Another Night in Paradise(Eureka, Mika, other relatives)

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Another Night in Paradise(Eureka, Mika, other relatives)

Post by Edenor »

Another night spent crafting and haunting the sewers, another day spent sleeping barely through half the day and back to crafting and boredom. He had fallen into the routine and while it worked well enough to get him to this point he was quickly finding that he was growing very restless. It couldn't really be blamed on anyone but himself. He didn't much care for most people and unless they came to him he was very unlikely to seek them out. It was why he hadn't seen his childe in weeks. He assumed she was fine but it also wouldn't be too surprising if she had gotten herself into trouble and that's why she hadn't been around. That thought made him snort in laughter to himself, If? more like when. There was nothing he could do for that though and so didn't let it weigh on him much at all really.

It was as he thought of his childe that another face came to mind. One he hadn't seen since she had turned and taught him the little he knew at first. He probably should have gone to the Flats a long while ago to see how she was doing, after all he ended up there often enough to give his new weapons a try and still hadn't gone to visit at all. He doubted she cared, but even so it was best to at least let her know he was still around, she had seemed convinced that he would leave as others she had turned seemed to have done. At least that was how her words then had struck him to mean. He didn't have a lot to test this time around. Lately he had been making junk, throwing things together to get better at doing them fast than doing them right and simply sold them all off. It even turned a bit of a profit.

Such things were put on hold then as he went and showered and got dressed in his customary black T shirt and jeans. Anything else would likely be ruined by the end of the night and would cost far more than the simple things he did wear for just that reason. He didn't take as much with him as he normally would when going out, just his gun, a few extra magazines and his knife. The rest he hoped he wouldn't need and if he did at least he had a tome to take him home. It was only as that thought crossed his mind he realized he wasn't taking one and was glad he had barely been heading out the door. this time a pack was thrown on, the tome inside along with some other things he had last time he went out, mostly other weapons, but he was too lazy to go through things and put them away for now.

Making his way out of the building after the elevator ride down it was a quick walk across the street to the station and just a few minute ride to get near the QZ. It always amused him that he could walk on water after being changed. He wasn't sure how he had gained such a power, it just kind of seemed to happen, but it did make him curious if he should start ******* with some humans with it, making them see someone walking on top of the water that would be gone as soon as they looked away. He might even be able to cause an uproar about 'Jesus' if he played his cards right. Already the day was turning out to be a good one as thoughts of mischief began to play about in his head but they could wait til later. As he crossed the small river of water to get into the QZ he made straight for the Flats.

It didn't take long before he was once more riding an elevator up to the top floors and then heading outside to see if his sire was still around. It was a good bit after dark so he wouldn't be surprised if she wasn't around. Or had gone to visit her 'friend'. He couldn't help laughing at that thought, how she had tried to hint at him like he would even care about such a thing but then everyone was a little different in that regard and knowing what little he did about her it was probably not very common for her to get on well with others so she might be happy enough that she did with him that she would share it in some half sly way. Good for her. He called out for her after a quick look around, if she were here great, if not then he would rather not look the fool climbing around a rooftop he was unfamiliar with trying to find her. Maybe he'd get lucky and she was still here. If not then there was always the next day, and the day after that, eventually he'd find her here.
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Re: Another Night in Paradise(Eureka, Mika, other relatives)

Post by Eureka »

Eureka lived much like she assumed an animal might.

Animals didn’t think of the future of the past. They thought of the present; what they would eat, where they would sleep. They foraged, they hunted. The only difference being, animals hibernated for the winter. It was winter now, and Eureka didn’t hibernate. She was too in love with living - this version of it, anyway - to be concerned about the cold. The cold did not affect her at all. It did not make her ill or uncomfortable, and the looks she got as she walked the streets wearing barely anything were comedies to laugh at.

Every now and again she’d pull on a jacket or some boots. Some poor victim would suffer a painful demise at the whim of her teeth due to their clothing, sometimes. Clothing that looked nice, the Eureka could see herself pulling off. Mostly leather. Sometimes with spikes.

Most of the time, however, she wore only men’s t-shirts. They swam on her, but they were comfortable. If she didn’t think it would cause too much of a hindrance, she’d walk around wearing nothing. Animals weren’t forced to wear clothes, were they? Their teats and their penises were always on show, and no one made much of a fuss. What were humans, but animals? What were vampires, but animals that lived higher on the food chain?

Just like an animal might, Eureka let her cubs go. Whenever they left the nest, they were ready to go. If they fell out and broke their necks, that was their own fault. If they fell out and were eaten by owls, that, too, was their own fault. They were too weak; and maybe she’d mourn for a second or two. But it never lasted. Life went on.

Lately, she’d discovered her ability to actually turn into an animal. It entertained her no end.

She didn’t know what she was. She didn’t go try find herself in a mirror; she knew she had big paws, though. In Winter? Fluffy paws. Big, and grey, flecked with black. Her whole body was like that. She felt graceful, feline. And when she screamed, it was a fierce roar. She felt at home. She felt as if she had returned to a body she’d left behind in a past life. To Aaron’s probably detriment, he often found that she’d traipsed mud into their apartment, licking herself clean on their bed.

Tonight, she was on her way to the Wilderness. They had agreed that she wouldn’t try to feed near home; it was too dangerous. She went back to where she usually went - near the Quarantine Zone, outside of its walls, hunkered in the shadows. Why’d she always pick Redwood? Habit, maybe.

It was as she meandered along her path that she heard her name. Someone was calling out to her. Someone on the other side of the wall. She cocked an ear; she focused. She lifted her nose to the wind and waited for it to swing in her direction. There was the stench of death. But also of… herself. Diluted. She took a few steps back so that she could see… and yes, there, a head. Wandering around on a rooftop.


What the **** was he looking for her there, for? Had he seen her, somehow? What the **** was he doing on the roof of…. she stared, head canted to the side, getting her bearings. Corvidae Flats?! She hadn’t been there in… ****, months. Not since she was freshly turned.

”What the **** are you doing?!” she shouted. Surely, everyone within the Miniput Kingdom could hear her. Her voice was projected, in order to reach the ears of her childe; but she didn’t care whether she was heard. She gave absolutely zero fucks about whose night she disturbed.
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Mika (DELETED 6423)
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Re: Another Night in Paradise(Eureka, Mika, other relatives)

Post by Mika (DELETED 6423) »

In theory, Mika should have clung to the last shreds of her human life, but every passing night severed the remaining connections. One by one, she lost more and more of her past, replacing it with memories of moonlight, and then with snippets of daylight. The one constant was her son, the child she’d relinquished to her parents. A mistake, but a happy one, or so it had seemed. Mika still received letters from her parents, each one filled with words and stuffed with photographs. Her son had already grown so big, and he’d said his first word: Ma. As if the weight of her guilt and frustration hadn’t already crushed her shoulders and cracked every disc in her spine. Hearing that her son, her son, had referred to his grandmother as Ma made her blood boil. The letter had been delivered over a week ago, and Mika had yet to reply. In fact, Mika had yet to open any of the following letters.

Her anger should have lingered, but her emotions were fleeing. She felt a sudden onslaught, like an invisible attack on her psyche, and then she felt nothing. Mika couldn’t explain her lack of depth. Before her turning, she’d been much more in control. The old Mika laughed, cried, and raged with the best of them, and yet she’d degraded over time. She’d slowly transformed into a new Mika, one with little to nothing in her life. No lasting emotions. No eternal hardships. Every night, she made the journey to Cherrydale and descended the ladder to the sewers. She spent an hour or two ripping apart the skeletonized zombies and blasting bits out of mooncalves, and then she retreated. Every night became another notch in a never-ending cycle, one she began and one she relied upon.

Regardless of the growing distance between herself and her past, Mika had one beacon of light. Every night, without fail, she woke up at the crash site. Even though the mangled vehicles and the bloody bodies were long gone, Mika remembered the scene. There wasn’t a longing for the moment. She had no more regrets and no more tears. When she awoke, Mika lingered amongst the faded bloodstains, her body fitting perfectly in the spot where her sire had once appeared, and she stared off into the distance. Her blue eyes cut a line across the pavement, connecting the dots between different portions of her memory. That had been where Todd landed. That had been where the van turned. On and on, she traced along the dotted line created by her eyes. And when she’d recreated the whole scene, she left. She’d completed her work.

On that particular night, after she’d awoken at the crash site, Mika stayed seated on the pavement. Her legs pulled up toward her chest, she contemplated breaking her habit, but the thought had her gritting her teeth. For months, she’d established and mastered her route to and from the catacombs. Changing the route meant adding or subtracting, which meant more or less work, which meant more or less time. Just as she made the decision to follow her typical route, Mika heard her sire’s voice. The blonde hadn’t heard the voice since the last raid she’d participated in, which had turned out to be an addition to her route.

“Who, or what, is Edenor?”

Mika wasn’t that far away, so she still heard the faint sound. Her knives sheathed at her waist, she walked from the edge of River Rock toward the voice. Halfway to her destination, Mika decided she didn’t care about Edenor. The only one she wanted to see was her sire. Often enough, Mika passed the woman, but she passed quietly, with no intention of starting a conversation and no intention of initiating any sort of friendly hug or clap on the back. Mika was content in catching a glimpse of the redhead. When she caught sight of her sire, she noticed the fact that the woman looked up toward Corvidae Flats, as if the shouting had been aimed at the building itself. Was Eureka that far gone? Was the woman shouting at inanimate objects?

“Why are you yelling at Corvidae Flats?” Mika pointed toward the building as if she were revealing its true identity. Her sire had no reason to be yelling Edenor to the side of a building. Mika inspected the side of the building and around the building, but she saw no one. When she looked up--and only when she looked up--she saw a brief flash of a person. Was that a person? “You know that person,” she deduced, a tight frown on her face. “I’m going to guess that it’s Edenor.”

☼ m i k a ☼
"And he touches you with his fingers. And he burns holes in your skin with his mouth."
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Re: Another Night in Paradise(Eureka, Mika, other relatives)

Post by Edenor »

Hearing his name suddenly shouted out and the words that quickly followed he winced slightly inwardly and a brief look of annoyance crossed his face but was gone in just a moment. What was it with these people in this city being so damn loud and attention grabbing all the time? It was like they had no concept of keeping a low profile at all and for him, that was incredibly frustrating. How was one to keep mostly to themselves and avoid the unwanted attention he had been receiving lately when everyone was so damn trigger happy or called out like that? All he could do was sigh in defeat though as he walked back to the elevator and went down.

He had heard where the call came from though hadn't bothered to actually look for them, with that banshee voice of hers he felt the very urgent need to no longer be exposed at all. The last thing he needed were more bullets in him from some trigger happy human that he would have to let heal again. The pain he could tolerate, it was the weakened state the wounds left him in for a couple days that drove him crazy. At least when he had been human and wounded he would only be dealing wit other humans. A gun could easily drop them if he had to protect himself. In this place though he might be able to still fight and wound or scare of others that were similar in strength to him he had no doubt that the truly strong wouldn't be deterred by a few wounds if they wanted him dead. It usually left him on edge but thankfully now at least he wasn't wounded and had confidence enough to be able to escape if not kill those people.

As he had been musing to himself about such things he had been headed towards where his sires voice had come from. He wasn't in a hurry even after hearing her call out at him like he was insane. Instead it took him a few minutes to get to the general area before finally paying attention and looking for her. It didn't take long and he had a slight smirk on his face as he walked over to join her. He knew she had warned him before about teasing her about her name but after what she had done? **** it. "Well Eureka! I found you finally." Was it stupid? Absolutely. Did he care though? Not at all.

It was only then he noticed the other woman with his sire. He had no idea who she was but figured if she was with his sire he might as well be friendly even if he had no real interest in her. A small smile on his face that he hoped didn't appear completely fake as he inclined his head, "Greetings to you as well." He motioned with his head towards Eureka, "I'm assuming you heard her banshee call or were already there when she let it out so you know who I am. Might I get your name?" He almost hoped she wouldn't give it, simply so that it would be one less face he would need to bother remembering who it belonged to. The thought amused him slightly and the smile was no longer near as fake though it also wasn't directed at her but for the fact that to him it was always easier to know if a familiar face was someone he should kill or not. If it ended up being the former he knew it would have to wait even if he could do it, he wouldn't kill someone that was with his sire unless she told him to.
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Re: Another Night in Paradise(Eureka, Mika, other relatives)

Post by Eureka »

Eureka was a little taken aback by Mika’s sudden appearance. The girl’s face was familiar, but her voice less so. Although they had encountered each other in the raid not too long ago, Eureka still found herself swaying toward the woman - nostrils flaring, picking up that unmistakable scent. What were the odds that all three of them would be in the same area at the same time? That Edenor’s voice would get Eureka’s attention, and Eureka’s would get Mika’s? The redhead glanced over her shoulder, looking around as if she half expected someone else to come out of the woodwork. No one did. At least, not yet. She had to conclude that it wasn’t a coincidence. Surely, Mika had to have been stalking her.

Finally, Eureka nodded.

”Yes. That is an Edenor. I don’t know why he’s looking for me up there, but that’s what he seems to be doing,” she said. If Mika chose to accuse Eureka of being insane, Eureka wouldn’t have batted an eyelash. She knew that she wasn’t right in the head. Any statement made that pointed it out would not be taken as an insult, but merely as fact.

Mika’s clothing was all black. Practical, even. The kind of outfit one might don if they’d decided to do a little stalking. Curious, Eureka’s flecked eyes returned to Mika’s face. ”Has my childe been working on her tracking skills?” she asked.

Whatever the answer may have been, it was interrupted by the arrival of Edenor. The guy was the same as Eureka remembered; a bit too confident. But that was what was required in this life. There was strength in confidence. A confident, independent person had more of a chance of survival. But, she had to wonder about Mika. Mika, she didn’t know so much about. She must have been confident and independent in her own quiet way.

Eureka didn’t think that Edenor was teasing her. He only greeted her by name, before telling her that he’d found her. For the time being, she had no reason to slap Edenor, or stab him with something sharp. If the stabbing were required, Eureka had a dagger handy, somewhere upon her person. It wouldn’t take long for Edenor to figure out she was displeased. As it was, she had no reason yet to be displeased.

”Banshees are powerful creatures, Edenor. Thank you for the compliment. This is Mika,” she said. As Edenor had already stated, there was no need to give his name. Mika already knew it. ”I turned Mika … hrm. Ages ago,” Eureka said, glancing between the two of them. It was a nice little impromptu family reunion, if their little eccentric trio could be called a family. It felt… oddly good, to catch up with the both of them. To have them both meet.
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Mika (DELETED 6423)
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Re: Another Night in Paradise(Eureka, Mika, other relatives)

Post by Mika (DELETED 6423) »

Mika arched a brow, but she ignored her sire’s question. Tracking skills weren’t necessary, not when Eureka announced her presence to the world. The blonde wondered if she would have heard the voice over longer distances, but she refrained from mentioning such things. Mika would have reacted in the same way. To be heard, one spoke louder.

“I always wake up over there,” Mika replied, explaining to the both of them how she’d come to be at their location. She turned and pointed down the road. The asphalt twisted and turned until it eventually led out into the wilderness, into places beyond Harper Rock. The road she acknowledged led directly to the crash site. Whenever she awoke, she awoke there. Her days began there. Sometimes, her days ended there. “I didn’t have to listen closely to hear you yelling.” She’d directed the last words at her sire.

Edenor had asked for her name, but she waited. She stalled. Names had never been a requirement with her, and she’d once held hers close to her chest, just as she’d held the rest of the cards comprising her life; however, that had been months ago. Whatever happened before the crash had little weight on her world. Edenor had asked for her name, and she finally had a real choice in the matter. Mika had no more reasons to conceal her hand. Her final decision had been to deny Edenor’s request and move on from that section of the conversation, but no.

Where she’d wanted to refuse to share her name, she’d only gained a short introduction. Eureka had chosen to bridge the gap between the two, for whatever reason. “You turned me about nine months ago,” Mika added, looking at Eureka as if she’d expected the woman to at least a roundabout number. Honestly, Mika wondered if she should have been impressed that Eureka still remembered the name of her childe. The frowned returned to her face and she turned her gaze from her sire to Edenor. And then back.

“Are you two together?”

The two seemed familiar. They had some previous dialogue. Mika saw some of her former behavior in the both of them. Perhaps they had unresolved tension. Why else would Edenor go to such lengths to find Eureka? Why else would Eureka go through the brief introduction? The more Mika thought about it, the more uncomfortable she became. She’d stumbled onto Eureka and Edenor, the two lovers. Gross.

“I’m not interested in this anymore, if you are. I don’t like being a third wheel.” Her nose wrinkled, and her eyes narrowed, she surveyed their faces once more, looking for signs of disagreement and lies. The more time that passed, the more disinterested she grew, both with the situation and whatever the two had going on in their private lives. She’d felt too much. Like clockwork, her emotions were draining away.
☼ m i k a ☼
"And he touches you with his fingers. And he burns holes in your skin with his mouth."
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Re: Another Night in Paradise(Eureka, Mika, other relatives)

Post by Edenor »

Listening to the introduction, both from his sire and the person beside her named Mika he could only incline his head slightly. The change in time between 'ages ago' and nine months was a rather large one and he found himself laughing softly at the both of them before turning to his sire, "Well at least some things won't change in regards to your indifference. I rather enjoy it actually." It was then that he turned to face Mika, his lips lifted in a very slight smile that didn't reach his eyes, she may be another of his sires but she had no meaning to him outside that and so he saw no reason to do anything but play cordial.

Before he could properly offer a greeting though her question came and caught him off guard. Together? Did it really seem that way? He had never considered the one who had turned him in that light even and the one time he had jokingly slapped her *** in passing to see what would happen he learned not to do so again. A week to recover from that lesson was plenty of time to come to the conclusion that anything like that was a bad idea. It was a brief moment as that memory surfaced and he shook his head, "No we aren't together. I am the same as you, another that she turned. It has been some time since I last saw her so I came to find her." It was simple truth, he didn't have much reason to come find her other than that, his childe had not been around so he couldn't introduce the two of them yet but even so it wasn't bad to keep in touch.

He could see the discomfort written on her face as she had thought they were together, it was obviously not even trying to be hidden and had he had a different sire may have upplayed to it just to torment her a bit more, instead he had simply told the truth but a smirk slowly came to his face as he looked at his 'sibling.' "Running away?" He turned to look at his sire, "From the way you seemed to me I didn't think you would choose such a weak willed person who can't even take the thought of lovers being around one another." He cast a glance at the woman, he knew he was likely going to push buttons that might get him in trouble, but for now he saw no reason not to. Let her go or stay as she wished but if she acted like that he would poke at it until something happened. If she attacked, well at least he would fight back, if she left then he would have even less reason to ever seek her out again. Fighting, even if it was only to deal with something they disliked in their own minds, he could respect even if it meant his death to touch on those subjects or actions. Slinking away from discomfort? No, that was something he would always mock regardless of who it was.
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Re: Another Night in Paradise(Eureka, Mika, other relatives)

Post by Eureka »

Eureka laughed. The sound might have sounded something like a cackle, but she found the notion of herself and Edenor ‘together’ to be highly amusing. Why? He was a perfectly healthy specimen. Perfectly masculine, and well able to perform the actions that couplings usually produced. The man had learned early enough that he shouldn’t touch Eureka inappropriately, however, and in her own reckoning, he was not at all as good as Aaron. Poor Aaron, who’d had to wait a very long time to get into her pants - even if she didn’t wear pants so very often.

She also had to laugh at Edenor’s reference to her indifference. Sentimentality wasn’t her strongest virtue, even if it had been touched upon the night of Edenor’s siring. They were cubs who’d been let out in the wild, and now one was poking at the other. This was what cubs did. They played with each other. They play-fought, so that later on they’d know how to fight. Was this what her cubs were going to do, now?

”I don’t think you’d like to be a third wheel when I am with Aaron, sweets. Edenor knows not to touch me without my permission,” she said, reaching out to grab Edenor’s cheek, to pinch and shake a little roughly. For all her seeming indifference, she was fond of him and his smart mouth. There was a new fondness for Mika, too - for the simple fact that she was here. That she had survived. She was not weak-willed.

Although she was curious as to why Edenor might have come to find her, she was, for the moment, far more curious about how Mika might react to his teasing. Whether she would attack the same way Eureka had, or whether she would walk away. Now that she had them here, together… this was a way to get to know them. Most would call her remiss. What kind of sire was she that she wouldn’t check up on them? Although she’d have taken Mika back to the Casino and the basement there that Chad had given to her, she had no way to ensure Mika had a key. These days, Eureka didn’t go back to the basement. She didn’t visit the Casino. Her sire was not around. He had left, after the first week. This was the precedent she had to work with. This was the example that he had set. For all she knew, it was how everyone treated their progeny.

But, this was an experience. An interaction. A way to get to know the people whose lives she had changed. The two who were the strongest - who had survived, thus far. She had reason to be proud.
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Mika (DELETED 6423)
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Re: Another Night in Paradise(Eureka, Mika, other relatives)

Post by Mika (DELETED 6423) »

Had Eureka spared another the quick descent into death, or had she stolen the man’s life and claimed it for her own? Even though Edenor said that they were the same, Mika disagreed. The more Edenor spoke, the more she disliked him. Mika felt the sudden flare of her temper, but the fire quickly extinguished. She felt as if her whole body had turned to ash, as if the fire had consumed her and discarded her all within a few short seconds. Edenor might have expected some sort of violent response, but she had nothing to offer him.

He’d spoken the truth. Even as a human, Mika was a weak-willed woman, always led along by men with promises of love and a better life. As a vampire, Mika cut herself off from everyone, hiding behind her knives and her gun. Mika was a killer because killing filled all of the empty spaces in her life. When her emotions failed her, she had something to distract herself. Although she didn’t kill humans, and she preferred not to feed from them, she’d found a love of destroying zombies, ferals, and mooncalves. But what about other vampires?

Since Eureka showed no interest in interfering, Mika dug deeper into herself and tried to summon an appropriate reaction. The blonde stood there, arms at her side, trying to decide if she honestly wanted to lash out at the man. “It wasn’t the thought of lovers being around one another. I don’t think you’re good enough for her. I doubt you’re good enough for any woman. You remind me of a wife beater.” She found just the right words, just the right line of thought, and she said it without an ounce of anger or doubt. Edenor reminded her of every stereotypical, chauvinistic pig she’d ever had the misfortune of knowing, and yet she simply shrugged her shoulders and moved on. Mika had no time for petty grudges.

Her words worked in the way that her sword worked, but she hadn’t meant to attack him. He’d made the first blow. She’d failed to retaliate, at least in her opinion; or rather, she hadn’t retaliated enough. Her feelings on the matter had been erased, the slate cleaned, and she looked at him as if he hadn’t just given her one of the largest insults imaginable. “I don’t know Aaron,” Mika said, “so I’ll take your word for it.” The blonde slid her arms behind her back, one hand resting in the other, and looked back and forth between the two. Mika understood curiosity. She understood what it felt like to want to know more. And then, glancing between them, she felt the familiar stirrings.

“What are we going to do now?” She’d addressed the both of them, but her blue eyes remained on Edenor. “What are you going to do now?”

☼ m i k a ☼
"And he touches you with his fingers. And he burns holes in your skin with his mouth."
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