--The following transcript was a live chat roleplay--
<GoggleSama> Goggle looked around the streets nervously, unsure of where he was in this city. He thought he had kept a good mental map and knew where he was, but it seemed he had failed. The transit station, that would be his next stop. From there he could figure things out.
<Eureka> Going from the roof to the dungeon to the QZ and back again was not a very exciting existence, according to Eureka. Tonight, she wanted to wander a bit. Maybe go the long way around, though this was not a good for the human populous. There was a kid smoking a cigarette near the wall of the Quarantine Zone - a kid who was soon dead with his throat ripped out; half his blood consumed and the other half sinking into the ground. Eureka stepped out of the shadow of the wall, wiping blood from her chin and lips with her black jumper, which was in need of a good wash. Though, she was licking the blood from her hands like a housecat as she headed toward the river, which took her past River Rock Station.
<GoggleSama> It turned out he wasn't as turned around as he had thought. A quick slink down the road, keeping to the shadows of course, saw him in sight of the station. Where he thought he would be going from there, though was another question. Best bet would be to hop the first transit and ride it.
Humans packed in around him as he rode the transit, and he became acutely aware of how long it had been since he last fed. This wasn't going to be good, not in such confined quarters. The next stop, that is where he would need to disembark. At the back of his mind he took note of the name of the station - River Rock. As good a place as any he supposed. Stumbling off the transit, pushing through the crowds of disgruntled passengers, he was a second away from snapping at the next human whose elbow found its way into his ribs. Up ahead though, passing the station... It couldn't be. He had thought her a dream. Or perhaps a nightmare. Could it possibly be the one who had cursed him with this life, while at the same time saving him from death? Melding into the shadows, he made a snap decision to hang back and see where she was headed. It wouldn't do to rush into this situation.
<Eureka> Completely oblivious to her surroundings, Eureka continued to walk. It was a languid, lazy kind of walk. The kind cats adopt when they have no specific place to be--or even if they do, they are in no hurry to get there. Once her hands were licked clean, she reached up to play with her hair. It had fallen loose out of its bun, and she now twisted it to put it back again. It was still haphazard, knotted. Messy. Although there were some blood spatters upon her face they could be easily missed amongst the chaos of her freckles. She hummed under her breath as she wandered toward the sewer entrance. Although she had the ability to leap, she figured she'd take the scenic route tonight.
<GoggleSama> Could that really have been blood on her hands and face? Surely not, as she had seemed to be so casual about it. It had to have been a trick of his mind, a reminder that he needed to feed, and soon. On top of that, he had only caught a glimpse of her before she had sauntered off. If he wasn't careful he would draw attention to himself, gawking at the retreating figure of the woman ahead. He needed to blend in better, or find a better position from which to follow. His eyes flickered to the rooftops, but it seemed irrational, something from movies and novels... Then again, he was a vampire now. Shaking away these thoughts that crowded the forefront of his mind, Goggle rushed to catch up, in an attempt at stealthy running. As if it were nothing, right before his eyes, she dropped down into a sewer. Something told him this night was going to get stranger, and smellier, before it was through.
<Eureka> Eureka dragged the manhole back over, essentially blocking out what little light there was. She was not aware, at all, of anyone following her. But then, she was only new to this life herself, and she was no natural hunter. These were skills that she would have to learn in time. Though the sight of vampires was far superior to what it was when they were human, she still had to pause for a few seconds just inside of the sewer. She knew these were the breeding grounds of the hunters and the paladins - that much Chad had taught her - so she wanted to be able to tread lightly, and to see where she was going. She knew, without a doubt, that she was no match for the more learned foe. Not just yet. She paused, too, so that she could unholster the rifle from beneath her jumper - effectively revealing a lot of skin in the process (and it was a very large jumper, stolen from a guy last week). If she was going to run into one of the hunters, she at least wanted to be able to protect herself.
<GoggleSama> A passing human grabbed Goggle's attention for a moment, drawing him away from his target. Was it really only the night before that he had last tasted blood? It seemed like so long ago now... A quiet voice in the back of his mind, the full of gentleness and kindness urged him to let the human go. He had other things to focus on tonight. It seemed he was doomed to listen to that voice, which could account for his current fate if he was in a clearer state of mind to consider such things. The human continued on, further down the street, towards the sound of water. It took but a moment to catch up to her, the natural predator inside him taking over and guiding his feet to make his steps near silent to this new prey. As she approached the water's edge, Goggle's arm snaked around her waist, pulling her body close to his own. His free hand clamped over her mouth, cutting off the scream before it even began. It was that easy to fill himself with blood once more, the taste seeming to clear his mind. The water was convenient also. a gentle splash and the body was no longer his problem. Rational thought returned to him once more, berating him for allow that girl to disappear. Was there any hope to catch her now? Was there really anything to lose by trying, apart from his dignity if he ended up wasting his night in the sewer. Standing above the manhole cover, Goggle gave a quick glance around him. The street was quiet, which was perfect. It took almost no effort to lift the cover and drop down inside. Pulling the cover back over the hole, lest it draw undue attention from the human, Goggle found himself in almost complete darkness, alone. Where could she have gone? At this point there were only two choices, forward or back. Any branches would need to be dealt with if and when they appeared. One foot in front of the other Goggle, that is how you will find your way through this. Goggle splashed loudly on ahead, trying not to think too much about what he was currently stepping in.
<Eureka> Eureka heard the rough slide of the manhole cover, and she nudged herself a little further into the gloom. There was no reason to confront whoever it might be, as curious as she was. If it was another vampire, she wouldn't be able to see them to confront them properly anyway. If a human, in high probability it was a hunter and so she'd best not test her own limits. Instead, she cocked the rifle and continued on down the passage - she could see properly now, her eyes having adjusted, and it's not too far to the manhole that will bring her up into the QZ. She slung the gun over her shoulder as she climbed the ladder, and pushed the manhole aside. Once standing in the over-long grass on the other side, she stopped. She took a couple of steps back from the manhole, which she left open. She aimed her gun at the opening, feeling as if those footsteps down below had followed her. And now she was more curious than ever. So she waited. Waited, to see if some person would poke their head up through that hole like a mole waiting to be bashed. .
The New Thing [GoggleSama]
- Registered User
- Posts: 156
- Joined: 30 Dec 2014, 07:46
The New Thing [GoggleSama]
M O L L Y - C A T

- Posts: 8
- Joined: 03 Mar 2015, 05:34
Re: The New Thing [GoggleSama]
--The following transcript was a live chat roleplay--
<GoggleSama> Goggle rubbed absent mindedly at his lips with his shirt sleeve, trying to rub away the traces of his meal. She had to have been a vampire, surely? Who else would disappear down into a sewer in the middle of the night? City workers, maybe. Had she looked like a city worker, here on business? No, but that didn't mean she wasn't. And so his train of thought went round and round, faintly registering a noise up ahead. Was that the sound of a gun being cocked? How would he know, his only experience with firearms being the small revolved hidden within his pocket. Even that he had made little enough use of. Much closer this time, he heard another sound. The sound of metal scraping concrete. Up ahead, he could even seen a pale light illuminating a small cut from the darkness. Was that a person disappearing up into the light? More questions rolled through his mind, arguments on whether drawing his revolver was necessary or not. In the end, he chose not to. If he resurfaced in the middle of a busy street, waving around a weapon was going to draw a lot of attention, and fast. Goggle took a moment at bottom of the ladder upon reaching it, straining his ear to pick out any sounds that might clue him in on what was waiting for him above. As far as he could tell, nothing. He climbed up quickly, only to find himself staring into the barrel of a rifle. He needed to think quickly... Who could this assailant be... Trying to avoid going cross eyed, Goggle's eyes traveled up the barrel, to meet those of someone a part of him and been convinced was his imagination. She had the drop on him, and there seemed to be little he could do to avoid his brains taking a quick departure from his body. He tried his most charming smile, a nervous, sad excuse of a thing. "Have we met before?"
<Eureka> Eureka's entire body tensed as she heard the noise from below. The splash of a foot and the rasp of a boot on the iron of the ladder. The tips of her fingers itched and fizzed with pins and needles as she wanted only to drop the gun and let those claws free. How had she learned how to do that? She hadn't. It had come naturally, somehow. Part of her 'path'. The first thing she saw was a mess of curly brown hair. A full body followed, and not one primed to fight. Next, she was aware of the eyes - a bright greenish/blue that were warmer than her own, but currently illuminated by a nearby street lamp. There was scruff around the jowls, and then a smile. Eureka narrowed her eyes and clucked, the rifle dropping to hang loosely at her side. She canted her head. Yeah, there was something about this guy that seemed... without another thought, she stepped forward. She thrust her face near his neck, sucking in a deep breath through flaring nostrils, her lips glistening and slightly parted. For a second or two her eyes were closed, a frown settled between her eyes. The scent was familiar. The scent was... well. Well, it was her scent. Kind of. Wasn't it? But there was something else, a watering in her mouth as she remembered a taste. A taste of blood... suddenly she stepped back, her eyes now wide and a bright 'Oh!' escaping her lips. The gun dropped to the ground and her fingers came up to scratch at the man's scruff. "It's you!" she exclaimed, feeling a little leap in her chest. "You were so nearly dead. I tried and I... oh I didn't think it worked!" she said in a rush, her voice deep for a woman. Kind of sultry, in a way. But perhaps just because she'd never really been a girly girl. Not in the grand scheme of things.
<GoggleSama> His grip on the rung of the ladder tightened almost painfully as he prepared himself to become acquainted with his maker. At least, the one previous to the one who had made him a vampire. There was the question of what would happen if he died as a vampire, of course. Was he eternally damned or... This was really not the time. He cracked an eye when no gunshot sounded, and was shocked to see the rifle hanging at her side, mere moments before she lunged at him. The animal part of his mind, so much more dominant since he was turned mere days before, urged him to release him grip and drop quickly into the sewer. There, in enclosed quarters with so little light, he would stand a better chance at defending himself. His fingers had loosened and he found himself dangerously close to falling from his perch when he realized she was... Smelling him? This was definitely a strange turn of events. With her hair so close to him he found himself breathing in her scent himself. Something deep within him awakened, seeming to call out to this scent. The feeling was strange, alien to him. What was happening? Was this how vampires reacted when close to one another? She had begun talking, her fingertips on his skin leaving a tingle in his flesh. Her voice sang within him, feeding the feeling that had begun with her scent. He had yet to meet another vampire, but she seemed to recognize him. There was also that feeling of deja vu that had started him on his hunt. Did he know her from before? She didn't look that familiar... It was all beginning to get confusing, he was finding himself a little overwhelmed. He was barely able to comprehend the words that left her lips, so deep was he in thought. "I'll take that as a yeeee-" His own words were cut off as his trembling fingers, their grip so gentle from his preparations for flight, gave way and sent him crashing back down into the sewer.
<Eureka> Eureka remembered. She remembered this man. She had found him bloodied and broken. Had he been where he wasn't supposed to be? It was so easy for humans to be slaughtered in this city. Maybe some other vampire had got to him before she had. Perhaps the zombies, or the ferals. Yes, maybe one of those feral vampires. Sometimes she thought she was turning into one of those feral vampires. So often did she feel her decorum slip. Like now, with this man, getting close and touching him when strangers don't touch each other like that. They just don't. But she didn't care. She remembered, curiously, how she had been brought back to life by Chad and had wanted to see if she could do the same. She had torn into her wrist and had let her own blood drip heavily into this human's open mouth. She had tried to force him to swallow, like one forces a cat to swallow a pill. Nothing had happened. But! She'd then remembered the way Chad had done it. The way he had drained her first. So she bit this man, on the shoulder. On the neck. On his wrist. She took whatever blood was left, before she tried again to feed him. He still hadn't stirred. And she had thought he must have been too far gone--or that Chad had some ability that he had not passed on. So she had walked away. She had forgotten. Until now. Now, this same human--no, he wasn't human anymore--this vampire was before her. Alive and well. Hers. Right? He was hers, somehow. She could feel it. A bond tugging at her innards even as he slipped and crashed back down into the muck of the sewers. Eureka couldn't help but laugh. She shouldn't have, but she did. She felt giddy. Already on her hands and knees, she shuffled forward and peered over into the darkness. "Quit playing around and come up here. Come out so I can look at you better," she said. For really, in the end, she had no idea what to do with this vampire that was hers. Except, perhaps, to try in part to do as Chad had done with her. Teach him. Right? Take him home, maybe. Yes. Take him home...
<GoggleSama> He wanted nothing more than to lay back, just let his head slip below the murky water line and lay there until the sweet bliss of eternity took him. Never before could he remember his such crushing embarrassment being laid upon him, and at his own hands, too. The feeling within him had dulled, now he was not in quite so close proximity to the source. It freed his mind from the cloudiness he hadn't noticed at the time, allowing him to think, Before his mind could chug back into action, the dim light was cut off and a face appeared above him. This girl, a vampire he was completely certain now, stared down at him. He had still yet to catch a true glimpse of her features. The first glance being from afar, the next cross eyed, and now silhouetted in the light. There was something so familiar about her though, he just couldn't shake the feeling. She spoke again, and there was no denying her. It would be strange to feel this way every time he met another of his kind, but at least it would be obvious to him now whenever he met one. He climbed, dripping, from the sewer, into the pale light to stand before her. Anything he had had in his pockets would now surely be ruined, and these clothes were a complete loss. Goggle tried not to meet her eyes, lest he burst into flames from the shame of his slip interrupting his first meeting with a true vampire. "Please, forgive my sorry state, my lady."
<Eureka> Eureka’s eyes were almost hungry as the man climbed back out of the sewer. He’d taken his sweet time doing so, but finally she was being afforded a full view of the being she had brought back to life. She could hardly contain her glee—that she had succeeded. That it had actually worked. Was this a thing she could do on a nightly basis? Probably better if she didn’t. Maybe he could be an only… thing.
Her lips were full with the smile she gave, along with the scoff as he apologised. She herself didn’t look fit for company, with the blood staining the corner of her lip and the massively baggy jumper over jeans that were torn at the knees, and sneakers with holes where the toes were. She should have been freezing in this Canadian Winter, but she was a vampire, and the cold didn’t seem to touch her.
“Lady? No. **** no. You can call me Reka. Short for Eureka. I don’t really like Eureka though,” she said, maybe talking a little too fast. She reached down behind the guy and wrenched the manhole closed again, just in case he was always clumsy and took another tumble. She’d prefer that he not slip from her sight again. Not just yet. She then began to circle him, curious. Very very curious. “What can I call you?”
<GoggleSama> Goggle rubbed absent mindedly at his lips with his shirt sleeve, trying to rub away the traces of his meal. She had to have been a vampire, surely? Who else would disappear down into a sewer in the middle of the night? City workers, maybe. Had she looked like a city worker, here on business? No, but that didn't mean she wasn't. And so his train of thought went round and round, faintly registering a noise up ahead. Was that the sound of a gun being cocked? How would he know, his only experience with firearms being the small revolved hidden within his pocket. Even that he had made little enough use of. Much closer this time, he heard another sound. The sound of metal scraping concrete. Up ahead, he could even seen a pale light illuminating a small cut from the darkness. Was that a person disappearing up into the light? More questions rolled through his mind, arguments on whether drawing his revolver was necessary or not. In the end, he chose not to. If he resurfaced in the middle of a busy street, waving around a weapon was going to draw a lot of attention, and fast. Goggle took a moment at bottom of the ladder upon reaching it, straining his ear to pick out any sounds that might clue him in on what was waiting for him above. As far as he could tell, nothing. He climbed up quickly, only to find himself staring into the barrel of a rifle. He needed to think quickly... Who could this assailant be... Trying to avoid going cross eyed, Goggle's eyes traveled up the barrel, to meet those of someone a part of him and been convinced was his imagination. She had the drop on him, and there seemed to be little he could do to avoid his brains taking a quick departure from his body. He tried his most charming smile, a nervous, sad excuse of a thing. "Have we met before?"
<Eureka> Eureka's entire body tensed as she heard the noise from below. The splash of a foot and the rasp of a boot on the iron of the ladder. The tips of her fingers itched and fizzed with pins and needles as she wanted only to drop the gun and let those claws free. How had she learned how to do that? She hadn't. It had come naturally, somehow. Part of her 'path'. The first thing she saw was a mess of curly brown hair. A full body followed, and not one primed to fight. Next, she was aware of the eyes - a bright greenish/blue that were warmer than her own, but currently illuminated by a nearby street lamp. There was scruff around the jowls, and then a smile. Eureka narrowed her eyes and clucked, the rifle dropping to hang loosely at her side. She canted her head. Yeah, there was something about this guy that seemed... without another thought, she stepped forward. She thrust her face near his neck, sucking in a deep breath through flaring nostrils, her lips glistening and slightly parted. For a second or two her eyes were closed, a frown settled between her eyes. The scent was familiar. The scent was... well. Well, it was her scent. Kind of. Wasn't it? But there was something else, a watering in her mouth as she remembered a taste. A taste of blood... suddenly she stepped back, her eyes now wide and a bright 'Oh!' escaping her lips. The gun dropped to the ground and her fingers came up to scratch at the man's scruff. "It's you!" she exclaimed, feeling a little leap in her chest. "You were so nearly dead. I tried and I... oh I didn't think it worked!" she said in a rush, her voice deep for a woman. Kind of sultry, in a way. But perhaps just because she'd never really been a girly girl. Not in the grand scheme of things.
<GoggleSama> His grip on the rung of the ladder tightened almost painfully as he prepared himself to become acquainted with his maker. At least, the one previous to the one who had made him a vampire. There was the question of what would happen if he died as a vampire, of course. Was he eternally damned or... This was really not the time. He cracked an eye when no gunshot sounded, and was shocked to see the rifle hanging at her side, mere moments before she lunged at him. The animal part of his mind, so much more dominant since he was turned mere days before, urged him to release him grip and drop quickly into the sewer. There, in enclosed quarters with so little light, he would stand a better chance at defending himself. His fingers had loosened and he found himself dangerously close to falling from his perch when he realized she was... Smelling him? This was definitely a strange turn of events. With her hair so close to him he found himself breathing in her scent himself. Something deep within him awakened, seeming to call out to this scent. The feeling was strange, alien to him. What was happening? Was this how vampires reacted when close to one another? She had begun talking, her fingertips on his skin leaving a tingle in his flesh. Her voice sang within him, feeding the feeling that had begun with her scent. He had yet to meet another vampire, but she seemed to recognize him. There was also that feeling of deja vu that had started him on his hunt. Did he know her from before? She didn't look that familiar... It was all beginning to get confusing, he was finding himself a little overwhelmed. He was barely able to comprehend the words that left her lips, so deep was he in thought. "I'll take that as a yeeee-" His own words were cut off as his trembling fingers, their grip so gentle from his preparations for flight, gave way and sent him crashing back down into the sewer.
<Eureka> Eureka remembered. She remembered this man. She had found him bloodied and broken. Had he been where he wasn't supposed to be? It was so easy for humans to be slaughtered in this city. Maybe some other vampire had got to him before she had. Perhaps the zombies, or the ferals. Yes, maybe one of those feral vampires. Sometimes she thought she was turning into one of those feral vampires. So often did she feel her decorum slip. Like now, with this man, getting close and touching him when strangers don't touch each other like that. They just don't. But she didn't care. She remembered, curiously, how she had been brought back to life by Chad and had wanted to see if she could do the same. She had torn into her wrist and had let her own blood drip heavily into this human's open mouth. She had tried to force him to swallow, like one forces a cat to swallow a pill. Nothing had happened. But! She'd then remembered the way Chad had done it. The way he had drained her first. So she bit this man, on the shoulder. On the neck. On his wrist. She took whatever blood was left, before she tried again to feed him. He still hadn't stirred. And she had thought he must have been too far gone--or that Chad had some ability that he had not passed on. So she had walked away. She had forgotten. Until now. Now, this same human--no, he wasn't human anymore--this vampire was before her. Alive and well. Hers. Right? He was hers, somehow. She could feel it. A bond tugging at her innards even as he slipped and crashed back down into the muck of the sewers. Eureka couldn't help but laugh. She shouldn't have, but she did. She felt giddy. Already on her hands and knees, she shuffled forward and peered over into the darkness. "Quit playing around and come up here. Come out so I can look at you better," she said. For really, in the end, she had no idea what to do with this vampire that was hers. Except, perhaps, to try in part to do as Chad had done with her. Teach him. Right? Take him home, maybe. Yes. Take him home...
<GoggleSama> He wanted nothing more than to lay back, just let his head slip below the murky water line and lay there until the sweet bliss of eternity took him. Never before could he remember his such crushing embarrassment being laid upon him, and at his own hands, too. The feeling within him had dulled, now he was not in quite so close proximity to the source. It freed his mind from the cloudiness he hadn't noticed at the time, allowing him to think, Before his mind could chug back into action, the dim light was cut off and a face appeared above him. This girl, a vampire he was completely certain now, stared down at him. He had still yet to catch a true glimpse of her features. The first glance being from afar, the next cross eyed, and now silhouetted in the light. There was something so familiar about her though, he just couldn't shake the feeling. She spoke again, and there was no denying her. It would be strange to feel this way every time he met another of his kind, but at least it would be obvious to him now whenever he met one. He climbed, dripping, from the sewer, into the pale light to stand before her. Anything he had had in his pockets would now surely be ruined, and these clothes were a complete loss. Goggle tried not to meet her eyes, lest he burst into flames from the shame of his slip interrupting his first meeting with a true vampire. "Please, forgive my sorry state, my lady."
<Eureka> Eureka’s eyes were almost hungry as the man climbed back out of the sewer. He’d taken his sweet time doing so, but finally she was being afforded a full view of the being she had brought back to life. She could hardly contain her glee—that she had succeeded. That it had actually worked. Was this a thing she could do on a nightly basis? Probably better if she didn’t. Maybe he could be an only… thing.
Her lips were full with the smile she gave, along with the scoff as he apologised. She herself didn’t look fit for company, with the blood staining the corner of her lip and the massively baggy jumper over jeans that were torn at the knees, and sneakers with holes where the toes were. She should have been freezing in this Canadian Winter, but she was a vampire, and the cold didn’t seem to touch her.
“Lady? No. **** no. You can call me Reka. Short for Eureka. I don’t really like Eureka though,” she said, maybe talking a little too fast. She reached down behind the guy and wrenched the manhole closed again, just in case he was always clumsy and took another tumble. She’d prefer that he not slip from her sight again. Not just yet. She then began to circle him, curious. Very very curious. “What can I call you?”

- Registered User
- Posts: 156
- Joined: 30 Dec 2014, 07:46
Re: The New Thing [GoggleSama]
--The following transcript was a live chat roleplay--
‹GoggleSama› He couldn't stop his lips from twitching up into a faint smile at the frank way she spoke to him, it was refreshing to be addressed so casually. All the manners from his previous life seemed to matter little in the here and now, but he couldn't resist the urge. This other vampire, so frustratingly familiar and yet foreign to him at the same time, had deemed him suitable to remain in the world of the, if not living then at least the breathing. She moved forwards, so swiftly and elegantly he was couldn't help but think of her as a natural predator. This time, though, he managed not to embarrass himself as she closed the manhole cover behind him. "I am... Goggle, my lady." The words left his lips without any thought. While the tediousness of his old mannerisms remained, he no longer felt his human name fit.
‹Eureka› Eureka laughed again, open-throated and free. The kind of laughter a wild thing gave; a thing that had no woes and no cares. She wanted to wrap herself around him and lick him clean, but that was a basic urge that she managed to quell. She paused directly in front of him, an incredulous expression writ clear into her features. She let the 'lady' but slide. What woman wouldn't actually in the end feel somehow.... honoured, to be called a lady? Maybe it was an instinct written into her DNA from past times. "Goggle?" she asked, as if she hadn't heard right. "What kind of name is Goggle....?"
‹GoggleSama› This time the smile that touched his lips burst into a full on grin, teeth flashing in the night. He had not seen a reflection of himself since he was turned, and even if had sought one out he would not have seen anything staring back at himself. Even though a subconscious part of his mind knew he had the sharper, longer canines of his kind he was yet to fully realize what he was putting on display. Her laughter warmed him, echoing in the feeling inside him that was beginning to become familiar to him. She had such an easy way about her, he couldn't help but feel himself relaxing, releasing a tension he had not known was building within him. She did have a point though, what had urged him to chose such a name, spur of the moment? There was nothing to do now but roll without, and try not to make himself seem like any more of an idiot. As he caught a faint scent coming from himself, though, he couldn't help but think that that ship had long since sailed. Damn, he needed a shower. He hadn't even thought about it since he awoke, alone and confused a few days before. He had been running on instinct for the most part. His thoughts were wondering again, and he didn't want the silence to stretch so the words escaped his lips with little thought. "A unique one" Following this, he winked - he actually winked. Oh how he despised himself in this moment.
‹Eureka› Eureka herself wasn't clean. With her large loose jumper and her clothes with holes in them, she doesn't smell very good either. Although she was not saturated with the filth from the sewers, the scent still lingered after her most recent romp. Aside from that, she herself had not showered since... since when? Maybe she was only bathed by the snow and the rain, whatever might have been feeling in sheets on any of those nights she'd woken up on her roof. She fed with a monstrous animality, so blood clung to her and dried, leaving the stench of death. That, as well as the gore of zombies, soaked into her clothes. The wink caused her to recoil just a little, skittish, uncertain. "It sounds like someone spelled 'Google' wrong," she said, but didn't push the subject further. Again, she stepped forward, though. Inadvertently, her cheek rubbing against the stubble of his. As if spreading her scent, somehow. Trying to mark him as hers. "I should take you home," she purred. "I have a dungeon. Chad gave it to me. It's hidden, and secret," she said, stepping back again. "I was just about to go play with some zombies, though," she added, taking another lithe step backward. "Do you want to come and play with me?"
‹GoggleSama› He couldn't stop his body reacting as she brushed so closely against him. His eyes shut of their own accord and he found himself inhaling her scent deeply. There were so many different layers of dirt and foulness, the most recent that of a fresh kill before the sewer, but it was all just a side note to that which lay beneath. He found himself leaning ever so slightly in to be closer to her, his lips parting and two faint points of pressure grazing his bottom lip. Her scent permeated his thoughts, calling to him. He felt recognition blooming within him, as if the two of them were connected somehow. Take him home, she said? What ideas was she getting? And a dungeon that sounded.... A violent shake of his head helped clear his thoughts, allowing rational thought to once more rise to the surface. What was she to entice such reactions from him? Is this what being around other vampires was truly like? It was overwhelming. And now there was a Chad, who had made a gift of a dungeon to her? Well, that seemed self explanatory. They must be an item, and how would he feel about him intruding? How would Goggle react to *another* vampire presence. The further she stepped from him, the easier his thoughts became ordered. He still had to swallow hard before he trusted himself to speak, however, as he had found his mouth rather dry. Playing with zombies? He wasn't entirely sure whether or not he wanted to find out what that meant. He needed the contact with her though, he hadn't realized how much he had craved company these last days. "It sounds like fun," he rasped, his mouth still a little dry. "Lead on, my lady."
‹Eureka› There was a peculiar kind of loyalty that Eureka felt toward the others of her bloodline. Vampires outside of it didn't mean much to her, much less humans, for that matter. And even those within the bloodline, it was a curious kind of attachment. But she had been warned that their kindness was shortlived, and now she felt she ought to be wary of the lot of them. Even the one who had warned her. Should she expect some kind of malicious behaviour in the future? What she did know was that the attachment she felt to these now-kind individuals paled in comparison to what she felt toward the man now following her. She didn't know why and nor did she question it. It was just a fact that she accepted and embraced, and there was a spring to her step as she made her way toward Corvidae; she rounded the corner, and then another one, until they had reached the front entrance. She opened the door with a broad grin and led her new charge inside. The place might have been an ordinary lobby if it weren't for the zombies, or for the other vampires around-a-bout killing them. Vampires that Eureka promptly ignored, like she usually did. "I mean really though," she said, turning to Goggle and gasping as if seeing him for the first time. She hid her delight and smiled. "Just call me Reka. Plain Reka. No 'lady' required."
‹GoggleSama› He couldn't stop his lips from twitching up into a faint smile at the frank way she spoke to him, it was refreshing to be addressed so casually. All the manners from his previous life seemed to matter little in the here and now, but he couldn't resist the urge. This other vampire, so frustratingly familiar and yet foreign to him at the same time, had deemed him suitable to remain in the world of the, if not living then at least the breathing. She moved forwards, so swiftly and elegantly he was couldn't help but think of her as a natural predator. This time, though, he managed not to embarrass himself as she closed the manhole cover behind him. "I am... Goggle, my lady." The words left his lips without any thought. While the tediousness of his old mannerisms remained, he no longer felt his human name fit.
‹Eureka› Eureka laughed again, open-throated and free. The kind of laughter a wild thing gave; a thing that had no woes and no cares. She wanted to wrap herself around him and lick him clean, but that was a basic urge that she managed to quell. She paused directly in front of him, an incredulous expression writ clear into her features. She let the 'lady' but slide. What woman wouldn't actually in the end feel somehow.... honoured, to be called a lady? Maybe it was an instinct written into her DNA from past times. "Goggle?" she asked, as if she hadn't heard right. "What kind of name is Goggle....?"
‹GoggleSama› This time the smile that touched his lips burst into a full on grin, teeth flashing in the night. He had not seen a reflection of himself since he was turned, and even if had sought one out he would not have seen anything staring back at himself. Even though a subconscious part of his mind knew he had the sharper, longer canines of his kind he was yet to fully realize what he was putting on display. Her laughter warmed him, echoing in the feeling inside him that was beginning to become familiar to him. She had such an easy way about her, he couldn't help but feel himself relaxing, releasing a tension he had not known was building within him. She did have a point though, what had urged him to chose such a name, spur of the moment? There was nothing to do now but roll without, and try not to make himself seem like any more of an idiot. As he caught a faint scent coming from himself, though, he couldn't help but think that that ship had long since sailed. Damn, he needed a shower. He hadn't even thought about it since he awoke, alone and confused a few days before. He had been running on instinct for the most part. His thoughts were wondering again, and he didn't want the silence to stretch so the words escaped his lips with little thought. "A unique one" Following this, he winked - he actually winked. Oh how he despised himself in this moment.
‹Eureka› Eureka herself wasn't clean. With her large loose jumper and her clothes with holes in them, she doesn't smell very good either. Although she was not saturated with the filth from the sewers, the scent still lingered after her most recent romp. Aside from that, she herself had not showered since... since when? Maybe she was only bathed by the snow and the rain, whatever might have been feeling in sheets on any of those nights she'd woken up on her roof. She fed with a monstrous animality, so blood clung to her and dried, leaving the stench of death. That, as well as the gore of zombies, soaked into her clothes. The wink caused her to recoil just a little, skittish, uncertain. "It sounds like someone spelled 'Google' wrong," she said, but didn't push the subject further. Again, she stepped forward, though. Inadvertently, her cheek rubbing against the stubble of his. As if spreading her scent, somehow. Trying to mark him as hers. "I should take you home," she purred. "I have a dungeon. Chad gave it to me. It's hidden, and secret," she said, stepping back again. "I was just about to go play with some zombies, though," she added, taking another lithe step backward. "Do you want to come and play with me?"
‹GoggleSama› He couldn't stop his body reacting as she brushed so closely against him. His eyes shut of their own accord and he found himself inhaling her scent deeply. There were so many different layers of dirt and foulness, the most recent that of a fresh kill before the sewer, but it was all just a side note to that which lay beneath. He found himself leaning ever so slightly in to be closer to her, his lips parting and two faint points of pressure grazing his bottom lip. Her scent permeated his thoughts, calling to him. He felt recognition blooming within him, as if the two of them were connected somehow. Take him home, she said? What ideas was she getting? And a dungeon that sounded.... A violent shake of his head helped clear his thoughts, allowing rational thought to once more rise to the surface. What was she to entice such reactions from him? Is this what being around other vampires was truly like? It was overwhelming. And now there was a Chad, who had made a gift of a dungeon to her? Well, that seemed self explanatory. They must be an item, and how would he feel about him intruding? How would Goggle react to *another* vampire presence. The further she stepped from him, the easier his thoughts became ordered. He still had to swallow hard before he trusted himself to speak, however, as he had found his mouth rather dry. Playing with zombies? He wasn't entirely sure whether or not he wanted to find out what that meant. He needed the contact with her though, he hadn't realized how much he had craved company these last days. "It sounds like fun," he rasped, his mouth still a little dry. "Lead on, my lady."
‹Eureka› There was a peculiar kind of loyalty that Eureka felt toward the others of her bloodline. Vampires outside of it didn't mean much to her, much less humans, for that matter. And even those within the bloodline, it was a curious kind of attachment. But she had been warned that their kindness was shortlived, and now she felt she ought to be wary of the lot of them. Even the one who had warned her. Should she expect some kind of malicious behaviour in the future? What she did know was that the attachment she felt to these now-kind individuals paled in comparison to what she felt toward the man now following her. She didn't know why and nor did she question it. It was just a fact that she accepted and embraced, and there was a spring to her step as she made her way toward Corvidae; she rounded the corner, and then another one, until they had reached the front entrance. She opened the door with a broad grin and led her new charge inside. The place might have been an ordinary lobby if it weren't for the zombies, or for the other vampires around-a-bout killing them. Vampires that Eureka promptly ignored, like she usually did. "I mean really though," she said, turning to Goggle and gasping as if seeing him for the first time. She hid her delight and smiled. "Just call me Reka. Plain Reka. No 'lady' required."
M O L L Y - C A T

- Posts: 8
- Joined: 03 Mar 2015, 05:34
Re: The New Thing [GoggleSama]
--The following transcript was a live chat roleplay--
‹GoggleSama› He watched as she turned, walking down the street. It was strangely quiet in this area, but like so much of the evening it felt familiar to him. He tilted his head and watched her, snapping to a decision. If he was going to learn more about his new condition then he would need to trust another vampire at some point, and this one seemed kind, in a strange sort of way. One foot in front of the other, thought drifting into a thankful moment of silence as he followed her. She approached the door, a sign announcing it as Cordivae. Was this her dungeon? It looked like a hotel. She faced him, flashing him a toothy grin, fangs gleaming in the moonlight. Fangs? His tongue brushed over the tips of his own. Vampire, right. Behind her he could hear sounds of violence from within, snarling, crashing and was that... Gunshots? What on earth was going on inside there?! His eyes met hers, seeing the smile reaching them. She seemed so calm, standing before the sounds of destruction without a care in the world. "Yes, my lady. Reka it is." Goggle smiled and walked towards her, one hand resting on his knife while the other reached for the revolver hidden in his pocket. He needed to be prepared for whatever was inside, she had mention zombies, correct? He came right up to her, so close, when his eyes were caught by the bodies inside. People were fighting stumbling monsters, while other who seemed to have succeeded in their fights looked like they were... Cutting off the ears? What was going on in here?!
‹Eureka› It was like a chaotic mad house, that was for sure. Most within were talented and knew what they were doing, enough to kill the hapless zombies, anyway. There was a gleam in Eureka's eyes and that smile remained curled onto her lips, serene, as she glanced from Goggle's eyes, to his mouth where she saw the fangs she had absently given to him, back to his eyes, which shifted to take in the chaos within. If they each had body heat, it might have been mingling by now. But they didn't. Reka stepped that tiny bit closer so that she could reach around and, with the palm of her hand planted firmly between Goggle's shoulder blades, shoved him inside. She was not long behind him, however, allowing the door to shut behind them. "See that shop over there?" she asked, pointing, squinting with one eye to the top corner of the lobby. "The guy there likes to buy the zombie ears. Don't ask me why. And this here," she said, gesturing to the place with her arms out wide, "Is where, I gather, most newly turned vampires come to train. Or maybe they just like fighting zombies," she said with a shrug. "Welcome to your new existence," she said, then, finally turning to the male again, her eyes bright and wide and curiously inquisitive--maybe even a little guarded. As if she feared he might run away from her, as quick as his legs would carry him.
‹GoggleSama› Her touch send a shiver along his spine, not an unpleasant sensation he had to admit. A training room for new vampires, with a gentleman more than willing to buy the ears of the living dead. Convenient, he had to admit. He could learn to fight, here. To make himself stronger, so that one day he may return... A zombie rushed at him from across the room, the teeth remaining gnashing as the undead creature creature reached for him. A strange calm descended upon him as he allowed his newer instincts to come to the front. His hand came out of his pocket with the gun at the ready. His finger twitched on the trigger, again and again the small revolver bucking in his hand. Lowering the spent weapon, the animal part of his mind retreated as he realized every shot had gone wide and he now had a zombie right on him.
‹Eureka› Eureka couldn't help herself. She should have let Goggle take care of himself. No harm could really come to him from this creature. She'd escaped from plenty herself, in the beginning - slipping away to lick at her wounds before coming back at them with a stronger resolve. Until she'd learned to get the better of them - so much so now that she searched for those slightly more demanding Ferals. And, maybe once she gets the best of the ferals, she can move on to the other creatures out there in the darkness. Those things called Mooncalves. The ones she had no chance against, just yet. But this zombie was getting far too close to her own blood, and his gun gave that hollow sound of being empty. Empty of its bullets. Eureka roared from behind her progeny, advancing upon the dead creature now like the predator that she was, with the rifle raised. The weapon kicked, the energy jolting through Eureka's slim body, but she kept the gun steady. After each shot she reloaded, and each bullet hit its mark, sending it stumbling backward. Head, chest, heart, until finally it collapsed in a heap of bones and torn flesh. Dead. Truly dead. The rifle was slung over her shoulder again, as Eureka crouched over the corpse; her fingers now claws, she used the sharpened nails to tear the ear from the zombie's head. Standing, triumphant, she waltzed back over to her childe and shoved the ear into his hand. "Here. Present. For you," she said, beaming again.
‹GoggleSama› Reka slipped past him, taking charge of the situation as if she did this every day. Which, he realized, she actually might. The zombie dropped with absolutely no effort on her part at all. She was likely a vengeful goddess, raining down her wrath upon the zombie. His breath caught as he was swept away in the moment. Then it was over, and she was holding up a trophy to him. It was... The ear of the zombie, the flesh cold and grey. As far as presents went, it was definitely different.He took it from her, smiling, his fingers brushing against her hand as he claimed the gift for himself. Another zombie came at the pair, and this time Goggle was determined to prove his worth to her. The revolver, now useless to him went back into his pocket. His other hand, deposited the ear into his other pocket, reaching inside for the knife and coming out with... A pack of cigarettes. This night was really not going well. Stepping to the side, he waved his arm to get the zombie's attention, reaching back to get the knife. Getting in close, he slammed the blade into the chest of the zombie. The zombie, however, didn't seem to notice. This really wasn't going the way he had planned.
‹GoggleSama› He watched as she turned, walking down the street. It was strangely quiet in this area, but like so much of the evening it felt familiar to him. He tilted his head and watched her, snapping to a decision. If he was going to learn more about his new condition then he would need to trust another vampire at some point, and this one seemed kind, in a strange sort of way. One foot in front of the other, thought drifting into a thankful moment of silence as he followed her. She approached the door, a sign announcing it as Cordivae. Was this her dungeon? It looked like a hotel. She faced him, flashing him a toothy grin, fangs gleaming in the moonlight. Fangs? His tongue brushed over the tips of his own. Vampire, right. Behind her he could hear sounds of violence from within, snarling, crashing and was that... Gunshots? What on earth was going on inside there?! His eyes met hers, seeing the smile reaching them. She seemed so calm, standing before the sounds of destruction without a care in the world. "Yes, my lady. Reka it is." Goggle smiled and walked towards her, one hand resting on his knife while the other reached for the revolver hidden in his pocket. He needed to be prepared for whatever was inside, she had mention zombies, correct? He came right up to her, so close, when his eyes were caught by the bodies inside. People were fighting stumbling monsters, while other who seemed to have succeeded in their fights looked like they were... Cutting off the ears? What was going on in here?!
‹Eureka› It was like a chaotic mad house, that was for sure. Most within were talented and knew what they were doing, enough to kill the hapless zombies, anyway. There was a gleam in Eureka's eyes and that smile remained curled onto her lips, serene, as she glanced from Goggle's eyes, to his mouth where she saw the fangs she had absently given to him, back to his eyes, which shifted to take in the chaos within. If they each had body heat, it might have been mingling by now. But they didn't. Reka stepped that tiny bit closer so that she could reach around and, with the palm of her hand planted firmly between Goggle's shoulder blades, shoved him inside. She was not long behind him, however, allowing the door to shut behind them. "See that shop over there?" she asked, pointing, squinting with one eye to the top corner of the lobby. "The guy there likes to buy the zombie ears. Don't ask me why. And this here," she said, gesturing to the place with her arms out wide, "Is where, I gather, most newly turned vampires come to train. Or maybe they just like fighting zombies," she said with a shrug. "Welcome to your new existence," she said, then, finally turning to the male again, her eyes bright and wide and curiously inquisitive--maybe even a little guarded. As if she feared he might run away from her, as quick as his legs would carry him.
‹GoggleSama› Her touch send a shiver along his spine, not an unpleasant sensation he had to admit. A training room for new vampires, with a gentleman more than willing to buy the ears of the living dead. Convenient, he had to admit. He could learn to fight, here. To make himself stronger, so that one day he may return... A zombie rushed at him from across the room, the teeth remaining gnashing as the undead creature creature reached for him. A strange calm descended upon him as he allowed his newer instincts to come to the front. His hand came out of his pocket with the gun at the ready. His finger twitched on the trigger, again and again the small revolver bucking in his hand. Lowering the spent weapon, the animal part of his mind retreated as he realized every shot had gone wide and he now had a zombie right on him.
‹Eureka› Eureka couldn't help herself. She should have let Goggle take care of himself. No harm could really come to him from this creature. She'd escaped from plenty herself, in the beginning - slipping away to lick at her wounds before coming back at them with a stronger resolve. Until she'd learned to get the better of them - so much so now that she searched for those slightly more demanding Ferals. And, maybe once she gets the best of the ferals, she can move on to the other creatures out there in the darkness. Those things called Mooncalves. The ones she had no chance against, just yet. But this zombie was getting far too close to her own blood, and his gun gave that hollow sound of being empty. Empty of its bullets. Eureka roared from behind her progeny, advancing upon the dead creature now like the predator that she was, with the rifle raised. The weapon kicked, the energy jolting through Eureka's slim body, but she kept the gun steady. After each shot she reloaded, and each bullet hit its mark, sending it stumbling backward. Head, chest, heart, until finally it collapsed in a heap of bones and torn flesh. Dead. Truly dead. The rifle was slung over her shoulder again, as Eureka crouched over the corpse; her fingers now claws, she used the sharpened nails to tear the ear from the zombie's head. Standing, triumphant, she waltzed back over to her childe and shoved the ear into his hand. "Here. Present. For you," she said, beaming again.
‹GoggleSama› Reka slipped past him, taking charge of the situation as if she did this every day. Which, he realized, she actually might. The zombie dropped with absolutely no effort on her part at all. She was likely a vengeful goddess, raining down her wrath upon the zombie. His breath caught as he was swept away in the moment. Then it was over, and she was holding up a trophy to him. It was... The ear of the zombie, the flesh cold and grey. As far as presents went, it was definitely different.He took it from her, smiling, his fingers brushing against her hand as he claimed the gift for himself. Another zombie came at the pair, and this time Goggle was determined to prove his worth to her. The revolver, now useless to him went back into his pocket. His other hand, deposited the ear into his other pocket, reaching inside for the knife and coming out with... A pack of cigarettes. This night was really not going well. Stepping to the side, he waved his arm to get the zombie's attention, reaching back to get the knife. Getting in close, he slammed the blade into the chest of the zombie. The zombie, however, didn't seem to notice. This really wasn't going the way he had planned.

- Registered User
- Posts: 156
- Joined: 30 Dec 2014, 07:46
Re: The New Thing [GoggleSama]
--The following transcript was a live chat roleplay--
<Eureka> Eureka didn't step in this time. She didn't interrupt. She watched as her progeny took on his foe--she had no idea what he planned to do with the cigarettes, though realised it was but a mistake as he instead reached for a knife. The first strike failed, and Eureka took a step forward. "They don't have the same weaknesses as humans. You have to keep going - more wounds, better chance at killing them. Be an animal. You are stronger than it is. You can do it," she said. There was no disappointment, and there would be none if he did fail. She failed plenty, except she had been left to her own devices. She had no one watching her, after she was first introduced to these foes. For which she was not bitter - she instead cherished the independence given to her. She felt free. Freer than she ever had before. "Aim for the head!" she called.
<GoggleSama> Be an animal? Okay, he could do this. He could be an animal and defeat this zombie threat! He cringed, regretting how ridiculous he sounded in his own head. It would be okay though, he knew there was a newly awakened part of his mind, one which he had let reign more than once to track down humans and do what was needed to keep him going. Okay, all he had to do was keep inflicting wounds on this thing and eventually it would fall before him, allowing him to claim another of the ears to add to his collection. Barreling right through this thought, not wanting to confront the self loathing, Goggle pushed hard on the zombie's chest, knocking it back while at the same time drawing forth his knife. The head. He needed to aim for the head. Brief memories of afternoons lost on old zombie flicks came back to him and he smiled. They made it look so easy. He could do this! Swinging high with his knife, he prepared to end this monster. You can't do this, y'know. Why are you kidding yourself? He stumbled as the voice returned, his knife tearing through the zombie's cheek while he found himself overbalanced, falling past it and crashing to the floor, his knife spinning away from him. Would it be too much to ask that 'Reka had not seen that? The zombie, giving no chance for Goggle to continue his train of though, turned around and rushed at him, releasing a rasping growl. The vampire rolled out of the way, kicking out at the zombie's leg and buckling it, sending the zombie sprawling. They were on even ground now at least! Just as he was beginning to savor this small victory, another zombie began stumbling towards them.
<Eureka> If Eureka was irritated as she watched, if she twitched at all, it was only for Goggle's sake. Maybe she was impatient. Or maybe she just wants him to be able to have the same kind of fun that she does. She leaves the one zombie for Goggle and instead goes after any other that might try to hinder his progress. In the process, she kicks his knife back toward him, and takes a shot at the unstumbled zombie. Her fingers are still claws, however, and as her shot hits the zombie in the shoulder, wide of its chest, she abandons her gun in favour of hands. With strength and determination she swipes the legs out from beneath the undead thing, its ribs cracking beneath her knees as she heavily falls on top of it. She claws at its throat; she claws at its eyes. Sticks her fingers deep down into the socket while the zombie continued to rasp incoherently, gnashing its teeth. As her claws do not do the harm she wishes them to, she instead lashes out at the head with knuckled fist. Over and over and over again until the thing is dead and its brains are spilled out over the lobby floor. She is splattered with the gore, but there is a smile on her face. When her creature is dead, she turns suddenly to find out the progress of her childe.
<Eureka> Eureka didn't step in this time. She didn't interrupt. She watched as her progeny took on his foe--she had no idea what he planned to do with the cigarettes, though realised it was but a mistake as he instead reached for a knife. The first strike failed, and Eureka took a step forward. "They don't have the same weaknesses as humans. You have to keep going - more wounds, better chance at killing them. Be an animal. You are stronger than it is. You can do it," she said. There was no disappointment, and there would be none if he did fail. She failed plenty, except she had been left to her own devices. She had no one watching her, after she was first introduced to these foes. For which she was not bitter - she instead cherished the independence given to her. She felt free. Freer than she ever had before. "Aim for the head!" she called.
<GoggleSama> Be an animal? Okay, he could do this. He could be an animal and defeat this zombie threat! He cringed, regretting how ridiculous he sounded in his own head. It would be okay though, he knew there was a newly awakened part of his mind, one which he had let reign more than once to track down humans and do what was needed to keep him going. Okay, all he had to do was keep inflicting wounds on this thing and eventually it would fall before him, allowing him to claim another of the ears to add to his collection. Barreling right through this thought, not wanting to confront the self loathing, Goggle pushed hard on the zombie's chest, knocking it back while at the same time drawing forth his knife. The head. He needed to aim for the head. Brief memories of afternoons lost on old zombie flicks came back to him and he smiled. They made it look so easy. He could do this! Swinging high with his knife, he prepared to end this monster. You can't do this, y'know. Why are you kidding yourself? He stumbled as the voice returned, his knife tearing through the zombie's cheek while he found himself overbalanced, falling past it and crashing to the floor, his knife spinning away from him. Would it be too much to ask that 'Reka had not seen that? The zombie, giving no chance for Goggle to continue his train of though, turned around and rushed at him, releasing a rasping growl. The vampire rolled out of the way, kicking out at the zombie's leg and buckling it, sending the zombie sprawling. They were on even ground now at least! Just as he was beginning to savor this small victory, another zombie began stumbling towards them.
<Eureka> If Eureka was irritated as she watched, if she twitched at all, it was only for Goggle's sake. Maybe she was impatient. Or maybe she just wants him to be able to have the same kind of fun that she does. She leaves the one zombie for Goggle and instead goes after any other that might try to hinder his progress. In the process, she kicks his knife back toward him, and takes a shot at the unstumbled zombie. Her fingers are still claws, however, and as her shot hits the zombie in the shoulder, wide of its chest, she abandons her gun in favour of hands. With strength and determination she swipes the legs out from beneath the undead thing, its ribs cracking beneath her knees as she heavily falls on top of it. She claws at its throat; she claws at its eyes. Sticks her fingers deep down into the socket while the zombie continued to rasp incoherently, gnashing its teeth. As her claws do not do the harm she wishes them to, she instead lashes out at the head with knuckled fist. Over and over and over again until the thing is dead and its brains are spilled out over the lobby floor. She is splattered with the gore, but there is a smile on her face. When her creature is dead, she turns suddenly to find out the progress of her childe.
M O L L Y - C A T

- Posts: 8
- Joined: 03 Mar 2015, 05:34
Re: The New Thing [GoggleSama]
--The following transcript was a live chat roleplay--
<GoggleSama> His knife spun towards him and he couldn't help but give a sigh of relief. He had to do better than this, he couldn't rely upon this new person forever, she surely had other places to be and other people to meet. She had talked earlier about at least one other person. The zombie was had stumbled closer, even managing to regain it's feet while Goggle had been floundering around on the floor, once more lost in his own thoughts. He needed focus, he needed less thinking and more action. The zombie was almost upon him when he swung the knife once more, landing a vicious blow that left the blade embedded deep in the zombie's leg that barely slowed it down. Goggle hissed in frustration, his jaw tightening with the anger, not at the zombie but at himself. How did this girl make it all look so easy? He pushed himself back, moving out of the way and buying time to climb to his feet. The zombie rushed him once more, the leg giving out at the last moment and sending it crashing into him. He manager to get his hand wrapped around the cold, soft flesh of it's throat, stopping it from clamping it's teeth around his throat. A small growl escaped him as he tightened his grip, feeling the flesh give way from the zombie's leg. He had been so certain before that it had been stuck fast. The blade was a blur in his hand as he stabbed the zombie in the head, once, twice, three times before letting it fall motionless to the ground. Grinning in triumph, he knelt beside the body, wielding the knife to slice through skin, removing the ears. Turning to face the sound of approaching steps, he rose and held the trophies out to 'Reka.
<Eureka> Reka grinned. Her senses on high alert for any other approaching beasties, she managed to keep the majority of her focus on Goggle. Goddle, she still couldn't get over that name, and wondered whether she should think of something else to call him. Precious? No. Maybe not to his face. She would think on it. She had removed the ears from her own dead zombie and had tucked them into the pocket of her jeans. They were all mushed in there in a globby mess. With her gun again slung over her shoulder, she wrapped her arm through Goggle's and led him toward the shop. Over on the other side of the lobby. There were other zombies, of course, but they were all tied up with other opponents, and their was unhindered. In her own way she was teaching this new fledgling what he needed to know; deep down she knew he might flounder just like she did sometimes. What he did not know was that as talented as she might be at taking down the zombies, they were the lowest rung of foe. She was nothing special in this world of theirs, but she fought each day to become a little bit more special. Maybe she was trying to prove to Chad that she was indeed what he was looking for, even though she had no idea what that was. She assumed that the more powerful she got, the prouder he would be. But of course she would seek the same help for this new one as help had been given to her. She would hope that others sought him out, just like they had sought her out. That in this rabble of a family that wasn't so much a family might somehow come together, if only to welcome the new. They reached the shop and Reka emptied her pocket. The keeper said nothing as he counted the ears, took them, and handed Reka the requisite money for them. She beamed back at Goggle and gestured that he should do the same.
<GoggleSama> She came back up to him, getting in close and slipping her arm through his own. The closeness of her was downright distracting, that feeling having been put on the low burn during the recent conflict but reigniting with the sudden contact between their bodies. He allowed himself to be led across the room, trying not to think too much about how her scent was ever now filling his senses, over to that gentleman standing in the corner. She had been serious, when she told him he would pay for zombie ears? Whatsoever would he need them for? Actually, it would probably be better if he never found out the answer to that slightly terrifying question, He followed her lead, laying down his own measly collection of ears on the counter, not thinking about what they went through to acquire them. His eyes lingered on her full lips as she grinned at him, and the fangs that lay beneath. Not paying any attention to the shopkeeper any more, he didn't notice the handful of bills lying on the counter, waiting for him to claim.
<Eureka> No words have been exchanged. Instead of grabbing his cash, Goggle instead takes to staring at Eureka. She wondered whether he was trying to instigate some kind of staring contest. Of course, she was confused. Had she had much to do with men in her life up until this point? Not really. Maybe a couple there at the point where her puberty had led her to curiosity, but that's all it had been. The sating of a curiosity, and neither had made her feel much of anything. She was better off with her own fingers, really. But, working in that grocery store, and only going between work and home, she'd never really met the requirement for men's conquests. She just assumed this one wasn't yet used to his senses. Until her own canines scratched at her lip and she realised he must have wondered about them. She snatched his cash up off the counter and went rifling through the clothing he wore looking for a pocket to shove it in. "My teeth don't go away. I've been told it's not normal, that they should? But I kind of like them," she said, beaming up at him again. Because he was taller than she was. In the standards of today she was a bit of a pixie. Maybe a bit taller than a pixie. 5'3''. Or maybe 5'4''. She'd never really measured herself.
<GoggleSama> His knife spun towards him and he couldn't help but give a sigh of relief. He had to do better than this, he couldn't rely upon this new person forever, she surely had other places to be and other people to meet. She had talked earlier about at least one other person. The zombie was had stumbled closer, even managing to regain it's feet while Goggle had been floundering around on the floor, once more lost in his own thoughts. He needed focus, he needed less thinking and more action. The zombie was almost upon him when he swung the knife once more, landing a vicious blow that left the blade embedded deep in the zombie's leg that barely slowed it down. Goggle hissed in frustration, his jaw tightening with the anger, not at the zombie but at himself. How did this girl make it all look so easy? He pushed himself back, moving out of the way and buying time to climb to his feet. The zombie rushed him once more, the leg giving out at the last moment and sending it crashing into him. He manager to get his hand wrapped around the cold, soft flesh of it's throat, stopping it from clamping it's teeth around his throat. A small growl escaped him as he tightened his grip, feeling the flesh give way from the zombie's leg. He had been so certain before that it had been stuck fast. The blade was a blur in his hand as he stabbed the zombie in the head, once, twice, three times before letting it fall motionless to the ground. Grinning in triumph, he knelt beside the body, wielding the knife to slice through skin, removing the ears. Turning to face the sound of approaching steps, he rose and held the trophies out to 'Reka.
<Eureka> Reka grinned. Her senses on high alert for any other approaching beasties, she managed to keep the majority of her focus on Goggle. Goddle, she still couldn't get over that name, and wondered whether she should think of something else to call him. Precious? No. Maybe not to his face. She would think on it. She had removed the ears from her own dead zombie and had tucked them into the pocket of her jeans. They were all mushed in there in a globby mess. With her gun again slung over her shoulder, she wrapped her arm through Goggle's and led him toward the shop. Over on the other side of the lobby. There were other zombies, of course, but they were all tied up with other opponents, and their was unhindered. In her own way she was teaching this new fledgling what he needed to know; deep down she knew he might flounder just like she did sometimes. What he did not know was that as talented as she might be at taking down the zombies, they were the lowest rung of foe. She was nothing special in this world of theirs, but she fought each day to become a little bit more special. Maybe she was trying to prove to Chad that she was indeed what he was looking for, even though she had no idea what that was. She assumed that the more powerful she got, the prouder he would be. But of course she would seek the same help for this new one as help had been given to her. She would hope that others sought him out, just like they had sought her out. That in this rabble of a family that wasn't so much a family might somehow come together, if only to welcome the new. They reached the shop and Reka emptied her pocket. The keeper said nothing as he counted the ears, took them, and handed Reka the requisite money for them. She beamed back at Goggle and gestured that he should do the same.
<GoggleSama> She came back up to him, getting in close and slipping her arm through his own. The closeness of her was downright distracting, that feeling having been put on the low burn during the recent conflict but reigniting with the sudden contact between their bodies. He allowed himself to be led across the room, trying not to think too much about how her scent was ever now filling his senses, over to that gentleman standing in the corner. She had been serious, when she told him he would pay for zombie ears? Whatsoever would he need them for? Actually, it would probably be better if he never found out the answer to that slightly terrifying question, He followed her lead, laying down his own measly collection of ears on the counter, not thinking about what they went through to acquire them. His eyes lingered on her full lips as she grinned at him, and the fangs that lay beneath. Not paying any attention to the shopkeeper any more, he didn't notice the handful of bills lying on the counter, waiting for him to claim.
<Eureka> No words have been exchanged. Instead of grabbing his cash, Goggle instead takes to staring at Eureka. She wondered whether he was trying to instigate some kind of staring contest. Of course, she was confused. Had she had much to do with men in her life up until this point? Not really. Maybe a couple there at the point where her puberty had led her to curiosity, but that's all it had been. The sating of a curiosity, and neither had made her feel much of anything. She was better off with her own fingers, really. But, working in that grocery store, and only going between work and home, she'd never really met the requirement for men's conquests. She just assumed this one wasn't yet used to his senses. Until her own canines scratched at her lip and she realised he must have wondered about them. She snatched his cash up off the counter and went rifling through the clothing he wore looking for a pocket to shove it in. "My teeth don't go away. I've been told it's not normal, that they should? But I kind of like them," she said, beaming up at him again. Because he was taller than she was. In the standards of today she was a bit of a pixie. Maybe a bit taller than a pixie. 5'3''. Or maybe 5'4''. She'd never really measured herself.