Night 2: Painting a Brighter Future [Open]

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Re: Night 2: Painting a Brighter Future [Open]

Post by Flynn »

Talking to people might as well have been the equivalent of getting his teeth pulled, if Flynn had anything to say about it. There was a reason his circle was relatively small and most of his time would have been spent on his own, were his current circumstances a little different. Being a solitary creature didn't bother him, and it never had. The Paladin tended to prefer it that way. Of course, there was always the exception to the rule, Azraeth being one of them. Over the course of the last several weeks, he had been relatively constant, with few instances where he wasn't nearby. "Is that an option? Getting my teeth pulled, instead?" he asked, a mockingly hopeful note to his voice.

Naturally, Az had no knowledge of art, either, leaving both of them without the slightest clue as to what they were getting themselves into. Great. This would just be fantastic, truly. The human took in a deep breath, shooting a scowl in his partner's direction as he quickly made note of the others milling around the room in shorts. "Every single one of them is just as much a vampire as you are. You can, at the very least, try to blend in with the human population that already finds reasons to point their fingers, can you not? Weren't you the one all about 'laying low'?" He used his fingers to make air quotes around the phrase, as if the vampire needed a reminder of his own words.

Flynn just barely managed to get in a wave to the lovely Miss Knight before she stepped forward to speak, a hush falling over the group just long enough for her to finish and begin her rounds with the group, speaking to each of them in turn before the actual art began. Green eyes rolled heavenward, his lips pursing in thought before he glanced to the man at his side. "Before you start taking things off, I will remind you that you are still in public." A few rapid blinks and a smirk accompanied the statement.

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Re: Night 2: Painting a Brighter Future [Open]

Post by Lydia »



The young allurist slipped into the casino, head down and shoulders hunched in an attempt to keep any attention away from her presence. So far, no matter her best efforts, she seemed to attract the unwanted kind wherever she went, and so she tried her best to stay in her apartment for most of the time, until boredom or some kind of commitment drove her back out. This trip alone had resulted in at least three cat-calls and one overly-confident man thinking his leering grin would earn him her number. A shudder tripped down her spine; why was it that the more she avoided it, the more came her way, anyway? But Enver, the guy who had saved her life and unwittingly given her a brand, shiny new immortal one in the process, had been good to her, and she wanted to support him in his endeavors the best she could. And, bonus – she loved a good art night. Sketching had long been a favorite pastime, so there was no reason to think painting wouldn’t be equally as fun.

She honestly didn’t know much about the current conflict, but Lydia was a peaceful person in general and was more than happy to do what she could to help bring it about. She wasn’t sure how obvious it would be that she wasn’t human any longer, but she figured she was still new enough at it that she could… pass? One internal shrug later, she was doing her best to find a spot near the back, having just caught the tail end of the woman’s speech about art. Her violet gaze scanned the room; all faces she did not know, except for one – and as her eyes settled on her sire, an instant calm swept over her, easing the anxiety that had roared into a tempest on the way over. Everything would be fine; she’d paint, she’d maybe mingle, she’d go home. Perfect.
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Re: Night 2: Painting a Brighter Future [Open]

Post by Adley Reed »


It brought a familiar kind of comfort to Adley, to have the whole brood there; Indigo was busy, of course, and Jericho had arrived quietly and stealthily. He was a weighted presence and he, too, seemed to bring comfort to Lakenna, alongside her sister, Craven. Indigo started the spiel before disappearing into the crowd to mingle; she knew more people than Adley did, but it was natural for her. No single ounce of jealousy penetrated the necromancer’s head or heart; he loved her so much that he would not deny others the chance to love her, too.

Of course, he didn’t miss the way Wilson—whom he’d met on the tour—was besotted by Indigo. How could he not be?! Rather than approach the man (as Enver now did) to make him blush, Adley instead peeled away from his brood with a wink, and raised his voice to gain the attention of those nearby.

”For those who’d prefer NOT to take their clothes off and would prefer to paint on canvas rather than skin, there’ll be a model over in that circle,” he said, pointing to the part of the Casino that had been cordoned off for the live modelling. He’d not say no to his own skin being painted, but he’d do that later. He would instead be providing the inspiration, to begin with, and started by stripping off his shirt on the way to the small podium in the middle of the circle of easels.

Eventually, he’d take up the pose of David after slaying Goliath, leather sling shot draped over his shoulder.
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Re: Night 2: Painting a Brighter Future [Open]

Post by Vita (DELETED 9215) »

There was a loud whistle in the room that more than likely drew her and everyone's attention to it at some point. Her eyes found the source and all Vita could do was smile when she saw Adley; the missing piece to their little puzzle of sorts. Her left teeth found a space of plump bottom lip to bite down on as Vita's smile grew, before the woman moved towards the small group of people that had gathered.

Vita wasn't shy by any means, so she extended an arm to the two women who were left standing alone not after Adley and some other male left them alone. "Hey. I'm Vita." She introduced herself quickly, her speech slow, elongated and even a bit sensual as her eyes flicked over both the women. While she could hold a conversation, it was Indigo's words that interested Vita far more than what she would be able to offer either woman tonight. Besides, she was here to be support to the woman who had given her a good paying job, taken her in to escape the overbearing clutches of her mother and offered her endless art opportunities. It was almost safe to say that Vita owed Indigo so much more than she could probably ever repay the woman for.

When Indigo was done talking, Vita got the drift loud and clear when Adley made his short announcement and started peeling off layers of cotton. Again, Vita smiled and took the sight in, before Vita shrugged her shoulders, reached down to the hem of her shirt and pulled it off over her head, to reveal a black, strapless, Calvin Klein bra. Her shirt found a chair away from any areas that had paint and other supplies by it, not desiring to see the shirt attain a small life span, simply because Vita liked the design and the way it fit her. Her blue jeans remained on for now, as Vita wasn't positive just who she would be painting on tonight, and would wait to see how the others reacted and who they would choose.
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Re: Night 2: Painting a Brighter Future [Open]

Post by Indigo »

Indigo hardly missed the peripheral view of what she spent most of her resting hours skin to skin close to. There was something to be said for Adley Reed. Actually more than something. A lot. He did not hold back when it came to his body or getting comfortable. It didn’t matter where it was. And he was perfectly content to get to just that way before the event progressed. There was a reason they inhabited the same hive and shared space.

The length of Indigo’s fingers curled at the tips as they slipped between the cotton shirt and the waistband of her shorts. Thinking nothing at all of bunching up the fabric and pulling upward the garment soon was rising over her chest and clearing the generous crown of vibrant honey blonde ringlets that sprang free as soon as her shirt was off. Left in place was a micro bikini top that glowed beneath the club lighting. A casual toss had the shirt surrendered to the nearby chair that appeared to be empty for the moment. That would eventually change.

“Ready for the fun to begin?”

This was Indigo’s comfort zone. The one where most were still clinging to whatever kept them safely wrapped and hidden. Whether it be behind a outfit, a mask, a fake persona or a safe set of walls one could assume to find Indigo out in the open hiding next to nothing and savoring the freedom that come with being present in her own skin for all the world to see. No shame, no fear ever was found in doing just that. Her hands went to her shorts clad hips and smiled at those she was about to converse with.
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Re: Night 2: Painting a Brighter Future [Open]

Post by Azraeth »

Tagged: Flynn + Indigo. Sorry for the delay!
“Yes, I’ll go get my pliers right now.” He said as he cut a look to Flynn, attempting to mimic the other man’s uncanny ability to scowl on cue. It didn’t work though, because he started to picture the paladin without his two front teeth. And then he thought of that Christmas song. Okay. Maybe Az just wasn’t very good at scowling. His palm slipped up over his lover’s jaw, so he could drag his thumb across a lower lip from one corner of the mouth to the center, giving a tap. “Unfortunately, it seems I find your smile very attractive, and I couldn’t in good conscience do something to **** it up. You’re just going to have to live with meeting new people.” Gasp. Shock. Horror.

They were nearing Indigo when she made a brief stop to give something of an announcement. However, before Az could even consider loosening his shirt, Flynn immediately chimed in. Which drew a questioning look from the vampire. He even pointed to himself as if to say ‘What? Me?’ Which was maybe laying his faux innocence on a tiny bit thick, but oh well. He had appeared in public naked before. There was very little shame to be had for a guy who could jump between bodies essentially at will (Okay, so it involved death, but that was beside the point). He just wasn’t a shy creature. None the less, he wouldn’t have appreciated Flynn tromping around bare butt to the world, so he had to show the same courtesy. “Oh, my handsome prince, there are so many sights I have yet to show you.” He said as he shrugged his button down sweater and shirt off, to reveal a plain white t-shirt. He handed those off to the human so he could move to roll his slacks up to the knee.

Okay. It wasn’t shorts, but it would suffice. He left his beat up old ‘work boots’ on. “There. Now let’s go give Miss Knight a proper welcome and figure out what kind of art we want to make. I’m thinking sharpie dicks on everyone’s elbows? Yes? No? Definitely yes.” He asked as he proceeded towards Indigo, only to wrap the woman in a hug as soon as he got to her. Yeah, so they’d only met the night before. He would have done it then too, but he’d gotten distracted by Dhara.

“Miss Knight! It’s great to see you.” Wait. She appeared to have lost her shirt at some point and was wearing a tiny bikini top. When had that happened? Oh well!
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Re: Night 2: Painting a Brighter Future [Open]

Post by Enver Marshall II »


Wilson hadn't said a single ******* thing. What was wrong with him? Enver frowned to see what had the guy's attention, turning his body to see what the problem was. Then, he saw and he couldn't blame the guy a single bit. One too many times he found himself staring at Miss Knight. The woman just entered the room and the atmosphere changed, even without saying a single word. Enver chuckled, then slapped Wilson on the back. "See what you'd be missing out on?" Enver said with that cheeky grin of his, that said, oh so much.

Not that Enver knew just -what- he'd be missing out on, until both Adley and Indigo made it blatantly known. "Huh." Enver said, taken a back just a little, having expected this to be somewhat tame in nature tonight. Maybe paint a canvas, make some bowls or mugs...wasn't Indigo on about that every now and again? Playing with clay? So, when Enver saw Adley's bare chest and then Indigo start to take off her shirt, it clicked with a snap of his fingers. "Man, you owe me." Enver said as he nudged his head towards Indigo's direction. "Relax and go paint. I'm sure there's room on Miss Knight's drop cloth." With that, Enver gave Wilson a small shove towards Miss Knight's direction, because they guy needed a little help with his 'A game,' and Enver was the perfect wing man for that; in his mind.

Once he all but helped set the foundation for Wilson to finally make his move, Enver walked around the guy and headed towards another area of the casino, only to come to a dead stop when he saw Lydia. He turned towards her direction and moved to his newest 'childe' with a wide grin. "Evening, Lydia. Glad you could come. You're just in time for the excitement." Enver might have been taken aback in the form of not knowing just what had been planned, but now that he knew what was on the agenda, he was fine with it. People had seen some of his skin on the big screen before he became a vampire, granted they hadn't seen the effects of what being a vampire meant after the fact on the big screen. Hopefully next month, as planned by his good friend Benny.

"Seems it's canvas of sorts tonight. Adley looks like he's offering himself up as one, and so is Miss Knight...Indigo." He pointed to both people as he said their names, so that Lydia could get familiar with who they were. "I'd lose the sweater if you don't want to get paint on it." Enver suggested with a shrug that had him pulling off his suit coat, then the black v-neck t-shirt that was under it. From there, the belt would be pulled from the loops around Enver's waist, and placed on the pile of discarded clothing, while he glanced around the room. A couple people had seen more than what he was going to offer up tonight to view, and the rest? Well, outside of Lydia, he doubted anyone that was tied to Indigo or Adley would be too surprised to see a guy walking around in gray boxer briefs. Though, the scars that riddled the front, side and back of his body might draw some attention and questions, but Enver was an open book, or in this case, an open canvas.
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Re: Night 2: Painting a Brighter Future [Open]

Post by Wilson »

Wilson’s head turned looking from Enver to Indigo and back several times. Enver was wearing what was colloquially termed a ‘**** eating grin’ as Enver stared at Indigo. So of course Wilson had to look. And when he did, he was witness to Indigo stripping out of her clothes, as Enver indicated Wilson should go slather that luscious female body with paint. Wilson’s throat closed up, his chest got tight. This was a bloody nightmare! This was a lawsuit just waiting to happen!

Wilson is in the midst of ticking off all the different sexual harassment and innuendo violations that could stem from this.. There were all three levels of sexual assault, level three being aggravated sexual assault, what if one of the ‘painters’ got overly amorous and handsy? Lets not forget level 2 weapon or bodily harm sexual assault, a paint brush could be argued it was turned into a weapon; then there was level 1 sexual assault, more notably ‘voyeurism’. Which he was guilty of right now! Wilson broke his gaze and half turned so he couldn’t as easily see her.

Once Wilson had broken eye contact with her, his mind went right back to work. Did every participant sign a waiver? Did they even think about a waiver? No.. they probably didn't.. why did they employ him if they weren't going to utilize him? Opening his cell phone, he logged into his 365 cloud account and found a three page participant slash nondisclosure agreement. Now he just needed to print them. Sighing heavily, he escaped the main room and started looking for a printer.
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Re: Night 2: Painting a Brighter Future [Open]

Post by Flynn »


Flynn had a hard time buying that there was much of Az he hadn't seen, but that was not a discussion to be having in the middle of a casino, and surrounded by others. Regardless, he crossed his arms over his chest as the vampire started to undress. An eyebrow quirked as the t-shirt stayed on, but he accepted the clothes passed his way without complaint. "You come near me, or my elbow with a sharpie, and you will find a dick on your forehead." That...probably should have been prefaced with 'sharpie,' but oh well. Az mentioned going to greet Indigo and started off in her direction, so the Paladin made a slight detour to a table nearby to put the clothes down, so that he could go about removing his own. He shrugged off the sweater, laying it down with the pile of Az's clothes, only to follow it with the stripped t-shirt beneath. Unlike his partner, that left his torso bare, in a manner of speaking. Most of his upper body was already decorated with an abundance of artwork in the form of tattoos, including those that distinctly marked him as the Paladin that he was. For the moment, he left his jeans and shoes, untouched. Depending on the point of the event, that could change.

With a roll of his shoulders, the human following in the vampire's footsteps up toward Indigo, who had quickly lost the shirt to reveal the tiny bikini beneath. Flynn hummed, taking a quick glance around at the others as their own clothes came off. So, all in all, an entirely attractive group. Then again, when most of them were vampires, what did he expect? They were all attractive, and it just made their lives easier when it came to luring their favorite meal their way. Go figure. And all of them, save for Enver with his many scars and markings...seemed as polished and untouched by life and time as the last. Just another reminder that he was the minority here, and his instinctive reaction to being outnumbered wasn't helping his mood.

Coming to a stop next to the vampire duo as Az pulled back from the hug, he smiled at the woman with a small nod. "I'm not exactly the hugger that he is, but it is good to see you again, Miss Knight." That was a bit of an understatement, in the sense of his lack of interest in physical contact, but that was more for his own sanity than anything else. It truly was good to see her, though. She was a pleasant sort, a little like a breath of fresh air when it came to the darkness that was this city. It was also fairly easy to see that this was her comfort zone, her area of strength. "It seems we've entered your domain, this time around. A domain that I, admittedly, know nothing about..."

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Re: Night 2: Painting a Brighter Future [Open]

Post by Azraeth »

Tagged: Flynn + Indigo(go dancer)
Had. Had he heard Flynn right? He eyed the other man for even an ounce of humor evident in his features, but the line was delivered completely deadpan. And so the vampire’s expression became almost Cheshirine and he leaned briefly closer to his human so he could speak against his ear while the man was taking his button down shirt and sweater. “I think we both know as long as it’s yours, that’s not going to stop me. If anything, it’s basically a guarantee.” His words were whispered, given their intimate nature, and then he was off to meet Indigo Knight. That was probably the first time that he took note of the other people. Oh. He hadn’t been ignoring any of them. In fact, Az himself tended to handle icebreaking with the same enthusiasm most people (non-vampire of course) took to breathing after having been submerged in water for several moments. He had just been distracted.

However, he could already tell the art night was shaping up really well. Not only were there ample supplies scattered all around, the general atmosphere had a sort of levity to it that he just thrived upon. The best part, he supposed, was that it was protected by a ritual, which meant he could just…(again, metaphorically) breathe. It was a nice change after how things had been shaping up with the attack on Longslade. It was good to not feel like he had to be wary at every moment. And that was about the time he’d ended up wrapping Indigo in that tight hug. He may have attempted to lift her off her feet a little even. And before the deed was even done, there was Flynn.


The vampire had to let go of Miss Knight so he could instead press into the Paladin’s side. “Oh look, I’ve already found my canvas. I mean it’s already got some ink on it, but I thiiiink I could make some improvements.” He said, even as he hooked his fingers under his own shirt’s end, tugging it up over his head to reveal what was admittedly a much more bare patch of skin which...was probably honestly a little on the pale side. Pale in the sense that it seemed almost translucent and ethereal - as spider’s silk. “I see the paints, but is there a karaoke machine anywhere in this place? Something tells me you have some pipes.” He said to the woman after giving her an appraising look.
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