Sorry for the delay.
lockbox one
You are currently in the Chamber 19 area, standing at 8, 5, lair.
This lockbox currently has 57 items (not including ammo, gifts, etc.), and can hold a max of 200
This lockbox currently has 1 items (not including ammo, gifts, etc.), and can hold a max of 200
You retrieved the item(s).
leaving it as that
lockbox two
You are currently in the Chamber 19 area, standing at 10, 5, lair.
This lockbox currently has 187 items (not including ammo, gifts, etc.), and can hold a max of 200
This lockbox currently has 1 items (not including ammo, gifts, etc.), and can hold a max of 200
You retrieved the item(s).
also leaving
lockbox three
You are currently in the Chamber 19 area, standing at 11, 5, lair.
This lockbox currently has 94 items (not including ammo, gifts, etc.), and can hold a max of 200
This lockbox currently has 1 items (not including ammo, gifts, etc.), and can hold a max of 200
You retrieved the item(s).
Items replaced, more added as well.
This lockbox currently has 167 items (not including ammo, gifts, etc.), and can hold a max of 200
tried to add more;
Lockboxes can only store a maximum of 200 items.
You currently have 769 items, and can hold a max of 640
both with a single item and with a buttload of items.
Left that one at
167... (now 83, went back for stuffs)
lockbox four
You are currently in the Chamber 19 area, standing at 12, 5, lair.
This lockbox currently has 179 items (not including ammo, gifts, etc.), and can hold a max of 200
This lockbox currently has 1 items (not including ammo, gifts, etc.), and can hold a max of 200
You retrieved the item(s).
Items replaced, more added as well.
Ande went from over 800 plus items on Alex (sorries I didn't note exact amount, tired) to; "You deposited the item(s).
You currently have 195 items, and can hold a max of 640"
This lockbox currently has 753 items (not including ammo, gifts, etc.), and can hold a max of 200
oh my...... O.O
leaving it! (and please don't delete, got good stuffs in there!!! I had a real OMG did I accidentally sell all that moment, lol
lockbox five
You are currently in the Chamber 19 area, standing at 13, 6, lair.
This lockbox currently has 198 items (not including ammo, gifts, etc.), and can hold a max of 200
This lockbox currently has 1 items (not including ammo, gifts, etc.), and can hold a max of 200
You retrieved the item(s).
put stuffs back in...
You deposited the item(s).
You currently have 123 items, and can hold a max of 640
This lockbox currently has 270 items (not including ammo, gifts, etc.), and can hold a max of 200
You deposited the item(s).
with being done one at a time
left at 271.
eta*went back to box number three to retrieve a few things
so now that one is;
This lockbox currently has 83 items (not including ammo, gifts, etc.), and can hold a max of 200
You retrieved the item(s).
Alexandrea wrote:
lockbox four
You are currently in the Chamber 19 area, standing at 12, 5, lair.
This lockbox currently has 753 items (not including ammo, gifts, etc.), and can hold a max of 200
Took out some weapons;
"This lockbox currently has 698 items (not including ammo, gifts, etc.), and can hold a max of 200
You retrieved the item(s)."