Comrádaí [Closed]

For all descriptive play-by-post roleplay set anywhere in Harper Rock (main city).
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Megan (DELETED 9014)
Posts: 46
Joined: 17 Nov 2016, 22:47

Comrádaí [Closed]

Post by Megan (DELETED 9014) »

<Megan> Megan threw an arm across her face and groaned. It was high time she do something about the broken blinds. They did jack **** in blocking the morning’s first rays of sunlight. “For ****’s sake...” She muttered, resigning herself to the fact that there was no way she was going to get back to sleep. As much as she loved summer, the six am sunrises were becoming a pain in the ***. Rubbing at her eye, the blonde fished her phone out from the bungled sheets. “****,” she muttered at the timestamp on the screen, at a loss of what to do with herself at this hour. It was going to be a long *** day, with nothing to look forward to, not unless... She remembered the Monarch’s message three days prior and tapped her lower lip thoughtfully with the phone.

Having proposed nothing more than a time and a place, Monarch had given her the bare necessities. In turn, she kept her confirmation short and hit ‘send’. There was no point in waiting around for a reply, not to that, not at this hour, not from any sane person who didn’t have shitty blinds like hers. Then again, maybe the Monarch did... Who was she to make any assumptions? Shrugging to herself at the thought, the sorceress peeled the sheets off her body. Night sweats, again. She tossed the phone onto the bed when she got up, frustrated. Maybe after a long shower she’d warm up to the prospect of leaving the house at all.

<Lincoln King> He was an early riser, whether he wanted to be or not, and the weekends were no different. Lincoln had crawled from the warm embrace of his silken sheets by the time the sun had barely risen, tugging on his jogging clothes and facing the brisk morning. Hours were wasted with jogging around town, swimming away the excess energy and a shower that was considered far too long to be anything other than completely luxurious. There was something that had been nagging at him for a few days, a casual mention that he’d be taking himself to brunch on Sunday, after the idea had been given to him by someone on the forum. He’d invited them to meet him, giving the restaurant name, a time and a brief description of himself to accompany it.

It was, potentially, foolish but he was trying to treat himself to a bit of social time, good food and a lot of drinks. After all, it was the last weekend before his 27th birthday. Conventional celebrations had long since lost their appeal, and a quiet self-indulgent few days were far more to Lincoln’s tastes now that he’d mostly snuck away from the clutches of his familial expectations. You didn’t get to be a King without some of the world’s weight on your shoulders, after all. With that in mind he’d arrived as promised at the restaurant around 11.30 a.m., choosing a lovely table out the back in the garden section, a large umbrella providing shade enough to enjoy the day without the risk of sunburn. He sipped at his coffee, occasionally stretching out his arms, letting his exposed forearms catch the sun in a way that had his lightly tanned skin glowing golden as it caught at the fine blonde hair that dusted them. While he was content enough to enjoy his own company, a book atop the table if he found himself alone with time to read, he held secret hope that he’d have someone to share a meal with.

- Outfit

<Megan> The rivulets of warm water coursing down her body soothed her muscles. Whatever it was that plagued her dreams was beginning to affect the quality of her sleep, leading to unwelcome aches and unpredictable mood swings. Pressing her forehead to the tile, Megan made a colossal effort in releasing the tension and negativity fostered by too little sleep. Water was her favoured element; something about it soothed her soul. Resolved to get over the day’s bad start, she visualised her plan for the morning, calculating the timing of chores so that she could check the bulk of her list off before meeting at eleven-thirty.

By quarter to eleven, the sorceress had changed her sheets and hung the washed ones up to dry in the back yard, swept her bathroom and bedroom floor, taken the trash out, and sorted through her shelf in the fridge to determine what groceries to buy upon her return. By eleven fifteen, she caught the transit due south, hoping it wouldn’t delay her anymore than she already was. There was something rather satisfying about a near-empty car; the sounds she usually missed due the habitual hum of background conversation and body shufflin were audible, for a change. By eleven forty-five, after heading down two wrong streets on two different occasions, Megan found the restaurant with some help from Google Maps... Brushing off the hostess with a saccharine smile, she made for the back of the establishment and paused by the garden’s entrance in search of someone matching the given description. Upon spotting a possible contender, she moved towards him.

“Monarch, is it?”

- Wearing

<Lincoln King> He adjusted the vintage style sunglasses that had slid somewhat down the bridge of his nose, glad for the sunshine and for the fact that he’d been able to ditch his jacket to the back of his chair. It felt good to be out in the fresh air, the garden was remarkably peacefully, beautifully kept and with only a few people quietly conversing. A strange calm had come over him, comfortable where he sat, where he was right now. It was unusual for the bold young entrepreneur, often too afraid to sit still long enough to explore his own thoughts when it wasn’t to do with business or how to further grow them without losing touch.

Linc’s hands had eventually settled at the back of his head, knotted in the longer lengths of dark blonde hair at his crown while stared wistfully off into the middle distance, absorbed in the very thoughts he tried so hard to deny. When a shadow passed over him, interrupting the limited sunshine he’d managed to secure for himself with a subtle shift of his chair, he let his vision adjust. Lincoln had expected it to be the waitress offering to take his order, or perhaps someone from work or one of clients who had recognised him. The woman in front of him didn’t so much greet him as ask his identity. This had to be her, then, the one who he’d haphazardly invited out to brunch on a social whim. Here she stood, apparently accepting his invitation.

He rose from the chair, trying not to stand to his full and impressive height, instead holding a casual lean as he presented his hand. “Lincoln, actually. It’s a pleasure to meet you…”

<Megan> “..Megan,” she replied, dimples on display as she shook his hand with a strong grip. Dropping her arm to the side, she glanced at the table. It was a nice spot, equal parts shaded and in the sun. A good breakfast and a little (welcome) sunshine would nicely amplify the satisfaction she felt at having been productive up until now.

“Sorry I’m late, I got lost, and…” She shook her hand dismissing the uninteresting details, moving around the table to stake her claim on a chair. It was without explanation that Megan tugged the chosen chair closer to him, preferring to sit on his left in order to keep her good ear facing him. As she settled, she peered at him curiously. “...are you a model or something? You look,” she moved her hand across her face, difficulty pushing the word off the tip of her tongue, “Familiar.”

<Lincoln King> The shake was surprisingly firm, tempered by the dimples that appeared as she smiled. “Megan,” He repeated, giving her a broad smile, “A pleasure. Please, sit.” He released her hand, gesturing to the table to allow her to choose her place. Lincoln remained standing until she had chosen, laughing at her explanation and apology, waving it off as he too took a seat. “That’s ok, i’m glad you decided to come. I know it might seem kind of strange to invite someone you don’t know out to brunch, but I thought why not?” It was her suggestion, though he supposed she’d meant it more as a group activity not just one on one, but Linc wasn’t convinced brunch was the best setting for a group catch up. Perhaps a garden party instead.

He settled back in his chair, watching the hand movements she made around her face, the question making him chuckle. “Ah, no. I am the CEO of a few businesses, i’ve held events and I guess my face has been splashed around a few magazines. If you read boring magazines about stocks and markets, that is.” He suggested, the best explanation he could of for his familiar face. Somewhere in the back of his mind though he had a mildly uncomfortable thought that maybe, just maybe, she’d met his face driven by another man. Occasionally when Kingsley was in control he blacked out, unable to recall what had happened when things went really downhill. It was rare, but it had happened. In some ways it was nice, for a man with a photographic memory to be able to actually forget something.

<Megan> There were many things in Harper Rock that fell under the kind of strange label. (Not that Megan would instigate any conversation regarding the many happenings that did.) All things considered, brunching on a Sunday was as normal as one could get... on a Sunday.

“Yeup, boring magazines. That must be it,” she agreed with a serious nod, the uncurrent of sarcasm delivered too good naturedly to hit its mark. Setting her purse down onto the empty chair to her left, Megan took in their surroundings more attentively. It was a beautiful establishment that oozed class, the sort of place she could now afford to frequent on occasion but wouldn’t venture into unprompted. It was great to meet new people and discover new things. Leaning back into the chair, she crossed one leg over the other and folded her hands over her stomach, returning her attention to Lincoln.
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Lincoln King
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CrowNet Handle: TheMonarch

Re: Comrádaí [Closed]

Post by Lincoln King »

<Lincoln King> While she settled herself, taking in the surroundings, Lincoln reached for the elegant scripted menus, placing one before her and glancing at his almost dismissively. He’d memorised it on another occasion, and could tell from that simple gaze that little had changed. The soft sarcasm made him laugh, a quiet chuckle, head shaking. “Not your thing, mm? I can appreciate that. What about you, what do you do for work?” Was it too soon to ask about what she did? He wasn’t sure quite what to say otherwise. It seemed a safe enough topic to start with, a way to begin the groundwork of building conversation. When it was a setting where he had to put on a bit of a show, when there was something to sell or to be gained he would lean back on his charm and focus on their social cues, following them, so why did he find it so different in personal socialising situations?

<Megan> Megan unhurriedly reached for the menu, curious as to what was on offer but far from famished. She’d wolfed down a solid four pieces of buttered toast throughout the morning, with no consideration for the scheduled meal. Anything to make up for the lack of energy. Then again, there seemed to be no end to how much she could eat, her tall frame and superhuman strength a constant caloric expense. Perusing through the options, searching for the vegetarian alternative or any substitutions she could possibly make, Lincoln’s words took time to process. If they’d been seated anywhere louder, there would have been a good chance she’d have not heard him.

“I work down at the marina. I, eh, make gear and... like, basically anything ‘nautical’ and ‘luxury’. I build stuff, make custom ****, service diving gear, etc.” It was a great job. Not only did it pay the bills and then some, but with flexible hours and varying projects to keep her challenged, there was ample opportunity for her to focus on any extracurriculars. “What about you? A few businesses sounds… intense, eh?”

<Lincoln King> He watched her out of the corner of his eye as she looked over the menu, hoping it would appeal, the place had quite decent options, a variety that was wide enough without being overwhelming. His head tilted to show interest as he listened to her talking about her work, describing it in a casual way that made his lips twitch into a smile at the corners. “The marina? Sounds nice, actually, fresh air and boats. I don’t go out on the water nearly enough.” He liked water, but he often preferred freshwater, a river in the forest after a decent hike, greenery and earth that he could sink down upon, feeling the energy of it when he needed to get away from the city.

His head ducked sheepishly, hand rubbing at the back of his neck with a shy laugh at her questioning his businesses. “That sounds really… Wanky, huh?” He grimaced, but explained. “I am the owner of Monarch Media and Bitr, i’m also the CEO and on the board of King Industries, CA. That one is a family business, and much of it is appearance, pulling others in line. Monarch and Bitr are my primary focus, my personal projects that i’ve built up.” He spoke the last sentence with a certain passion, a quiet pride, his accent with that refined lilt becoming thicker and less convincingly Canadian. He’d worked hard to create something for himself, rather than falling immediately back on the family name and already present opportunities. When he’d agreed to step up with the Canadian branch of King Industries it was with great reluctance, and for the sake of his father, his health having taking a turn in recent years.

<Megan> Splaying her hand over the menu, index finger on the item of interest, Megan looked up. There were many moments in her life where she felt intimidated by other people’s accomplishments. This was one of those moments. It was hard to remember she too had come a long way. The distance she covered was by no means dwarfed by the accomplishments of others; she struggled to make herself believe that. Smile faltering imperceptibly, she returned her attention to the menu. It took only a few seconds to collect herself, the dimples deepening as she glanced up.

“That’s really cool that you’ve, like...created something. Somethings, rather, eh?” When she built her jewellery, she often felt a kind of satisfaction that few other things in life afforded her. There was something unbelievably rewarding about accomplishing something one self. “But you’re not Canadian, eh? I thought you might be American, but you don’t sound like one.”

<Lincoln King> He felt slightly shy about having told her that, almost like it might change her perception of him and he didn’t want to give a negative impression by seeming full of himself. Of course he was proud of what he’d done, Lincoln knew he’d worked hard, he’d studied for years and built things from the ground up based on ideas that were personal to him. Having the name he had, the family connections didn’t exactly hinder him, though he felt like they were a monkey on his back he couldn’t shake even when he had wanted to. “Thank you, it’s hard work but I really love it, I love going to work and having something to focus on.” It was true, distractions were always a bonus.

When she mentioned that he wasn’t Canadian he cocked a lazy half smile, almost coy, like she’d discovered his secret. “Ah, no. I was born in Sweden. We moved here when I was a boy and I spent many of my school years here, until…” He cleared his throat, almost having said too much. “University, I went away to University. Moved back a year or so ago.” Maybe it was longer now? It felt like he’d been back forever, and everything had changed. His hand had moved to his watch, toying idly with it, adjusting it as he spoke. “What about you? Canadian?”

<Megan> Whatever Lincoln had been about to divulge remained unsaid, and Megan didn’t think twice about the pause. She was far more caught up in the fact that he was from Sweden and had been privileged enough to attend university abroad. Scandinavia was one of the many places she wanted to see. It sounded idyllic, and she didn’t understand why anyone would live here when they could live there. Not that Canada didn’t have its charm.

Megan had seen a lot of what the country had to offer once she’d left Sundridge. And when she’d worked in Vancouver, she’d travelled south into the States, gone as far south as San Diego. When in Toronto she’d visited Buffalo, and dreamed of heading to NYC one of these days. It was just a matter of planning it. The money was there, the desire was there, but the ability to look ahead and plan wasn’t her forte.

That’s likely where they differed the most, she and Lincoln. To do what he did, one needed to be focused on the future, actively chasing goals. Perhaps that was why she often felt intimidated by other people’s success; they set out to do things and accomplished them, while she simply ambled towards the nearest marker.

“Run of the mill Canadian,” she replied, turning her attention as she spoke to look at the approaching waitress.

<Lincoln King> He saw the waitress approaching, pausing briefly when called to another table, and found himself remarkably grateful for a distraction that might help steer the conversation from him. It took Megan a few moments to reply, her gaze too turning to focus on the waitress. “I’m sure,” He shot her a friendly smile, “There is nothing run of the mill about you, Megan.” While he wasn’t always the biggest fan of people in general he did believe that they all had potential, could have purpose if they wanted it. Of course there were many he considered to be genuine wastes of time and energy, but that didn’t mean they couldn’t be more.

When the woman, Belinda he recalled, reached their table she introduced herself again for the benefit of Megan, professional and approachable in a way that had Lincoln relaxing. She was definitely getting a good tip. The orders were requested, not before specials suggested, and Lincoln ordered. His meal of choice was the smoked salmon eggs benedict with a side of avocado and hash browns, the last a somewhat childish extra request, and an orange juice to accompany it. He was by no means a small man, tall and broad shouldered, he spent a lot of his spare time active and never shied away from a good meal.

He’d already lined up his next question, so by the time Belinda left them in silence he was ready with the next topic. “So, Canadian, have you always lived locally?”

<Megan> Opting for the day’s special of oatmeal pancakes with maple rhubarb, Megan relinquished the menu to the waitress, and settled back into her chair as Lincoln ordered. Her hands folded across her stomach once more, long legs shifting so that her left foot could rest atop her right knee. If the atmosphere remained as calm as it currently was, she could easily carry a conversation without having to lean in to hear him speak.

“No, I just moved here. Before that I was in Toronto, before that Vancouver, and before that, just a small town girl from Sundridge, Ontario -- just north from here,” she replied, tilting her head to the side to catch some rays. There was a slim chance he’d heard of her hometown, but people often surprised her. It was a popular tourist destination throughout summer and winter, though the overall population hardly grew past 1000. Usually she mentioned the lake or highway 11 to orientate people, but she didn’t feel compared to share. Her mind was preoccupied with something else, something that’d hung on her tongue until this very moment.
B r e a k t h e c h a i n s , s e v e r t h e l i n k s . . .
A n d w e l c o m e y o u r n e w M o n a r c h y
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