Stupid, stupid man.
The wolf had shed its woolly hide and was eager for the chase.
Predictably, the guard faltered in the face of her inhumanity. With a chorus of muffled screams, he met his fate as her fangs ripped into his throat. It was a moment of bliss, afforded by his terror and imminent death.
Harlow swept the underside of her tongue past her lower lip as she rose to her full height, short frame now towering over the dying man at her feet. Wiping at her chin with the long sleeve of her black henley shirt, the vampire sidestepped the fallen guard and eyed the safe once again.
“You best be worth it…” she mused aloud, closing the distance between herself and the metal door squarely embedded in the office’s wall. With practiced ease, Harlow managed to unlock the safe, though the moment of suspense regarding its content was extended as she halted inches away from reaching for her trophy. A sound just beyond the open-plan office had caught her attention and stilled her movements.
Another guard? That wouldn’t be all that unexpected, really. It was, after all, a fancy office. One dead guard wasn’t anything to fuss about, but two could bring the red and blue sirens, and they weren’t Harlow’s favoured cup of tea.
“Bollocks!” she hissed under her breath, commanding the dark corners to swell and darkness to shroud the space she and her victim occupied. Shadows stretched from the walls, masking the puddle of blood seeping into the carpet.
Reaching for the gun holstered at her hip, Harlow kept an eye on the disturbance making its way down the adjacent hall.