* Dhara wobbles slightly as she pops into existence from tombing in. She blinked owlishly, amber eyes widening slightly in surprise as she took in all of the people. Normally there were not so many people here when she was playing with the tomb and portals, so finding a veritable crowd was a surprise.
* Jesse Fforde sat at the desk nearby; he wasn't doing rituals, he wasn't doing much of anything. Or, it didn't look like he was doing much of anything, but he was amending some of the plans given to him by one of the tradesmen. Now that Kaelyn had organised her party to be held at Serpentine, Jesse needed to make sure it was finished. He needed to get the tradesmen to hurry the **** up and quit sitting around on their asses. When the new body appeared suddenly in the room, however, he found himself glancing up. Blinking. Dhara. He'd seen her at a glance, before, but hadn't ever had a conversation with her. He lifted a hand, and waved her over.
* Dhara canted her head slightly and blew a lock of newly dyed pink hair from her eyes. After Rhett had come back from the dead, she'd dyed her white hair bubble gum pink out of sheer happiness. Her steps were soft, the fabric of her plain black skirt swishing around her ankles as she moved towards the stranger, pausing about 3 feet away. "Guten abend."
* Jesse Fforde leaned back in the chair, dropping the pen on the plans. It rolled across the table before it rested against an empty mug, the clear glass of it tinged pink from where Jesse had consumed his nightly meal. No slaughter, tonight. Tonight was a quiet night. "Guten...what? Is that a greeting?" he asked, a slight smile on his lips. He was amused, of course. Nothing much didn't amuse Jesse, these days. "Dhara, I assume?"
* Dhara gave a small nod, pushing her hair from her eyes. "It is German for Good evening." A small smile curved her lips as she studied him. As usual, the tiny woman was fearless as she looked at him. "I suppose maybe G'day mate, would be better?" Most people never really noticed the hint of Aussie in her words until she said something stereotypical. "I am Dhara, yes. It is nice to meet you...." She trailed off, since she didn't know the mans name.
* Jesse Fforde could have assumed it was a greeting of some sort, but it was better to have asked. One never knew with German - the words were always so harsh and clipped that it sounded like one were being scolded, no matter what they said. "Well... good evening," Jesse said with a bow of his head and a flourish of his head. So formal. "Jesse," he said, holding out his hand either for her to shake if she was into that kind of thing, or to gesture to the chair nearby. "You're getting on alright?"
* Dhara her hand was tiny, just like the rest of her. Pixie and bird like were most often used to describe her and the pale appendage was lost in his larger hand as she shook it in greeting, then moved to the chair to sit. "I think so? But then I suppose it depends on the context of the question. And it is a pleasure to meet you, Jesse." Now that she was seated, she studied him even more. This was Rhett's sire, his old friend, the man that Rhett had died for. Her curiosity nagged at her, trying to shove a thousand questions past her teeth, but good manners and sheer self restraint kept every single question at bay.
* Jesse Fforde was watching Dhara in much the same way that she watched him. Curious. Of course, he took note of her smallness; of how tiny she was in comparison to some of the others. He wandered what had attracted Rhett to her to begin with; Jesse had felt it himself, at times. That ego-inducing need to protect the vulnerable. Women always surprised Jesse, though. Their smallness, sometimes, often did not mean that they were vulnerable. "Context... I suppose. Are you settling in okay? With... the new life?"
<Dhara> "I am certainly trying to." She responded thoughtfully, twisting a lock of pink hair around her finger. "Honestly there was not too much adjustment as I work nights and sleep days any way. Drinking blood is... well I am still not used to it. And I desperately miss coffee. And I was a hot mess when Rhett died..." She finally managed to stop the flow of words, wondering if she had said too much already.
* Jesse Fforde smiled to himself as he relaxed, glad for the distraction. At least for a little while. "You sound like Rhett. There are ways around it... have you figured out what Path you are, yet? What things you might be capable of, given time?" he asked, his voice husky even though he'd just eaten. The thirst was always there, clawing, hindering. He had learned to ignore it. As much as he could, anyway. Control it, anyway. "Rhett was a hot mess, too, by the way. He couldn't focus on anything but getting back to you."
<Dhara> "Apologies for being such a distraction." She turned the ring she wore on her right hand, a gift from Rhett for their first Christmas. Her apology was sincere, and it could be heard in her voice. She didn't have a family, but she always understood how important family was. "I have been purchasing blood bags since long before I became a vampire. That is not the hard part. It is just... an adjustment." Her nose crinkled slightly as she thought about his question. "A mystic, I think. And I can go from one place to another just by thinking. That was frightening at first. I was here..." She waved a hand to indicate the room they were in. "And I was thinking of Rhett and our apartment and suddenly I was outside the door to the Flats. In the QZ. As if, by the blink of an eye, my thoughts carried me there."
* Jesse Fforde laughed. "You are apologising for being a distraction. That's... a first," he said, still smiling. Once, not too long ago, he might have actually taken it seriously. "Actually, I think I once did resent you for how he seemed to prefer you over his own family, but it doesn't seem to factor into the equation, now," he said, laughing again. Maybe he'd try to explain it if she asked, but fow now he let it sit. "That must be useful. Mystics... I haven't really had much to do with them. But... if you need any further help," he shrugged, arms spread wide. "I'm always around."
* Dhara nodded a little as she watched him with a small smile. "He told me. I knew that I was not supposed to know what I know. But all I have ever been around is vampires so, in one way, I could not understand your reluctance. But in many others I could." She chuckled quietly for a moment, "I never thought assaulting some one with a book of Shakespeare would lead me to the place it has."
* Jesse Fforde shrugged. "I was willing to work through it. But we never got the chance to meet. I was a bit rabid for a while there. It probably wasn't a great idea," he said with a grin. He almost looked as if he were the cat that got the cream, though it wasn't something that he should have been proud of. Better for him, now, to make fun of it. To make less of it. "You accosted him with a book of Shakespeare?"
Guten Abend [Dhara+Rhett]
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Guten Abend [Dhara+Rhett]
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- CrowNet Handle: Music@Midnight
Re: Guten Abend [Dhara+Rhett]
<Dhara> "Rabid?" She queried. The longer they talked, the more she relaxed. A lock of pink hair was trapped once more and she laughed, then nodded. "He tried to feed on me. The Complete and Unabridged Works of Shakespeare was the only thing I had to defend myself, so I hit him with it. Then lectured him about accosting strangers in the park at night. Of course I did not know he was a vampire and I just thought he was trying to take my bag."
* Jesse Fforde arched a brow. "Really, now? Rhett, trying to feed on you?" he asked. He wondered how long ago that was. Jesse couldn't see it. Rhett was so ... no, he didn't like human blood. Was always so against it. "Was there something wrong with him, that night?" he asked, still slightly amused by the story. Rhett, himself, wasn't so forthcoming.
* Dhara shook her head with a laugh. "No, at least, I do not think so? It was the first time we met. Oddly, as far as I know, he has not attempted to feed on a human since then. Perhaps Shakespeare scared him too much."
* Jesse Fforde smiled, slowly, and shook his head. "Rhett doesn't like feeding on humans. As far as I know, he never did. He was always trying to find an alternative," Jesse said. He said it witout judgment, without any negative inflection at all. Just stating the facts. It wasn't a bad thing, having sired a pacifist. At least Rhett kept himself to himself, and didn't go getting on any lists like Aria had. "It's why I think it's strange... maybe he had deprived himself for too long, or something. Maybe he thought you'd be an easy target," he said, smirking.
* Dhara she snorted softly and blew her hair from her eyes. "He was probably right. If I had not had my book... well I might have been sitting here a lot sooner. Or maybe not at all." She shrugged a little. "As far as feeding goes, I do the same as Rhett. I find an alternative. I do not seem to have any fangs so I cannot imagine trying to feed any ways. After all, it is not like I can stick a straw in a humans neck and have a sip."
* Jesse Fforde shrugged. "I'm sure you could. Knock them out, you know? Grab a sharp knife. Small hole. Straw..." he said, narrowing his eyes as he imagined it. "Though I think they might take a long time to drink, that way," he said, for all the world looking entirely serious. As if he meant it. As if it was something she should definitely try, in the future. "No fangs? Well. Most in this family seem to have trouble with feeding. No fangs... just adds to the list."
* Dhara drew her legs up, sitting cross legged in the chair, the long black skirt hiding her legs completely, in spite of how she sat. She propped her arms on her knees and leaned forward out of curiosity. "Trouble with feeding? How so?"
* Jesse Fforde leaned back some, even as Dhara leaned forward. "Some... most, if we feed, they remember us. They shouldn't. I have a thirst that doesn't abate. I can turn someone with just a bite. There are... complications," he said, though he still smiled. A small smile. That knowing constant upon his features.
* Dhara frowned slightly as she listened. Turning someone with just a bite. A single bite. That sounded rather familiar and she toyed with the silver and sapphire ring she wore on her finger. That was pretty much how she ended up this way. She gave a small sigh, wishing she could curl up with a cup of coffee or a mug of tea.
* Jesse Fforde noticed the small sigh, the almost melancholic bend to Dhara's attitude. Where before she'd been mostly smiles and curiosity, now she looked as if she'd deflated. Jesse used to take offense, when others didn't like this life he had given them. But he had not turned Dhara; that was on Rhett's shoulders. Besides, he knew now that people would accept or deny on their own terms. It was different for everybody. After the experiment that was Logan, Jesse knew that from now on, he would only be siring those who were aware. Those who wanted what he could give to them. He didn't ask Dhara any questions; he let her mull on her thoughts, steadily staring as his head canted to the side.
* Dhara stayed lost in her own thoughts long enough to be considered rude. She blinked suddenly and shook, visibly, her thoughts off. Her chin lifted and her shoulders were set straight instead of hunching over. Her frown vanished, replaced with a warm smile. "Well, it is what it is. The past cannot be changed. The only thing to do now is to accept it and learn every thing I can about it."
* Jesse Fforde wasn't bothered by long silences. Silence was a welcome thing; if anyone knew what it was like to be lost in one's thoughts, to not want to voice everything that came to mine, it was Jesse. But, once he'd recovered his voice, he'd fallen in line with the rest of them. It was an expectation, now, that he speak more than not. At Dhara's response, he smiled, and nodded. "Yes. That's a good attitude to have. You might find that you like it," he said, slowly.
<Dhara> "What makes you say that? How long have you been a vampire? What is your experience?" She gave a bashful smile at the amount of questions. "Apologies, it's just... there is so much I don't know."
* Jesse Fforde laughed. "It's fine," he said, before he glanced at the desk calendar, appearing to think about it. "It'll be four years in June," he said, turning back to Dhara, quite relaxed in his chair. "I asked for it. I believe it's a gift," he said with a slow shrug of his shoulders. Even with all the downfalls, everything that had gone wrong - he still wouldn't have it any other way.
<Dhara> "A gift...?" Now that was an interesting way of thinking about it. She felt as if her life had been taken away. That she was trapped in this small town for the rest of eternity, and yet here is some one who thinks this life is a gift. "Why is it a gift?"
* Jesse Fforde regarded the question seriously. "I think that immortality is a gift. I feel... more free, in a way. Free from the constraints of humanity. We aren't a part of the rat race anymore. Don't you feel it? The way time stretches out in front of you, the urgency is taken out of the equation," he said. There was a lot more to it, Jesse knew, but he would have to think about it before he articulated.
<Dhara> "I feel... trapped. The urgency is gone, so what is the point in living? There is only so much you can do and learn before it all becomes routine. Don't you think?"
* Jesse Fforde smiled, and shook his head. "I can see where you're coming from. But it's been four years, and I'm still learning things. As the world changes, there'll be more to learn. Even within this city - the Fae, the rift, the Crow - there's still so much we don't know. About everything," he said, enthusiasm now colouring his tone.
* Jesse Fforde arched a brow. "Really, now? Rhett, trying to feed on you?" he asked. He wondered how long ago that was. Jesse couldn't see it. Rhett was so ... no, he didn't like human blood. Was always so against it. "Was there something wrong with him, that night?" he asked, still slightly amused by the story. Rhett, himself, wasn't so forthcoming.
* Dhara shook her head with a laugh. "No, at least, I do not think so? It was the first time we met. Oddly, as far as I know, he has not attempted to feed on a human since then. Perhaps Shakespeare scared him too much."
* Jesse Fforde smiled, slowly, and shook his head. "Rhett doesn't like feeding on humans. As far as I know, he never did. He was always trying to find an alternative," Jesse said. He said it witout judgment, without any negative inflection at all. Just stating the facts. It wasn't a bad thing, having sired a pacifist. At least Rhett kept himself to himself, and didn't go getting on any lists like Aria had. "It's why I think it's strange... maybe he had deprived himself for too long, or something. Maybe he thought you'd be an easy target," he said, smirking.
* Dhara she snorted softly and blew her hair from her eyes. "He was probably right. If I had not had my book... well I might have been sitting here a lot sooner. Or maybe not at all." She shrugged a little. "As far as feeding goes, I do the same as Rhett. I find an alternative. I do not seem to have any fangs so I cannot imagine trying to feed any ways. After all, it is not like I can stick a straw in a humans neck and have a sip."
* Jesse Fforde shrugged. "I'm sure you could. Knock them out, you know? Grab a sharp knife. Small hole. Straw..." he said, narrowing his eyes as he imagined it. "Though I think they might take a long time to drink, that way," he said, for all the world looking entirely serious. As if he meant it. As if it was something she should definitely try, in the future. "No fangs? Well. Most in this family seem to have trouble with feeding. No fangs... just adds to the list."
* Dhara drew her legs up, sitting cross legged in the chair, the long black skirt hiding her legs completely, in spite of how she sat. She propped her arms on her knees and leaned forward out of curiosity. "Trouble with feeding? How so?"
* Jesse Fforde leaned back some, even as Dhara leaned forward. "Some... most, if we feed, they remember us. They shouldn't. I have a thirst that doesn't abate. I can turn someone with just a bite. There are... complications," he said, though he still smiled. A small smile. That knowing constant upon his features.
* Dhara frowned slightly as she listened. Turning someone with just a bite. A single bite. That sounded rather familiar and she toyed with the silver and sapphire ring she wore on her finger. That was pretty much how she ended up this way. She gave a small sigh, wishing she could curl up with a cup of coffee or a mug of tea.
* Jesse Fforde noticed the small sigh, the almost melancholic bend to Dhara's attitude. Where before she'd been mostly smiles and curiosity, now she looked as if she'd deflated. Jesse used to take offense, when others didn't like this life he had given them. But he had not turned Dhara; that was on Rhett's shoulders. Besides, he knew now that people would accept or deny on their own terms. It was different for everybody. After the experiment that was Logan, Jesse knew that from now on, he would only be siring those who were aware. Those who wanted what he could give to them. He didn't ask Dhara any questions; he let her mull on her thoughts, steadily staring as his head canted to the side.
* Dhara stayed lost in her own thoughts long enough to be considered rude. She blinked suddenly and shook, visibly, her thoughts off. Her chin lifted and her shoulders were set straight instead of hunching over. Her frown vanished, replaced with a warm smile. "Well, it is what it is. The past cannot be changed. The only thing to do now is to accept it and learn every thing I can about it."
* Jesse Fforde wasn't bothered by long silences. Silence was a welcome thing; if anyone knew what it was like to be lost in one's thoughts, to not want to voice everything that came to mine, it was Jesse. But, once he'd recovered his voice, he'd fallen in line with the rest of them. It was an expectation, now, that he speak more than not. At Dhara's response, he smiled, and nodded. "Yes. That's a good attitude to have. You might find that you like it," he said, slowly.
<Dhara> "What makes you say that? How long have you been a vampire? What is your experience?" She gave a bashful smile at the amount of questions. "Apologies, it's just... there is so much I don't know."
* Jesse Fforde laughed. "It's fine," he said, before he glanced at the desk calendar, appearing to think about it. "It'll be four years in June," he said, turning back to Dhara, quite relaxed in his chair. "I asked for it. I believe it's a gift," he said with a slow shrug of his shoulders. Even with all the downfalls, everything that had gone wrong - he still wouldn't have it any other way.
<Dhara> "A gift...?" Now that was an interesting way of thinking about it. She felt as if her life had been taken away. That she was trapped in this small town for the rest of eternity, and yet here is some one who thinks this life is a gift. "Why is it a gift?"
* Jesse Fforde regarded the question seriously. "I think that immortality is a gift. I feel... more free, in a way. Free from the constraints of humanity. We aren't a part of the rat race anymore. Don't you feel it? The way time stretches out in front of you, the urgency is taken out of the equation," he said. There was a lot more to it, Jesse knew, but he would have to think about it before he articulated.
<Dhara> "I feel... trapped. The urgency is gone, so what is the point in living? There is only so much you can do and learn before it all becomes routine. Don't you think?"
* Jesse Fforde smiled, and shook his head. "I can see where you're coming from. But it's been four years, and I'm still learning things. As the world changes, there'll be more to learn. Even within this city - the Fae, the rift, the Crow - there's still so much we don't know. About everything," he said, enthusiasm now colouring his tone.
Banner by Flynn
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- CrowNet Handle: Keyes2life
Re: Guten Abend [Dhara+Rhett]
‹Rhett Keyes› "What's routine?" Rhett asked as he came in with a variety of weapons and spare parts that he would use later, whenever that was. "Jesse. Dhara." He eyes Jesse for a second or two before looking at the pink haired girlfriend of his. He was surprised to see her here, alone. Well, not alone, but without him.
<Dhara> slid from the chair and glided over to Rhett, wrapping her arms around his middle, looking even tinier than she was next to the tall man. She held him tightly and looked up. "Nothing yet. Jesse and I were discussing being vampires. Different view points."
* Jesse Fforde offered a wave to Rhett as he joined them, turning in his chair to face the plans on his desk. Subconsciously, he expected Rhett would take Dhara away, now. The talk would be over. "She's a lot like you, I think," he said, nodding to Rhett. "I can see why you like her."
‹Rhett Keyes› The spare parts were placed on the crafting table as an arm came around him and Rhett just nodded his head. "Ahh. The day, or rather, night in the life of a vampire." He chuckled as her dropped an arm around Dhara's neck. "You think?" Rhett looked down at Dhara who had light pink hair, as he mulled over how Jesse described his feelings about Dhara. "Yeah, she's not too shabby, is she?" He gave the woman a little grin from the side. "You think life is routine already?" His question aimed at Dhara as he tried to piece together what they might have been talking about before he got here.
<Dhara> elbowed him lightly. "I am better than shabby. Do not make me hit you with a book again." She leaned in to him, studying Jesse, trying to figure out the friendship between these two men. "No, not yet. But I think, given long enough, it could easily turn out to be."
* Jesse Fforde found it far too easy to slip into silence. Watching the way Dhara and Rhett interacted, Jesse noted that Dhara didn't seem to hate Rhett for what he'd done, even if she herself was questioning the vampiric life. She had an upbeat and optimistic attitude about it, but would their relationship sour if she hated it? Not too long ago, Jesse had concluded that exact thing about Rhett; that their friendship wasn't as solid as it could be, due to the lack of choice that Jesse had given. He thought the same about all his progeny. And it was a constant anxiety with Grey, even though she was the only one who'd had the choice. One she probably regretted, now. "Life is only routine if you let it," he said, finally. "If all else fails, sleep."
<Dhara> "Sleep... I did a lot of that last week." It was a gentle admonishment aimed at Jesse. After all, he was partly responsible for taking Rhett away from her. "Sleeping is not living though. And I lived a lot of life before this happened. I would like to continue that, but it will be a bit more difficult now."
‹Rhett Keyes› "Nothing wrong with routine." Rhett was familiar with routine and liked it, in truth. He had the same job for a long time, worked a lot of hours and that fulfilled his time. He hated nothing about it, and still didn't. His life was different now, that was true, mostly due to Dhara and Jesse making him a vampire, but if his life could have routine now, he wouldn't find it boring or dislike it. "I guess we'll have to make things different then if you ever find we're in a routine." Rhett suggested with a simple shrug of his shoulders.
* Jesse Fforde laughed. He didn't laugh at what either of them had said; though he did catch that admonishment aimed his way. He laughed at how they were together; how Rhett could hardly keep his eyes from Dhara. Seemed only to talk to her. He hoped, for them, that it would last. "Not too long ago, I wanted to sleep. I wanted to go into a... coma, of sorts. Clover wouldn't let me," he said, the laughter still in his tone. "I don't mean sleep for a couple of hours every night. I mean... if you're alive for eighty years, and you're tired of living, sleep. Sleep for eighty years. Wake up to an entirely different world. I don't think things could get boring that way. Not... for a while, anyway."
<Dhara> tugged Rhett towards the chair she had abandoned, listening to both Rhett and Jesse as they spoke, her expression thoughtful. "Routine, to an extent is fine. I think? I have never really had routine. I just always do what I want when I want."
‹Rhett Keyes› Rhett was trying to figure out what Jesse was laughing at but he couldn't figure it out. Hopefully, the guy wasn't going crazy again. Rhett wouldn't say it, but he couldn't help but think it. "I don't think I could sleep for more than a night, let alone eighty years. I doubt you could get away with it. Rent would stop being paid, mortgages, water bill, electric and heat. Sounds more hassle than its worth. " Rhett said as he was guided towards a chair. He sat on it, only because it seemed Dhara was implying they weregoing to stay a while.
* Jesse Fforde noticed the small things. They didn't affect him like they might have, once. Months ago. His time in the Shadow Realm - after he'd taken a willing trip through the traps on the first floor (he was now able to admit that it was willing, that it wasn't all sleepwalking) - had helped him. That, in the end, had been the cure. The anchors were severed. Every tiny thing that could drag him down no longer stung. "I'm assuming there are things that could be organised. To sleep that long. You'd do it in a cave somewhere. In the catacombs. Locked up. Secret," he said, again glancing between the two of them. "I suppose, preferably, with someone else."
<Dhara> curled herself in to Rhett's lap, not caring if it looked ridiculous. "Even then it is not a safeguard. People are digging things up all the time. Disturbing the dead, taking their burial artifacts. Seems dangerous to me."
‹Rhett Keyes› Rhett would never sleep his nights away. It just didn't compute with the guy. He was going to say something, but forgot when Dhara found her way into his lap. He looked at her, and then nodded his head, remembering he was about to agree with her. "I think it's all about finding someone to make eternity bearable. If it be a significant other, a childe, friend, whoever, really." He shrugged, waiting to hear how wrong he was or how his mindset was so rudimentary since he was so young and less than knowledgable.
<Dhara> "Isn't that what it's all about? Human or Vampire, you just want to have some one in your life." Her head came to rest on his shoulder and her eyes turned to Jesse to see what he thought.
<Dhara> slid from the chair and glided over to Rhett, wrapping her arms around his middle, looking even tinier than she was next to the tall man. She held him tightly and looked up. "Nothing yet. Jesse and I were discussing being vampires. Different view points."
* Jesse Fforde offered a wave to Rhett as he joined them, turning in his chair to face the plans on his desk. Subconsciously, he expected Rhett would take Dhara away, now. The talk would be over. "She's a lot like you, I think," he said, nodding to Rhett. "I can see why you like her."
‹Rhett Keyes› The spare parts were placed on the crafting table as an arm came around him and Rhett just nodded his head. "Ahh. The day, or rather, night in the life of a vampire." He chuckled as her dropped an arm around Dhara's neck. "You think?" Rhett looked down at Dhara who had light pink hair, as he mulled over how Jesse described his feelings about Dhara. "Yeah, she's not too shabby, is she?" He gave the woman a little grin from the side. "You think life is routine already?" His question aimed at Dhara as he tried to piece together what they might have been talking about before he got here.
<Dhara> elbowed him lightly. "I am better than shabby. Do not make me hit you with a book again." She leaned in to him, studying Jesse, trying to figure out the friendship between these two men. "No, not yet. But I think, given long enough, it could easily turn out to be."
* Jesse Fforde found it far too easy to slip into silence. Watching the way Dhara and Rhett interacted, Jesse noted that Dhara didn't seem to hate Rhett for what he'd done, even if she herself was questioning the vampiric life. She had an upbeat and optimistic attitude about it, but would their relationship sour if she hated it? Not too long ago, Jesse had concluded that exact thing about Rhett; that their friendship wasn't as solid as it could be, due to the lack of choice that Jesse had given. He thought the same about all his progeny. And it was a constant anxiety with Grey, even though she was the only one who'd had the choice. One she probably regretted, now. "Life is only routine if you let it," he said, finally. "If all else fails, sleep."
<Dhara> "Sleep... I did a lot of that last week." It was a gentle admonishment aimed at Jesse. After all, he was partly responsible for taking Rhett away from her. "Sleeping is not living though. And I lived a lot of life before this happened. I would like to continue that, but it will be a bit more difficult now."
‹Rhett Keyes› "Nothing wrong with routine." Rhett was familiar with routine and liked it, in truth. He had the same job for a long time, worked a lot of hours and that fulfilled his time. He hated nothing about it, and still didn't. His life was different now, that was true, mostly due to Dhara and Jesse making him a vampire, but if his life could have routine now, he wouldn't find it boring or dislike it. "I guess we'll have to make things different then if you ever find we're in a routine." Rhett suggested with a simple shrug of his shoulders.
* Jesse Fforde laughed. He didn't laugh at what either of them had said; though he did catch that admonishment aimed his way. He laughed at how they were together; how Rhett could hardly keep his eyes from Dhara. Seemed only to talk to her. He hoped, for them, that it would last. "Not too long ago, I wanted to sleep. I wanted to go into a... coma, of sorts. Clover wouldn't let me," he said, the laughter still in his tone. "I don't mean sleep for a couple of hours every night. I mean... if you're alive for eighty years, and you're tired of living, sleep. Sleep for eighty years. Wake up to an entirely different world. I don't think things could get boring that way. Not... for a while, anyway."
<Dhara> tugged Rhett towards the chair she had abandoned, listening to both Rhett and Jesse as they spoke, her expression thoughtful. "Routine, to an extent is fine. I think? I have never really had routine. I just always do what I want when I want."
‹Rhett Keyes› Rhett was trying to figure out what Jesse was laughing at but he couldn't figure it out. Hopefully, the guy wasn't going crazy again. Rhett wouldn't say it, but he couldn't help but think it. "I don't think I could sleep for more than a night, let alone eighty years. I doubt you could get away with it. Rent would stop being paid, mortgages, water bill, electric and heat. Sounds more hassle than its worth. " Rhett said as he was guided towards a chair. He sat on it, only because it seemed Dhara was implying they weregoing to stay a while.
* Jesse Fforde noticed the small things. They didn't affect him like they might have, once. Months ago. His time in the Shadow Realm - after he'd taken a willing trip through the traps on the first floor (he was now able to admit that it was willing, that it wasn't all sleepwalking) - had helped him. That, in the end, had been the cure. The anchors were severed. Every tiny thing that could drag him down no longer stung. "I'm assuming there are things that could be organised. To sleep that long. You'd do it in a cave somewhere. In the catacombs. Locked up. Secret," he said, again glancing between the two of them. "I suppose, preferably, with someone else."
<Dhara> curled herself in to Rhett's lap, not caring if it looked ridiculous. "Even then it is not a safeguard. People are digging things up all the time. Disturbing the dead, taking their burial artifacts. Seems dangerous to me."
‹Rhett Keyes› Rhett would never sleep his nights away. It just didn't compute with the guy. He was going to say something, but forgot when Dhara found her way into his lap. He looked at her, and then nodded his head, remembering he was about to agree with her. "I think it's all about finding someone to make eternity bearable. If it be a significant other, a childe, friend, whoever, really." He shrugged, waiting to hear how wrong he was or how his mindset was so rudimentary since he was so young and less than knowledgable.
<Dhara> "Isn't that what it's all about? Human or Vampire, you just want to have some one in your life." Her head came to rest on his shoulder and her eyes turned to Jesse to see what he thought.
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Re: Guten Abend [Dhara+Rhett]
* Jesse Fforde wasn't a romantic. For a while, he'd lived in the skin of a romantic. For a while he'd believed everything they were saying, and he might have agreed wholeheartedly. As it was, his smile slipped and a glimmer of something else danced across his features. A glimmer of hurt. But he nodded. "Yes, I suppose that's a common concept. We're social creatures," he said. "We'll always be a little bit human. It's how we were born. I wouldn't have tried to build a family if I thought any different," he said.
<Dhara> toyed with Rhett's fingers, matching her much smaller hand to his own. "The question is, are we social because it is how we were born? Or are we social because we do not want to let go?"
* Rhett Keyes looked at Jesse. "You suppose?" He inquires, but doesn't press it too much. Rhett hadn't thought that way up until Dhara. He was fine with working, saving money and buying his own house. Now, he lived with Dhara, in her apartment and didn't work the job he worked an insane amount of hours for. About thirty capped off his weekly work rate, but he wasn't complaining. He glanced down at Dhara's fingers to see the band on it that Jesse had gifted them for Christmas. "I think neither. It's situational." Rhett said after a minute of thought.
* Jesse Fforde smiled at Rhett, his eyes a mask. "Yes, I suppose. You're right - it's situational. For all of the above. When one is deep in love, or what they believe to be love, it's easy to accept that maybe we're all meant for one person. Or, you become bitter and twisted because you stop believing in love, and you focus on something else. As for humanity, well - I suppose that depends on how it was taken from you. Whether by force, by accident, or by choice."
<Dhara> snorted, she couldn't help herself. That was probably one of the most depressing things she'd ever heard. "We are not meant for one person. That is stupid. We are meant for people who's crazy matches our crazy. Believing you will only ever love one person your whole life is ridiculous."
* Rhett Keyes thought about what Jesse said. He hadn't looked at life like that before. The one person idea. Honestly, he and Dhara didn't discuss things this deeply, so Rhett hadn't thought about anytihng more than a week, a month, maybe a year. Was it possible to stay with one person for more than a hundred years? Two hundred? He didn't know the answer, but Dhara seemed to have a point of view on it. It made sense, so he offered no deep, insightful thoughts of his own.
* Jesse Fforde arched a brow as he glanced from Dhara to Rhett - a lingering stare - and the back again. Rhett had only just said he'd thought it was all about finding someone to make eternity bearable. Coupled with Dhara's rebuttal, he wondered whether Rhett meant that the person to help with eternity could in fact be several, changeable. That was not a conversation Jesse needed to have with them, though. It was one they needed to have with each other. "People change," he said. As if that were answer enough. "Or maybe it's not about loving more than one person. Maybe the idea of love is a farce," he said. He was still smiling.
<Dhara> "I think you are thinking of the wrong kind of love." She nodded, twisting a lock of pink hair around her finger. "Love isn't isolated to the romantic, intimate kind." She paused, then snorted and laughed softly. "I think this is a little too philosophical for a first meeting."
* Rhett Keyes chuckled and nodded his head in agreement. "Agreed." He said before moving to change the subject. "So what sorts of lessons did I miss tonight, minus this?" Rhett wondered what other vampire topics had been covered in his absence and anything else that might have been talked about.
* Jesse Fforde laughed and shrugged his shoulders. "I'm not too keen on small talk," he said. He'd lived so long without a voice, now when he used it he wanted it to be mostly meaningful. He enjoyed these kinds of conversations. He arched a brow at Dhara as Rhett asked his question; it was more one that she could answer, rather than Jesse.
<Dhara> "Mmh... nothing really." She chuckled and gave Rhett's hand a gentle squeeze. "I told Jesse how we met... how I hit you with a book of Shakespeare and we went from that to dating. Maybe you can elaborate? We talked a bit about feeding habits, too."
* Rhett Keyes glanced at Jesse as Dhara mentioned their encounter, the initial one and then looked back at Dhara. He wasn't that old of a vampire when they met, he had attempted the feeding thing because everyone seemed to snub his idea of wanting to feed off just animals. And he failed miserably and from that point on it was animals, or boosting his own blood. "About Shakespear? Not a fan." He said with a small grin before shrugging. "I have nothing to add to feeding habits." Rhett's habits generally got some kind of negative response, so he never talked about it anymore.
<Dhara> "I told Jesse about not having fangs." She shrugged a little, toying with Rhett's fingers. "And you should give Shakespeare another chance."
* Jesse Fforde had been curious about Rhett's response to feeding habits, and when he failed to mention them, Jesse couldn't help the low chuckle. He couldn't help but tease the guy about his habits; but that was Jesse's nature. He often teased. He often liked to push buttons. "Given how you were attacked by a rabid, I can guess what your thoughts on feeding habits might be," he said. "Shakespeare? I don't like the guy much, either."
‹Rhett Keyes› "I actually think our feeding habits as vampires suck." Rhett said with a stare in Jesse's direction. "We're not animals, we're super human. Or something. We should try and act like it." There, that was what he really thought about it, but knew his opinion was standing against every other vampire in the world out there. It wasn't one anyone listened to. "And when the guy makes somethig that doesnt make me want to fall asleep, I'll give him another shot. But since he's dead..." Rhett chuckled a little as his thought trailed off.
<Dhara> "You two have no taste. None." She said with a laugh. "I tend to agree. Plus the thought of actually drinking from a living, breathing human makes me kind of queasy..."
* Jesse Fforde chuckled. "They suck, do they?" he asked. He could accept their opinions. But he wondered whether either of them had ever suffered the curses others had to deal with. "There are some who might have the best intentions, but there's something within their nature that can't be helped," he said. "Maybe they're weak for not fighting against that part of themselves. But you can't really judge someone's weakness unless you've suffered in the same way they have," he said with a shrug. "But, you have a point, I suppose. If we treat humans like cattle, sooner or later there'll be none left," he said. He could admit to it, himself. But that didn't mean he'd be able to change his own habits.
<Dhara> toyed with Rhett's fingers, matching her much smaller hand to his own. "The question is, are we social because it is how we were born? Or are we social because we do not want to let go?"
* Rhett Keyes looked at Jesse. "You suppose?" He inquires, but doesn't press it too much. Rhett hadn't thought that way up until Dhara. He was fine with working, saving money and buying his own house. Now, he lived with Dhara, in her apartment and didn't work the job he worked an insane amount of hours for. About thirty capped off his weekly work rate, but he wasn't complaining. He glanced down at Dhara's fingers to see the band on it that Jesse had gifted them for Christmas. "I think neither. It's situational." Rhett said after a minute of thought.
* Jesse Fforde smiled at Rhett, his eyes a mask. "Yes, I suppose. You're right - it's situational. For all of the above. When one is deep in love, or what they believe to be love, it's easy to accept that maybe we're all meant for one person. Or, you become bitter and twisted because you stop believing in love, and you focus on something else. As for humanity, well - I suppose that depends on how it was taken from you. Whether by force, by accident, or by choice."
<Dhara> snorted, she couldn't help herself. That was probably one of the most depressing things she'd ever heard. "We are not meant for one person. That is stupid. We are meant for people who's crazy matches our crazy. Believing you will only ever love one person your whole life is ridiculous."
* Rhett Keyes thought about what Jesse said. He hadn't looked at life like that before. The one person idea. Honestly, he and Dhara didn't discuss things this deeply, so Rhett hadn't thought about anytihng more than a week, a month, maybe a year. Was it possible to stay with one person for more than a hundred years? Two hundred? He didn't know the answer, but Dhara seemed to have a point of view on it. It made sense, so he offered no deep, insightful thoughts of his own.
* Jesse Fforde arched a brow as he glanced from Dhara to Rhett - a lingering stare - and the back again. Rhett had only just said he'd thought it was all about finding someone to make eternity bearable. Coupled with Dhara's rebuttal, he wondered whether Rhett meant that the person to help with eternity could in fact be several, changeable. That was not a conversation Jesse needed to have with them, though. It was one they needed to have with each other. "People change," he said. As if that were answer enough. "Or maybe it's not about loving more than one person. Maybe the idea of love is a farce," he said. He was still smiling.
<Dhara> "I think you are thinking of the wrong kind of love." She nodded, twisting a lock of pink hair around her finger. "Love isn't isolated to the romantic, intimate kind." She paused, then snorted and laughed softly. "I think this is a little too philosophical for a first meeting."
* Rhett Keyes chuckled and nodded his head in agreement. "Agreed." He said before moving to change the subject. "So what sorts of lessons did I miss tonight, minus this?" Rhett wondered what other vampire topics had been covered in his absence and anything else that might have been talked about.
* Jesse Fforde laughed and shrugged his shoulders. "I'm not too keen on small talk," he said. He'd lived so long without a voice, now when he used it he wanted it to be mostly meaningful. He enjoyed these kinds of conversations. He arched a brow at Dhara as Rhett asked his question; it was more one that she could answer, rather than Jesse.
<Dhara> "Mmh... nothing really." She chuckled and gave Rhett's hand a gentle squeeze. "I told Jesse how we met... how I hit you with a book of Shakespeare and we went from that to dating. Maybe you can elaborate? We talked a bit about feeding habits, too."
* Rhett Keyes glanced at Jesse as Dhara mentioned their encounter, the initial one and then looked back at Dhara. He wasn't that old of a vampire when they met, he had attempted the feeding thing because everyone seemed to snub his idea of wanting to feed off just animals. And he failed miserably and from that point on it was animals, or boosting his own blood. "About Shakespear? Not a fan." He said with a small grin before shrugging. "I have nothing to add to feeding habits." Rhett's habits generally got some kind of negative response, so he never talked about it anymore.
<Dhara> "I told Jesse about not having fangs." She shrugged a little, toying with Rhett's fingers. "And you should give Shakespeare another chance."
* Jesse Fforde had been curious about Rhett's response to feeding habits, and when he failed to mention them, Jesse couldn't help the low chuckle. He couldn't help but tease the guy about his habits; but that was Jesse's nature. He often teased. He often liked to push buttons. "Given how you were attacked by a rabid, I can guess what your thoughts on feeding habits might be," he said. "Shakespeare? I don't like the guy much, either."
‹Rhett Keyes› "I actually think our feeding habits as vampires suck." Rhett said with a stare in Jesse's direction. "We're not animals, we're super human. Or something. We should try and act like it." There, that was what he really thought about it, but knew his opinion was standing against every other vampire in the world out there. It wasn't one anyone listened to. "And when the guy makes somethig that doesnt make me want to fall asleep, I'll give him another shot. But since he's dead..." Rhett chuckled a little as his thought trailed off.
<Dhara> "You two have no taste. None." She said with a laugh. "I tend to agree. Plus the thought of actually drinking from a living, breathing human makes me kind of queasy..."
* Jesse Fforde chuckled. "They suck, do they?" he asked. He could accept their opinions. But he wondered whether either of them had ever suffered the curses others had to deal with. "There are some who might have the best intentions, but there's something within their nature that can't be helped," he said. "Maybe they're weak for not fighting against that part of themselves. But you can't really judge someone's weakness unless you've suffered in the same way they have," he said with a shrug. "But, you have a point, I suppose. If we treat humans like cattle, sooner or later there'll be none left," he said. He could admit to it, himself. But that didn't mean he'd be able to change his own habits.
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- CrowNet Handle: Music@Midnight
Re: Guten Abend [Dhara+Rhett]
<Dhara> "Terrible pun my love." She murmured softly to Rhett with a chuckle. "So in a shockingly unsubtle change of topic... does being a vampire mean I can't change things? Like if I cut my hair or got a tattoo or something, would it stay?"
* Rhett Keyes looked at Dhara and then looked at her hair color. "Your hair’s been staying whatever color you dye it." He said with a simple, small shrug. "You want to get a tattoo?" Rhett could probably use another one. It had been a while, but all his had significant meaning. But if she wanted one, he could go and they could both get one at the same time.
<Dhara> tugged a lock of bright pink hair forward, going cross eyed to stare at it. "Maybe? The most risqué thing I have ever done is dye my hair. No piercings, no tattoos, and only one scar." She blinked and grinned. "Then you came along and now I'm drinking and having crazy parties and wanting a tattoo..." She nudged him, teasing him mercilessly.
* Jesse Fforde shrugged. "I can't really answer that question. I think it depends on your path, or what you yourself are capable of. I've got tattoos since I was turned that are still there, they aren't fading. But I've heard it's different for other people," he said.
‹Rhett Keyes› "Yeah, TiVo parties are the best. Real wild." Rhett teased Dhara back before looking to the parts on the table. He felt the need to put them away, or start working on them, but with Dhara in his lap, Rhett was destined to just sit for the time being.
* Jesse Fforde smirked. "Serpentine will be up and running soon. If you both want tattoos, I'll even give you a family discount," he said with a wink.
<Dhara> "I am just all kinds of crazy." She chuckled, catching his wandering eye. She could let him up but instead, she got more comfortable, settling closer to him and keeping him in place. "I am not sure I am brave enough to get a tattoo, to be honest."
* Jesse Fforde also caught Rhett's wandering eye, though replied to Dhara first. "No? It's kind of addictive, after you get your first one. We always start with something small - if you're worried, we start with no ink. Just to see if you think you can handle it," he said. It was a common practice. There was nothing worse than someone passing out quarter way through a tattoo and never wanting to get it finished.
‹Rhett Keyes› "I'll think about it. I wasn't actually thinking about a tattoo until tonight." He looked back at Dhara as Rhett talked and then shook his head. "I think you're braver then you give yourself credit for.”
<Dhara> chewed on the inside of her cheek thoughtfully. "I did manage to get to hospital after being shot. So maybe it wouldn't be so bad." Her lips pursed as she gave Jesse's words some consideration. "I will think about it. Maybe see it done before I try it."
‹Rhett Keyes› Addictive. That might be the right word for it, but Rhett never saw himself as a man who had any addictions. He just wanted to always remember things that should never be forgotten, so when he looked in the mirror and at the ink oh his body, Rhett would always remember. Hopefully, even when he was in his eighties. Or so that had been the idea. "Might need some touch up work done though." He offered to Jesse, because there were some things he wanted to talk to Jesse about, but not with Dhara there. So, what better time, then when he was alone with the guy?
* Jesse Fforde nodded. "Swing by, once we're up and running. I get quite a few clients. Maybe I'll rope Clover in, get her to let me paint her, some," he said with a smirk, before he nodded at Rhett. "Sounds good, man. Just let me know when you want," he said. Maybe Dhara could watch Rhett, and decide afterwards if she was still keen.
‹Rhett Keyes› The mention of Clover brought a perfectly blank expression to Rhett's face before he looked around the room. If Clover was there, they weren't going to be talking about much of anything, but maybe by then there wouldn't be anything to talk about. Maybe there wasn't really anything to talk about anyways, now that Rhett had made the offer. Clover and Jesse were adults and were their own people and what they did was up to them and their choice. And Grey had all but disappeared from the Fforde clan. "will do." Is all Rhett said, still thinking if he should bother or not.
<Dhara> fell silent at the mention of Clover, chewing on the inside of her lip. She figured she had taken up enough of Jesse's time and perhaps Rhett had some things he wanted to do as well. "Well... I think I have taken up enough of your time, Jesse. It was very nice to finally meet you."
* Jesse Fforde narrowed his eyes. There seemed to be a subtle shift in the atmosphere, and to the two whose company he kept. But he didn't question it, just nodded. "My time is always here for the taking," he said. "Rhett looks like he wants to go get some work done. I should probably keep going with this. Kaelyn wouldn't forgive me if Serpentine wasn't finished by Valentine's," he said with a chuckle. "It was good to finally meet you too, Dhara."
<Dhara> nodded in agreement. "Indeed he does." She slipped from Rhett's lap and smiled at Jesse. "I will bother you again I am sure." She turned and gave Rhett a kiss on the cheek. "See you at home?"
‹Rhett Keyes› The party. Rhett didn't know if they were going or not yet, he was on the fence about it. Maybe he would come for a little bit to say hey to Kaelyn and Renee, but he couldn't see himself staying very long. These parties always ended up not being his cup of coffee. "Yeah, lots of parts sitting around, being wasted." Rhett nodded in agreement before slowly rising to his feet with Dhara in tow. She was put on her feet, but he made no move to leave until Dhara said her bye to Jesse.
* Jesse Fforde saluted Dhara. "Good," he said, before turning to Rhett. "Let me know how you go with them. I'm interested to see your progress," he said, though he'd probably be able to watch from where he was sitting - though he didn't know sweet **** all about weapons and how to gauge their quality. At least, not at all like the crafters and creators did.
‹Rhett Keyes› With that done, he nodded his head. "Shouldn't be more than a couple hours." He promised her before heading to the forge with the blades and parts he gathered from the catacombs.
<Dhara> looked between the two men before giving a small wave to Jesse and wandering off. She paused at Rhett's side and gave his hand a small squeeze before gathering up her skirt and running to the portal. She leaped into it with a laugh and vanished from the room.
* Rhett Keyes looked at Dhara and then looked at her hair color. "Your hair’s been staying whatever color you dye it." He said with a simple, small shrug. "You want to get a tattoo?" Rhett could probably use another one. It had been a while, but all his had significant meaning. But if she wanted one, he could go and they could both get one at the same time.
<Dhara> tugged a lock of bright pink hair forward, going cross eyed to stare at it. "Maybe? The most risqué thing I have ever done is dye my hair. No piercings, no tattoos, and only one scar." She blinked and grinned. "Then you came along and now I'm drinking and having crazy parties and wanting a tattoo..." She nudged him, teasing him mercilessly.
* Jesse Fforde shrugged. "I can't really answer that question. I think it depends on your path, or what you yourself are capable of. I've got tattoos since I was turned that are still there, they aren't fading. But I've heard it's different for other people," he said.
‹Rhett Keyes› "Yeah, TiVo parties are the best. Real wild." Rhett teased Dhara back before looking to the parts on the table. He felt the need to put them away, or start working on them, but with Dhara in his lap, Rhett was destined to just sit for the time being.
* Jesse Fforde smirked. "Serpentine will be up and running soon. If you both want tattoos, I'll even give you a family discount," he said with a wink.
<Dhara> "I am just all kinds of crazy." She chuckled, catching his wandering eye. She could let him up but instead, she got more comfortable, settling closer to him and keeping him in place. "I am not sure I am brave enough to get a tattoo, to be honest."
* Jesse Fforde also caught Rhett's wandering eye, though replied to Dhara first. "No? It's kind of addictive, after you get your first one. We always start with something small - if you're worried, we start with no ink. Just to see if you think you can handle it," he said. It was a common practice. There was nothing worse than someone passing out quarter way through a tattoo and never wanting to get it finished.
‹Rhett Keyes› "I'll think about it. I wasn't actually thinking about a tattoo until tonight." He looked back at Dhara as Rhett talked and then shook his head. "I think you're braver then you give yourself credit for.”
<Dhara> chewed on the inside of her cheek thoughtfully. "I did manage to get to hospital after being shot. So maybe it wouldn't be so bad." Her lips pursed as she gave Jesse's words some consideration. "I will think about it. Maybe see it done before I try it."
‹Rhett Keyes› Addictive. That might be the right word for it, but Rhett never saw himself as a man who had any addictions. He just wanted to always remember things that should never be forgotten, so when he looked in the mirror and at the ink oh his body, Rhett would always remember. Hopefully, even when he was in his eighties. Or so that had been the idea. "Might need some touch up work done though." He offered to Jesse, because there were some things he wanted to talk to Jesse about, but not with Dhara there. So, what better time, then when he was alone with the guy?
* Jesse Fforde nodded. "Swing by, once we're up and running. I get quite a few clients. Maybe I'll rope Clover in, get her to let me paint her, some," he said with a smirk, before he nodded at Rhett. "Sounds good, man. Just let me know when you want," he said. Maybe Dhara could watch Rhett, and decide afterwards if she was still keen.
‹Rhett Keyes› The mention of Clover brought a perfectly blank expression to Rhett's face before he looked around the room. If Clover was there, they weren't going to be talking about much of anything, but maybe by then there wouldn't be anything to talk about. Maybe there wasn't really anything to talk about anyways, now that Rhett had made the offer. Clover and Jesse were adults and were their own people and what they did was up to them and their choice. And Grey had all but disappeared from the Fforde clan. "will do." Is all Rhett said, still thinking if he should bother or not.
<Dhara> fell silent at the mention of Clover, chewing on the inside of her lip. She figured she had taken up enough of Jesse's time and perhaps Rhett had some things he wanted to do as well. "Well... I think I have taken up enough of your time, Jesse. It was very nice to finally meet you."
* Jesse Fforde narrowed his eyes. There seemed to be a subtle shift in the atmosphere, and to the two whose company he kept. But he didn't question it, just nodded. "My time is always here for the taking," he said. "Rhett looks like he wants to go get some work done. I should probably keep going with this. Kaelyn wouldn't forgive me if Serpentine wasn't finished by Valentine's," he said with a chuckle. "It was good to finally meet you too, Dhara."
<Dhara> nodded in agreement. "Indeed he does." She slipped from Rhett's lap and smiled at Jesse. "I will bother you again I am sure." She turned and gave Rhett a kiss on the cheek. "See you at home?"
‹Rhett Keyes› The party. Rhett didn't know if they were going or not yet, he was on the fence about it. Maybe he would come for a little bit to say hey to Kaelyn and Renee, but he couldn't see himself staying very long. These parties always ended up not being his cup of coffee. "Yeah, lots of parts sitting around, being wasted." Rhett nodded in agreement before slowly rising to his feet with Dhara in tow. She was put on her feet, but he made no move to leave until Dhara said her bye to Jesse.
* Jesse Fforde saluted Dhara. "Good," he said, before turning to Rhett. "Let me know how you go with them. I'm interested to see your progress," he said, though he'd probably be able to watch from where he was sitting - though he didn't know sweet **** all about weapons and how to gauge their quality. At least, not at all like the crafters and creators did.
‹Rhett Keyes› With that done, he nodded his head. "Shouldn't be more than a couple hours." He promised her before heading to the forge with the blades and parts he gathered from the catacombs.
<Dhara> looked between the two men before giving a small wave to Jesse and wandering off. She paused at Rhett's side and gave his hand a small squeeze before gathering up her skirt and running to the portal. She leaped into it with a laugh and vanished from the room.
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