I Promise-(Leona)

For all descriptive play-by-post roleplay set anywhere in Harper Rock (main city).
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I Promise-(Leona)

Post by Dominique »

--The following transcript was a live chat roleplay--
Dominique:Dominique had found her trip to the gauntlet one that had her wondering just where the rest were. Those that she had not seen in awhile. Andy reminded her not even time could change those bonds that were formed. Circumstances put them all in different spots but in the end they all were doing the same thing. Trying to make it through another day, night, week and hopefully year in the place they for whatever reason called home. Harper Rock. Leona was one that had not been heard from. She was a quiet one but even so she now wondered what the woman was up to. She had for awhile. Perhaps too long. It was time to find out. Only way to know was to find out. Her cell was no longer taking calls. Changing your cell number was not a crime. So the next step would be to step in the elevator and knock on her apartment door. Hopefully she would answer. A few floors down and a curl of her fingers had her knocking to see if she still resided where she was last known to. She waited patiently looking at the door in front of her.

Leona: Leona had spent the week curled up in bed, at least whatever parts of it she hadn't spent in the shower trying to wash the stench of the cesspit out of her skin and hair. The sharp knock at her door woke Leona from her half-sleep, her eyes fluttering open for a moment. Visitors, she had no idea who it could be but she didn't want to see anyone. Instead Leona pulled the covers up over her head and hoped her visitor would think she wasn't home, then she wouldn't have to see them in her state. She didn't want anyone to see her like this.

Dominique: Dominique sighed as the door remained closed. Her dark eyes fixed on the lock and for a brief moment she pondered entering with whatever way seemed successful on her part. It was Leona's private space and no matter how much she debated it out of concern she declined to act in such a way. The woman was not just a friend, she was deeper than that. She always had been and she had crossed enough lines that she felt less than entitled to let herself into the woman's apartment. Her hand lifted and pressed flat to the outside of the door. HOPE brushed at the fingertips downward as she pulled it away.

Dominique’s body turned with the pivot of her feet and she made her way down the hallway to the elevator. Perhaps she would check in with others and maybe give it more time. The elevator doors were about to close she recalled something Leona said one of the last times she saw her up in the kitchen in Vita Bella. Her heart, what she had of one, sank hard. Her hand slipped between the increasing silver barriers and sent the doors back open. In a few seconds LESS turned the door knob and found it opened without effort of breaking a lock or two. Dominique stepped inside and closed the door gently. What she was greeted by was enough to have her jaw drop.

Leona: Leona's usually spotless house was a mess to say the least. All the mirrors in the house had been shattered; rather than show her usual beauty all Leona saw when she looked into the mirrors was a corpse, a reminder of the unnatural creature she had become. There were half eaten snacks strewn over the table; despite how Leona tried, she wasn't able to get more than a bite down before she felt ill. She thought she heard her front door open and close but wasn't too sure if it was real or she was hearing things, so she curled up beneath the covers and hoped that if she ignored it, it would go away.

Dominique: Dominique stepped slowly as she moved around the apartment. Each spot her eyes landed had her stomach sinking slowly. No matter where she searched as her feet carried her there were more signs that there was more going on with Leona’s apartment than her not being around. Her fingers tapped at the barely sampled food before flicking the items to the center of the table she found them resting on. The waste that was in view was so unlike Leona. The unusual chaos of what otherwise would be clean and tidy told her that something was not right.

Dominique hated the feeling that went with her and increased as she made her way down the hall to the room she remembered Leona sleeping in. In the dark doorway she paused as if the truth that could be waiting for her may be something she wasn’t prepared to see. The air was cold, the scent familiar but still unexpected. Vampire.

It wasn’t surprising that Dom looked down at her gray t-shirt that had the message “Sometimes you feel like a nut…” and the back “Sometimes you don’t.” HOPE plucked the soft cotton upward and she leaned her face down to see if she perhaps missed something that just finally became noticeable. She was pretty sure it wasn’t her. Her hand went to the comforter while her other hand pulled out her gun.

“Don’t move.”

It was Dominique’s only warning given as her hand pulled the blanket away with more force than she even planned on.
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Leona (DELETED 3955)
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Re: I Promise-(Leona)

Post by Leona (DELETED 3955) »

--The following transcript was a live chat roleplay--

Leona: Even though she had not yet consumed blood in the days since her change Leona's senses were heightened far beyond those of her human self. She could hear the quiet footsteps as someone moved quietly through her apartment, though she didn't bother to rise. Leona didn't think her situation could be any worse than it already was. The footsteps grew closer and paused for a moment before Leona felt the comforter being dragged away. Despite how her hands clutched at the blanket it was torn from her grasp, leaving her curled up on the bed with nothing to hide beneath. Leona glanced up at Dominique before turning to bury her face in the pillows. Dominique was the last person she wanted to see her like this.

Dominique: Dominique's gaze washed over Leona and her hand released the blanket in the curl of her clenched fingers. She was speechless. Absolutely speechless. Her eyes found what she should already have grasped before she ever entered the room. Truth is a hard pill to swallow. It can be denied, bargained and even put off but in the few seconds prior to stepping into that room Dom could now see she had done just that. Because of what was in front of her. That face, those eyes fixing on her own briefly then lost to the pillow beneath her face. Now she felt it. Felt it so intense that she didn't realize just how much the truth could hurt until now. This was what it was like? Her hand holding the gun shook as she set the safety and slowly slid it back to where she carried it on her.

'Who was it?!' His angry voice echoed in her head and for that brief moment she could see his face, the fire in his eyes as he demanded to know.

Dominique’s lips were about to repeat the very same question when she stared at the back of Leona's head. HOPE came up and brushed over her own forehead and fell slowly down her face. Her jaw tightened and she knew what would make this worse. If she allowed the woman she was approaching to curl up and bury her face in some sort of shame as if she could ever do anything to warrant it. She slid slowly to the side of the bed and reached over to brush her fingers gently through the red cloud of hair that was always going to be warm to her fingers.

"Leona..." Her voice went whisper soft.

Leona: Leona registered the familiar touch of Dominique's fingers dragging through her hair, attempting to calm and comfort her. Despite all that had happened it worked; Leona had always loved having her friends around, and now she needed them more than ever. She raised up from the pillows she'd been hiding in and reached over to curl her fingers into Dominique's shirt. With one swift tug she pulled the brunette forwards and down onto the bed, so that she could lean in and bury her face against her friends shoulder instead. "Dominique.." She whispered quietly, her voice hoarse and croaky. Leona knew she should have sought out a friend sooner, but she'd been worried about them seeing her like this or what she might do if she went out. She felt like she'd become a monster and wasn't able to trust herself out amongst the innocent humans of Harper Rock. For days she had felt the insatiable hunger clawing at her stomach and knew that if she went out she might do something horrible, or kill someone.

Dominique: Dominique was relieved by the pull of Leona’s hand and went with it because there was no way she would ever hold back giving the woman anything she needed. Especially comfort. It wasn’t only Leona who needed it at that very moment. Dominique did too. The length of her inked arms wrapped gently around Leona’s cool skin. She was still in shock at the absence of the warmth that she had always known to be there but that would not be something she would allow to show. The sting of being reminded you lacked something in the eyes of someone you love is the cruelest gesture that could be delivered.

Dominique allowed her fingers to splay and weave slowly through the red strands that fell between them and she pressed her lips to the top of her head holding them there. Her eyes closed because the burn setting beneath the lids was not going to produce tears. Not then. Those would come later. For the moment she cradled Leona protectively and summoned the energy to heal the woman in her embrace. She did this until she felt drained of the ability to do it anymore.

"Everything is going to be okay." It was her word and she meant it. “I promise.”
Leona Dawn
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