--The following transcript was a live chat roleplay--
Velveteen: The nights had become one long blur of confusion as they passed slowly. The amount of people angry at her was growing much like the pile of crushed cigarette butts that piled up and overflowed from the ashtray that could no longer contain them. All trying to tell her **** she didn’t need or want to hear. Some were rude about, others not so much but all Velveteen really wanted was to be left alone. Left to look after her husband and nurse him back to health but more and more she was getting the feeling that something wasn’t quite right. It clawed at the already frayed edges of her sanity and danced danced along her spine with all the grace and eloquence of a three legged gorilla in tap shoes but still she struggled to pinpoint the source.
Velveteen sat on the end of the bed in darkness, not having worried about repairing or replacing the lights that Rion had destroyed. She had a candle nearby if she really need it. Her legs were crossed at the ankles and her knees were pulled up and hugged to her chest with one arm. The other rested across her knees allowing her hand freedom to move as she idly tugged at her lower lip and stared out of the large windows and into the night. It seemed that Micah had taken to sleeping more and talking less which not only left her feeling uneasy but also meant the woman spent longer periods of time on her own. And when it was quiet...was when those feelings of angst and uncertainty would permeate her discombobulated psyche. In the silence she was forced to confront the visceral fear that writhed like a living beast within her, searching for an escape through the cracks that formed in her constructed reality. But why and where it sprang from were the answers she needed most. The vital keys to all that she felt and understood escaped her reach but she knew they were drawing closer. Like a pendulum building momentum and soon enough...soon enough the tendrils of her mind would curl about them …and that scared her.
Her own thoughts were becoming frightening as the darkness gathered at the fringes. She had felt this once before. Not again. Not now. All too suddenly Velveteen realised that she didn’t want to be alone. Not now. There was only one other person she could share such a moment with that wasn’t her husband. While they didn’t always see to eye to eye and their current relationship was tenuous at best the did share the exact same DNA. If anyone could understand or even begin to explain what she was feeling it would be her sister. It was a long shot but right now Velveteen would have appreciated the company of a grizzly bear...Satine’s claws weren’t quite as sharp. Not yet anyways. It would be the first time since they met that Velveteen would actually reach out to her twin. Apprehension made her pause. The overwhelming despair of loneliness shoved her forward.
She should ring. She should. But if Satine was busy or couldn’t come she wasn’t sure she could stand to hear it right now. Velveteen made the decision to risk it. Worst case her sister would be pissed. Her anger would be a distraction. They would fight and no longer would the feelings that threatened to engulf her be a problem. She closed her eyes and concentrated on the woman, summoning to her, almost afraid to open them when she felt the others presence.
Satine:The last seventy two hours or more had been one huge cluster of fires, storms and near catastrophes for the young and pretty much clueless necromancer. Satine was finding more fights erupting around her than she knew what to do with. everytime she thought she was gaining ground and getting ahead she was in worse shape than before. It didn’t end there.
The club was a mess. A huge disaster. She won the lotto way back on the first of April doing the nun on the run bit. She was always broke so the windfall was saved and then some. She found out it was for sale and she was looking for an investment. One of those quick deals where you don’t think twice...until after the fact. The interior was gutted the electric had never been turned on. The floor was appearing to have a life all its own and seemed all but possessed. She got a citation for the lighting beneath the public feet that was impossible to shut off. The electrician ashe contracted under the table suffered a seizure and was threatening to to take her to court unless she paid some ridiculous amount. That only proved to her that the man wanted to have more reason than a few blinking lights to dance around like a fish out of water. She added him to her list of problems to deal with once he was out of the hospital. If he took too long then she would do the ‘Juice Extraction’ method as she was starting to refer to it. Juice always got a job done. The man was as cool as dry ice being released in a room that needed his skill.
As for the rest of the turmoil presenting itself in spades to Satine’s waking hours...that was pretty much a boiling pot threatening to boil over. The King & Queen of Hearts paid her a visit at the club. How they found her was not even worth figuring out. Those two could find anyone. Which is sort of why they arrived to begin with. It all started with the smack down they gave bad boy Bugsy. He misbehaved and got his *** handed to him. It wasn’t like that was a surprise. Being the gangster he was and running with Carlo Facchiano pretty much made him a magnet for conflict and gunfire.
Increasingly on her own efforts so was Satine. Especially when the brother-in-law-sire and her sister came strolling in ready for a showdown over her recently taking a shot at Bunny in the hotel elevator. The gum chewing blonde had it coming and then some more when she had the chance to get around to it.Micah shot what was hers so she shot what was his on her way out of Pandemonium. Made sense to her. She was pretty sure it made sense to him too...even if he was less than pleased. Finding Krepsi with her in da club was not a point in favor of resolution. In short the scene was bloody, threats and expectation were issued again. Bugsy was pretty much told he was squirrel climbing the wrong tree and could lose his nuts. It didn’t phase him. He proved several times he could lose them and still be all bad *** going down.
For the moment as she stood there she was increasingly distracted from all the issues that needed her attention. She was like a slow growing volcano about to explode as she pulled the blouse over her shoulders and finished the task of buttoning the series of small beaded buttons down the front.. A slide of her second shoe in place over her ankle said the night was going to begin again and so was that urge to break a vein and perhaps a neck in a dark corner when the fires in her head couldn’t calm her down. There was an increasing anxiety buzzing through her and giving her a sense of apprehension she did not like at all. It usually brought on those nightmares she had been given a reprieve from since the turning. Something was building in the air around her and just when she was about finally take the time to figure it out she was pulled from her room and looking at her sister in the dark.
This was not good. One look at Velveteen and Satine felt like she was slammed by a wrecking ball but still was on her feet to talk about it. As misplaced as it would appear to be to anyone else a reserved smile oddly formed to her lips. Not a happy or smug expression but a gentle one that tried to convey to the woman her eyes were on that whatever was going on it would be okay now.
Satine felt better already as she stepped forward a few steps then paused when she felt the energy between them give her the signal that it was close enough. This explained what she had been trying to sort out. Nothing in the world could stand a chance when Satine felt like she did around her twin. The world instantly dissolved and the universe was no threat. Velveteen surely had to feel that way too. If she didn’t she was not going to leave until the woman did.
With a step forward it became that much more intense. What was surging through Vel found her as well. Loss gripped Satine so deep that her gut was writhing in torment. If she didn’t have a set of silver orbs piercing her she would have winced and clutched her chest which now was hurting like a ***********. Loss was taunting her head and she was overwhelmed with the signs of that rage that could rise without notice. She felt like there was an edge she was dangling off of and if she stepped again she may just drop into the abyss that was pulling at both of them. It was powerful and it was gripping her. Her eyes hooked on her sister in the shape she was visibly in and she was set on being strong enough for both of them.
Satine looked slowly around her and found the clues in the damage evidently left behind. She swallowed hard and dry. Her mind knew it was not a permanent type of loss but what the hell was it? That is when her eyes shifted and went over to Micah. The giant was never far from her sister. However, the fact he was sitting there propped up not moving an inch was interesting. He wasn’t saying anything and by now she expected in the very least some sharp words. Something at her arrival that would give her warning to watch herself in his presence. Nothing came. Her eyes stayed on him waiting then it hit her. Something was not right and she looked back going with what her instincts were telling her to do. She nodded a silent greeting to Micah. She could do this. If it backfired though she was incredibly fucked.
“I guess this isn’t about wanting your Uggs back is it?” Satine was opening the conversation while her insides were slowly burning up.
Satine darted her attention quickly to the place Micah was behind Velveteen. She would try something and if that didn’t get a “**** you, Satine.” she knew that her sister was looking like the world was caving in because with Micah unreachable for whatever reason it was. It was clear that she had been holed up for awhile where she was.
“Unless…” She smirked towards Micah. “You want them.” After getting no response that she expected she nodded. “No thanks. But since we are all here do you think it would be possible to get a loan? My contracted electrician had a seizure and **** on finishing the job of pulling up that floor you guys are digging. I need to lift it or deal with a citation. Hundred thousand sound unreasonable?” A grin surfaced on her lips. “Thanks!”
Velveteen: The arrival of her sister quieted the emotional monster that threatened to rip her apart from the inside. The only thing currently keeping it bay was not knowing what it was. Had she known that giving it a name would invite it forth and leave her vulnerable to its destruction she might have not tried so hard to work it out. For now it skulked about in the shadows of her subconscious, waiting. Velveteen was thankful for that small mercy as she mirrored the slight twist of her twin’s lips.
Silence engulfed them as each assessed the other. It was like that scene in the movies where the hero would cut the one wire on the ticking time bomb and watch the clock count down to zero as everyone waited for that moment of truth. Time would come to a standstill as you half closed your eyes and held your breath against the impending explosion that promised it would be your last. That was how it was with her sister. The pair had shared a rather short but volatile history up til this point but the one thing neither could deny was the bond they shared. Wanted or not. The pair were inevitably tied to each other and no amount of wishing it away would ever change it. Velveteen had come to accept this fact.
The Necromancer chuckled softly at her sister’s opening remark and shook her head. “Nah. You can keep ‘em.” Her voice raspy as air hissed its way along dry vocal cords and she welcomed the shroud of denial that once again soothed her disturbed mind. Unfortunately for her that pleasant safehold was weakening and was not going to protect her against the beast of her own divination for much longer.
She looked over her shoulder at Micah when Satine spoke and a sliver of hope sparked and fizzled almost immediately. There it was again. That feeling. Clawing at her insides. Velveteen scowled and turned back to face her sister who was still talking. Perhaps Satine was more out of her mind than Velveteen had anticipated, though it was dark, perhaps it wasn’t that obvious. She acquiesced and offered her twin the benefit of the doubt. “You think asking him while he is asleep will improve your chances? Though you know ...money is something I have plenty of. You could ask me directly.”
Satine:She looked back to Velveteen and her dark head didn’t miss a beat and shaking slowly. “He told me to ask him if I ever needed anything.” She looked past Vel to Micah. “I know right?”
Satine shrugged her shoulders. “So, you guys fixed the place up really nice. I like the lighting. You don’t have to tell me…” Her stomach hurt. She hoped that she was doing the right thing. If not she was pretty sure she would hear the one who brought her to the point she was now at in the room taking full advantage of the other not rising to her defense. “Yeah... what I thought.” Satine looked back at Velveteen. “He gives you full credit.”
Satine looked at the door as if she was prompted by Micah to do so then turned a little to make it more obvious what she was attempting to do. Another twirl of her head sent her hair back around to meet her as she nodded slowly. She pointed to the door behind her.
“She won't be sticking gum in my hair will she? Fed her her supplements and all that right?” Satine of course was referring to Bunny. “I have no issues with her at the moment. And I don’t want to start now.”
No Matter What.
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- CrowNet Handle: QueenOfTheDamned
No Matter What.
Some people will never like us...

And we will never give a ****.
"Days since last **** was given: 2,276"

And we will never give a ****.
"Days since last **** was given: 2,276"
- Registered User
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- Joined: 29 Oct 2014, 03:23
- CrowNet Handle: Alice In Wonderland
Re: No Matter What.
--The following transcript was a live chat roleplay--
Velveteen: Her gaze narrowed and she began to seethe inwardly. That he instructed her to go to him was just another reminder of her position in this threeway relationship. The line Velveteen walked at best was thin and she managed it with all the success of an over indulgent drunk that tettered constantly from one side to the other in a vain attempt to find her ever elusive balance. Whatever game her sister was playing right now she had neither the patience nor inclination to put up with it. Her lips pressed together tightly as the muscles around her jaw tensed, listening to the idiocy that spewed out of her sisters mouth. It was like she wasn’t even there.
“I told you he was asleep. He isn’t ******* talking to you, Satine.” Her argument ignored as the other continued though that feeling that something was terribly wrong increased threefold. Velveteen’s shoulders rolled and she bristled slightly at the mention of the current state of the place and then her silver orbs rolled at the mention of her husband’s blonde thrall before returning to rest on her identical twin. Anger drove Velveteen to her feet and her hands balled into frustrated fists at her side. “Enough!” The word said a little too loudly, though whether or not she woke Micah at this point in time she didn’t care. Perhaps he could put his ******* stupid childe in her place. “I should have killed you the very first time I laid eyes on you.”
She took a step forward and stopped suddenly as her hand came up press at her temple. A bright flash of something happened somewhere behind her eyes, a fleeting glimpse of a memory? She couldn’t be sure. It felt familiar but was gone before she grasp anything solid. She shook her head slightly and levelled her gaze on her sister once more. “I actually thought bringing you here might help but it seems that whatever I am feeling is not coming from you. You can **** off now, thanks.”
Satine:There was the window she was looking for and she took it. Anger was a hell of a lot better than Velveteen sitting there like she was about to watch the world around her crumble. Her eyes narrowed at her sister’s words and that was enough to shift what had been giving her reason to bite her tongue.
“Yeah, you kinda missed that chance. He was up to it though. And while we are sharing how we really feel why don’t you save your threats because you would have done it before now. Whatever is going on obviously isn’t great but to make it clear so we both understand each other. He is ******* talking and you just aren’t listening. How do you think he knew I was healing Krepsi? Maybe he just doesn’t want to talk to you right now. Maybe he is pissed off his place is looking like hell and his wife doesn’t look any better?” Satine gave her a look that said she was ready to go if she wanted to start something. “Maybe he told you to **** off and you didn’t listen? And by the way....you can do likewise.”
Velveteen: Words. So many ******* words and each one only served to fuel the rage that had begun to burn white hot at her very core. Why she even thought this was a good idea she had no clue and would psychoanalyse it later. She had other things to tend to right now. What her sister’s purpose for pretending that Micah was actually talking to her she didn’t know. Obviously it was some sort of twisted joke designed to get to her. And it was working. “Wake up!” She snapped at her husband. She was tired of his silence, especially now when his input was desperately needed. “I am sick of you doing this to me.”
For the moment Satine was ignored as she rounded the end of the bed and made her way to Micah’s side. Another flash exploded in the back of her mind long enough for her to grasp the image. Blood. Lots of blood. In pools on the floor. Again the image disappeared all too quickly. Given the chance she might have stopped to wonder but waking Micah was at the top of her to-do-list. Her fingers curled into the front of his blood crusted t-shirt and she shook him. ‘Wake up, damn you. You need to ******* hear this ****.” Another blinding flash and then another as they started to come in quick succession. Images that would look fitting in any typical horror movie. Fragmented memories of things she had herself witnessed. Blood on the floor. On the walls. Her dragging his body. She began to shake her husband’s violently. Her anger bubbling up and spilling over like lava.
“Wake up! Wake up!” Her screams becoming a desperate plea, her need for him to comply more evident in every syllable.
The finely spun reality she had created exploded in a brilliant display of shattered emotion as her safe hold crumbled around her. It was if she was seeing things for the very first time, through someone else's eyes and her hands retracted as if she had been bitten. The beast had broken free. Still she refused to believe it. No. It was a trick. Had to be. And even as she tried to convince herself of it all that was real played over and over in her mind like a silent movie. Velveteen backed up, her eyes never leaving the corpse of her husband. What had she done? The hard wall pressed at her back, leaving no more room to escape the horror of her own actions or the truth that ripped her with a well earned vengeance.
Satine:Satine watched as Velveteen started bitching at Micah like he was actually going to get up and come to her nagging defense. Of course he wasn’t. Hopefully she was starting to catch on because Micah didn’t need to wake up. Velveteen did . Sooner than later. Whatever was going on, whatever had happened was secondary to the fact that Velveteen’s place wasn’t sitting huddled up in some room. It was at his side wherever he was currently. Not standing guard over his shell that was doing a fine job of waiting for him when or if he did return.
What Satine did know about shadow realm came from her sire. Micah had said shadow realm was a place she was never going to want to go to. He said some came back messed up, some changed to extremes and he said clearly some never come back at all no matter how hard they try. He never wanted to go there. Ever. Satine believed him. For all that he was willing to face and take on there was no mincing words with the fact shadow realm was a place he was going to have no reason to arrive to if he could possibly help it. What really happened Satine wouldn’t even guess. She was still learning the basics. She had a feeling, though, that even as bad as things were right now...time was running out.
“Velveteen…” Satine felt compelled to close the distance between her and her sister. It was insane even as she thought about it while taking the steps to get to where Velveteen was standing. When she arrived her voice raised.”VELVETEEN” She nudged her sister’s shoulder to test the response. She was well aware the woman could explode. Getting nothing she then for some inexplicable reason pulled back her right hand and sent it crashing across her twin’s cheek. “WAKE UP!” Satine felt as if her own voice was about to break in fear that was flooding her. The instant burn across her own face only made things worse. “He needs you to find him and bring him back!” She looked over to Micah’s body then back to her sister. “Go! I will watch him. I swear I won’t let anything happen.” If she was worried about leaving his body she didn’t have to anymore.
Velveteen: Piece by painful piece it all came together. Eve. Roderic. Bunny. Rion. Athena. Jesse. The words on crownet. All of it. Suddenly made sense and as the sting of her sister’s slap burned upon her cheek it birthed a whole new sensation. Shame. It spread through her with all the ferociousness of a bushfire in the dead of summer and looked at her sister. Stared through her. Her mouth hung open as if to speak but moved silently. Her head rocked back and forth, slowly at first as it worked up momentum. Of course she had to go to him. But not yet.
“No! No. No. No.” Finally she found her voice and she lurched forward. Her fingers curled in the blankets and sheet that were pulled up to his chin. She ripped at them , tearing them in her haste as she worked frantically. “No. He can’t come back to this. He can’t.” Her eyes were wide with panic and a sense of urgency clung to her as she scrambled blindly to undo at least a little of the mess she had created. What had she done? He needed her and she wasn’t there. She couldn’ even bring herself to look at him in that moment. She didn’t have to, she already knew what she would see. Blood soaked bandages covered in bandaids and that empty, dead stare.
A groan of despair left her lips as she recalled the ‘dream’. He was telling her the truth and she got angry at him. Abandoned him. Satine was right. She had to go to him. She should have been with him this whole time. But she had to clean up the mess. The nightmare was suddenly all too real and she blinked against the tears that stained her cheeks. She wasn’t even aware that of when she had started crying and only noticed because the blurring made it that much harder to see. She couldn’t let him see this. None of it. What had she done?
Satine:Satine blinked fast. Her eyes burned and looking at the awareness that was washing over Velveteen’s face was enough to confirm that her sire ended up exactly where he didn’t want to be. She swallowed hard and slow. Micah is coming back...right? She said it in her mind because she couldn’t imagine saying it aloud. With all the fear and confusion that plagued her she ignored it for the importance of the moment. Velveteen had to move beyond the walls. Micah was not within them.
“I will take care of making this right.” Her head moved enough to show she meant the room the stood in. “You need to go find him.” Satine was afraid to get closer to her. “Velveteen?”
What was the next step if her sister stayed in this state? Cattle prod? The one she would call and reach out to besides the one currently in front of her was the issue. He was unreachable. Her sister had to act, move, do something.
“Say something!” If she didn’t respond she had two options. Another swat across the face or a hug. She wasn’t sure which to try.
Velveteen: She could hear Satine speaking though her words seem to come to her as if they were said under water and it took her longer than usual to process them. Velveteen stopped suddenly and stood, the blankets still gripped tightly in her fingers. Her naturally silver orbs were wide and panicked. Could she really trust this task to someone else? What if….what if he returned and it hadn’t been taken care of. Though she knew deep down no amount of cleaning was going to make this go away. She was certain there would be those who were all too eager to share their tales with her husband when he returned. A hand came up and she scratched at her scalp. Confusion not helping her decision making process. It was a lot to ask, even if the offer was made.
Her brow furrowed and her head canted slightly as she closed her eyes in a bid to find some semblance of calm amid the inner chaos. “Are you sure?” Her voice was so small she barely recognised it. Accepting her sisters help was not something she took lightly especially considering the things that had been said not long ago. Maybe that was just her way her helping? Maybe. For some reason Velveteen couldn’t quite convince herself that her twin didn’t take some delight in seeing her go to pieces. Just maybe that was another of her own mental fabrications but that was a question for another time. She could question it later. Or she could learn to just ******* accept. When things settled time maybe she really needed to take a long hard look at the truth. Was it really that far fetched an idea that Satine did care?
The cool heel of her hand pressed against her forehead as if to still the raging flow of thoughts and once certain she had regained just a little control she offered her sister a smile. The kind that said more than words. Her gratefulness in that moment was easily felt. “Thank you. Call Scott. He will help.” The movement of her eyes indicated the phone that lay on the end of the bed. Satine would find his number there. “Thank you.” The words uttered once more though softly. Emotion played across her face as her features shifted and she pressed her lips together before giving a final nod. “I will see you soon.” The bed coverings that had been hanging from her closed fist were handed to her sister as she passed. Velveteen was worried. Shame and fear wrestled within her but nothing was going to prevent her going to him. No matter what might be in store for her when she got there. She had already abandoned him once. She was not going to let that happen again. No matter what.
Satine:Satine smiled. Probably for the first time she genuinely smiled and she was relieved. She finally had her eyes on her sister. She felt the connection. There was still a lot of work to do but that would be for another time and place. Right now Velveteen needed to go and they both needed to trust the other to do the right thing. Satine took the bedding from her sister’s hand and nodded.
“I promise. Nothing is going to come near him.” Satine meant it with everything she had and more if needed. Her sister could count on it. She stepped to the phone and had it in hand scrolling to Scott’s number as if it was her phone that she used everyday. “I got him now.”
Scott answered the phone while Velveteen vowed her return. Satine offered a reassuring smile as the woman took her leave. She turned to Micah’s propped body and spoke calmly into the cell in her hand.
“Hey. I know it’s late but need you upstairs. We have a mess to clean up. A big one. Bring supplies to clean up the whole floor. I will be helping. Call Bunny and bring her with you.”
Satine ended the call and set the phone down next to Micah. He would have nothing to worry about. Velveteen was going to be fine now. While her sister went after Micah she would clean up the mess and be waiting when they got back.

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- CrowNet Handle: FuckYourMorals
Re: No Matter What.
--The following transcript was a live chat roleplay--
<Micah> He wasn’t sure how much time had passed. Time really had no meaning down there in the shadow realm. The only thing he knew was it felt like an eternity had passed since the last time he’d seen his wife. The brief visit he had gotten shortly after the accident that had sent him there didn’t count. Being told that he was just a dream, her questioning him on why he had brought them to such a desolate place...he was struggling to come to terms with the fact that Vel had lost her grip on reality. Knowing that she was up there alone, struggling to find a way to cope with his death was killing him. Her absence was was hitting him hard. So used to her constant presence at his side the loss of that comfort caused him to feel things that he didn’t quite understand. No. That was a lie. He knew what it was he just absolutely refused to come to terms with it. Heartache wasn’t something he had ever been familiar with, until now. And he knew that it wouldn’t leave him until he was back where he was supposed to be - at her side.
He and Every hadn’t been alone. Company had come to them - Reanna, Nishaa, Niklaus, Malachai, even Doc and Roderic had made appearance. But the biggest surprise had been Jesse. The necromancer hadn’t set out to find either of them but he’d found them. Him more specifically. Seeing Jesse again after so long had put a few things into perspective. Grey had planted the seed either knowingly or unknowingly. It didn’t matter how it had happened now or why it had happened, but the relationship between the cousins had begin to repair. Mainly because Micah had realized that holding on to a grudge of that size just wasn’t worth it. Jesse was his last remaining connection to Savannah. it didn’t matter that he’d never met the woman the connection was still there. It existed and it would continue to exist. Being dead made the killer realize that blood was blood, no matter what.
Micah had asked a favor of his cousin - check on Vel, and come back after. Jesse had done just that. Knowing that she was safe, that she was ok helped to ease his mind but knowing that she really had lost her grip on reality worried him to no end. Jesse had given him some advice, a few suggestions and left him to it. The only thought that circled his mind continuously was - what’s going to happen when I get back? And no matter how long he tried to find the answer, it simply refused to come. Time was running out and he still didn’t have a clue about how to deal with it when he got back. He’d just hope for the best and go from there.
<Velveteen> She had barely heard the words her sister spoke to her thrall but she wasn’t inclined to hang around any longer either. It would be fine. That is what she kept telling herself as she found a quiet corner. It would be fine. And if not she would deal with it when they returned. The dark haired vampire had lost all track of time. She couldn’t even remember what day it was nor how long her husband had been gone. She likely could have worked it if she took the time to think about but those were precious seconds she’d be wasting. It would be fine. She reiterated mentally before closing her eyes and forcing herself to relax as she slipped into the alternate reality of the shadow realm.
It took her several long moments to adjust. The lack of gravity, the lack of solidarity and the constant feeling of anguish that settled upon one as soon as they arrived were unsettling at best. It was if every spirit who passed through her left a reflection of their emotions stamped upon the desolate wastelands. She had to find him. Desperation propelled her forward as she used instinct to guide to her to her husband. Directions were useless here. Landmarks held no merit. One either wandered aimlessly or with as much purpose they could muster. It it took all her energy and more she would find him and she refused to leave here until she did.
What she would say when she did find him was another problem. What could she say? Apologise and beg for forgiveness for not being there? Too little too late really. If only she had listened. She moved quickly in what she hoped was the right direction and called his name. The sound of her voice not carrying very far before it was swallowed by the vacuum. “Miccaaaah!” Her struggle against the sense of oppression that seemed to weigh her own made real by the sound of panic in her voice or her thoughts. She couldn’t even be sure which. Could he hear her? Feel her? Would he want to? All questions that clouded her mind as she reached out in search for the only person who ever made her feel whole.
<Micah> He hadn’t left the area he’d drifted to the night that he’d been sent there. When he was exploring he’d hit some sort of barrier and it had allowed him to go no further. He felt better having that at his back and so he stayed put. Eventually Every had found him and the pair of them stuck together. It wasn’t an ideal place for them to spend time together but the time they had strengthened the severely damaged bond they shared. If he had to be in that desolate place at least they had each other. A lot of their time had been spent talking about various things, and plans were made to work on Savannah. neither could wait to get back and get started.
He had been considering exploring some more as Eve had gone quiet on him when he noticed a subtle shift in the air. He chalked it up to being nothing more than his imagination. There was no air down there to shift. But still...something had changed. It felt like it usually did when Vel was around. Instantly he brushed that thought aside and refused to allow any shred of hope to blossom. She wasn’t there. She was in the land of the living living in a fantasy world. But that nagging sense refused to leave him. And then he heard it.
Her voice. It was unmistakable. Never had anything sounded better to him, and it was then that he knew she wasn’t living in that fantasy world any longer. He could hear it in her voice, feel her torment just as plain as he could feel his own. She had appeared just when he needed her the most. “Vel?? Is that you?”
<Velveteen> Relief flooded her at the sound of his voice and she picked up her pace though her feet, as such, never touch the ground. It felt as if she were racing against time and perhaps she was. Just a little longer. That was all she asked as she drew closer to that familiar presence that felt like home. All she wanted to do was launch herself at him and cling to him as if to never let go but for now just being near would have to suffice. “I am so sorry, Baby.” She started as emotion overwhelmed her. It felt as it if caught in her throat. As close to a physical obstruction that prevented speech as one could get in world where only shadows existed.
The lump suddenly dislodged and escaped as an anguished sob. She literally felt as if she was falling to pieces one emotion at a time. “I should have been here for you and I wasn’t. I wasn’t.” Each word infused with the heaviness of regret and shame. Transparent digits reached out of the own accord to brush lightly against his shadowy essence, the closest she would get to a caress or touch here. How was she ever going to make it up to him. How was she ever going to forgive herself for letting him down when he needed her most?
<Micah> He wasn’t sure how much time had passed. Time really had no meaning down there in the shadow realm. The only thing he knew was it felt like an eternity had passed since the last time he’d seen his wife. The brief visit he had gotten shortly after the accident that had sent him there didn’t count. Being told that he was just a dream, her questioning him on why he had brought them to such a desolate place...he was struggling to come to terms with the fact that Vel had lost her grip on reality. Knowing that she was up there alone, struggling to find a way to cope with his death was killing him. Her absence was was hitting him hard. So used to her constant presence at his side the loss of that comfort caused him to feel things that he didn’t quite understand. No. That was a lie. He knew what it was he just absolutely refused to come to terms with it. Heartache wasn’t something he had ever been familiar with, until now. And he knew that it wouldn’t leave him until he was back where he was supposed to be - at her side.
He and Every hadn’t been alone. Company had come to them - Reanna, Nishaa, Niklaus, Malachai, even Doc and Roderic had made appearance. But the biggest surprise had been Jesse. The necromancer hadn’t set out to find either of them but he’d found them. Him more specifically. Seeing Jesse again after so long had put a few things into perspective. Grey had planted the seed either knowingly or unknowingly. It didn’t matter how it had happened now or why it had happened, but the relationship between the cousins had begin to repair. Mainly because Micah had realized that holding on to a grudge of that size just wasn’t worth it. Jesse was his last remaining connection to Savannah. it didn’t matter that he’d never met the woman the connection was still there. It existed and it would continue to exist. Being dead made the killer realize that blood was blood, no matter what.
Micah had asked a favor of his cousin - check on Vel, and come back after. Jesse had done just that. Knowing that she was safe, that she was ok helped to ease his mind but knowing that she really had lost her grip on reality worried him to no end. Jesse had given him some advice, a few suggestions and left him to it. The only thought that circled his mind continuously was - what’s going to happen when I get back? And no matter how long he tried to find the answer, it simply refused to come. Time was running out and he still didn’t have a clue about how to deal with it when he got back. He’d just hope for the best and go from there.
<Velveteen> She had barely heard the words her sister spoke to her thrall but she wasn’t inclined to hang around any longer either. It would be fine. That is what she kept telling herself as she found a quiet corner. It would be fine. And if not she would deal with it when they returned. The dark haired vampire had lost all track of time. She couldn’t even remember what day it was nor how long her husband had been gone. She likely could have worked it if she took the time to think about but those were precious seconds she’d be wasting. It would be fine. She reiterated mentally before closing her eyes and forcing herself to relax as she slipped into the alternate reality of the shadow realm.
It took her several long moments to adjust. The lack of gravity, the lack of solidarity and the constant feeling of anguish that settled upon one as soon as they arrived were unsettling at best. It was if every spirit who passed through her left a reflection of their emotions stamped upon the desolate wastelands. She had to find him. Desperation propelled her forward as she used instinct to guide to her to her husband. Directions were useless here. Landmarks held no merit. One either wandered aimlessly or with as much purpose they could muster. It it took all her energy and more she would find him and she refused to leave here until she did.
What she would say when she did find him was another problem. What could she say? Apologise and beg for forgiveness for not being there? Too little too late really. If only she had listened. She moved quickly in what she hoped was the right direction and called his name. The sound of her voice not carrying very far before it was swallowed by the vacuum. “Miccaaaah!” Her struggle against the sense of oppression that seemed to weigh her own made real by the sound of panic in her voice or her thoughts. She couldn’t even be sure which. Could he hear her? Feel her? Would he want to? All questions that clouded her mind as she reached out in search for the only person who ever made her feel whole.
<Micah> He hadn’t left the area he’d drifted to the night that he’d been sent there. When he was exploring he’d hit some sort of barrier and it had allowed him to go no further. He felt better having that at his back and so he stayed put. Eventually Every had found him and the pair of them stuck together. It wasn’t an ideal place for them to spend time together but the time they had strengthened the severely damaged bond they shared. If he had to be in that desolate place at least they had each other. A lot of their time had been spent talking about various things, and plans were made to work on Savannah. neither could wait to get back and get started.
He had been considering exploring some more as Eve had gone quiet on him when he noticed a subtle shift in the air. He chalked it up to being nothing more than his imagination. There was no air down there to shift. But still...something had changed. It felt like it usually did when Vel was around. Instantly he brushed that thought aside and refused to allow any shred of hope to blossom. She wasn’t there. She was in the land of the living living in a fantasy world. But that nagging sense refused to leave him. And then he heard it.
Her voice. It was unmistakable. Never had anything sounded better to him, and it was then that he knew she wasn’t living in that fantasy world any longer. He could hear it in her voice, feel her torment just as plain as he could feel his own. She had appeared just when he needed her the most. “Vel?? Is that you?”
<Velveteen> Relief flooded her at the sound of his voice and she picked up her pace though her feet, as such, never touch the ground. It felt as if she were racing against time and perhaps she was. Just a little longer. That was all she asked as she drew closer to that familiar presence that felt like home. All she wanted to do was launch herself at him and cling to him as if to never let go but for now just being near would have to suffice. “I am so sorry, Baby.” She started as emotion overwhelmed her. It felt as it if caught in her throat. As close to a physical obstruction that prevented speech as one could get in world where only shadows existed.
The lump suddenly dislodged and escaped as an anguished sob. She literally felt as if she was falling to pieces one emotion at a time. “I should have been here for you and I wasn’t. I wasn’t.” Each word infused with the heaviness of regret and shame. Transparent digits reached out of the own accord to brush lightly against his shadowy essence, the closest she would get to a caress or touch here. How was she ever going to make it up to him. How was she ever going to forgive herself for letting him down when he needed her most?

- Registered User
- Posts: 2856
- Joined: 19 Apr 2011, 14:43
- CrowNet Handle: QueenOfTheDamned
Re: No Matter What.
--The following transcript was a live chat roleplay--
<Micah> Even though he was just a spirit he still felt like his feet were glued to the ground. As much as he wanted to meet her halfway he found that he couldn’t move. She sounded like her old self but still he hesitated. After her only visit he was worried that she still thought that he was a dream and he didn’t know if he could hear her say that again. If it had stung the first time around he didn’t want to imagine how it would feel a second time.
When she spoke though, he knew that she’d managed to get a grip on reality. There was a clarity in her voice that hadn’t been there before and the insanity that had been in her gaze the last time he saw her was gone. It really was her. Anger anger that he had felt towards her over the last several days vanished leaving behind nothing but joy at seeing her whole once more. “Don’t. Please don’t dwell on the should have.” His fingers were drawn to hers as if she had magnets attached to her fingertips. Even though he couldn’t feel her touch her presence was more than enough. “You’re here now. That’s all that matters.”
<Velveteen> For a moment all the shame she had felt melted away. His words soothed her aching soul and she truly felt as though he had returned home. It was almost enough to make her forget where they were. Her head turned a little as the screams started off in the distance. The would grow closer, like a thundering herd of wild horses they would eventually find and chase her down but for now she was happy. “I am here now. I came to take you home. I will stay with you until the fade releases you.” It a small consolation. Near a whole week had passed and he was here without her. It was a comfort to know at least he wasn’t alone though that presented her with another moment of consternation.
“How is Eve?” She barely dared ask but had to know. She expected anger. And couldn’t blame her but Velveteen knew deep down, even if she hadn’t lost it completely that Eve ending up here was inevitable under the circumstances. They would talk eventually.
<Micah> “You are here now.” His translucent fingers traced the outline of her face wanting nothing more than to be able to feel the softness of her skin underneath his fingertips. “I’ve missed you so ******* much. I can’t put into words just how much I have.” A hundred years from now she could ask him and he still wouldn’t be able to come up with the words to tell her. “Jesse told me that he thought you might not like it here.” After his week long stay he couldn’t imagine how anyone could find any sort of enjoyment by being down there. “I’m almost strong enough to leave and the second I am, we’re out of here. I can’t wait to be able to wrap my arms around you.”
“Eve is...ok. She’s angry that she didn’t get the chance to apologize to you for what she’d done. I tried to explain to her and I think she understands. But I wouldn’t expect much from her for a little while.” His hand dropped. “You understand it was an accident right? Every would never intentionally hurt me. She’s been beating herself up over this no matter what I try to tell her.”
<Velveteen> How Jesse would know something like that she wasn’t sure but he had figured right. She used to love coming down here once but something changed. She couldn’t pinpoint exactly when that had happened but the one time she came and was completely overwhelmed by the spirits of the dead it was disconcerting enough for her to avoid it. It seemed that they did take a while to realise she was here and then for them to find her though. She just hoped that she could escape with her husband before that happened. The tormented cries were still of in the distance, there was still time.
“I know that.” Her head shifted slightly as if to press her cheek into his touch. How she longed to be able to feel the cool of his fingers against her skin. “I do. I just….I can’t even explain what happened. I really can’t. I just...snapped.” It was a weak explanation but it was the only one she had for now. She still couldn’t be sure how much he knew.
<Micah> He nodded. “I knew something happened. And I was right. Your visit where you thought it was a dream I pulled you into, people coming down and telling me that you weren’t yourself - all of it told me that you weren’t you. I know you would have been here with me the whole time if you could have been. I know that.” A single finger attempted to touch her mouth to quiet her. “I understand. And if you need my forgiveness then you have it but you don’t need it.”
<Velveteen> There was more. She had no idea what others might tell him when they got the chance and she just knew it would be better coming from her but she just could not bring herself to say the words. It was too much to think that no one would say anything. She expected some were probably in a hurry to spill their guts. Rion came to mind. The thought made her anxious and the only consolation was that for the time it was just them. For now it could be left unsaid.
“Thank you.” The words barely a whisper in the stillness. “I love you. I….am sorry I got angry with you and said what I said.” He had already forgiven her...for everything but still she needed to say it. “I wont ever leave you again. I just….I could have done things differently. I need you….too much sometimes.” She could feel the tears that she needed so desperately to release burn stingingly in her eyes. Those too ,would have to wait.
<Micah> “I love you too. No matter what.” Whatever else she felt she needed to get out could wait. It was important that they talked about what had happened while he’d been in the shadow realm but they had the time for that. “You did what you had to do in order to cope. Seeing that happen couldn’t have been easy on you. I can’t say that I wouldn’t have done the same thing had I been in your position.” He gave her one of those grins that she liked so much. “We’ll talk about it when we’re home.”
Something drew his attention at that moment. He frowned slightly as he caught a slight difference in the area surround the two of them. Something like a shimmer but that wasn’t what it really was. Curiosity drew him and his fingers reached out to touch it. Instantly he was transported from the desolate landscape of the shadow realm and back into the body that was waiting for him in the Eyrie. His eyes snapped open and he sat up, relieved to see he was home. Finally. He was back where he belonged.
<Micah> Even though he was just a spirit he still felt like his feet were glued to the ground. As much as he wanted to meet her halfway he found that he couldn’t move. She sounded like her old self but still he hesitated. After her only visit he was worried that she still thought that he was a dream and he didn’t know if he could hear her say that again. If it had stung the first time around he didn’t want to imagine how it would feel a second time.
When she spoke though, he knew that she’d managed to get a grip on reality. There was a clarity in her voice that hadn’t been there before and the insanity that had been in her gaze the last time he saw her was gone. It really was her. Anger anger that he had felt towards her over the last several days vanished leaving behind nothing but joy at seeing her whole once more. “Don’t. Please don’t dwell on the should have.” His fingers were drawn to hers as if she had magnets attached to her fingertips. Even though he couldn’t feel her touch her presence was more than enough. “You’re here now. That’s all that matters.”
<Velveteen> For a moment all the shame she had felt melted away. His words soothed her aching soul and she truly felt as though he had returned home. It was almost enough to make her forget where they were. Her head turned a little as the screams started off in the distance. The would grow closer, like a thundering herd of wild horses they would eventually find and chase her down but for now she was happy. “I am here now. I came to take you home. I will stay with you until the fade releases you.” It a small consolation. Near a whole week had passed and he was here without her. It was a comfort to know at least he wasn’t alone though that presented her with another moment of consternation.
“How is Eve?” She barely dared ask but had to know. She expected anger. And couldn’t blame her but Velveteen knew deep down, even if she hadn’t lost it completely that Eve ending up here was inevitable under the circumstances. They would talk eventually.
<Micah> “You are here now.” His translucent fingers traced the outline of her face wanting nothing more than to be able to feel the softness of her skin underneath his fingertips. “I’ve missed you so ******* much. I can’t put into words just how much I have.” A hundred years from now she could ask him and he still wouldn’t be able to come up with the words to tell her. “Jesse told me that he thought you might not like it here.” After his week long stay he couldn’t imagine how anyone could find any sort of enjoyment by being down there. “I’m almost strong enough to leave and the second I am, we’re out of here. I can’t wait to be able to wrap my arms around you.”
“Eve is...ok. She’s angry that she didn’t get the chance to apologize to you for what she’d done. I tried to explain to her and I think she understands. But I wouldn’t expect much from her for a little while.” His hand dropped. “You understand it was an accident right? Every would never intentionally hurt me. She’s been beating herself up over this no matter what I try to tell her.”
<Velveteen> How Jesse would know something like that she wasn’t sure but he had figured right. She used to love coming down here once but something changed. She couldn’t pinpoint exactly when that had happened but the one time she came and was completely overwhelmed by the spirits of the dead it was disconcerting enough for her to avoid it. It seemed that they did take a while to realise she was here and then for them to find her though. She just hoped that she could escape with her husband before that happened. The tormented cries were still of in the distance, there was still time.
“I know that.” Her head shifted slightly as if to press her cheek into his touch. How she longed to be able to feel the cool of his fingers against her skin. “I do. I just….I can’t even explain what happened. I really can’t. I just...snapped.” It was a weak explanation but it was the only one she had for now. She still couldn’t be sure how much he knew.
<Micah> He nodded. “I knew something happened. And I was right. Your visit where you thought it was a dream I pulled you into, people coming down and telling me that you weren’t yourself - all of it told me that you weren’t you. I know you would have been here with me the whole time if you could have been. I know that.” A single finger attempted to touch her mouth to quiet her. “I understand. And if you need my forgiveness then you have it but you don’t need it.”
<Velveteen> There was more. She had no idea what others might tell him when they got the chance and she just knew it would be better coming from her but she just could not bring herself to say the words. It was too much to think that no one would say anything. She expected some were probably in a hurry to spill their guts. Rion came to mind. The thought made her anxious and the only consolation was that for the time it was just them. For now it could be left unsaid.
“Thank you.” The words barely a whisper in the stillness. “I love you. I….am sorry I got angry with you and said what I said.” He had already forgiven her...for everything but still she needed to say it. “I wont ever leave you again. I just….I could have done things differently. I need you….too much sometimes.” She could feel the tears that she needed so desperately to release burn stingingly in her eyes. Those too ,would have to wait.
<Micah> “I love you too. No matter what.” Whatever else she felt she needed to get out could wait. It was important that they talked about what had happened while he’d been in the shadow realm but they had the time for that. “You did what you had to do in order to cope. Seeing that happen couldn’t have been easy on you. I can’t say that I wouldn’t have done the same thing had I been in your position.” He gave her one of those grins that she liked so much. “We’ll talk about it when we’re home.”
Something drew his attention at that moment. He frowned slightly as he caught a slight difference in the area surround the two of them. Something like a shimmer but that wasn’t what it really was. Curiosity drew him and his fingers reached out to touch it. Instantly he was transported from the desolate landscape of the shadow realm and back into the body that was waiting for him in the Eyrie. His eyes snapped open and he sat up, relieved to see he was home. Finally. He was back where he belonged.
Some people will never like us...

And we will never give a ****.
"Days since last **** was given: 2,276"

And we will never give a ****.
"Days since last **** was given: 2,276"