- 1. Nine of Pentacles
2. Six of Swords
3. The Hierophant
I read the six of swords as a retreating card. It’s a man pushing a boat away from the strong current and into calmer waters. Spring term is over and I’ve passed all my courses. I won’t have to repeat any of them, which is new. My parents are proud of me. Gran took my report and hung it on her fridge, like I’m nine years old again. I guess going into my third year is an achievement! I started late and I’ve always kicked myself for being an older student in the class. The six of swords represents moving into a school-free summer.
I’m not sure about the Hierophant. It’s not that I don’t know how to read cards. I can read tarot cards just fine! I’ve already had a teacher and a guide in the three-card spread: Ms. Emerson. My past, my present, and my future. The Hierophant is the future. Maybe I’ll be getting a new instructor? I’ve always had the same ones though, just different subjects. Apparently, someone’s going to be teaching me something new. I’ll be getting new information. Is it really about my studies or could it be about my job search?
Lucky Numbers:
11, 23, 15, 9, 17
With my finals over and grades in, I’ve got the whole summer to myself. I’m broke, so I’ve started job hunting. I had a work-study job in the library at UWO, but that ended when school ended. I might apply at the library in Honeymead. I’ve got job experience, even if it’s been broken up into month increments. I’ll take a peek at the application and see if I can add in job experience and references. Gran counts as a reference, doesn’t she?
I’ve looked at a tea shop in Riverwood Market. I think it’s in Riverwood Market. I’ve lived in this city on-and-off for almost twenty-four years and I still get all the places confused. Does it really matter where the place is until I work there? That could be a fun test. If I find the place on my first day, I’ll keep working there. If not, I’ll have been fired for not showing up, so I won’t try finding it again. I like that idea. Who said there’s something wrong with being whimsical? ^.^
So that makes the library, the tea shop, a candle place, a hospital. I’ve got a list on a post-it note. I need to write it all down where I can remember it better, so why not here?
- The Honeymead Library in Honeymead.
- Arbor Vitae in Gullsborough.
- The Pentacle Teahouse in Honeymead.
- The Book Nook in Stag Heath.
- Peppermint in Stag Heath.
- Archer Artistics in River Rock.
- Aromatic in Stag Heath.
- Enchanted Wedding in Stag Heath.
- The High Noon Saloon in Coastside.
There are plenty of places to choose from, but I like these few the best. I like reading. I like drinking wine on occasion. I love tea and tea houses. I love books. I love herbs and plants and oils. I’m majoring in art history. I love the idea of weddings. As for the saloon, I’ve no real rational reason for working in a saloon other than the fact that I’d get to tell people I worked in a saloon. To summarize, I’d love to tell people I worked in a saloon.
I have paper applications and online applications for places all over the city. Everything I had lined up for employment around UWO fell through. My first interviews never went that well. Apparently dressing like you’re already employed by the places sends a weird message. To me, it says I’m ready to work and I can start right now. I’ll never understand big business. I don’t mind being back home though and trying to make some summer roots. I’ll get a temp job, look into summer courses or night courses, get a cat (this probably isn’t realistic right now since my gran’s allergic), look for a roommate (which would make the cat search possible again!). I don’t have to be back at uni until September, so I have plenty of time.