You Sunk My Battleship! - A Tale of Chess [Ripper]

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Re: You Sunk My Battleship! - A Tale of Chess [Ripper]

Post by Ripper »

--The following transcript was a live chat roleplay--
Ripper: exactly! and knights are great for that

8:20:49 AM Myk Garloh: or the rook

8:21:47 AM Ripper: what's really great is when you can get a king-queen fork with a knight

8:22:17 AM Myk Garloh: Hmm... That does sound awesome

8:22:29 AM Myk Garloh: Should I be naughty and take the queen or the rook?

8:22:32 AM Myk Garloh: Hmm

8:22:43 AM Ripper: *moves*

8:22:54 AM Myk Garloh: Or not

8:22:57 AM Myk Garloh: *laughs*

8:22:59 AM Ripper: not leaving you that choice, sorry :P

8:24:42 AM Myk Garloh: Ok.

8:24:55 AM Myk Garloh: I probably shouldn't have done that...

Ripper: go. would have gone for the knight-rook trade myself

8:26:13 AM Myk Garloh: I was considering it, but didn't know if the king would just take him either way

8:26:40 AM Ripper: you would lose it, but I'd be down a piece too

8:27:03 AM Ripper: and rooks are generally consdidered stronger than a single knight or bishop

8:27:05 AM Ripper: generally

Myk Garloh: Ok, your turn.

8:29:13 AM Ripper: go

8:30:46 AM Myk Garloh: My king is in danger isnt he?

8:31:22 AM Ripper: not directly...

Ripper: when a player moves a piece into a position that Threatens the king, they need to end their turn by saying 'Check'

8:32:15 AM Ripper: it's like 'check yourself, biatch'

8:32:24 AM Myk Garloh: *smirk*

8:32:54 AM Ripper: the game's *over* when you're in check and can't move into any safe square

8:33:14 AM Ripper: also known as Checkmate

8:33:39 AM Myk Garloh: I have no idea how to protect my king...

8:34:02 AM Ripper: you pick it up

8:34:11 AM Ripper: usually it's by keeping him out of the way though

8:35:32 AM Myk Garloh: Ok, desperate move by me
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Re: You Sunk My Battleship! - A Tale of Chess [Ripper]

Post by Myk »

--The following transcript was a live chat roleplay--

Ripper: that was the correct move in that situation

Myk: Really?

Ripper: you still have your rook, don't you?

Myk: Yes?

Ripper: lighten up. it's a game, remember?

Ripper: Why so Serious?

Myk: I'm light and bouncy.

Myk: Just uncertain.

Myk: ^^

Myk: Ok, your move, knight taker...

Ripper: and back on you

Myk: Your turn. *smiles*

Ripper: *moves*

Myk: go

Ripper: hmmm *frowns*


Myk: Bad move?

Ripper: depends on which side of the table you're sitting on

Myk: So, good move for me?

Ripper: good move *agrees*

Ripper: tell me why it was a good move?

Myk: That strokes my ego nicely.

Myk: He's not in danger, but he can endanger your queen, right?

Ripper: And...

Myk: *shrugs*

Ripper: it's like a fork, but not exactly

Ripper: if the queen moves you could still hit the rook behind her

Myk: Ah.

Myk: Go me! *smirks*

Ripper: Bishops=Rook Killers

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Re: You Sunk My Battleship! - A Tale of Chess [Ripper]

Post by Ripper »

--The following transcript was a live chat roleplay--

Myk: I presume not King killers because of the way they move

8:4 8:33 AM Ripper: any piece can be a king killer

8:35 AM Ripper: even pawns

8:4 8:38 AM Myk: Not right now anyway

8:49:09 AM Myk: Ok, so, how are you going t punish me for that little move of mine? *beams*

8:49:14 AM Myk: *to

8:49:29 AM Ripper: watch and learn

8:49:45 AM Ripper: (go)

8:50:10 AM Myk: You rook blocked me

8:51:55 AM Myk: so the queen can take the bishop if I chose to take the rook?

8:52:36 AM Ripper: she could, yes

8:52:43 AM Myk: Thought as much

8:52:52 AM Myk: Ok, your go

8:54:02 AM Ripper: *zips his hand out with celerity push forward his rook. it take a moment for you to notice the pieces have moved*

8:54:13 AM Ripper: Check

8:54:22 AM Myk: How the f-

8:54:31 AM Myk: ...

8:54:41 AM Ripper: ooh, that had to hurt >:)

[color=#000000] 8:54:45 AM
Myk: So they can just make their way across the whole board huh

8:55:00 AM Ripper: yep

[color=#000000] 8:55:06 AM
Myk: That was mean

8:55:23 AM Ripper: I needed to do it. you were ahead by pieces

[color=#000000] 8:55:30 AM
Ripper: and it was fun

[color=#000000] 8:55:38 AM
Myk: *laughs* Most amusing

8:55:51 AM Myk: Very enlightening too

8:56:27 AM Myk: Your move

8:57:04 AM Ripper: *moves*

[color=#000000] 8:5[color=#000000] 8:09 AM
Myk: *moves*

8:5[color=#000000] 8:19 AM Myk: I can already tell I'm screwed...

8:5 8:41 AM Ripper: it's your first game.
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Re: You Sunk My Battleship! - A Tale of Chess [Ripper]

Post by Myk »

--The following transcript was a live chat roleplay--

Ripper: it took me many years playing to ever win once

Myk: I presumed I wouldn't win, but how am I doing?

Ripper: honestly? pretty good. I wouldn't have thought it was your first game

Myk: That's sweet of you

Ripper: only flaw I can see is you're a little to hesitant to loses men

Myk: Well, how am I supposed to tell their families? *smirks*

Ripper: then you should be playing the Sims

Myk: I'll learn...

Myk: Besides, I like Sims. <.<

Ripper: it was the 1st game with familes to pop into my head...

Myk: ^^

Ripper: your go

Myk: Poor bishop

Myk: Ok, your go

Ripper: ok, so it's going to be difficult to pin you down with the pieces left

Myk: Bad thing?

Myk: (go)

Ripper: just thinking out loud. frusterating, but not impossible

Myk: Am I making this no fun?

Ripper: no, no, not at all

Ripper: I was going to make a suggestion, but decided not to

Ripper: that's all

Myk: Why, did I screw myself over again?

Ripper: *waves his hand dissuasively* forget I said anything about it

Myk: *blinks*

Myk: Ok.

Ripper: go

Myk: Hmm

Myk: Ok, go.

Ripper: Checkmate.

killer | allurist | TELEPATH | mystic | shadow | necromancer
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