffic left to the ticket booths, and right towards a seating area where people could await the starting of the next showings. Walking to the left Mordechai led his love up to the short line waiting for tickets to the last showing of '30 Days of Night' and patiently waited their turn. At last they reached the counter and when the five foot tall college girl working it gawked up at him, he part his lips and the word "Two" rumbled out from between them. A quick glance at the stubs showed that the movie was showing in screen room three, and they had eighteen minutes left. Nodding slightly to himself, he turned towards the well lighted concession stand. They would have nothing that he could imbibe, but his kennedy could, and that would help with the illusion of humanity. As they cleared the ticket area, he finally glanced down to the petite brunette shelter in his shadow, and answered her question. " Because when I am with you, I feel. When I feel I wonder why one such as you would shackle yourself with one such as I" Looking back towards the food counter they were rapidly approaching he queried "Popcorn?"
''Si vis pacem, para bellum'' ~*~*~*~*~*~ ''morituri te salutant''
''Deep within the shadows I'm the hungry wolf you fear''
''Si vis pacem, para bellum'' ~*~*~*~*~*~ ''morituri te salutant''
''Deep within the shadows I'm the hungry wolf you fear''
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- Posts: 310
- Joined: 05 Mar 2013, 00:18
Re: reunion [dd]
As he tucked her into his arm, she snuggled close to his body as they walked to the building. She couldn't help but giggle slightly that her hair looked like icicles from their recent swim. She honestly looked like she had just gotten out of the shower and didn't take time to dry her hair. Most would wonder if she would catch a cold or worse...pneumonia but she knew that she would be fine, she just needed to thaw. Looking around the theater as they entered, her eyes grew wide with excitement. It was huge! Maybe they showed those big 3D IMAX movies here when the movie studios wanted to make an extra profit off of their huge hits.
Kennedy wasn't paying attention as to where she was walking and almost ran into the largely stuffed crocodile but then again...Mordechai was always good with guiding her along that she didn't really need to pay attention when she walked unless she was alone. A soft giggle slipped from her as she extended a finger and bopped the crocodile on the nose before moving to the ticket booth. Standing next to Mordechai, she was aware that her height was equivalent to that of a child to an adult...he towered over her but to her that was only one more thing that made them unique. Smiling at the woman who looked up at him with shock in her eyes as he payed for the tickets. She was amused and the humans reactions to him never got old as it was cheap entertainment to her. Shaking her head with a chuckle as she turned away from the counter, walking towards the concession stand.
As he began can to answer her question from before. She stopped and looked up at him. "Why wouldn't I? Whether you feel or don't have always been there for me. You hardly knew me or even knew me at all when you would silently follow me from work to make sure that I got home safely. Then when you did get to know took me in, trained me, loved me, protected me, and essentially gave me the world. You are everything that most girls want in a man and I have it. **** yeah...I'll keep that and... She made air quotes as she spoke the word that he had used. "...'shackle' myself up to that." She smirked and took a step toward him, tilting her head up to look him in the eyes. "I love you and you're just going to have to deal with it. I'm not going anywhere. I'm your little squirrel...always." Giving him a matter of a fact nod, she turned back toward the concession stand and looked over the candy options. "I would love some popcorn and some skittles and some Reese's pieces and a large Cherry Coke."
Kennedy wasn't paying attention as to where she was walking and almost ran into the largely stuffed crocodile but then again...Mordechai was always good with guiding her along that she didn't really need to pay attention when she walked unless she was alone. A soft giggle slipped from her as she extended a finger and bopped the crocodile on the nose before moving to the ticket booth. Standing next to Mordechai, she was aware that her height was equivalent to that of a child to an adult...he towered over her but to her that was only one more thing that made them unique. Smiling at the woman who looked up at him with shock in her eyes as he payed for the tickets. She was amused and the humans reactions to him never got old as it was cheap entertainment to her. Shaking her head with a chuckle as she turned away from the counter, walking towards the concession stand.
As he began can to answer her question from before. She stopped and looked up at him. "Why wouldn't I? Whether you feel or don't have always been there for me. You hardly knew me or even knew me at all when you would silently follow me from work to make sure that I got home safely. Then when you did get to know took me in, trained me, loved me, protected me, and essentially gave me the world. You are everything that most girls want in a man and I have it. **** yeah...I'll keep that and... She made air quotes as she spoke the word that he had used. "...'shackle' myself up to that." She smirked and took a step toward him, tilting her head up to look him in the eyes. "I love you and you're just going to have to deal with it. I'm not going anywhere. I'm your little squirrel...always." Giving him a matter of a fact nod, she turned back toward the concession stand and looked over the candy options. "I would love some popcorn and some skittles and some Reese's pieces and a large Cherry Coke."
| I used to crave the world's attention; I think I cried too many times |

| I just need some more affection; Anything to get me by |

| I just need some more affection; Anything to get me by |