The Bungling Burglar (Invitation)

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The Bungling Burglar (Invitation)

Post by Stonehouse »

“Just drop the fuckin’ gun, doughnut boy,” yelled Grant Stonehouse in a pseudo-Canadian accent as he took cover behind a wall of work benches, “then we can all go home, and you can snuggle up in front of the TV with y’ mama!”

“I ain’t no doughnut boy, you dumb ****!” screamed back the overweight security guard, dressed in his tight-fitting blue uniform shirt that had a button missing around his naval, and patches of fresh sweat seeping through each armpit. “I’m gonna turn your weedy *** into Chinese cheese!”

The threat was followed up by a short burst of three shots from the heavy-breathing former cop’s handgun, letting a somewhat agitated Stonehouse know that the danger was real. But Stonehouse was already acutely aware of this. The two empty clips and pile of scattered bullet shells that lay around the knees of the underpaid and overworked guard were testament to that fact. He’d already displayed his ineptitude with a pistol by unloading well over a dozen bullets in the general direction of Stonehouse. The terrible aim of the hired security man was not the only thing wrong with this scenario.

No matter how many times the chubby guard tried to deny the fact – probably each morning as he stared into the mirror while sucking in his flabby stomach – he was definitely a huge fan of the deep-fried sugary rings of dough. His physique was that of someone who had started eating at Thanksgiving, Thanksgiving last year, and hadn’t stopped. He would probably continue eating until Christmas, stuffing his round, reddened face with enough mince pies and turkey to feed Santa’s fleet of reindeer for an entire year. Despite his less than athletic appearance, his employer had deemed “Mark” fit for purpose, and had happily hired the henchman to patrol the factory in downtown Harper Rock. A short spell in the local police force, albeit a desk job over five years ago, had somehow swayed the personnel department to offer Mark the position.

Grant Stonehouse, on the other hand, was not a “dumb ****”, far from it, in fact, and although he wasn’t exactly the body double of Thor, his 6’2” frame would hardly be classed as “weedy”. The businessman, who hailed from England and was putting on his best fake Canadian accent to try and disguise his true identity, was an intellectual. He’d probably forgotten more nuggets of knowledge in the last couple of days than McNugget Mark had learned in a lifetime. Stonehouse had definitely forgotten one thing: that he should always expect the unexpected.

Stonehouse pondered what on earth “Chinese cheese” could be. Presumably Swiss cheese, with the multiple holes being a metaphor for his body when Mark had finished pumping it full of lead, was the intended nationality of the dairy-based delight? The tension of the situation, and the thought of last night’s take-out dinner, had probably confused the poor guard’s mind, leading to the wrong country being blurted out. Dumb ****! There was no time to think about such things, as this was clearly not a cheese and wine party; it was a shoot out in the manufacturing area of a factory that made household furniture such as sofas and dining tables. It was a robbery that had gone wrong. It was a ******* mess!

Organization and careful planning had been integral cogs in Stonehouse’s wheel of burglary success. The business entrepreneur had been using the ill-gotten gains of a spree of break-ins to fund his company dealings, selling tools, toiletries, and toys to facilitate his purchase of several office units from where he could conduct his “legitimate” enterprises. Each potential target was carefully weighed up through hours of surveillance from the shadows. Stonehouse learned the patterns of the security guards, the location of all the cameras and alarms, and most importantly, the proximity of the nearest sewer tunnel to enable a quick, clean escape. A recent encounter with a fellow thief, a leather clad woman who prowled the backstreets, helped to intensify Stonehouse’s focus, as she had effectively stolen his prize from right under his nose. The pride of the pilferer had been dented by his failure, allowing his carefully orchestrated pillaging escapade to be left in ruins by someone else sneaking in ahead of him. Stonehouse was determined to leave no stone unturned in his future ventures across the boundaries of respectability into criminality, yet here he was, pinned down in a corner, dodging a shower of bullets, with a factory worker’s bench as his makeshift umbrella.

“Yo! Meatfeast!” called Stonehouse as he checked on his ammunition levels, “Why don’t y’ just take a chill pill and call Domino’s. Deep pan, right?”

Stonehouse was no boy scout, but he was certainly prepared for a fight when the **** hit the fan like it had done tonight. He carried two pistols, one tucked inside his black overalls, nestled neatly beside a sheathed dagger, and a second that he currently caressed in his hands like the cheek of a lover prior to a passionate kiss. He peered around the corner of the study wooden bench, which offered adequate shelter from his counterpart’s bullets, eyeing up his options, the looter’s gaze being drawn to the figure slumped facedown in a temporary vegetative state by the entrance to the shop floor.

“Don’t forget to order something for your buddy,” continued Stonehouse with a sarcastic tone to his artificial Ontarian dialect, “maybe a veggie special, stuffed crust perhaps?”

The second guard wasn’t supposed to be here. There were never two guards on patrol… never. The unwanted surprise that greeted a stunned Stonehouse, like yet another pair of comedy festive socks at Christmas, had thrown what should have been a routine operation into chaos. Although pizza boy Mark had followed the scheduled routine that Stonehouse had monitored diligently, like one of the factory robots, his accomplice, a so far unnamed younger male with a shaven head and a tattoo of an anchor on his right wrist, was a loose cannon, literally. A beam of battery-operated light from a flashlight was not going to damage even the weakest of vampire intruders, but the handgun that he’d withdrawn from his waist-level holster was a different matter. “Anchorman”, as Stonehouse had affectionately labelled the prone security officer, was definitely a graduate of the shoot-first-ask-questions-later school of thinking. His gung-ho attitude, that had lead him to almost instantly draw his firearm, was sadly his downfall, as Stonehouse had been forced to clobber him around the back of his thickset neck with the butt of his own gun. Unfortunately, enough commotion had been caused in the brief struggle to alert Mark to the intrusion.

The subsequent shooting storm was probably more out of panic than anything else, but nevertheless, it had left Stonehouse in a precarious predicament. The wannabe gunslinger, currently crouching behind a steel locker at the far end of the room, shouted at Stonehouse with a touch of arrogance in his voice. “My buddies will be here soon!” he yelled, clearly gasping for breath as his blood pressure rose like a silver foil helium balloon, embossed with a bright yellow Minion, that had slipped from the hand of a small child at the fairground. “You are toast, ***********!”

“Is that the pizza delivery boy,” replied Stonehouse with a mischievous glint in his dark eyes, “or your mama, coming to take you home?”

Behind the bravado, Stonehouse knew that it was no joking matter. The “buddies” in question would most certainly be the cops, and they would always arrive much quicker than any scooter-riding delivery guy.
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Re: The Bungling Burglar (Invitation)

Post by Nishaa »

“I’ll be back soon baby”

The Necromancer bent over to her wife’s sleeping form and planted a kiss to the tip of her nose like she normally did when she had to leave before her wife woke up. It was a routine between the two, Nishaa liked to be an early bird. As the saying went, the early bird catches the worm and that's exactly how she liked to put it. If she got up early, and burgled early. The good **** would be there, before someone else who thought along the same wavelength as her would steal her ****. No way.

She grabbed the rifle that was aptly named War from it’s resting place against the chestnut chest of drawers. She smoothed its metallic surface. War to her was a being - her best friend, they had memories together. They had killed together. Nishaa was one of those people who was friends with inanimate objects. Like her ******* rifle. Anyone else who looked in on her who wasn’t family would think she was crazy, she was really. The family understood though, the love she had for her rifle. Anyone else? crazy as rainbow skittles.

Next she went for her dagger, a kitchen knife actually. She kept it hidden in her underwear drawer. A habit she hadn’t gotten out of, I mean if you raided a room would you look for a weapon stashed in a ladies underwear drawer? Nishaa was a smart cookie.

Both weapons in hand she was ready to face the world outside. You never knew what you would face out there, especially in a community that hated your guts because you enforced the law by killing annoying vampires that decided to play god in front of humans. She went through the fadeportal to her left, and landed on the cement of Newborough. A small backpack of gadgets strapped to her back she needed them if you was going to steal. Micah needed things for traps.

Always traps. You could never have enough traps. They were what was between you and the attacker to was trying to invade your personal space. Yep. She saw a great looking building. Unsure what it was from a first glance. She edged close to it’s window and snaked her arm out in a forward motion, shattering the glass with her fist. She blinked a few times watching as the shards fell to the ground with a clatter before settling neatly upon the buildings floor. A tacky red carpet. It was the staff room connecting to a factory. Ah, they would have oil here. The Necromancer always needed oil for the factions ritual supplies, brilliant.

Opening the door she began to slowly make her way down a corridor, she fiddled with her necklace around her neck, the very same necklace that gave off a small pulse and made her undetectable sometimes for the briefest of seconds to people as they passed her by. It came in handy for thieves that were too busy looting to notice the guards doing their rounds. It had gotten her out of a tight squeeze many a times.

Onyx hues turned to the left, eyeing a small crate. Her greedy little fingers stroked to the wood of the crate as she plied it open with a nearby crowbar revealing a stash of nuts and bolts. These bad boys were like gold dust. Grinning she snatched them up and stuffed them into her beige duffel bag slung over her shoulder. The sound of gunfire drew her attention as she made sure there were no bullets were flying at her, an automatic response to the sound of gunfire, especially for this bounty hunter. There was no one insight. The sound of footsteps drew nearer to her now, it sounded like they were running.

“I’m gonna turn your weedy *** into Chinese cheese!”

It was a greasy kind of voice, she followed the sound keeping her gun close to her chest ready to be raised at a moment's notice. That was when she came across a man hid behind a silver locker shouting threats at someone. He was a guard, you could tell by his uniform and the way he held the gun, no experience. The Necromancer smiled. Standing just behind him, she was silent in the shadows. He didn’t even feel it. The barrel of the gun pushed against the crown of his head, he didn’t even get to turn around - his brain was already against the lockers. Caking the area the brain splatter and bits of his scalp. Her own clothes; leather trousers and a my little pony tee (in pink may I add) was now caked in the guard's blood.

She turned her hues back to the direction the guard had been shouting at. “You better ******* run, jackass. You fucked up my burgle with your stupid cowboy wanna be gunslinging match - the cops will be here soon, if you got any sense you’ll get out of here before they find you and kill you.”

The Necromancer turned and headed for the direction of the shadows, she wasn’t going to be here then the “buddies” arrived to find their fellow guard dead on the floor with his head basically blown off.
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Re: The Bungling Burglar (Invitation)

Post by Stonehouse »

Wasn’t there supposed to be honour among thieves, some kind of romantic notion of kinship? Didn’t dishonest people still maintain a certain standard of behaviour that they will always respect when in the company of similar, like-minded individuals? Apparently that was not the case in Harper Rock. Grant Stonehouse recently had a potential prize pilfered from beneath his nose when a woman beat him to the trophy cabinet and plundered the loot. He put the experience down to a combination of bad luck and poor planning, but this current incident was much different, much more likely to cause the usually calm and collected cat burglar to lose his cool and unload a clip of his hand cannon into his counterpart’s cute little face.

If Stonehouse were to write a book entitled “The 101 Best Things to do with An Attractive Female”, it’s fair to say that pumping their body so full of bullet-induced holes that they could be used as a frying basket to cook fries at McDonald’s, would probably be low down on the list. However, as Stonehouse - dressed in a black boiler suit and sturdy boots, ideal gear for the professionally minded thief - stared in utter annoyance from behind the cover of a workbench at the woman wearing a ridiculous pink My Little Pony t-shirt, such thoughts would surely be filling the final chapter. Presumably the space cadet with her phaser set to kill had been beamed down on shore leave from the USS Fuckwit. Who the hell did she think she was? What total barefaced cheek to say that he had fucked up her burglary! She was the one who had just turned Jabba the Pizza Hutt’s head into a strawberry McFlurry.

Stonehouse had miscalculated the number of guards patrolling the factory, that much was clear, but once the mistake had been made he had endeavoured to keep the killing to a minimum, rendering the second guard merely unconscious. What he hadn’t done was crush the skull of the other security officer and redecorate the nearest locker with his brains like a piss poor Picasso attempting to become a graffiti artist. Since finding himself an unwitting resident of Harper Rock, Stonehouse had tried to maintain a low profile, remaining, for the most part, concealed in the shadows. He tried to steer clear of attention so that he could go about his shady business dealings without alerting the authorities. Residing just under the radar seemed to be a great way for the thoughtful entrepreneur to stay out trouble and carefully construct his fledgling empire.

There were also human hunters lurking in the sewer system, keen on unmasking vampires and dishing out their own, painful, idea of justice. They were to be avoided whenever possible, as their negotiating skills were as primitive as those of a small child stamping their tiny feet demanding another high fructose corn syrup-infused soda. Stonehouse had even heard rumours of vampire gangs, enforcers of the so-called “masquerade” that kept vampirekind hidden, shrouded in secrecy away from the prying eyes of humankind. Yet here was some clumsy clown clad in colourful clothing, clodhopping around with a gun. From what crazy circus had she escaped?

“Hey, Ronald McFuckinDonald!” yelled Stonehouse, continuing his façade as a Canadian with his false accent. “I love your t-shirt, did it come free with your last happy meal?”

Stonehouse left the relative safety of the wooden bench that had acted as a makeshift fortress, gripping a gun tightly in his right hand and a curved dagger in his left. He had no idea who the dark haired woman was, but despite her behaviour being akin to that of a trainee burger flipper, Stonehouse wasn’t prepared to take any chances. He quite liked his head where it was, firmly attached to his neck, and not splattered across a locker. His choice was a simple one: hang around in the factory waiting for the cops to show up, or scurry after the clown. Skipping across the manufacturing floor, stepping over the prone body of the second guard nicknamed Anchorman, Stonehouse gave chase.

“I take it you’re not the pizza delivery girl?” shouted the tall burglar as he glanced down at the recently deceased carcass of the first security worker, bloody brain oozing out of his skull like jam from a doughnut. “It’s a real shame ‘cause I was gettin’ kind of hungry.”

Stonehouse had noticed that the woman was carrying some kind of bag or backpack before she vanished out of sight, causing him to continue his questioning as he headed in her general direction. “Are you sure that you aren’t packing pizza in that bag of yours? I could murder a thin and crispy blood feast, extra human flesh, but easy on the anchovies, please.”

Curiosity may have killed the cat, but would curiosity also kill the cat burglar? Stonehouse needed to find out the identity of the gatecrashing woman, he needed to go pony trekking, My Little Pony trekking.
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Re: The Bungling Burglar (Invitation)

Post by Nishaa »

He was following her. She could hear his stupidly loud footsteps plodding behind her. She veered left and headed into a room, there was a door that required access. With a little bit of luck (and a lot of skill.) she broke the lock and managed to slip inside the darkened room and plucked some very expensive rare chemicals. They were useless, but stupid people liked to hoard them in case anyone suddenly found a use for them which was going to be never. Stupid people were stupid, obviously.

Happy ******* meal? What planet was the stupid arsehole on?

She spun on the spot to look at him, she sized him up with her onyx circular orbs watching him cautiously. Her face now held dried flakes of blood the last remnants of the guard she had dispatched as she shook her head back and forth. She couldn’t quite comprehend how stupid this man was, he got himself into trouble - cornered like an animal, and now he was once again shouting giving away not only his position but her own. Stealing was a crime, did he forget that?

Probably dropped on the head as a child, that explained it. Really.

“Were you dropped on the head as a child?” She blurted. He was now shouting at her, guessing that she wasn’t a pizza delivery girl and all she wanted to do was shoot him, several times - in several different areas of his body until he shut the **** up and actually started being an actual adult. Dusting down the rest of the now dried flakes of blood - it dried pretty quickly in a warm factory. The further into the belly of the building that they entered the warmer it got, she could feel the beads of sweat starting to trickle down the pale yet pristine skin of her forehead.

The idiotic burglar was now trotting behind her like some kind of show horse, his mouth of moving - noise was resonating through the corridors it hit her eardrums but she was drowning him out with murderous thoughts of her own. It took everything she had - even the tightening of her fist around the butt of her rifle to stop herself from shooting him in the heart several times until he became nothing but a pile of ash, if he was a vampire. Otherwise a corpse, if he was human. It meant nothing to her, wherever Nishaa went. Death swiftly followed.

He was as close as she could stand now, he was still talking about pizza’s. She lost her temper, and Nishaa was well known for having one. She didn’t care what he thought she was, she simply wanted to be left alone - she rescued him out of the goodness of her emotionless heart. White knuckles brushed against the wood of the stock before she lifted the butt, turned to face the man and quite violently smacked him so his body collided with the wall. Her stare was murderous, there was no smile on her lips just the fangs that could never retract.

“Shut. The. ****. Up.” She said very slowly. “If I hear you voice one more time, about pizza and all ******* **** that comes with it. I’m going to shoot you into the afterlife.” She curled her hands around his neck and applied the smallest out of pressure. “Don’t test me.” After a few moments, she let go. Her eyes never leaving his face.
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Re: The Bungling Burglar (Invitation)

Post by Stonehouse »

Back in the early days of Stonehouse’s career as a vampire overlord in the underground world, the days when he floundered around like a fledgling who had fallen from the nest into the dangerous undergrowth below, the Quarantine Zone acted as a place of refuge. Cut off from “normal” society by the government authorities, with their huge metal fences and barriers, the neglected, often downright derelict area of Harper Rock, offered a strange sort of sanctuary for those lost souls who searched for solutions. Answers were not often forthcoming to those life-changing puzzles, certainly not as regular as the ghoulish zombies that seemed to spring up and roam the region. The undead creatures offered an opportunity for an inexperienced Stonehouse to learn the fine arts of killing, either through the use of the icy steel of a knife, or the piercing tip of a bullet. There were sewer tunnels in which to hide in the shadows, and abandoned buildings where shelter and time to think about the monumental event that had recently occurred - the transition from human to vampire – could be found. One such ramshackled ruin was the old asylum.

Overgrown with moss and weeds, and ever so stylishly furnished with the almost obligatory cracked windows and graffiti on the exterior walls, the neglected mental institution was a fascinating place. The sign above the main entrance had been spayed with the words “Freak Farm”, which would frustrate the student of psychology as he wandered around the run down shell of the former hospice. The mentally ill weren’t freaks, they were just unwell, and in need of help. Stonehouse occasionally wondered where the patients had gone following the asylum’s closure. Had they been transferred to other, similar establishments around the city, or had the lunatics been allowed to drift back into society under the radar, in a kind of care in the community type scheme? As Stonehouse gazed at the snarling woman in the My Little Pony t-shirt who had just slammed him up against the wall, the latter answer seemed more likely to be the correct one!

Having galloped like a stallion in hot pursuit of the pony girl, his sturdy work-boots clip-clopping like the hooves of a thoroughbred shire-horse, Stonehouse had momentarily become distracted by a treasure chamber of chemicals, igniting the scientist inside of him. It was like Howard Carter stumbling into the tomb of Tutankhamun. This was what he’d come for. To the unenlightened - the stupid, chemically illiterate folk - the stash of valuable materials would simply look like a pile of barrels that were taking up space, but to Stonehouse they were ingredients to some amazing recipes. Forget diamonds and pearls, these compounds were like gold dust. There was a shelf full of bottles of sulphuric acid, which could be used to make the high order explosive nitro-glycerine, and containers labelled as ammonium nitrate, which is an oxidising agent that, when mixed with nitro-methane fuel, can create bombs with greater explosive properties than TNT. It was this deadly combination that had caused devastation in Oslo back in 2011. Another product leapt out at Stonehouse like a crazy berserker salmon in a fishy Valhalla: hydrogen peroxide. When mixed correctly, hydrogen peroxide can make an explosive called tri-acetone tri-peroxide (TATP), which is known colloquially as “Mother of Satan” due to it being so dangerous to handle. It had become the suicide bombers’ weapon of choice, having been used to such horrific effect in the 2005 attacks on London. Theses precursors of pain needed plundering from the pharaoh’s pyramid, so perhaps the pink t-shirted pony princess wasn’t completely moronic. Maybe she was a genius, just like him?

Unfortunately for Stonehouse, the distraction of the alchemist’s paradise had caused him to take his eye off the ball, just temporarily, but it was enough time for the bucking bronco with the itchy trigger finger to knock a stunned Stonehouse back against an unforgiving factory wall. Having briefly flirted with the idea that the woman was some kind of chemistry professor, it was seemingly apparent that she was actually a first year pupil in need of a thorough schooling. Stonehouse was clearly the adult in this confrontation, dealing with a crazy gun-totting child in her little girls’ outfit, happy to shoot guards and use violence rather than intelligence to resolve the situation. My Little Pony was turning into a stubborn mule, throwing her toys out of the pram, presumably due to a huge sugar rush caused by too many Coke refills with her last happy meal.

“Hey, Princess Peach!” exclaimed Stonehouse as he gazed at the fanged female hissing at him like a cobra about to strike, “What’s the matter? Has Mario not been tickling you with his tash?”

Stonehouse let his dark eyes drop from her glare so that it was obvious he was looking at her glistening canines. He allowed an over-emphasized expression of confusion to spread across his handsome face.

“Are you sure that you’re not the pizza girl?” he added inquisitively, “Because I’m pretty certain that I can see slices of pepperoni stuck in your teeth.”

Stonehouse had attempted to avoid killing the security officers in the earlier altercation, and he was in no doubt that this scenario could get messier than the cake firing splurge gun scene in “Bugsy Malone”, but he couldn’t resist throwing in another cheap line about pizza, especially after having been threatened. However, having been caught off guard seconds earlier like an amateur boxer in his first bout, he was now prepared for whatever came his way.

“Before you think about shooting me,” continued Stonehouse, not allowing his counterpart a chance to respond, “you may want to take note of the two Whoppers that I’m holding in my hands, the ones aimed at your Big Macs.”

The tall burglar may have been unceremoniously bumped against the cold, hard wall, but the grip on both his loaded firearm and his lethal blade was far stronger than the show of force from the crazy woman’s hand that had just slipped from his neck.

“Don’t test you?” said Stonehouse, the standoff about to come to a head, “Why not? I love a quiz! Can you name all of the different pizzas on the takeout menu at Dominos?”

He paused for effect, assuming that flames were building up inside of the killer like an infernal dose of indigestion, hotter than any wood-fired pizza oven.

“Or maybe stolen chemicals is more your thing?” concluded Stonehouse, hoping that the two of them weren’t about to turn each other into spurting bottles of barbeque sauce.
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Re: The Bungling Burglar (Invitation)

Post by Nishaa »

If anything could perhaps piss her off more in that moment it's was his mario comment. Onyx hues had left him briefly. She had been looking down each of the corridors considering it seemed like they were at an intersection. She was listening for footsteps, anything that could tell her if the cops were following her - them in this case but they seemed fine for now, well she didn’t care at ******* ego-*******-testical to her left right now.

“Call me Princess Peach one more time, I’ll shoot your eyeballs out. Let’s make an experiment of you, yeah? I don’t know if eyeballs grow back after being shot out. Wanna be the guinea pig?” There was cruel smile written on her lips then, it was a smile that said ‘I’m not full of empty threats.’ she doubted Mr ego-*******-no-testicals understood her glare right now.

Besides, she didn't want Mario to tickle her with his tash. She’d much prefer Daisy too. She’d played Mario Kart on the Wii - she knew the characters that were on that game. She felt like she was in the presence of a child - who thought being a vampire was just one big game.

It took all she had not to shoot him in face and walk the **** away which is what she wanted to do right now. She shook her head - as he yet again spewed another lame *** insult.

“I’m starting to think you work in Mcdonalds.” It wasn’t an insult it was more of a realisation. Perhaps he was one of those people who would sit upstairs in his little box room and write down all these little quirky insults to throw at someone whilst he thought about flipping burgers for Maccy D’s - or Burger King. That must've been it. Maybe he jerked off to Ronald McDonald.

“God, if this is how you approach all women who save your life - then I’d like to say your a virgin, you poor poor boy. Does playing the damsel get you off?” She laughed then. Turning her head away from him as she flicked her hair with a simple arm gesture and began to walk away from the Ronald McDonald obsessed man - she ignored his Big Mac’s comment, she knew her breasts were not massive - if anything they were flat like the plastic cheese they stick on top of the burger itself.

He spoke again, this time about chemicals about being her thing. She had enough of his weasle like voice and spun around. Raised her gun and fired off two bullets. One in his left kneecap the other in his right. The sound of bones breaking were music to her ears.

There was room for only one sarcastic, witty ***** around this place - and Nishaa was it. Not this little ******** in front of her bleeding from the knees.

Shoot The Master in the kneecaps - You succeeded in your endeavour.
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Re: The Bungling Burglar (Invitation)

Post by Stonehouse »

"He that fights and runs away, may turn and fight another day; but he that is in battle slain, will never rise to fight again."
Kneecapping, or limb punishment shooting as it is often referred to among the medical profession, is a particularly malicious form of wounding. The brutal assault became infamous during the Troubles in Northern Ireland when paramilitary groups such as the IRA or UDA would dish out their own form of “justice” on individuals whose behaviour they deemed to be unacceptable. It’s estimated that around 2,500 people were victims of the horrific torture throughout the duration of the conflict. An Italian militant faction known as The Red Brigades also employed these terror tactics during the so-called “Years of Lead” period of socio-political turmoil of the 1970’s, in an effort to cause chaos and panic. More recently, in the on-going upheaval in the Palestine region around the Gaza Strip, the terrorist organization called Hamas has been known to adopt the barbaric practice. A method of instilling fear into whole communities, kneecapping is considered by many as one of the most violent acts of criminal punishment, served up by vicious, heartless thugs.

When the first bullet struck Stonehouse’s left knee, his facial expression was one of utter shock rather than distress. The downward trajectory of the shot caused the painful projectile to pierce the patella and pound into the proximal plateau of the tibia, shattering bone and causing the tall burglar’s leg to buckle like a broken branch. It was only when the second slug slammed into the skin of his right knee joint that Stonehouse released an almighty cry of anguish that echoed around the room like the wail of a banshee trapped in a cavernous prison, as the excruciating pain of the injuries registered in his brain. Due to the fact that the off-balance thief’s left limb was already beginning to crumble like the South Tower of the World Trade Center, the second bullet took a slightly different pathway. Fracturing the medial edge of the patella bone upon entry into the joint, the lead pellet ripped through the popliteal artery at the back of the knee, exiting the joint capsule and embedding itself in the stone cold wall behind. A torrent of onyx coloured viscous blood erupted from the punctured artery like an oil well striking a rich vein of black gold. The gusher spurted the smoky globules into the air, leaving them to hang momentarily before appearing to dissolve into nothingness. Stonehouse’s right leg soon gave way like the North Tower, resulting in his athletic frame tumbling, unceremoniously, to the hard floor below.

Throughout his time in Harper Rock, Stonehouse had, generally speaking, managed to maintain a low profile, flying under the radar like a Tornado fighter-bomber on another stealth mission into hazardous territory. Only once prior to this evening’s fateful events had Stonehouse been attacked and wounded by a fellow vampire. He remembered the situation as if were just yesterday. The freshly turned shadow had barely arrived in his new home, a stranger in a strange land, finding his feet like a fledging bird. Had a manual on how to be vampire been in existence, Stonehouse would have only just read the tutorial, the hub of his nest still within spitting distance. Having received a somewhat comical threat that Stonehouse, perhaps naively, chose to dismiss, his attacker had decided to shoot him, like a powerful owl bullying a youthful, chirpy sparrow. Vivid visions of the violent assault plagued Stonehouse’s mind, the face of the raven-haired witch branded into his thoughts. The student of life had learned an invaluable lesson that day, and, until now, had avoided confrontation. Yet here he was, slumped on the floor with two gapping gashes in his knees. It wouldn’t be a surprise if both brutes were somehow connected.

Psychopaths are difficult to reason with because they tend to think that they are always right, having an urge to be in control, and often lack a sense of remorse or guilt for their frequently impulsive actions. They display predatory characteristics, and are lacking in empathy with others, which often results in the use of cruelty to gain empowerment. Outbursts of antisocial, uninhibited behaviour are not unusual in this group of bold and brash people. The woman holding the smoking gun could quite easily tick all the boxes on the checklist. Normally, such a test subject would be fascinating to Stonehouse, a psychology graduate, but not today, not while she was standing over him with a loaded gun that had already unleashed two rounds.

Were it not for the immense levels of pain radiating from his wounds like flames in a furnace about to grill another Whopper, Stonehouse would have probably been laughing his arse off at the crazy woman’s words. How on earth did Princess Peach think that she had saved his life? Only minutes earlier, Stonehouse had incapacitated one security guard, and had the other one, who was clearly inept at his job, firing wildly in blind panic because he was stuck in a corner, frightened out of his skin. Granted, the cops may have been on their way, but a few well placed smoke grenades or the use of his chameleon-like ability to blend into the shadows, and Stonehouse would have easily been able to slip away unscathed. The scenario was hardly life threatening, merely a little… tense.

Fast-forward to the present, and My Little Pony had raced in like a riderless runner in the Kentucky Fried Chicken Derby, splattering the brains of the hapless patrolman all over a grey stainless steel locker like ketchup over a burger. She’d cleared the chemical contents of a cupboard, before pumping off two shots at close range into his legs. It really didn’t take a genius to come to the conclusion that Muffin the Mule had put Stonehouse’s life in far more danger than it had previously been. At most, he had been guilty of breaking and entering with a side order of actual bodily harm, whereas now he was an accessory to murder and robbery, not to mention being the victim of grievous bodily harm. The gunslinger was decidedly delusional - possibly harbouring psychotic tendencies in addition to her psychopathic nature - if she thought that she was his saviour!

When Stonehouse had fallen foul of the first female’s firearm, months ago as a novice, he had vowed to never again underestimate anyone in his strange new world. Sun Tzu, the great Chinese general, military strategist, and author of “The Art of War”, said that if you know your enemy and know yourself, you would not be imperilled in a hundred battles. Stonehouse had not known his adversary, he was unaware of the extortionist’s abilities, and had suffered at her ruthless hands. Tzu’s words of wisdom also stated that invincibility lies in defence. Contrary to the egotistical ramblings of gung-ho generals and foolhardy fighters, attack was not always the best form of defence; defence was the best form of defence.

As Stonehouse peered up at the shooter from his submissive position on the floor, he had no idea who the pistol-toting femme fatale was, or what strengths she possessed. He was convinced that the woman’s mouth was foaming in anger like mayonnaise oozing from a Big Mac, as her hollow, jet black eyes glared down at him like a shark eying up its prey. One wrong word, one more sarcastic wisecrack, and a full clip of cartridges could be emptied into his face. Stonehouse was a sitting duck, and he had no intention of being deep-fried and turned into a crispy pancake.

During his numerous business trips around the globe, or voyages up and down the motorways and rail network of Britain, Stonehouse wished that he could transport himself home at the click of his fingers. Time spent sitting idly in a traffic jam or an airport departure lounge was dead time, and when time equated to money it took on extra importance. A huge fan of "Star Trek", Stonehouse had dreamed of the day when the transporter room was a reality, not just a figment of science fiction’s imaginative mind. A quick “beaming up” and laborious journeys would become a thing of the past. How weird, then, that following his supernatural rebirth in Harper Rock, science fiction was becoming science fact.

Stonehouse wasn’t sure how the physics worked, despite racking his brain night after night to try and understand the mechanics, but somehow he had developed a skill, an unbelievable talent, that allowed him to transport himself to a place of his choosing. Stonehouse assumed that his shadowlike abilities permitted some kind of molecular deconstruction and reconstruction of his physical form, a bit like Jeff Goldblum's experiment in “The Fly”. In fairness, how he was able to perform such a task was in many ways irrelevant; the fact that he could do it was all that actually mattered.

Gazing up at the woman in her blood stained pink t-shirt, Stonehouse began howling with laughter, slowly drawing a canister out of his pocket. Flipping the pin, Stonehouse slammed the smoke grenade onto the tiled floor in front of him, releasing a cloud of thick smog that encased him like a comforting shroud. Concentrating on an area of the city where he felt safe, Stonehouse screwed up his eyes, vanishing into thin air like a vaudevillian magician.

Occasionally retreat is the only rational way to proceed. Cold pizza the morning after the night before somehow always tastes great, and there is little chance of burning the roof of one’s mouth on molten hot cheese. But an even better dish served cold is revenge.
I have been so long master that I would be master still, or at least that none other should be master of me.
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