6:43 PM
6:43 PM
Rigorous training made it easier to fend off the fatigue of physical exertion, but no amount of training helped evade the iron wall-like exhaustion that descended upon him at dawn. To his own detriment, Bjorn too often ignored the aura that preceded the onset of torpor. As a consequence, he found himself in compromising situations upon waking on many occasions. To counter this he’d programmed a wrist watch to alert him of a thirty minute curfew, but it spent more time on his crafting bench than on his wrist. It seemed that no matter how often he paid for his oversight with blood, it wasn’t enough to keep him from repeating his mistakes. Slumped against the wall in a secluded corner of the plant’s basement, the vampire remained still as a statue with his arms crossed over his chest, unaware of the growing red stain across his thigh.