The brunette gave a soft shake of her head in disagreement. “You wouldn’t be screwed, Nish.” She said softly, inclining her head, “They’d be stupid to not stick around because you’re a wonderful person.” It had taken Every a long time to be able to trust. She knew it and she wondered if she’d opened up a bit more to the others, that they would have stayed. “Micah told me the night that I disowned Hadrian that I can’t teach the willing, no matter how hard I try. The same concept stands with people staying… you can do everything that you can, give them a hundred reasons but the only reason they’ll stay is if they want to.”
She understood the concept of doing stupid **** when she was upset. When she was younger, Every had the habit of night surfing recklessly, driving when angry. She’d purposely try her limits and while she was lucky enough to never face severe consquences, she knew she could have. “Then maybe we should find a way for you to turn that stupid **** doing into something else. Beat the crap out of my old car.” She shrugged. It wasn’t as if she drove it any more, she had two others. One for summer, one for winter. It was mostly because she hated changing tires, even if it wasn’t a difficult task.
“I do, too.” But it hadn’t stopped her from letting some see how she worked, even if it didn’t help people understand her better. Some people never would, even those that had known her before she’d been a vampire such as Lia and her wraith, Zachary, were at a loss occasionally. “The only ones that will be at a loss are them, babe. Speaking as someone who felt they were going to lose you sometime… I would have been had you left me.” She didn’t meet her childe’s eyes as she said the words and stared into the red pool within her cup.
Her hazel eyes drifted to Bene and Nishaa as she watched the woman still, but she could softly pick up the traces of a prayer being spoken under her breath. Every let out a soft whistle and pulled out from underneath her shirt a small silver cross to indicate that religion wouldn’t help before she tucked it back away as Bene fell silent. “Fear of death generally makes people cooperate.” Unless, of course, they lived in Harper Rock. The shadow gave a shake of her head, “Unfortunately not, at least, not that I know of.” She gestured behind her, to where she knew her cabin to be at Marsh Hill. “Still got notes to look through. I wanted to see you and Micah first. Reanna and Kirill, as well, but they’re out of town I believe. Kirill doesn’t answer me telepathically anyway.”
Hiatus [Nishaa]
- Every
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Re: Hiatus [Nishaa]
omnilingual | eiditic memory | healthy complexion

amalea's trainwreck

amalea's trainwreck
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Re: Hiatus [Nishaa]
The human quivered in her arms, shaking - she could feel the hairs of her arm brushing against her skin and she found herself laughing. Turning hues to the woman who turned her into the monster she was - the monster she was proud to be. “Wonderful?” She snorted. “I’m not a wonderful person.” there was a laugh then, her chest rumbling. “I’m far too sadistic to be wonderful.”
Yet, despite her odd comment she nodded, listening to the woman that turned her. “True, but the willing vanish” She laughed again keeping her arms held against the woman’s chest pulling her tighter. The glass of blood wasn’t enough to sate her thirst, it was never sated most nights. Looks like her little present may turn into her evening meal.
She was sure Every wouldn’t mind her staining the coach with blood, it’ll come out with a good scrubbing. She tangled her fingers into the humans hair and cleared it out of the way of her neck making sure there was nothing obstructing her desire to feed.
“Don’t tell me to beat the **** out of her old car, because you know I will grab a bat - or something big and heavy I can get my hands on” - She gave Every a stern ‘do not make an innuendo out of that’ look before continuing. - “And basically make it a pile of metal and shattered glass, maybe even set fire to it.” She snickered at the potential image of destroying a car, and even strutting a victory pose afterwards. Very Nishaa-esque.
She then focused again, notes. She had notes. What were they about?
“Yeah - what's up, did you want to see us together or just discuss your trip with us.” Either way here Nishaa was. Sitting in her sire’s dwelling chatting about random crap like she had never gone away.
Yet, despite her odd comment she nodded, listening to the woman that turned her. “True, but the willing vanish” She laughed again keeping her arms held against the woman’s chest pulling her tighter. The glass of blood wasn’t enough to sate her thirst, it was never sated most nights. Looks like her little present may turn into her evening meal.
She was sure Every wouldn’t mind her staining the coach with blood, it’ll come out with a good scrubbing. She tangled her fingers into the humans hair and cleared it out of the way of her neck making sure there was nothing obstructing her desire to feed.
“Don’t tell me to beat the **** out of her old car, because you know I will grab a bat - or something big and heavy I can get my hands on” - She gave Every a stern ‘do not make an innuendo out of that’ look before continuing. - “And basically make it a pile of metal and shattered glass, maybe even set fire to it.” She snickered at the potential image of destroying a car, and even strutting a victory pose afterwards. Very Nishaa-esque.
She then focused again, notes. She had notes. What were they about?
“Yeah - what's up, did you want to see us together or just discuss your trip with us.” Either way here Nishaa was. Sitting in her sire’s dwelling chatting about random crap like she had never gone away.

Every's Headache . Tytonidae
beautiful art by bartholomew
- Every
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- CrowNet Handle: Bandit
Re: Hiatus [Nishaa]
“Just because you don’t want to see it, doesn’t mean that it fails to be true.” She inclined her head softly, watching her childe and then looking down to the trembling human in her arms. Every gave a shake of her head, her legs stretching out briefly before one was tucked underneath herself after she moved to an arm chair. “Wonderful comes in all different forms. The fact you saved me from myself speaks volumes. You’re a pain in the ***, and have allowed the nickname headache to ring true on many occasions, but you are wonderful.”
Every shrugged. Her hazel eyes swept over the dwelling, taking in some of the damage that she had yet to have repaired after the quake that took place months before. She still wondered what had caused it, but she suspected fae. “The willing vanish.” Another shrug showed her opinion on the matter. “That’s when you say **** ‘em then.” She stated simply, her dark brown hair falling lightly in front of her face afterwards, “unless they return with an apology, or end up getting killed by a mooncalf when they were too young to face them.”
A twitch of her lips showed that the latter comment was meant to be entirely teasing.
She scratched at the inside of her wrist, at the tattooed initials that were in memory of her mother, of better times with the woman before she’d married that asshole. “It’s a good stress reliever.” She laughed, and then proceeded to laugh harder after she caught the look. “First thought was that you picked up a man and beat the car with him.” Every admitted.
Leaning back, the shadow folded her arms in front of her chest afterwards and eyed Bene. The poor woman had absolutely no idea what she had gotten herself into when she’d asked Every to take her to Canada with her. A shake of her head was given again, “I just wanted to see you, didn’t really want to discuss the trip. Figured I should spend more time with you guys.” She frowned, leaning forward once again to rest her elbows on her thighs, “I don’t need or want another repeat of last year and sometimes it's best to communicate in person, yeah?”
Her childer were important to her, and she knew Reanna was out somewhere with Kirill, doing something. She’d go see Micah later, and eventually plan to meet her grandchilder a bit. For now, it was time with Nish. “Want a zip tie so she can’t escape?”
Every shrugged. Her hazel eyes swept over the dwelling, taking in some of the damage that she had yet to have repaired after the quake that took place months before. She still wondered what had caused it, but she suspected fae. “The willing vanish.” Another shrug showed her opinion on the matter. “That’s when you say **** ‘em then.” She stated simply, her dark brown hair falling lightly in front of her face afterwards, “unless they return with an apology, or end up getting killed by a mooncalf when they were too young to face them.”
A twitch of her lips showed that the latter comment was meant to be entirely teasing.
She scratched at the inside of her wrist, at the tattooed initials that were in memory of her mother, of better times with the woman before she’d married that asshole. “It’s a good stress reliever.” She laughed, and then proceeded to laugh harder after she caught the look. “First thought was that you picked up a man and beat the car with him.” Every admitted.
Leaning back, the shadow folded her arms in front of her chest afterwards and eyed Bene. The poor woman had absolutely no idea what she had gotten herself into when she’d asked Every to take her to Canada with her. A shake of her head was given again, “I just wanted to see you, didn’t really want to discuss the trip. Figured I should spend more time with you guys.” She frowned, leaning forward once again to rest her elbows on her thighs, “I don’t need or want another repeat of last year and sometimes it's best to communicate in person, yeah?”
Her childer were important to her, and she knew Reanna was out somewhere with Kirill, doing something. She’d go see Micah later, and eventually plan to meet her grandchilder a bit. For now, it was time with Nish. “Want a zip tie so she can’t escape?”
omnilingual | eiditic memory | healthy complexion

amalea's trainwreck

amalea's trainwreck
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- CrowNet Handle: NiagraFalls
Re: Hiatus [Nishaa]
Every has been drinking the Kool-Aid, that was it she was doomed now. Poor woman. She truly believed Nishaa was wonderful. She simply shook her head and didn’t say much else. She could believe what she wanted Nishaa wasn’t going to ruin whatever image she had of the sadistic necromancer. Each to their own.
“I’m a pain in the ***.” She confirmed that for the woman, the only she confirmed. With a snort of laughter. She brought up the death by mooncalf and she found herself laughing. Only Nishaa could lose to the hands of a mooncalf and die - then get trapped in the realms for a long time - with no way of getting out, and laughing that **** off when she returned finally.
Nishaa wasn’t scared of the realm, but it was not somewhere she would go willingly - if she could help it, unless someone died that she adored and would risk her own hate of the place to see them. That in itself was love.
“Don’t tempt me.” She laughed. “I might just pick a man up and bash him against the car several times until he’s dead. Something I would do.” She admitted. Sadistic ***** she was.
No. She understood the communication part and respected the woman that she was trying now. That was great, for the woman. “Yes, chuck us a zip.” She winked.
Every has been drinking the Kool-Aid, that was it she was doomed now. Poor woman. She truly believed Nishaa was wonderful. She simply shook her head and didn’t say much else. She could believe what she wanted Nishaa wasn’t going to ruin whatever image she had of the sadistic necromancer. Each to their own.
“I’m a pain in the ***.” She confirmed that for the woman, the only she confirmed. With a snort of laughter. She brought up the death by mooncalf and she found herself laughing. Only Nishaa could lose to the hands of a mooncalf and die - then get trapped in the realms for a long time - with no way of getting out, and laughing that **** off when she returned finally.
Nishaa wasn’t scared of the realm, but it was not somewhere she would go willingly - if she could help it, unless someone died that she adored and would risk her own hate of the place to see them. That in itself was love.
“Don’t tempt me.” She laughed. “I might just pick a man up and bash him against the car several times until he’s dead. Something I would do.” She admitted. Sadistic ***** she was.
No. She understood the communication part and respected the woman that she was trying now. That was great, for the woman. “Yes, chuck us a zip.” She winked.

Every's Headache . Tytonidae
beautiful art by bartholomew
- Every
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- Joined: 01 Jul 2012, 04:14
- CrowNet Handle: Bandit
Re: Hiatus [Nishaa]
“I wouldn’t have it any other way, though.” She admitted with a soft grin at the sound of her childe’s snort. Once, Every had tried to picture what her life would have been like had she not sired another after Hadrian, had she never met Nishaa. It wasn’t something that was easy for her to picture, either, as she knew she’d been miserable while trying to show otherwise. She’d been quieter, distant from everyone but her sire and Ty, she really hadn’t wanted to get close to anyone again.
She had her friends, but she hadn’t let them close to her, either.
The fact that they were able to laugh about the mooncalf made Every’s lips twitch in amusement, “I still wait for the day that you see those monstrous fuckers. I still get knocked flat on my ***, but I’m getting better.” Titan Mooncalves were not her friends. If anything, as of late with dead raids, they were the reason her pride could get hit pretty hard. However, Every still chuckled gently.
“If I find an obnoxious one while I’m out and about, I’ll be sure to call you.” The shadow paused to collect her glass of blood to take a sip and then set the glass back down. There were days when she still missed alcohol, something smooth and strong, with a steady burn, such as tonight. The blood helped, but it wasn’t a perfect replacement, even when it was straight from the vein of an alcoholic.
As Nishaa agreed to the zip tie, Every stood up and went into the kitchen. She kept an array of tools and items in there, and after a few minutes, she returned with a long clear zip tie and held it out to her childe. “Want me to hold her shoulders?” She questioned.
She had her friends, but she hadn’t let them close to her, either.
The fact that they were able to laugh about the mooncalf made Every’s lips twitch in amusement, “I still wait for the day that you see those monstrous fuckers. I still get knocked flat on my ***, but I’m getting better.” Titan Mooncalves were not her friends. If anything, as of late with dead raids, they were the reason her pride could get hit pretty hard. However, Every still chuckled gently.
“If I find an obnoxious one while I’m out and about, I’ll be sure to call you.” The shadow paused to collect her glass of blood to take a sip and then set the glass back down. There were days when she still missed alcohol, something smooth and strong, with a steady burn, such as tonight. The blood helped, but it wasn’t a perfect replacement, even when it was straight from the vein of an alcoholic.
As Nishaa agreed to the zip tie, Every stood up and went into the kitchen. She kept an array of tools and items in there, and after a few minutes, she returned with a long clear zip tie and held it out to her childe. “Want me to hold her shoulders?” She questioned.
omnilingual | eiditic memory | healthy complexion

amalea's trainwreck

amalea's trainwreck
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- Posts: 3539
- Joined: 26 May 2013, 18:16
- CrowNet Handle: NiagraFalls
Re: Hiatus [Nishaa]
She shook her head and laughed. “The greater mooncalfs?” She questioned. “Yeah. I’ve seen them, and killed a few. At least they don’t kill me.” Which in itself it was improvement, she had never heard of any other kind of mooncalf. Perhaps there were other kinds, who knew these days. Onyx hues casually looked over the human with curious stare. She was hungry and the woman wasn’t going to last the next ten minutes.
Every calm over with the zip tie and she tied the woman’s hands whilst glaring at the human into a frozen shock like state as she grinned. Turning her hues back to Every she shook her head. “Nah, I got it.” She said. “She’s scared of me.”
Her mouth opened fully revealing the real length of her fangs as she broke through the skin of the woman’s neck and began to drink deep and long. She would enjoy the exotic taste her blood and savour it. She was like a wine taster. She enjoyed the variety of tastes but it was with blood, she did love a good french man, or woman and what their blood offered her but this exotic beauty took the biscuit.
She could feel the woman’s heartbeat in the palm of her hand as the woman’s organ began to slow, then finally stopped and the blood ran empty within her body - she was simply an empty corpse as she let the woman fall, as she used the back of her hand to wipe away the last droplets of blood from her mouth.
Ah, she was delicious.
“She was lovely.” She said. “Tasted like strawberries.” She got up then, making her way over to Every as she placed an arm around her shoulder. “Thanks for her, she was lovely. Right, I’m going to head off. I always feel a bit horny after a feed and I would like to find my wife. I’ll see you later yeah?” She planted a kiss to the woman’s cheek - making her way back to the sofa picking up the corpse and headed for the door.
Before she left she smiled, and turned back “Don’t worry. I’ll feed the body to the wolves in the hunting grounds. No one will find her.” With that she gave a wink and slipped out with a corpse hurled over her shoulder. Happy that she and her sire had some time to communicate and spend some quality time together.
Every calm over with the zip tie and she tied the woman’s hands whilst glaring at the human into a frozen shock like state as she grinned. Turning her hues back to Every she shook her head. “Nah, I got it.” She said. “She’s scared of me.”
Her mouth opened fully revealing the real length of her fangs as she broke through the skin of the woman’s neck and began to drink deep and long. She would enjoy the exotic taste her blood and savour it. She was like a wine taster. She enjoyed the variety of tastes but it was with blood, she did love a good french man, or woman and what their blood offered her but this exotic beauty took the biscuit.
She could feel the woman’s heartbeat in the palm of her hand as the woman’s organ began to slow, then finally stopped and the blood ran empty within her body - she was simply an empty corpse as she let the woman fall, as she used the back of her hand to wipe away the last droplets of blood from her mouth.
Ah, she was delicious.
“She was lovely.” She said. “Tasted like strawberries.” She got up then, making her way over to Every as she placed an arm around her shoulder. “Thanks for her, she was lovely. Right, I’m going to head off. I always feel a bit horny after a feed and I would like to find my wife. I’ll see you later yeah?” She planted a kiss to the woman’s cheek - making her way back to the sofa picking up the corpse and headed for the door.
Before she left she smiled, and turned back “Don’t worry. I’ll feed the body to the wolves in the hunting grounds. No one will find her.” With that she gave a wink and slipped out with a corpse hurled over her shoulder. Happy that she and her sire had some time to communicate and spend some quality time together.

Every's Headache . Tytonidae
beautiful art by bartholomew