Frostbite [Open]

For all descriptive play-by-post roleplay set anywhere in Harper Rock (main city).
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Penelope (DELETED 7534)
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Frostbite [Open]

Post by Penelope (DELETED 7534) »

from stag heath


The night was clear but crisp. There were no clouds in the sky, but that meant zero humidity; the breeze was straight of a cold room, but at least it wasn’t a freezer on the fritz. At least it wasn’t snowing. At least Penelope could get away with wearing only a couple of layers instead of ten. Not that she’d generally wear ten, but she hated those padded jackets – the ones that made a person look three times their weight. Though it wasn’t her looks she was concerned for. It was the lack of agility. One couldn’t exactly defend oneself against a pissed off vampire if encumbered by layers of fluff.

Though, Penelope’s methods were a little… risqué, sometimes. Fun could come in all shapes and sizes. Vampires were just people who were fed blood with a bit of magic in it. Their bodies underwent a transformation; they were the givers of the power, and Penelope would be lying if she didn’t say she was a little turned on by it, sometimes.

Feminists would probably cluck their tongues at the way she used her body to got what she wanted. She was a warn bag of blood that could look nice, when she put some effort into it. As soon as she spotted the ‘pires, as soon as she knew them for what they were, she got up close and personal. Men, women, it didn’t matter. Fun, it came in all shapes and sizes.

There was whiskey on Penny’s breath as she got up close and personal with Vincent. She’d chatted to Vincent once or twice before. She played the long game, gauging his interest and possible reaction. He didn’t have to know what she was or what she eventually wanted. All he had to do was take her home, and in the heat of the fun he either wouldn’t know that she’d bitten him, or he wouldn’t care.

As it was, she didn’t get very far. At least she didn’t have to clamber out the window and down the fire escape naked. At least she still had her underwear – the kind of underwear that was hard to get into. Too soon, she told herself. She’d bitten him too soon. She should have waited until he was close to climax, and yet she’d got greedy. She’d got hungry. He hadn’t liked it. They don’t like it very much when permission isn’t asked, but permission, more often than not, was not granted.

But, she should have tried. If she had tried, she wouldn’t have lost her sweater or her jeans. She’d managed to snatch her jacket and her boots before she’d run from the scene. She’d laughed and apologised and, luckily, Vincent let her go. She wouldn’t have been able to survive him, probably, if he’d decided to rip her to shreds. A lucky escape.

If one could call walking through the brisk, mostly-winter air a lucky escape. Teeth chattering and still hungry for that vampiric high – she’d barely broken skin before Vincent had thrown her off the bed – Penelope grinned jovially at anyone she passed. But she’d got turned around. Which way was home?

E N Z O ' S * H E I R
Eirik Loki
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Re: Frostbite [Open]

Post by Eirik Loki »

Eirik walked down the street hand on the lead for his dog so she could lead him to where he needed to go. He had been out of town for some weeks but had tried to keep in touch with his family. If you could call the people that he was taken in by his family. They where all vampires and he did not mind one had saved him though he did not like the man she was engaged to at all. Her sire he had never really met and the man that had sired him he did know and needed to get into contact again. Andrew was at home unpacking everything which gave Eirik a chance to go out and be on the town. He could not look around though for sightless eyes could not see anything. It was strange to have a sightless vampire but he had honed his other senses to tell when danger was around. He was not strong though than most of the older vampires in the city he was smart and he used that to his ability.

Lady his dog keep him out of harms way as well which was always good and she knew when he needed to feed which was strange for a dog but she did. Though Eirik got to feeding form blood bags which Lady would take him to a black market store to buy. Lady was a Golden Retriever but she was getting old. Beside the older dog was a pup that was full wolf tough no one said anything because it was tame. It was also only 6 months old and the older dog was teaching the pup what it should know so it could take her place.Lady had been fixed as a pup so would not have puppies but when the pup had been found only 5 months ago with it's dead mother she took it in as hers. Andrew was with Eirik at the time and told Eirik what was happening so Eirik did not say a thing.

The night was chilly but Eirik did not feel it he was not even wearing his jacket though he did have on his sweater. Andrew tired to make sure that Eirik looked normal. The human was always looking out for his master. Eirik made his way down the street with Lady and Fang the pup wanting to play but Lady nipped him so he would pay attention. Eirik also had on his Sunglasses even though it was the middle of the night which not many thought was strange that actually knew him because they knew he was blind. He wondered about his Childe as he almost ran into someone. Lady had been to busy scolding Fang for wanting to play to make sure he did not hit the person. "Sorry. I did not meant to almost run into you. Lady is more keen on not letting me run into someone but she is teaching today and Fang wants to play I think."
To Die Would Be An Awfully Big Adventure.
Isis Louhi (DELETED 8004)
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Re: Frostbite [Open]

Post by Isis Louhi (DELETED 8004) »

Isis wandered through the darkened streets, picking pockets as she went. While she officially had a job, the habit of filching wallets was a hard one to break, and even worse for the teen, who counted it as her main source of survival for a few years now. She tucked into a side street, pulling cash from her ill gotten gains, counting it as she went. The girl tucked part of it into her shirt, estimating she'd gotten enough from the last mark to buy dinner. With that happy thought in mind, she laughed giddily as she moved through the back alley, dropping her "prizes" into random puddles.

Isis bit back a smidge of guilt- at least she wasn't breaking into homes and shooting cops anymore. Idiots, she thought, thinking back to the last time she had shot someone. They're all idiots. They could have simply not shot at me. Or learned to aim better. If you're going to shoot at someone, they're going to retaliate. That's simple cause and effect. Her mind deep in thought, Isis didn't pay attention to the street ahead of her, and her foot went into a deep puddle, filled with previous rainfall. The water soaked through the hole in the sole of her boot, and she cursed as the water touched her foot. She really needed a new pair, but Isis figured she'd just patch them again with duct tape and hope for the best. After all, her money was being saved to get her a nice place in one of those fancy towers. No more fighting the wildlife for scraps from my tent, no more being bitten by freak meth-heads who thought they were in Miami. Especially the last. I'm starting to become anemic from these jerks biting me. It's not enough we have actual ******* zombie experiments from the government's mucking about here.

Snorting in disgust, she picked her foot up, and tried to shake the water out as best she could, before she went onto the main street sidewalk. At least there weren't any holes on it. The city tried to maintain as best they could, but they couldn't cover up the filth that leaked in. She knew, she halfway considered herself one of them.

Pulling her hat down low against her messy hair, she pulled her jacket and flannel overshirt around her closer, before she took a step onto that brighter street. The shorts she had put on to combat the warmth of her job didn't seem so smart an idea now that her feet were wet. The breeze hit her tights just right to cause a squeal to push past her lips. She turned bright red, and looked around to make sure no one heard her sounding so child-like. As Isis looked across the street, she saw a woman with even less than she had on. Not paying much attention to her surroundings, she darted across the street. Isis figured she had two shirts and a jacket on. The least the teen could do was offer the flannel shirt. It wouldn't help much, but it'd at least keep some of the cold away.

"It's what that Ephraim-dude would do, right? Or the boss? Ugh, why are they getting to be a good influence now? I'll be all normal before you know it. And like respectable. ****." Isis sighed at that thought as she pulled the shirt off, then began walking towards the woman, her focus locked on the woman's face. "Well she seems not crazy enough, minus the clothing situation," the teen muttered, before she called out, "Hey! You okay, lady?"

Moving toward the woman, she finally saw the man near her. Or rather, her focus finally acknowledged his existence. She jerked to a stop, feeling awkward, the shirt draped over her arm. "Didn't mean to mess up your transaction. Sorry," she muttered, misunderstanding.

Pretty. Little. Monster.

Disclaimer: This character's age is currently 16. Sorry for any troubles from this. <3
Penelope (DELETED 7534)
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Re: Frostbite [Open]

Post by Penelope (DELETED 7534) »

Penelope wasn’t really paying much attention to where she was going. She was too busy squinting between the street signs and her phone, where she’d pulled up the GPS of the city. She had to figure out whether she could walk home, or how far away the train was. Or maybe she should just jump in a cab – but that was when she realised that although she’d grabbed her phone, she’d left her wallet behind somewhere. A low curse was uttered – but then, this was the kind of thing that routinely happened to the flighty blood thief.

Her attention snapped steadfastly back to the real world as she felt something fluffy and warm brush her leg. At first she thought the voice came from the dog – until, a split second later, she realised that was a ******* ridiculous notion. The next split second she realised that the voice instead belonged to a man, who was in turn attached to the dog. Quite dependent, it would seem. A blind man and his seeing eye dog. It took another second or two before the words registered, and Penelope made sense of them. She offered a throaty laugh, a hand to her chest. She was looking for a twitch of a smile, an amused play of features on the blind man’s face.

”I really hope you are kidding, sir,” she said. Although Penelope might have a very limited experience of the world, she had seen them around – those people teaching the retriever puppies to be seeing eye dogs. They had so many strict rules about not touching the dogs when they had their coats on, and all manner of other things. To expect one dog to teach another dog the intricacies of human dependence? She shook her head. Yes, of course he must have been kidding.

She couldn’t ask for clarification. They were joined by another girl who looked to be the street savvy kind. At her uttered apology, Penelope laughed again, this time a little more boisterous.

”Oh, honey. I’m not a hooker,” she said, but then she frowned, looking down. ”…though maybe I should be. Might make more money, hm?” she said, still thoroughly amused. ”Say, either of you know the quickest route to Honeymead from here? Where exactly am I?” she asked. She knew the city, sure. If she knew where she was she might be able to orient herself a little better. How, she asked herself, did she keep getting so disoriented?
E N Z O ' S * H E I R
Eirik Loki
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Re: Frostbite [Open]

Post by Eirik Loki »

He looked at the woman or to where her voice was coming from and shook his head. "No not kidding ma'am. There is no one that is willing to teach a wolf pup other than my friend and my girl here. She is a good dog. She is just teaching him how to watch for signals not much of the major things though. I think this is the better way." He had noticed when someone else arrived and looked to the voice. He shook his head at the other voice as the woman he had bumped into answered for them. No he was not looking for that not tonight maybe on another night but not tonight he was just back in town and wanted to get out of the house he was in. He also needed to find his family but that would wait. He could tell the woman was probably cold though he could not see what she had on. "Your in Honeymeed District." He answered where they were.
To Die Would Be An Awfully Big Adventure.
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