Not Today [Trahir, Lancaster]

For all descriptive play-by-post roleplay set anywhere in Harper Rock (main city).
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Trahir Trahison
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Re: Not Today [Trahir, Lancaster]

Post by Trahir Trahison »

Deadpan, steel blue eyes close slowly. They open, to the sign hanging by the entrance of the building laid out before him. Lancasters. There is little thought in his actions, there is not desire to look cool or sexy as he approached. The pettiness of those driven by the desire to simply **** was lost on the creature that stalked the structure which held his Shadis. His aggression heightened, pinprick-sharp it was focused. Another vampire ~had her~ she was wounded, vulnerable. A hand reached out, the heel of his palm drove the door before him. Long strides carried him toward the back of the place, toward the entrance to the upper levels.

Normally if one plays cool, like they are meant to be there, people don't question the presence of another. Trahir was a Killer and to those engaged in the protection of others that drew attention, his aura was... wrong... more than wrong. He was the guy that protectors ~wanted~ to draw down on and gun down like the rabid predator they just knew he was. "Hold up," a voice called out as the Killer hit the stairwell, taking them two at a time. By the time he was at the landing the voice was at the bottom and getting closer.

His knuckles hit the door with force S.W.A..T. member would envy. If the top of the portal had not been dusted lately, there was not a need for it now. His voice carries through the wooden blockade, the tone forceful even as the solid barrier muffles it slightly. ""Shadis..."

The footsteps of the bouncer grow louder behind him, a secondary issue. His left hand strays to his side in case the man gives him trouble.
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Re: Not Today [Trahir, Lancaster]

Post by Lancaster »

This was definitely no ordinary wolf.

Regardless of the scent of the blood, or of the way it mingled with the scent of human blood, no wolf could ever radiate emotion like this one did. It was a veritable smorgasbord of extremes; of guilt, of trust, of fear, of many things in between. The fear came in pulsing waves, and it was accompanied by a struggle, a yelp. Lancaster had to strain to hold Shadis still, to keep her in his arms. He knew that this was a person, that she would be thinking clearly, that she was not wild. This was not some wild wolf who was suddenly afraid to be indoors. Although Lancaster had gone to see a couple of wraiths and knew how to speak telepathically, he didn’t think that Shadis had made it that far yet. There was no way to communicate; to ask her what was wrong, or why she was struggling. Lancaster had no idea what had happened to her, or what it was she wanted. He had no idea whether she was thinking coherently, or whether her mind was clouded by fear.

Although the humming wouldn’t work, he tried it anyway. Telepathically, he hummed a random tune; he tried to reassure Shadis, and only released her struggling form when they had reached the third floor. They were in familiar territory. Lancaster’s ‘bachelor pad’, for lack of a better term. It was where he had decided to spend his time after he’d come back from the Shadow Realm; after he’d realised that Pi was gone. It was where he lived, preferring not to go to the places that reminded him of what he was missing.

He carried Shadis to the very same couch that she’d once occupied before, bleeding from a nasty gash to her gut. Lancaster didn’t mind. This didn’t even feel like an obligation. It was a responsibility, yes, but it didn’t even feel like that. This was not something he did because he should, or because he had to, as a sire. It was something he would have done regardless. And he was glad that Shadis had come to him.

It was only after he’d let her go, just as he was going to try to attempt some form of communication with the emotional wolf, that they were interrupted. A rather loud knock on the door, followed by an equally loud voice – a voice calling for Shadis.

Lancaster went to the door and opened it wide; on the steps behind the unknown individual was Simon – not a bouncer, just an employee at the backpackers. He knew that the general public had no reason to go up to the third floor. He knew that it was Lancaster’s private quarters. He gave his boss a shrug, and a look that said ‘I tried’. Lancaster merely nodded and waved Simon away.

“It’s fine, Simon,” he said, before turning his attention to the other male. A vampire, without a doubt. One who, Lancaster knew, wouldn’t be able to get into the apartment. Not unless he was a shadow – but if that was the case, would he even have bothered to knock? All Lancaster knew was that Shadis was hurt, and Shadis had felt pure fear. There was nothing to say that this vampire was not the one who’d harmed her. Lancaster glanced between the male and the wolf.

“Are you friend or foe?” he asked, his attention mostly on the wolf – she would have to be able to give him some kind of indication.
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Shadis (DELETED 7818)
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Re: Not Today [Trahir, Lancaster]

Post by Shadis (DELETED 7818) »

Lancaster’s arms only tightened their hold around her struggling form and as a hum entered her head, a whine was issued before she rested her head upon his shoulder. She realised that he probably wasn’t going to put her down for many reasons. One being that she was a wolf, two being that he probably wanted to keep her safe until she was healed and three being that he didn’t realise yet that there were traces of Trahir’s scent. However, she had gone to Lancaster and she trusted that he knew what was best for the moment. He was, after all, her sire. A sire that had been looking out for her ever since her human days. It was these arms that she trusted when she wasn’t in a frame of mind to make any solid decisions. Right now, her emotions played a huge rolling part in everything and emotions clouded a great portion of her mind, otherwise she probably wouldn’t be stuck in her wolf form until it wore off.

As he settled her down upon the couch that she had bled upon once before, she curled around so then her golden gaze could settle upon her sire. That was until a knock and the familiar voice floated through the door and she lifted her head as both ears flickered towards the door. She watched as Lancaster rose to answer the door and she listened to the conversation. Her gaze however, remain locked upon Trahir. Had he seen the dead Paladin? Did he know? Did he know about the attack or was he simply here to reclaim what he perceived as ‘his?’ An ear flickered towards Lancaster then as he spoke, however as her gaze was pulled from Trahir, she noted that her sire’s gaze rested upon her. How could she tell him that this was the one that she had been seeing, in canine actions?

Shadis didn’t want Trahir to attack Lancaster and she didn’t want Lancaster attacking Trahir because he thought that Trahir was an enemy. What could she do that would settle the two’s hackles? Slowly, she rose from her position upon the couch and dropped to the floor. A whine of pain was issued as the action itself pulled at the wound which was healing far too slowly. Paws made their slow way across the floor until her fur brushed against Lancaster to make her way passed him, only to stand in between the two. Slowly, her form lowered so then she laid down upon the floor and regardless of the tear of her wound, she rolled over to show her belly to the two. To her, this was the only action that she could make that would show both of them that she trusted the two to her vulnerable and wounded belly. One that clearly displayed her wound and her throat. If she didn’t trust them, then she wouldn’t likely do such a motion, one which would probably end up in her inevitable death.

Fear ran unchecked and fear made her want to curl up into a little ball until she was sure that she was safe from death. Safe from the hunters that roamed the streets and wanted her dead even though she hadn’t killed anyone. Then guilt filter through the wolf once more as she remembered the glassy eyes of the dead hunter that he had killed. The hunter that she had ravaged with the very teeth of the very form she was in, was dead. She had killed someone and they weren’t coming back. Lancaster felt emotions, he could understand why she felt such guilt. He could comfort her, soothe her worries because she knew that he understood. Trahir, on the other hand, she didn’t feel could understand the emotions that were plowing through her like a freight train. However, the love that she felt for him, even though she fought such emotions, was present ever so slightly underneath the guilt and fear. Even though she realised, that he had probably only come because he only saw her as his property, so pain was mixed into that love that she felt.

In the end though, she trusted the both of them to keep her safe in their own way. Even if Trahir and Lancaster were both different, she trusted the two men with her life.
A.R.E.S - Phoenix

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