Picnic fun times. (Invite only)

For all descriptive play-by-post roleplay set anywhere in Harper Rock (main city).
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Joined: 01 Apr 2012, 15:52
CrowNet Handle: Klara
Location: with vadablade

Re: Picnic fun times. (Invite only)

Post by Klara »

Klara leaned into Vada as he slowly caressed her stomach. She looked at him and smiled then turning her attention to Elliott. She watched how Elliott and Pi were together and smiled at their closeness. She wanted that type of closeness with Vada.

“I want this to last for the long term; I want the same closeness you and Pi have. I know Simon and I were together for a long time before we married but this is so different from how Simon and I were. I learned a lot through that relationship. I mean I have some wonderful memories but I also have some very hurtful ones.”

She turned and smiled at Vada and entwined her fingers in his before continuing. “We’ve know each other for a few months now. I want to say about three months. We met when he shot me at the forge. The thing I love is that we talk, and about things important to us.”

Klara smiled at Pi, “Simon isn’t well liked these days. He hurt me but he’s not the monster people make him out to be. Apparently he’s already engaged.”

She grinned and looked at Vada, “The whole future is open to us and I want us to do it right.”
Safe in his arms
Don't dwell on what went wrong. Instead, focus on what to do next. Spend your energies on moving forward toward finding the answer. ~ Denis Waitley
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