Blog of a mad hacker chick! (Journal)

Single-writer in-character stories and journals.
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Re: Blog of a mad hacker chick! (Journal)

Post by CharlotteC »

March 13, 2016

Greetings and salutations once again fellow bloggers!

So, tonight I decided to do something a bit different. Instead of spending hours and hours and hours on the internet and hacking like I had been for the last few times that I have been posting, I decided that tonight was a night that I needed to really get out there. Really do something. So tonight, I post to you from the Caverns of Harper Rock, where it is safe to say that there is a great way to make money. All of the gems that one person can find, lots of them just laying around for any Jo-schmoe to pick up. And I did, as well as some other things as well, but mostly, I picked up gems. Lots of these gems are going for some pretty good prices too, so being able to gather a lot of them, it's a grand way to make a lot of money.

As for other things, there really hasn't been much else to report on. Hit the catacombs a few days ago as well and spent some time in there honing my abilities with my gun, but so far, I really do need more in my life that I can talk about. I have been contemplating opening up a business of some kind, but in truth, I have no idea why kind of business I would do. Yeah, I could sell my guns, but they aren't exactly the best of the best and there are so many that are on the auction nightly that are better than anything I could make. Then I thought about maybe something relating to computers, or maybe the gadgets. There again though, not really the best and plus not really legal. But that little bit is on the DL, right ;).

Another reason why I think a business might not be the best is because well, I work for my mentor, and he really pays me pretty well. I don't even really need the money. I just need... I need to do something. I do so little. I'm growing bored, and feel like the longer I sit still, the harder it is for me to get out and do things. I don't know. Maybe I will take one of my guns and go hunting again. Last time had gotten a bit side tracked, but hunting, well it makes me feel like I am back in Maine, back with my father, hearing his words, hearing how he would whisper to me when he spotted a trail and we would follow it.

Maybe I will find a way to go and visit my parents. I don't know how, and I know if I get caught, I could be arrested and that won't be good at all. And then there is the fact that well... yeah... I can't get caught. Lest i bring down the wrath of Harper Rocks Bully Gang. Anyways, I think I have rambled on enough tonight, I hope you are all having wonderful nights and I will be posting again as soon as possible.

<3 The Bored Hacker Chick <3[/font]
Reality is a thing of the past!
Note: Charlie has Mortal Aura
d'Artois at Heart
Art done by the Signature Queen Claire
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CrowNet Handle: MadHackerChick

Re: Blog of a mad hacker chick! (Journal)

Post by CharlotteC »

March 19, 2016

Greetings and salutations once again fellow bloggers!

Tonight I was doing a bit of the normal, hacking as I usually do when I got to think about a conversation that I had with someone a few weeks back. He was telling me how his dreams had changed because of how things have happened to us, however, I disagree with him. This is something that I told him as well. I don't see the changes in my life, the ways I now have to live as something that has taken away my dreams. As I sit here - and yes I'm still hacking as well - I am in a place where my family lives. Now is it my mother and father? No, but I have those I see as sisters. I have my mentor who takes the place of my father in some ways and in others reminds me so much of an older brother. He knows a lot, he takes care of me, but he also has no problem teasing me and goofing off around me. So in truth, my dreams of a family I have realized.

And then there is the idea of a career. I guess, if you really look at it, my career isn't exactly legal, but it does make me a good bit of dough. Yes, I work for my mentor, and no, that isn't exactly a career. It is a job, one I love, but just a job. Career wise? Yeah, if I wanted to I could perhaps teach, and I do, but I don't do it for money. My career? My career is information, I get a lot of information and I tend to sell that information as well. Is it your normal career? No, not in the least. That said, I am good at it, it makes me money and it leaves me free to pursue other interests and I have a LOT of interests.

The only thing I haven't yet been able to get is the one thing that Zodiac said I would get eventually in my future. It's been a couple years since she told me that though. So Zo, if you are reading this?

I want my money back! :P


In truth, I believe I still have time, and while I have for the most part given up on looking for love, I still have a tiny bit of hope that I will - eventually - find someone to love me the way those in my life are loved by their significant others. I just, I need that. I do. And I am well aware of how stupid that sounds. That my happiness is dependent on another. That I need someone to hold me, to kiss me, to cuddle with me while we sleep or offer to protect me from something even if they can't actually do it. Plus, in truth, I am really freaking horny. Yes, I know, TMI but still. it's the truth. I haven't been laid in almost three years now. My hormones are boiling over!

That said, I will leave you with that little (disturbing I'm sure) gem of information.

<3 The Hormonal Hacker Chick <3[/font]
Reality is a thing of the past!
Note: Charlie has Mortal Aura
d'Artois at Heart
Art done by the Signature Queen Claire
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