OOC: Each post represents a single memory. Sky's memories are not in any specific order.
♪ Random Memories ♪
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♪ Random Memories ♪
♪ Am I strong enough? ♪

♪ I wish you well, but desire never leaves ♪
♫ Available Melee Weapons ♫
NOTE: Sky has Healthy Complexion

♪ I wish you well, but desire never leaves ♪
♫ Available Melee Weapons ♫
NOTE: Sky has Healthy Complexion
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- CrowNet Handle: Anonymous
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Re: ♪ Random Memories ♪
♪ ♪ ♪
I’m on the street and shivering slightly. I’m not cold though. I’m nervous. The street outside of Wickbridge is pretty busy; busier than I expected for my debut performance. I’ve been wanting to perform on the streets since I was young and well… today I’m 18 and my parents can’t say ****. I’m not sure if the fluttering in my stomach is nerves or excitement. I’m good. I know I’m good. I’ve been playing the guitar since I was young and my voice isn’t without talent. No. **** that. I rock. I have this. It’s just like playing a gig, only I have no support and the people are right there with me.I’m playing covers and they’re so familiar I don’t really need to think about them. I could close my eyes and pretend I’m in Dillon’s garage but I don’t, and I’m not. I want to be here. When I’m playing I feel great, like the whole world is at my feet, like I can do anything. The only problem is, the songs don’t last long and I have to switch every few minutes. I take a moment to breathe and steady myself before each new song and it’s then that that sickly, sweet fluttering in my stomach returns. By the end of the set though I’ve found my groove. I ******* love this! But then I thought I would.
Someone actually stays and listens till I’m done playing. They tell me I’m good. I know I’m good. I’m better than good, I’m great but it’s nice to hear. I feel proud of myself. Today was a good day. I finally struck out on my own and I like it.
Dillon arrives to pick me up. He wasn’t allowed to stay and watch. He’d put me off or join in or something. He’s timely though, which means he probably was lurking around somewhere where I couldn’t see him. I scoop up the cash I made – I made a modest amount but it’s not about the money – and then pack my guitar away. It was a rush. I’m so doing this again… tomorrow.
♪ ♪ ♪
♪ Am I strong enough? ♪

♪ I wish you well, but desire never leaves ♪
♫ Available Melee Weapons ♫
NOTE: Sky has Healthy Complexion

♪ I wish you well, but desire never leaves ♪
♫ Available Melee Weapons ♫
NOTE: Sky has Healthy Complexion
- Registered User
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- Joined: 09 Oct 2014, 02:12
- CrowNet Handle: Anonymous
- Location: Wherever there's booze and music.
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Re: ♪ Random Memories ♪
♪ ♪ ♪
I’m in Brett’s room. It’s not your typical boy’s room. I mean he’s in college and all. The place is far too neat, but then he’s always been like this. I look around but don’t really take any notice of anything my eyes fall upon. There’s the usual. Shelves full of books, trophies and achievements. The television is off, the console sits on a shelf below, neatly stacked games sit next to it. The posters on the wall are typical for a guy his age but also kinda not. They’re more tasteful, if such a word can ever be applied to women draping themselves over sports cars in an effort to sell the lifestyle the car represents. Brett could so get a girl like that, no car necessary. He’s single right now but I think he has a couple of possible future exes sniffing about. The HRU banners were mums doing. They’ve been there for a while. He’s smart. He could go anywhere but she wants us close to home. Stupid woman. I’m too busy crying on Brett’s shoulder though to give any of this a second thought. My guy dumped me and I feel like I can’t breathe, like something is physically wrong with me. If I had to describe the feeling, I’d say someone’s sitting on my chest and they’re so ******* heavy that breathing is just down right painful. I shouldn’t be balling like this – like a ******* girl – but this was the end of my first relationship, thus the world as I know it is ending."Don't worry about it. The guy is obviously a moron." Brett says, squeezing me gently.
"But I really liked him Bee." I eke out between sobs.
"I know Blue, but you'll like the next guy too. And there will be a next guy I promise." Brett rubs my arm in an effort to be supportive.
"But I don't want the next guy. I want him."
"I know. But if he can't see how wonderful you are, then he doesn't deserve you."
"You have to say that. You're my brother. And he dumped me cos I wouldn't sleep with him. Not because he didn't like me."
"Urgh. TMI Blue. I didn't need to know that. I don't want to think about getting naked with some guy." I feel him actually shiver at the thought of it. "In fact I forbid it. You're never having sex. Ever. Okay? Got it?"
I laugh. I’m still crying but it’s a start and my mood starts to lighten. "Yes dad. Whatever you say. Though... What if I like, just don't talk about sex with you, and like pretend I'm a virgin... for like... ever?"
Brett laughs at me and taps me on the nose. "That works too Blue. And just so you know, Jacob Danes is complete wanker. I never got what you saw in him in the first place. You should have expected this. The guy goes through women more often than I change my socks."
I laugh again and actually start to smile after. "I can believe that. Your feet stink."
"Oh really now.” He laughs and squeezes me a little. “Well, there's my girl, I knew she was hiding in there somewhere." He ruffles my hair. "But say that again and I'm going to have to punish you."
"Oh yeah? You and who's army?" I tease.
"Me and this one." He puts me in a headlock and I fake choking.
"Okay. Okay. I give in." She taps the bed like wrestlers do and he releases her. "But just so you know... Your pits are as bad as your feet."
Brett lunges at me but I’m too quick. I give a playful squeek as I run towards the doorway, heading for the safety of the hall where worse comes to worse I can yell for reinforcements, aka, dad. When I get to no man’s land, there I turn on my heels and looks at him. He didn’t chase me, he’s still standing by his bed.
"You know I love you right? Even if you do stink," I laugh. I’m clearly teasing him again.
"Yeah. Yeah. And I love you too, even if you are the most annoying sister I have."
"Hey! No way. Lexie is way more annoying than me." I feel kinda annoyed by this statement, even if I don’t believe him.
"Alexis doesn't borrow my stuff without asking."
"That's cos she doesn't like any of your stuff. She's not cool like us. She's a freak. And I don't annoy you really do I? I mean… I thought I was your favourite sister... Which I am… Right?"
He laughing as he walks over to me. His arms go around me and he squeezes me tight, his chin resting on the top of my head. "Shh. She'll hear you. But yes you're my favourite." He whispers his reply and releases me but I don’t pull away, so he just looks down at me and grins. "Now go sort yourself out. You look a mess. All puffy eyes and stuff. You’re coming out with me and the guys tonight, see if we can't find you a new victim, I mean guy, to fawn over." He winks at me.
" 'Kay, 'Kay." I squeeze him tight and run back to my room.
I run into the bathroom to see how bad I look and he’s right, I do need to sort myself out. Mascara has run down over my cheeks, my eyes are read and swollen and I look like I’ve been crying for like a week or something. I splash my face with cold water to lessen the swelling. As I do this I’m clearly feeling better about the whole thing. My chest still aches, but the feeling is manageable. I even feel a little sliver of hope creeping in.
♪ ♪ ♪
♪ Am I strong enough? ♪

♪ I wish you well, but desire never leaves ♪
♫ Available Melee Weapons ♫
NOTE: Sky has Healthy Complexion

♪ I wish you well, but desire never leaves ♪
♫ Available Melee Weapons ♫
NOTE: Sky has Healthy Complexion
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- CrowNet Handle: Anonymous
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Re: ♪ Random Memories ♪
♪ ♪ ♪
"Shh... Keep quiet..."I feel Dillon's hand covering my mouth helping to silence my laboured breathing. I'm not sure at what point in the night this plan had been concocted but it had seemed like a good idea at the time. Sneaking into the science lab and set the animals free sounded easy. Who knew the place had its own private security. **** knows what they have in there that's so important but whatever it is now has me trapped in a confined space with my co-conspirator.
I mumble my words against his hand when the silence around us becomes almost deafening. What I said wasn't important, the fact that I wanted him to take his hands off me was. I was resisting the urge to elbow him in the stomach, but only just. Dillon has a tendency to get a bit handsy when he's had a few drinks.
"What did you say?"
He whispers in my ear and I find myself raising my shoulder and lowering my head down as if to rub his breath off of me. My neck is pretty sensitive - something he knows - so him blowing on it like he does when he whispers drives me nuts.
I'm straining to see if I can still hear the guard. Leaving this closet would be a bad idea if it wasn't. Campus security already have me on their watch list for whatever reason. The last thing I need is yet another set of eyes watching me and waiting to see how I'll screw up next.
"I think we're good to go."
I'm talking about the coast being clear but Dillon doesn't take it that way; he takes it as some kind of come on and starts trailing kisses down my neck. This wasn't what we planned and as much as I'm not really into him, I have to admit the attention feels good. I've not been with anyone for a while and was kind of beginning to forget what it felt like to have someone want me like this. His arms slip around my waist and I find myself leaning back against him, leading him on.
I've not thought about Dillon like this. Well not since we first met. I mean I'm not blind. Dillon's a hottie but he has a new girl on his arm every week. I've seen him try his hand at several relationships but he can't seem to keep it in his pants. I can't be with someone like that.
Unfortunately my body doesn't seem to listen to my rationale. I know Dillon a little too well to think it means anything. He's probably buzzed of Jack and adrenaline like I am. Whatever it is, when he turns me to face him and leans in to kiss me I don't even attempt to pull away. I find myself reacting on instinct, pulling him closer, deepening the kiss. The urge to take things further is there but I'm not consumed by desire for him, I just want to feel desired and right now - in his arms - I definitely feel that.
Our plan to free the animals is put on hold while we give way to physical needs. It's weird, being with him like this, but then it’s better than not being with anyone. At least this is what I tell myself when the deed is done. I wouldn't know it in this moment but this was the beginning of a disturbing pattern that would become all too familiar to us when he and I were single and drunk.
♪ ♪ ♪
♪ Am I strong enough? ♪

♪ I wish you well, but desire never leaves ♪
♫ Available Melee Weapons ♫
NOTE: Sky has Healthy Complexion

♪ I wish you well, but desire never leaves ♪
♫ Available Melee Weapons ♫
NOTE: Sky has Healthy Complexion
- Registered User
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- Joined: 09 Oct 2014, 02:12
- CrowNet Handle: Anonymous
- Location: Wherever there's booze and music.
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Re: ♪ Random Memories ♪
♪ ♪ ♪
I'm enjoying my time with my friends, even if I am only here because a certain someone seems to have all the charm of a wild and deranged gorilla. I laugh at the thought of that and the guys all look at me like I'm nuts."Private joke," I tell them.
"That ain't nice Sky. You're supposed to be here with us. Not thinking about your boy toy."
I thump Dillon in the arm with my fist, playfully of course, I don’t want to hurt the guy.
"In what deranged world is he my boy toy? He's older than me for one."
Dillon gives me a look and I know what he's thinking. He's trying to work out if that's true or not given the fact that both Ric and I were dead. I'd made it twenty-eight years as a human and he knew that, but neither of us knew what age Ric was when he died. Age wise, physically at least, it was probably pretty close.
I wrinkle my nose and stick my tongue out at Dillon but he doesn't retaliate. Steve is trying to flip beer mats again and failing miserably. We can usually tell just how drunk he is by this one activity alone. He doesn't usually attempt it until he's had a few drinks and he gets worse at it the more he drinks. his accent also gets thicker when he's had a few and the fact that he's English becomes a lot more obvious.
"Give up man," Russ tells him as the mats get strewn over the table. "You've peaked already."
I laugh. It's not all that funny and yet it is. Peaked. My mind goes somewhere dirty with that one and having begun to laugh I'm now practically choking cos... ew, just ew. I really don't want that image of Steve in my mind.
Dillon smacks me on the back and I gas as if I need air. Eventually things settle back down.
"You guys are gonna be the death of me."
Yeah right. If only they knew. Dillon's giving me that look again. The one that tells me I'm not funny. He knows my secret and is still a little touchy on the whole, being dead but not thing. You'd think it would stop him wanting to get in my pants, but apparently I have no such luck. I reach out with both hands and pat his cheeks several times.
"Lighten up Dillon. We're having fun remember?"
"Right missus," Russ says standing up and focusing on me. "Time for me to earn my pride back."
He holds out his hand to me over the table and I take it as I stand up. I know what this means, as do the lads. I feel bad kicking his arse at pool all the time now but I just seem to have a knack for it.
"What we betting this time?" I ask as we head for the pool table.
"What do you want?"
"Well I already have your pride, your soul and your dignity. How about your eternal devotion?"
I laugh. I love Russ. He's got player potential but I've never once seen him overlap his women. He's kinda focused, which is funny cos musically he's a whore; he plays with at least 2 other bands that I know of, but then drummers, good drummers, area always in demand.
"I think you've already got one slave woman," he glances over his shoulder at Steve and Dillon who are still sat at the table and it's obvious which of the two he's looking at.
"Hey. I'm an artist, we're meant to be adored. One can simply never have enough devotees. Besides. You already love me anyways, so you really won't be losing anything when I beat your arse again now will you?"
I wink at him and he laughs. He puts his arms around my shoulder and pulls me in close, kissing the top of my head.
"Fair point blondie. So... Whose turn is it to break?"
♪ ♪ ♪
♪ Am I strong enough? ♪

♪ I wish you well, but desire never leaves ♪
♫ Available Melee Weapons ♫
NOTE: Sky has Healthy Complexion

♪ I wish you well, but desire never leaves ♪
♫ Available Melee Weapons ♫
NOTE: Sky has Healthy Complexion
- Registered User
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- CrowNet Handle: Anonymous
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Re: ♪ Random Memories ♪
♪ ♪ ♪
I'm hiding under the table as Bee has his first guitar lesson. It's his eighth birthday and he just got the guitar this morning. I liked it. I wanted to play with it but I'm too little. At least that's what mum said. I didn't come under the table to spy on him, I have my book here, I'm reading. I like to read. But as the teacher starts explaining the guitar and teaching him his first chord I crawl forward on my elbows and watch. I may be little but it doesn't seem that difficult.I sneeze and it draws attention to me. I'd been quiet for like twenty minutes but now they know I'm here. Bee looks at me and laughs. He probably knew I was there the entire time but the teacher person looks surprised.
"And who might you be?" They ask me.
"Well hello Skylar. I'm Roger. It's very nice to meet you. So... what are you doing under there?"
"Watching. And reading. Reading first. Then watching."
Bee taps the sofa next to him and I wriggle forward on my elbows, push myself to my knees and run to join him.
"Have you learned anything while watching?"
I nod.
"What have you learned?"
"The finger goes there and the thumb there."
I point to where the string where I think my fingers would have to go and then look at the teacher to see if I'm right. I am. I know I am. They're smiling at me.
"I think she wants to play too." Brett tells his teacher. "She does what I do. She's my shadow."
I shake my head vigorously.
"Am not."
"Are too."
I poke my tongue out at Bee and he shoves my shoulder.
"Ow. I'm telling. Dad! Bee pushed me."
I run out of the room to get my dad and the lesson continues without me
♪ ♪ ♪
♪ Am I strong enough? ♪

♪ I wish you well, but desire never leaves ♪
♫ Available Melee Weapons ♫
NOTE: Sky has Healthy Complexion

♪ I wish you well, but desire never leaves ♪
♫ Available Melee Weapons ♫
NOTE: Sky has Healthy Complexion
- Registered User
- Posts: 1202
- Joined: 09 Oct 2014, 02:12
- CrowNet Handle: Anonymous
- Location: Wherever there's booze and music.
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Re: ♪ Random Memories ♪
♪ ♪ ♪
I place the bears side by side at the makeshift altar which is basically a cardboard box mum had groceries in earlier in the day. One teddy, the pink one, has a doily on its head as a makeshift veil. The one next to it, a scruffy brown, slightly older teddy, has a small top hat on, though where I got that I can't remember.I stand before the teddies trying my best to recite the vows I'd heard at countess weddings. I'm only six but it seems like we go to weddings almost every week when the weather's nice. I don't know that many people and they're usually quite boring until the party happens but I sit and listen, swinging my legs over my seat. Mum usually puts me in one of those frilly dresses. I don't much like them but if I play with Bee, I can usually improve them with a little dirt or a few grass stains.
I marry the teddies quite quickly, as my memory for vows isn't all that good. I remember the "do you take" part just fine because it sounds funny. You don't take people and the bride and groom both just stand there. They don't take each other anywhere. Apart from this one wedding where I saw the man pick the woman up. But that was after all the talky parts.
With the teddies married, I make them kiss and then put them in a little cart which I've latched to neighbour’s dog. I asked for a pet once and got a goldfish. It was rather boring and then it died. I wasn't all that upset. I never did bond with Fish; Fish was his name.
Once the happy couple have done their lap of the garden, or wherever it was the dog took them too, I take them to the music room for a party. I put on the stereo and turn it up really loud. Because all parties have loud music and you have to shout at people. I shout to the imaginary guests and dance with the teddies; I have one under each arm. But the party doesn't last long before mum comes in and I get told off for being in the music room without a grown-up.
♪ ♪ ♪
♪ Am I strong enough? ♪

♪ I wish you well, but desire never leaves ♪
♫ Available Melee Weapons ♫
NOTE: Sky has Healthy Complexion

♪ I wish you well, but desire never leaves ♪
♫ Available Melee Weapons ♫
NOTE: Sky has Healthy Complexion
- Registered User
- Posts: 1202
- Joined: 09 Oct 2014, 02:12
- CrowNet Handle: Anonymous
- Location: Wherever there's booze and music.
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Re: ♪ Random Memories ♪
♪ ♪ ♪
"Skylar Elouise Higgins, get down here this instant!"I hear my mum shouting and make a run for Brett's room. I hate when she uses my full name as that means I'm in trouble. It’s stupid really that, that phrase mixed with that tone of voice can send a shiver down my spine but it does. You'd think with the amount of times I hear it that I'd be used to it by now, but I'm not.
"Hide me!"
I close the door behind me and set my back against it. I look across the room at Brett and realise we're not alone. Brett's holding out his hand to his best mate.
"I told you."
"I'll pay you later."
I blink at the exchange of words; ever the mind reader Brett fills me in.
"I bet him you'd run in here any second and well... here you are. So what did you do this time Blue?"
I shrug. It's not that I don't want to answer; it's that I honestly don't know. There's a laundry list of things I've done recently that could get mum yelling at me like that.
Brett laughs.
"Come on. You can tell me."
"I don't know Bee. Your guess is as good as mine."
Brett gets up from the bed and walks over to me, draping his arm across my shoulders as soon as he's close enough. I lean against him. Bee's my safe haven, though when mum's in a mood I'm never truly safe anywhere.
"Okay. Let's narrow this down and get you downstairs before mum has a coronary. Alright?"
I nod and start thinking back over what I've done recently. I missed curfew a few nights back and had to climb in through Brett's window, but it can't be that because only Bee and I know that and he wouldn't have dobbed me in. I got told off at school a few days back because I'd not handed in any of my history coursework yet. Maybe they'd sent a letter home? That's not my fault though. History's boring. How can anyone concentrate long enough on any of that stuff to actually write an essay on it? I tried. I did. It put me to sleep. Literally. I woke up with drool on my keyboard. I don't think it's that. She'd of told dad over dinner that I need a tutor if that's the case. Oh crap... She's found it.
"I may have done it this time Bee."
Brett squeezes me, reassuring me without a word that he’ll still love me no matter what I've done.
"You know those diamond earrings mum loves..."
"Which ones?"
His tone hints at the fact that she has way too many of the things to be able to narrow it down to a single pair on such little information.
"I know right? You wouldn't think she'd miss one pair."
"The ones she bought a couple of years back. You know the teardrop style ones that dad scolded her about because he said they looked like a pair his mum gave her, a pair she never wears."
"I don't remember Blue."
"Sure you do."
I look up into his face as if he'd really be able to see into my mind and see what I see.
"The ones she got on sale and beat some other woman out to get."
"Nope. Not ringing any bells here. That happens a lot."
I sigh.
"Well, anyway. I kind of borrowed them. Not the ones grandma gave her, the newer ones."
"What did you need a pair of diamond earrings for?"
I can hear it in his voice. He doesn't believe me. Well he does, he just knows there's more to the story that I'm not saying. I like jewellery, I do. I've started classes in designing the things. He probably thinks I stole the earrings for parts but I didn't.
"It's not what you think. I swear. I was gonna put them back. Only... well... I kinda lost them."
Brett shakes his head. I don't see it but he probably rolled his eyes too.
"Honest Bee. Hannah was going on a date to some country club or something and I said I had a pair."
"Wait. Hannah from the trailer park, Hannah?"
"Why would she... Never mind. Did you honestly lose them Blue or did she just not give them back."
"Oh no. It's not like that Bee. Honest. Hand to god. She gave them back the very next day. I put them in my bag. Or at least I think I did. And well... My bag has a hole in it. I didn't realise that till it was too late."
Brett's best mate is laughing at me. I don't care if he hears, once I've told mum it'll be round the neighbourhood in a matter of hours. The screw up does it again. How disappointing it must be for her having a child like me.
"Okay Blue. I believe you."
"Skylar Elouise Higgins, don't make me come up those stairs!"
I shiver and Brett hugs me tighter.
"Come on. Let's go get this over with."
"How about I just hide here."
"I know this house is big Blue, but she'll find you eventually, she always does."
"I could run away?"
He laughs at the hopeful sound in my voice.
"You've tried that before. That doesn't work either."
He laughs all the harder, and I feel it ripple through his body.
"It probably won't be all that bad. She'll ground you, take away your allowance and you'll just sneak out of my window and sell something she bought you last Christmas like normal."
I sigh and lean my head against his shoulder. He's right. He's always right. He guides me through the door and despite the nerves in my stomach, I know I'll be okay.
♪ ♪ ♪
♪ Am I strong enough? ♪

♪ I wish you well, but desire never leaves ♪
♫ Available Melee Weapons ♫
NOTE: Sky has Healthy Complexion

♪ I wish you well, but desire never leaves ♪
♫ Available Melee Weapons ♫
NOTE: Sky has Healthy Complexion
- Registered User
- Posts: 1202
- Joined: 09 Oct 2014, 02:12
- CrowNet Handle: Anonymous
- Location: Wherever there's booze and music.
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Re: ♪ Random Memories ♪
♪ ♪ ♪
I pull the covers over my head. I’m not hiding. Honest. I just ******* hate Mondays. I don’t know who invented Monday’s but whoever it was should be shot. The housekeeper comes in and opens the curtains. It’s too early for mum to be up but apparently us kids have to see the crack of dawn.“Skylar. I know you’re awake. It’s time to get up now.”
A kindly face peers down at me as the covers are pulled back. I pout. I’m not the biggest fan of school and schedules and I loathe them all the more on test days. Thankfully today isn’t one of those days.
I grumble and rise out of my bed. I yawn, stretch and stand. Once standing I stretch again, straightening my arms and then flop forward to touch my toes. Once I’ve done that, I jump about a bit, roll my shoulders and then look over to the door where Marie is still standing.
“I’m up. I’m up. You can go bug someone else now.”
I grin as I say it. Fact is I don’t mind her wake-ups they’re a damn sight better than the ones Bee does. He just runs in and throws himself at me. Damn near gives me a heart attack every time. I giggle as I remember the last time he did it and shake my head. One of these days I might just return the favour. I chuckle to myself and head for the bathroom.
Having washed and dressed, I start to make my way downstairs. I’m singing to myself and not really paying much attention – It probably doesn’t help matters that I was kinda dancing and pratting about too – so when I find myself tripping down the last few steps I really shouldn’t have been all that surprised. Of course now I’m on my arse. I try to stand and pain shoots through my leg causing me to snarl.
“God ******* damnit!”
I’m yelling. I half expect that singsong voice of my mother’s to echo back as she says that one single word by way of chastisement; language. **** language. Swearing’s good for you. At least I think it is. There’s nothing more natural that few timed obscenities when you’ve hurt yourself.
“Honesty Skylar, do you have to be such a drama queen?”
I turn and poke my tongue out at my sister. She’s lucky I’ve hurt myself or I’d of chased her down and messed up her hair. Little miss prim and proper never does anything wrong. Me, I’m the family screw up, and yes while I embrace the title, I really don’t need her chipping in and making me feel worse than I already do. I know you shouldn’t wish harm on your own family but just once I’d like to see her take a fall; preferably on stage in front of the whole school. Having done that myself I know exactly how humiliating that can be.
“I’m not being a drama queen Alexis. I’ve actually ******* hurt myself.”
“And I need to know this because?”
“Because you’re supposed to care you unfeeling *****.”
Alexis shakes her head and gives me one of mum’s looks. The one that went with the singsong voice. I have no idea what it is with the women in my family and swearing but you’d think I’d just stabbed someone for the looks I get when I do it.
“I’ll get Marie.”
My so called sister turns on her heels and goes to get the house keeper. By the time Marie gets to me, as I’m sure Alexis stopped to check her appearance in every shiny surface she passed, I’m back on my feet.
“S’ok Marie. Nothing’s broken. I don’t think.”
♪ ♪ ♪
♪ Am I strong enough? ♪

♪ I wish you well, but desire never leaves ♪
♫ Available Melee Weapons ♫
NOTE: Sky has Healthy Complexion

♪ I wish you well, but desire never leaves ♪
♫ Available Melee Weapons ♫
NOTE: Sky has Healthy Complexion
- Registered User
- Posts: 1202
- Joined: 09 Oct 2014, 02:12
- CrowNet Handle: Anonymous
- Location: Wherever there's booze and music.
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Re: ♪ Random Memories ♪
♪ ♫ ♪
What is he looking at?I keep strumming on my guitar. I was singing before but I'm not now. Even I need to rest my voice. Now if I could just figure out how to drink beer and play at the same time I'd be golden. I kind of like these little beech parties, even if I am usually the only one without a date. But come on, really, what would I do with a guy? besides the obvious. Who'd provide the entertainment if I was otherwise engaged?
Dillon walks over and sits himself next to me. I guess I should prepare myself to be teased. Oh and for the evil look I'm gonna get from the bimbo he brought tonight.
I look over at the girl and smile. Yep. There's that look. Dillon really should learn that whispering in another girl's ear isn't the way to go about this dating thing. Not if he ever wants to make it to date number two. though I'm not sure he likes the whole commitment thing either. He seems happier with the whole love them and leave them philosophy. And the girls make it way too easy for him. Whats the saying? There's no need to buy the cow if you've tasted the milk for free. Yep. He likes them trampy.
"So what do you want me to play?"
I ask him straight up. He wouldn't be seated with me for any other reason. Not when he's got miss easy over there waiting to entertain him.
"Actually I was thinking I'd give you a break. Wanna hand that beauty over and let me serenade the masses for a bit?"
"What? And cut into your alone time with..."
I gesture towards his date with my chin.
"What's this one called?"
"Right. Well the poor girl's only got you for tonight so I don't think it would be right for me to deprive her of the few precious moments she has with ya."
I bump Dillon's shoulder with my own, carefully of course as I'm still playing. The guy needs to get back to his date and leave me alone. Unless he wants to help me drink a beer that is. I'd ask but... well... I'm not that thirsty. Yet.
♪ ♫ ♪
♪ Am I strong enough? ♪

♪ I wish you well, but desire never leaves ♪
♫ Available Melee Weapons ♫
NOTE: Sky has Healthy Complexion

♪ I wish you well, but desire never leaves ♪
♫ Available Melee Weapons ♫
NOTE: Sky has Healthy Complexion