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Re: Puppy Playtime (Jersey)
Posted: 18 Oct 2014, 02:49
by Keara Aithne
It may have come across as rude but as Jersey finished speaking, Keara couldn't help but laugh. Laughing wasn't something that came naturally to her, not even around her family. Enver had awoken her humanity but in some aspects she still struggled to show herself to the outside world. Of course Enver was used to her laughing, alone with him she could giggle like a school girl even, but that was hardly surprising. There were at least 3 different versions of the woman as it were; two were private personas and the third was the public one. Enver was the only one that saw Keara as she really was. She was never more alive than when they were alone together. Then there was who she was with her family. She was warming up around them too now thanks to Enver's perseverance, but she still had a way to go. Only a few of those that she truly felt comfortable around saw anything between the two private versions of herself. Jersey's Peter being one of them. Jersey herself too perhaps, as she had witnessed how tender Keara was around her son when he was injured. Lastly there was public persona everyone else saw that was far more reserved, didn't like to be touched (at all), didn't smile and far more serious. Alone in the darkness as it were, Jersey was seeing a little of Keara as she was when around those she trusted.
"Oh darkling," she began when the laughing ceased. "Vampires so different from humans are not. Selfish creatures at our hearts we mostly are. Most of us our best do for such instincts to overcome, but even the most saintly amongst us, our days do have when consider we do not the feelings or desires of another. Thinking of Peter, Enver and I were not on the night that turned he was. The best of ourselves that night we did not show. And yet rewarded with Peter we were. Change the outcome of that night for the world I would not."
Leeloo tottered out from behind Keara's feet, cast her bright eyes skywards, as if checking to see if Keara were still there and sat herself down as if waiting to be invited over by the other animals. Being the only female of the bunch, she likely felt a little out of place and overwhelmed, not to mention the fact that she hadn't seen quite so many animals in one place since the day Keara and Enver chose her from among her siblings.
"Feeds that does into what previously too you said." She laughed again. "Normal it is for creatures upon the nerves of another to play. That night Enver and I quite annoyed with one another were. He away from me does walk. I him to me do summon. Try I do for to leave and over his shoulder he will throw me. Life a little flat would be if little changed did. Stagnates then life does. True that is of every aspect. Accept I do the good with the bad. Truly appreciate one without the other you cannot."
Keara knew something more to be said but she had to pause for a moment to consider what that might be. As she meditated on it, her head tilted ever so slightly to one side and she looked off into the distance over Jersey's shoulder. It was the word dagger that brought her thoughts to the forefront of her mind and wry smile played on her lips.
"Once more my thoughts in a more perfect order could not have fallen. Speaking I was of balance. Of extremes. Of acceptance. Apply that also you should to your potential. If wish you do for your nature to control, an outlet it requires. Practice a wonderful idea is. Focus you can on your talents to better, and channel you can your negative emotions. The negative into a positive then is turned. If wish you ever do for with me to train, happy I would be for with you to spar. Have you membership to The Gauntlet Jersey? Do you even know that such a place exists does?"
Violence was something Keara understood very well. Self-control was something she practiced on a daily basis. Her whole waking life was consumed by it. She had to suppress certain aspects of her personality, while forcing others to foreground. Balance. Duality. Her whole life was wrapped up in those words; her marriage, her religion, her very existence even.
Re: Puppy Playtime (Jersey)
Posted: 21 Oct 2014, 20:52
by Jersey
The laughter threw her off immensely, her green eyes widening as she went over what had been said and tried to find the source of amusement. When she couldn't figure it out, confusion was evident on her features. After a few moments, it faded while she listened to Keara speak and remembered what Peter had said about his turning. "I'm still happy he was turned and just not killed before being thrown in the river." She thought to herself as she felt the top of her shoe dampening due to drool. A small smile crossed her lips, amused by it before she looked back to Keara. "He mentioned it to me a while back, his turning that is." The look she gave was a bit sheepish, "And I'm glad that you found him. I don't think he'd change that night either, not with what he's gained from it."
As Leeloo moved, Jersey noticed Jack get up from his spot and move over to the smaller animal. He sniffed her once, twice and then sat beside her before Hunter moved closer. Looking down at the wet spot on her shoe, she dug a napkin from her pocket to wipe the remaining amount of drool from the top carefully. The movement caused a brief amount of rustling bags from the same pocket until she straightened up. "And I know he respects and cares deeply for you and Enver." She thought about the worry about her knowledge being found out while she was human, "And I had that impression while I was alive."
Still, as she considered what she'd just been told, Jersey knew how true it was even if she didn't want it to be. After a while, she nodded and wet her lips to speak, "I get what you're saying, without the bad, one can never truly appreciate the good." She moved her hand lightly over to arm to scratch at an imaginary itch, "I think it's best to appreciate even the littlest amount of positivity." Death, for one, had allowed her to have something she hadn't known after her accident: it had given her a family - Kallista, Kelly, her siblings, Keara and Enver, Peter. She hadn't chosen to mourn because she didn't consider it to be a negative event.
"Potential?" Shortly after the first raid she'd been in with Kallista, she'd made the comment of feeling useless as she only could place shields. Jersey had a habit of falling into her thoughts and the word spar drew her attention back to the present, causing her to blink owlishly at Keara. "The what? Her cluelessness was an answer on its own and she thought about the sparring session she had with Nakia. Had she been alive, most of the wounds would have landed her in the hospital. The idea of what Keara could do caused her eyes to widen. But, it was also something that the women could do together.
She fell quiet as she considered it all, the positives and the negatives. The way her emotions had been off lately, the fact she was afraid of her temper to which had finally caused her to snap and lash at the last person she never wanted to hurt. "I'd like your help, Keara, if you wouldn't mind helping me." When she spoke, her fingertips drummed against her thighs as she looked back up at the woman lightly, "I don't think it'd hurt to learn, but I also don't want to lash out at another loved one." She smiled, "Besides, we're both close to Peter and I think it would do me some good getting to know my family." She knew she wanted Kallista to help her with it, too.
Re: Puppy Playtime (Jersey)
Posted: 25 Oct 2014, 00:51
by Keara Aithne
Jersey didn't have to tell her that Peter probably wouldn't change that night either, but Keara was glad to hear it. She smiled warmly at the words. True or not, she couldn't help but hope that Peter was happy with his gift. As that was what a turning was to Keara. A gift. Some were worthy. Some were not. Peter was still young but he seemed more than worthy most. From what Jersey went on to say, Keara surmised that Peter had perhaps come around to seeing the potential of his new life quite quickly. This too made her smile.
She listened and nodded, waiting patiently while the woman wiped the drool from her shoe. She hadn't worried about Leeloo as one of the pack approached and sniffed her. The small creature froze, and waited for the ordeal to be over and when the newcomer settled at her side, her mood finally improved. The female seemed much happier to have a companion seated at her side, even if it wasn't Gizmo. Gizmo was happy sniffing at the males and only realised Leeloo had company after she'd been sniffed at. Knowing what she was like, he bounded over, wriggled between the two new companions and settled himself down. He licked at Leeloo and then turned to lick at Jack. He was a happy little thing and trying to keep Leeloo calm, as she had a rather nervous disposition.
"We all our potential must unlock," Keara looked back up at Jersey and nodded as she brought the conversation back on track. "Matters not what skills that choose we do for to improve, so long as we on something do work. Improve ourselves we always can. Time have we for much to learn. Learning now I am how I my artistry upon the skin worked can be. Tattooing. The skin interesting canvas is. But matters that does not. Speaking we were of your fighting skills to improve. Of training. Sparring. There a place in the River Rock district is. The Gauntlet it is called. There pay you do a fee for the facility to use. Train there some of our kind do. With Enver there I have been. Though... sparring not his forte is. Other skills possesses he does and better is that he upon those does concentrate."
She nodded at her own remarks. She was right in what she was saying and thinking, at least she thought so and she hoped that Jersey would understand what she was saying even if she didn't say it directly. She was happy to help the female train and reach her potential, as it was something she did on a daily basis herself. But she was saying more than that too. In a round about way, and by using Enver as an example, she was telling Jersey that she needed to find her own strengths. And that if she wasn't a fighter at heart, that it didn't so much matter. While she feared that humans would once more be made aware of them and that they might need to fight for survival, she hoped that they would band together better this time and be able to survive the assault. It was of course advantageous for everyone to have at least the basic knowledge of hand-to-hand combat and how to load and reload a gun, work the safety, etc. Knowing the basics could help them survive. But if fighting wasn't where their heart was, they would never truly excel at it and then their time, to some extent, would be wasted. It was far better for them to find a talent they enjoyed and train in that instead.
Re: Puppy Playtime (Jersey)
Posted: 02 Nov 2014, 15:16
by Jersey
When it came to adapting to becoming a vampire, Jersey supposed that it had been easy for her because of those she was close to. Kallista hadn't hesitated to save her life and to teach her anything, and even though she hadn't seen it, she guessed there were occasions where people were turned and left on the own. Peter, too, had been helpful in more ways than he knew. Although she was insomniac and often awake at night evening, she didn't think she would have been drinking blood as easy as she did. There were occasions, though, where she still had the urge to get ill from time to time. Her sire and boyfriend, and now the family, were considered to be anchors.
Jack stretched out beside Leeloo and Gizmo, licking both before relaxing when time was ready. His tail wagged, watching and listening to them. When Gizmo began to lick him, Jack returned the action and Jersey smiled lightly. "They are just too adorable. And Gizmo seems so protective of her." Her green eyes watched the couple for a few minutes before looking back to Hunter and Bear as she adjusted her bag to dig through it. After a moment or two, she removed her hand with enough treats for each dog and offered two for Keara's. "They're organic, no fillers or preservatives. Peter and I are kind of health freaks." She smiled warmly while she offered the bag.
Potential. What potential could she have? It wasn't something she had thought of. She considered what she did to help out occasionally, "I'm actually a pretty good thief. I can get the antiques that others use in rituals, and I open the higher locks in those raid buildings. Oh, and I break up the traps, proximity mines, pretty well without entirely breaking them or setting them off." Tattooing. Jersey nodded, she had one on her hip but she didn't know the meaning of it as it hadn't been her mindset that did it. 'Because I said so.' The words made her lips twitch lightly as she thought about it in amusement. "That sounds interesting enough. I'll have to look into it sometime." She frowned, "I'm not much of a fighter. But I do think it'd be a good thing to learn for self defense and control."
Again, it took her a few seconds to reorganize everything in her head to understand what was being said. It didn't take her long, her mind working fast. She liked building things, though, and found hacking to be decent. Nakia had given her scripts that she no longer wanted and the blonde had a nice pile of source codes in her bag at home. Learning is the easiest thing she could do and it wouldn't be bad to do. She could leave her weapons, that didn't matter. But her anger was what Jersey was concerned with. "Those monsters, fadebeast," Her green eyes showed curiosity after she considered the other way she thought about training and getting out aggression, "I know Peter told you that I saw one while I was human... There was a giant one a while back. Do you know why the look way they do? And the monsters in the catacombs. They all look different, but they're all dangerous, aren't they?"
Re: Puppy Playtime (Jersey)
Posted: 10 Nov 2014, 16:03
by Keara Aithne
The puppies were incredibly adorable. It wasn't a word Keara used very often, as it didn't naturally roll off her tongue but she nodded at it, knowing that the word described them perfectly. She couldn't help but think of the similarities between her own relationship with Enver, as in some ways he was to her, what Gizmo was to Leeloo. He was her anchor. He kept her grounded and calm and made her feel as if she finally belonged in this world. Gizmo kept Leeloo calm and made her feel safe. Keara would have remarked at how incredibly like his 'daddy' he was, but she knew Enver wouldn't like being compared to the tiny terror, even if it were true.
"Thank you."
She took the proffered treats and stooped to feed the to her fuzzy babies. Gizmo got his treat first. Not because she favoured him so much, but rather because she knew Leeloo would take her cue from him. If he ate the treat, she would know it was safe to eat. If he refused it, she'd refused it. This was one dynamic in their relationship in which they differed quite considerably from their parents as Keara was not so dependent on Enver as to require him to make her decisions for her. Both pups sniffed the treat before taking it into their mouths. Of course they were used to treats but Keara paid absolutely no attention to what it was they had. She left all of that up to Enver an Crash. They purchased the foods. Keara just made sure that they were fed. The treats didn't look familiar but then she half suspected Enver just bought whatever was the most expensive, rather than actually doing the research to see what was the healthiest. Sometimes money didn't buy the best, but on occasion it did and both pups seemed healthy enough to her, so she didn't question it.
"Fadebeasts?" she repeated as the conversation moved forward.
They had already spoken of the importance of training and so she let that part of the conversation die out as she focused on the rather specific questions Jersey had about the creatures in the catacombs.
"Why I do not know. Likely it is due to the manner in which created they are. Sure I am that you that already know. And life from unlife should not come. Unnatural creatures they are in every sense. Perhaps that the reason for their form is."
The words likely needed more explanation but to Keara they made perfect sense. They were creatures of form and shadow; at least that would be how she would describe them. They were created through an act that was entirely natural to the world and yet required that one of the parents be unnatural, in as much as they were a vampire. It was a twisted blending in her mind of what should be normal and what nature allowed. They were a stark reminder that while vampires appeared to be human, for the most part, that they were different creatures entirely. Of course Enver would have dismissed that. This was one of those areas where they would likely agree to disagree. Enver clung to his humanity, while Keara embraced the power of what she was. She hoped that one day Enver would realise that he could keep his "humanity" even while embracing his true nature. He didn't have to change who he was. He just had to realise that he was better than all that. On the food chain of life, vampires sat above their human counterparts.
"And yes. All monsters dangerous are. The ones in the catacombs for several reasons. Not only shall they you attack. If feel like it they do. But escape they could. More dangerous it is for them by the human populous to be seen, than for them to attack. At least believe that I do. Therein the reason is why hunt in there I do. For their numbers low to keep. Mind so much I do not that the location these days guarded is. Safer for us all that is. Go you there often?"
She couldn't recall seeing Jersey in there. In fact she rarely saw any of the family in there. There was a copy of lions thereabouts. Jonah frequented the area regularly. Charlotte too on occasion. She tended to see the same familiar faces day in and day out but there was no-one in there outside of her family that she regularly conversed with.
Re: Puppy Playtime (Jersey)
Posted: 26 Nov 2014, 23:40
by Jersey
“You’re welcome.”
It wasn’t really a secret that she spoiled the dogs. Jersey loved animals of all shapes and sizes, and it was something that she knew had traveled over even with her accident. There’d been pictures of her old self holding some on a farm when she was younger. When she’d first started walking them, she’d bought the five each one toy despite the numerous amount they had in the cabin simply because they behaved and were just great to be around. They were as much her family as Peter, Kallista and those in Vedarian were. There were no favorites, no less liked out of the group and it would always stay that way.
Her green eyes showed that she was confused, but interested as she tried to make sense of what was being said. Life from unlife. Vampires creating something new. That was understandable enough. “Yes, I know about that.” In her relationship, the topic of fadebeasts had been beaten into submission. Annoyance was usually spouted and shoved aside, concern for welfare and health. She wet her lips briefly as she thought about all the different paths. Telepaths. Mystics. “There is so much about this life that I haven’t even made a dent in yet. From powers to different ways to feed, even the different creatures. It’s all fascinating and a bit overwhelming at the same time.” She let out an unneeded puff of air from force of habit before adjusting her weight from one foot to another.
“Unnatural.” Jersey still didn’t understand how it was physically possible for the body to keep moving without the heart beating to push oxygenated blood throughout to the muscles and allow it all to work. There had been the wonder if the blood that was consumed somehow managed to equalize what remained in the body when she’d first learned about vampires by watching and noticing Peter’s lack of shadow. But, when she’d been turned, it had been easier to just accept what happened and moved on. She’d told Kallista flat out about her issue with drinking blood and now it was a little easier, provided she still not pay attention to what she was doing. That aside, and the fact she was paler – albeit still healthy looking – than she was, Jersey was still Jersey. Evolution, though, happened and it was needed.
She gave a shake of her head, “No, not really. Every now and then, usually when I want to collect some ritual knifes or weapon parts for others to use.” The first time she’d seen a mooncalf had a worse reaction than the fadebeast, which she admitted didn’t make much sense given the fadebeast was considerably more of a threat to her. “Blood unsettles me a bit, so I do prefer to train against the ancient zombies once in a while compared to the... fleshier ones.” Her lips pressed softly into a line as she considered the words. “And that makes a lot of sense, at least we know what’s there. I can’t imagine a plain human being able to handle some of the things seen in that place.” A nudge to her palm from Hunter had the blonde adjust her hand to scratch playfully behind the large dog’s ears. “My siblings have taken more to the hunters in the sewers, fighting against them that is.”
Shortly after her turning, she’d mentioned once to Kallista that she felt useless aside from the fact she’d be able to shield others, it had been during one of the first team raids ran by the woman’s side; that it was one of the only things that she’d been good for and she’d been told that it would simply take time. Being helpful allowed her to feel productive every now and then aside from her tasks at work or keeping the dogs entertained, the blonde had been toying with building her own knockouts and smoke bombs. She’d made a camera herself, too.
Re: Puppy Playtime (Jersey)
Posted: 29 Nov 2014, 01:54
by Keara Aithne
Jersey was polite, well-spoken and intelligent, just like Peter was. They seemed to be well suited in this and yet Keara couldn't help but wonder how they challenged one another and in what ways they complimented one another. With her and Enver it was almost too obvious at times just how they balanced one another out. In fact they probably had more differences than similarities but Keara didn't mind that, it was actually this that always made her think that they belonged to one another. He pulled her into the world and she did her best to keep him out of it, or out of trouble at least. She loved to fight creatures and he preferred only to engage something in a fight if provoked. He lived in the moment and she planned for the future. It was their differences, or so she believed, that bonded them the most. Though of course there was the one major similarity that helped in this aspect to, as they both enjoyed the other's company on an almost neurotic level. Anyone that said these two were co-dependant on one another probably wouldn’t have been wrong and as unhealthy as their attachment to one another was, it worked for them. With Peter and Jersey, all Keara saw was the similarities and so it puzzled her how they worked. Of course she didn’t want to appear rude by asking, so she made up her mind to observe them when she could to see if she could discern the answer for herself.
“Time have you do for to adjust. For to learn. Think I do that sated our hunger for knowledge and skills never shall be. Always there more is to learn. New skills to perfect. Our decision is to what standard we wish to advance.”
The blood thing concerned her a little but not a great deal. It seemed that those with blood issues had all been sired into the family at once, as she wasn’t sure that any of them had, had much issue with it before. Blood didn’t bother her in the least but then she’d grown up around it what with being a gamekeeper’s daughter. She’d witnessed the circle of life and knew what it was to have to manage a population to keep nature’s balance. This was what she did now too, in her own mind. She kept the numbers of supernatural creatures low to help her kind protected and only killed the frail ones if the situation absolutely demanded it. Of course her definition of a necessary killing greatly differed from Enver’s. Death was a final result for him. What he didn’t realise and what Keara had yet to explain to him, was that he would eventually come around to seeing things her way. He just needed to live a little longer and experience some of what she had and then he would see that sometimes, death was the far more favourable option for all involved. A lesson he had perhaps begun to learn when he corrected his mistake having taken and held a human hostage for several months. Had he killed Jordan that night, he would have saved the man months of suffering at the hands of a less than capable thrall.
Leeloo began to shiver and so Keara picked her up and began to gently rub at her small frame with her other hand. She didn’t generate her own heat, so holding the tiny creature would have been a fruitless gesture. She had to rub the fur to cause friction and warm the creature that way. It was probably time to get them some nice thick coats for when they went walking. Though buying them was the lazy way, Keara would be able to make them something far more unique herself. As she began to speak again, a small part of her subconscious set about designing some coats that would suit their individual personalities.
“Blood an issue for some can be. Perhaps through the years change that shall. Perhaps not. Matters not. If we all the same path did follow doomed our kind would be. It is our differences that us stronger do make.”
The previous thoughts she’d had about how relationships should be balanced came back into her mind and then faded away again.
“Worry you never should for different to be. For yourself to be. If try you do for yourself to hide. A long time you that pretence must maintain. Far better is for yourself to embrace. As said I did before. I think. Find what good at you are. What enjoy you do. And then these things you should practice and perfect. And if you ever help or advice require. Talk with me you can. Know I do not everything but always ready I am for to listen and to guide. Even if guide you to another I must.”
Keara smiled at Jersey, her hand still moving over the small, white female in her arms. Gizmo didn’t seem quite so affected by the elements but then that hardly came as a surprise to Keara as Enver had found him in the streets. The little male had done a quick inspection of the other animals about him and then returned to Keara’s feet, stretching up on his back feet, his front paws on her calf as he sniffed into the air. Gizmo was trying to ascertain if Leeloo was okay and what, if anything Keara planned to do to make his mate more comfortable.
Re: Puppy Playtime (Jersey)
Posted: 01 Dec 2014, 23:48
by Jersey
If one were to ask, Jersey would say that Peter was definitely the more patient one of the two, and he was calmer. Even if she appeared calm, there was a high chance that she was panicking on the inside - it had been one thing that she'd noted before. She also had a mouth on her when she was angry, her temper quick to rise and it was usually a cause of arguing with Nakia or her sire. Self control issues were also there, and she was fairly unsure about herself on multiple levels, usually shown to only a handful of people she spent her time around. And despite knowing how stable her relationship was jealous issues and possessiveness enjoyed lurking beneath the surface as it added to insecurities. But, overall, happiness and the sense of belonging was overwhelming on occasion.
There were times where she wondered if he wasn't there, would she had adapted so well? He was with her when she had to drink blood every evening, he was the last person she saw before she shut her eyes and rested during the day. He wasn't her sire and she didn't think she would have ever let him turn her, had Kallista not saved her life, but he was her other half and he kept her balanced. She couldn't ask for anything more.
"I really look forward to it."
And she did. The idea of living for an eternity still hadn't settled on her yet, but as the first year of her turning was drawing nearer, Jersey had realized how fast time had gone by. A lot of it, she thought, probably had something to do with the fact with as much as Peter called her his distraction, the man was a large one himself. Nakia and Danton also kept her busy, her siblings being fantastic friends and company now that the anger and tension had once again passed. Even Jersey and Kallista were fighting less and peaceful once again, much to the blondes relief.
"Time is a horrible thing to waste, even if you have a lot of it."
She wondered what it would be like in a few years, who would be around, if she would be a sire. But, if there was one thing that she liked, it was that she'd be able to spend it in the Vedarian line either way.
"I hope it does,"
She chuckled a bit, although the idea of being used to enough blood around her made the blonde a little nauseous just thinking about it.
"I am getting better with my fear of it, though. I no longer pass out."
A large part of it was contributed to her time spent disarming traps for her sire in team raids. The security guards shot her enough, too, that she had to patch them up. "The cops around here have a thing for being trigger happy." On more than one occasion, had she just been a little bit slower... She shoved the thought of ruined clothes and injuries aside and gave a small smile at the sight of Leeloo. She made a mental note to look for a few sweaters for the small dogs, given the cold weather approaching. Feeling warmth drop down on her foot, Jersey lowered her head at the weight and smiled at Jack.
Listening to Keara, she gave another nod of her head in understanding. "I don't believe any one knows of what I am that shouldn't. " She thought about Taggart, a friend whom she'd had when she was alive. He had sent her a drink one evening while she was at Peter's side. It hadn't taken her long to see something was... off about him. She hadn't noticed the designs on his arms, or the other bits of skin that she had seen when he'd fallen on his stomach before. Those same markings that she'd witnessed in the sewers when a man pulled his sword on her and she'd ran away. Kallista had later told her that man in the sewers had been a Paladin. Standing in the lobby of the flats beside Peter, Jersey put two and two together as the drink had been discarded in the trash: Taggart was one of them.
"When Kallista turned me, I didn't want to be angry at her. I felt no reason to." She'd found it easier to accept it, bI think its because I didn't exactly feel as if I had a reason to be angry. Peter would have been devastated had I turned up to be dead. Kallista would have felt entirely guilty had I died for good in her arms. I gained a family from it, and that was something I was lacking. I like being t I am." As she was told that she could talk with Keara if she needed help or advice, the blonde smiled at that. "I really appreciate that." Especially after the last events that had happened. The image of Peter laying so still floated through her mind, causing her to shake her head once to get rid of it. It wasn't the time for it and she didn't need a reminder.
"If you don't mind me asking, how long have you been this way, Keara?" She asked, tucking a strand of hair back behind her ear only to feel it fall back into place against her cheek. Peter had said something about her being the original in their line, hadn't he? She couldn't remember. Watching Gizmo, she chuckled once more. It was endearing, the way he checked up on Leeloo. "How long have you had them?" She then asked, crouching down and holding out her hand while making a small noise. Unsurprised when she felt Jack and Bear move to be petted, she laughed. "I wasn't calling you two." Using her knee so she wouldn't fall over, she began scratching both boys, alternating between Hunter and Bear when the former came over.
Re: Puppy Playtime (Jersey)
Posted: 04 Dec 2014, 01:48
by Keara Aithne
Gizmo began to paw at Keara with a little more persistence, asking to be picked up too. He hadn't realised that Jersey wanted to pet him but had turned his head to see the other's being loved by their owner when he heard them move. The little male didn't have long to wait before Keara scooped him up in her other arm and held him so he could look at, and lick Leeloo's face.
"Know I do that we Gizmo since February have had. Or thereabouts. Leeloo several months later we did acquire. Thought I did that he mate deserved. Though breed them we shall not. Enver so many puppies does not desire. So many puppies I do not desire. Planned I did not even for one. A pet till now I have never had. And for your question also to answer. I some four hundred years ago was born. Longer I think. My age I rarely can recall. Born I was in the autumn of 1579. Turned I was when I already an old maid was considered. Four and twenty I believe I was, when ceased my heart did for to beat. To this life I was born to be. Or so my sire did declare. Ven quite complimentary of me was. Even though I several centuries his junior was. Age matters not so much to us. Or matters not so much to me. If sought I did the company of those that of my own era are, alone I likely would be. Married to Enver I certainly then would not be either. Try therefore I do, not for time or age to see. These irrelevant are. Look I do for the intellect in others. For connections that established through the persons worth can be. Only look you must for the worth of another to find. Usually. Our kind exceptional creatures are. When choose I do a sire. Seek I must then only potential. That a much more difficult challenge is."
Keara jostled both puppies gently in her arms. They weren't heavy; she just wanted them to know she was still thinking of them. It was an odd practice that she'd seen mothers do with their children when they needed comforting or calming in some way. The puppies didn't so much need comforting, but they probably did need to know that she knew they were there and that something would happen soon; either they would be set free to walk on their own four paws, or she would be carrying them home to get them warm. Keara fell silent too as she rocked the puppies. She was quite aware of the fact that she could ramble if her mind ran away with her and in answering one simple question, that of her age, her mind had done just that. She'd practically lectured Jersey as to her way of thinking and while it wasn't a bad thing for the girl to know, it wasn't something she'd asked for or about.
"Home these two perhaps take I should. Are you that way walking?"
Re: Puppy Playtime (Jersey)
Posted: 07 Dec 2014, 01:40
by Jersey
When the dogs were done and Gizmo was picked up, she pressed a kiss to the side of Hunter's head before standing, nodding as she listened in understanding. "I was planning to get one myself after I moved out of the motel I had been staying in, but fate clearly had other plans." Five other plans and Peter, not that she could ever complain. She'd loved the five from the moment she'd begun to walk them up until her turning and then Bear had been a gift from Peter, to even it out for the man with OCD, but to make her feel as if she belonged something. "That's understandable, I remember thinking Peter and his five was surprising when I first saw him." A smile played across her lips at the thought.
She watched Gizmo in amusement before Keara began to speak, Jersey's green eyes lifting to the woman's features. At the mention of the year born, her eyes widened in a mixture of disbelief and amazement. "That's incredible." She thought about Peter and how he'd told her once to not get her hopes up - that he was still only thirty-four. At the idea of Keara being an old maid, Jersey blinked. The woman seemed to look younger than that and it was then that Jersey reminded that times were different then. "Do you miss how it was back then, compared to how it is now?" She was mindful not to ask too many questions. Curiosity often got the best of her and if she wasn't careful, she talked too much.
When it was said that time or age didn't matter to her, Jersey smiled at that. "I agree, personality is a key factor in my opinion." She thought if someone had a good heart, that was important and she still thought she'd somehow gotten incredibly lucky when it came to those she was surrounded by. Jersey still wondered in occasion to why Kallista had chosen to turn her. Even if the woman had a good heart, it hadn't been her fault that someone had left the trap where the blonde had triggered it.
In truth, she didn't mind it when Keara talked the way she did. It was a pleasant change from talking a lot herself, she wondered if there would ever be a day where Nakia or Peter would cover her mouth and ask her to be quiet. The latter, as she was known to be his distraction, was more likely in her opinion. "I'll walk you there, we'll probably walk a bit more after before heading home ourselves." As she spoke, the three with her stood when she gently tugged on their leads.