September 11, 2014.
Dead again.
I hope I remembered to lock the door to the shoppe.
Confessions Of A Rabid Vampyre (Journal)
- Sepsis
- Posts: 95
- Joined: 26 Aug 2011, 04:58
Re: Confessions Of A Rabid Vampyre (Journal)

OOC Note: Sepsis's journal-Confessions of a Rabid Vampyre, is the product of her deranged mind, and may or may not have happened as described. It is not subject to scrutiny.
- Sepsis
- Posts: 95
- Joined: 26 Aug 2011, 04:58
Re: Confessions Of A Rabid Vampyre (Journal)
September 15, 2014.
I wonder if anyone misses me.
Probably not.
*a doodle of a smiley face is below. the eyes have been gouged out of the face*
I wonder if anyone misses me.
Probably not.
*a doodle of a smiley face is below. the eyes have been gouged out of the face*

OOC Note: Sepsis's journal-Confessions of a Rabid Vampyre, is the product of her deranged mind, and may or may not have happened as described. It is not subject to scrutiny.
- Sepsis
- Posts: 95
- Joined: 26 Aug 2011, 04:58
Re: Confessions Of A Rabid Vampyre (Journal)
September 18, 2014
The Fade has revealed to me one of it's mysteries yet again. A window to the waking world, a splash of green, so vivid in this black hole. I thought I was dreaming when my soul drifted in to the small place. A sense of comfort which would be all too short lived in this place of misery, comforted me, and reminded me that that I would soon be able to pass through the gates to return once again.
But I still haven't decided if I will.
*an exquisite albeit frightening drawing of terrified souls burning covers half the page...upon closer inspection, one can see that each face is actually the same face in different tortured expressions...Sepsis's.*
The Fade has revealed to me one of it's mysteries yet again. A window to the waking world, a splash of green, so vivid in this black hole. I thought I was dreaming when my soul drifted in to the small place. A sense of comfort which would be all too short lived in this place of misery, comforted me, and reminded me that that I would soon be able to pass through the gates to return once again.
But I still haven't decided if I will.
*an exquisite albeit frightening drawing of terrified souls burning covers half the page...upon closer inspection, one can see that each face is actually the same face in different tortured expressions...Sepsis's.*

OOC Note: Sepsis's journal-Confessions of a Rabid Vampyre, is the product of her deranged mind, and may or may not have happened as described. It is not subject to scrutiny.
- Sepsis
- Posts: 95
- Joined: 26 Aug 2011, 04:58
Re: Confessions Of A Rabid Vampyre (Journal)
September 30, 2014
How strange it is, to think back on human days. My own past came up yesterday...something I had chosen to keep to myself. How some cling to the notions of humanity was...while others cast them aside, like forgotten childhood toys.
I was born with my gifts. Gifts that plagued me throughout my human life. Gifts that caused my family to shun me. Gifts that led me to a choice, that ultimately led to the betrayal which saw me institutionalized for my last human year. I wonder if Wolfgang knew the state I was in when I met him on that fateful night. My first hours of stolen freedom, which resulted in what could potentially be an eternity of ultimate 'life'. I can never explain to him what the Dark Trick has meant to me, but then...maybe he already knows. Or then again, maybe he doesn't care. Never the less, He need but ask, and I shall give to him all that is in my power to give. How could I ever repay what he has given me. Lifetimes of opportunities.
I have been 'making friends' per se. How those who feed upon the life of others actually become friends, I am unsure. Maybe we bond together for the sake of being with other damned souls. Maybe we truly crave what the loss of humanity has taken from us, and we feel compelled to live pale imitation lives. Maybe we actually finally learn what unconditional love is, and see it in all those around us, and accept what we have all become. Whatever our reasons, it is comforting to know there are others out there, and that not everyone wishes to do us harm.
On a brighter note, I have a new pretty...Chaindog made it for me. Sleepytyme II. Her barrel is sleek, and her punch is magnificent. I shall take her hunting with me...and repay the fae who chose to disturb my woodland adventure. Even now I nurse the wounds left by these creatures. Demons they are....I am not fooled.
And tomorrow...tomorrow brings October. Even as a human I loved this I am fills me with a child like joy, and I have decided to give something special to the Kindred of Harper Rock. I will speak no word of it here now, for there is much to prepare.
*what appears to be a fresh dandelion has been pressed flat between the pages of this entry, but no indication of it's significance has been mentioned*
How strange it is, to think back on human days. My own past came up yesterday...something I had chosen to keep to myself. How some cling to the notions of humanity was...while others cast them aside, like forgotten childhood toys.
I was born with my gifts. Gifts that plagued me throughout my human life. Gifts that caused my family to shun me. Gifts that led me to a choice, that ultimately led to the betrayal which saw me institutionalized for my last human year. I wonder if Wolfgang knew the state I was in when I met him on that fateful night. My first hours of stolen freedom, which resulted in what could potentially be an eternity of ultimate 'life'. I can never explain to him what the Dark Trick has meant to me, but then...maybe he already knows. Or then again, maybe he doesn't care. Never the less, He need but ask, and I shall give to him all that is in my power to give. How could I ever repay what he has given me. Lifetimes of opportunities.
I have been 'making friends' per se. How those who feed upon the life of others actually become friends, I am unsure. Maybe we bond together for the sake of being with other damned souls. Maybe we truly crave what the loss of humanity has taken from us, and we feel compelled to live pale imitation lives. Maybe we actually finally learn what unconditional love is, and see it in all those around us, and accept what we have all become. Whatever our reasons, it is comforting to know there are others out there, and that not everyone wishes to do us harm.
On a brighter note, I have a new pretty...Chaindog made it for me. Sleepytyme II. Her barrel is sleek, and her punch is magnificent. I shall take her hunting with me...and repay the fae who chose to disturb my woodland adventure. Even now I nurse the wounds left by these creatures. Demons they are....I am not fooled.
And tomorrow...tomorrow brings October. Even as a human I loved this I am fills me with a child like joy, and I have decided to give something special to the Kindred of Harper Rock. I will speak no word of it here now, for there is much to prepare.
*what appears to be a fresh dandelion has been pressed flat between the pages of this entry, but no indication of it's significance has been mentioned*

OOC Note: Sepsis's journal-Confessions of a Rabid Vampyre, is the product of her deranged mind, and may or may not have happened as described. It is not subject to scrutiny.
- Sepsis
- Posts: 95
- Joined: 26 Aug 2011, 04:58
Re: Confessions Of A Rabid Vampyre (Journal)
October 13, 2014 fun it was last night to watch the waddling humans. Their bellied gorged on feasts that would feed entire homeless shelters. Their eyes glazed after forced mind numbing conversation with family members that they could barely stand the presence of. Teenagers shuffled about like zombies after their parents going between gas guzzling SUV's and the front doors of grandparents disappointed in the decline of their own bloodlines. Everyone's eyes ever glued to their i-phones where they lived out their imaginary lives on social media sites.
How beautiful it is to be free of such distractions.
It always makes finding dinner easier... fun it was last night to watch the waddling humans. Their bellied gorged on feasts that would feed entire homeless shelters. Their eyes glazed after forced mind numbing conversation with family members that they could barely stand the presence of. Teenagers shuffled about like zombies after their parents going between gas guzzling SUV's and the front doors of grandparents disappointed in the decline of their own bloodlines. Everyone's eyes ever glued to their i-phones where they lived out their imaginary lives on social media sites.
How beautiful it is to be free of such distractions.
It always makes finding dinner easier...

OOC Note: Sepsis's journal-Confessions of a Rabid Vampyre, is the product of her deranged mind, and may or may not have happened as described. It is not subject to scrutiny.
- Sepsis
- Posts: 95
- Joined: 26 Aug 2011, 04:58
Re: Confessions Of A Rabid Vampyre (Journal)
October 29, 2014.
Is there any holiday more divine than that we call Hallowe'en? My costume is waiting, and my preparations are almost complete.
I do hope everyone found their invitations...
*a piece of squashed candy corn has been stuck to the page below this entry* ... 14&t=23303
Is there any holiday more divine than that we call Hallowe'en? My costume is waiting, and my preparations are almost complete.
I do hope everyone found their invitations...
*a piece of squashed candy corn has been stuck to the page below this entry* ... 14&t=23303

OOC Note: Sepsis's journal-Confessions of a Rabid Vampyre, is the product of her deranged mind, and may or may not have happened as described. It is not subject to scrutiny.
- Sepsis
- Posts: 95
- Joined: 26 Aug 2011, 04:58
Re: Confessions Of A Rabid Vampyre (Journal)
January 12, 2015
I know I did the right thing, so why does it still bother me?
I hadn't meant to be there in the first place, but the police were searching and I had needed a place to hide. The run down apartment building stairwell I had slipped into was as good as the next I had figured. It was his cries echoing off the cold hallways that had drawn me though...caught my attention. Heartbreaking. They reminded me of someone I dreamt of for years. Someone I had lost so long ago.
The place was easy enough to find, and the door had not even been locked. That is where I had found him.
Tears had stained his chubby cheeks, and his tiny body begged to be held by someone. Anyone. I found his mother, stoned into comatose, lain out on the living floor. Useless woman. I should have killed her. I should have made her pay and suffer for taking such a beautiful gift and treating it so badly. I should have ripped her throat out and taken him for myself. I should have bled her like the cattle she was.
I should have.
But I didn't.
I found myself holding him. His soft skin so warm and full of life. I wiped his face, and dried his tears, and cooed at him in childish ways. He was not afraid. He smiled, and patted my cheeks, and poked at my fangs with a tiny finger. He watched me with innocent eyes, and trusted me. The monster that I am.
But not at that moment.
I had stayed for far longer than I had meant to, and the useless woman had finally come around of of her stupor. She had tried to scream at me when she saw me holding him, but I stopped that. The child never even cried when I back handed her. Only watched me, trusting as ever.
Then I gave her what was taken from me.
A chance.
I left her, alive, with a fistful of cash, and a warning.
She cleans up, or I'll come back. She cleans up, because I'm watching. She cleans up, or I'll take that boy for myself, and she'll die. When I gave her back her child, she had asked me why, why I had let her live.
But how do you tell someone it's so that they have a chance to live one of YOUR dreams? Instead, I gave her a contact she could use to get a hold of me, and warned her once again to clean herself up, and take care of the child.
I know I did the right thing...but why does it still bother me?
I know I did the right thing, so why does it still bother me?
I hadn't meant to be there in the first place, but the police were searching and I had needed a place to hide. The run down apartment building stairwell I had slipped into was as good as the next I had figured. It was his cries echoing off the cold hallways that had drawn me though...caught my attention. Heartbreaking. They reminded me of someone I dreamt of for years. Someone I had lost so long ago.
The place was easy enough to find, and the door had not even been locked. That is where I had found him.
Tears had stained his chubby cheeks, and his tiny body begged to be held by someone. Anyone. I found his mother, stoned into comatose, lain out on the living floor. Useless woman. I should have killed her. I should have made her pay and suffer for taking such a beautiful gift and treating it so badly. I should have ripped her throat out and taken him for myself. I should have bled her like the cattle she was.
I should have.
But I didn't.
I found myself holding him. His soft skin so warm and full of life. I wiped his face, and dried his tears, and cooed at him in childish ways. He was not afraid. He smiled, and patted my cheeks, and poked at my fangs with a tiny finger. He watched me with innocent eyes, and trusted me. The monster that I am.
But not at that moment.
I had stayed for far longer than I had meant to, and the useless woman had finally come around of of her stupor. She had tried to scream at me when she saw me holding him, but I stopped that. The child never even cried when I back handed her. Only watched me, trusting as ever.
Then I gave her what was taken from me.
A chance.
I left her, alive, with a fistful of cash, and a warning.
She cleans up, or I'll come back. She cleans up, because I'm watching. She cleans up, or I'll take that boy for myself, and she'll die. When I gave her back her child, she had asked me why, why I had let her live.
But how do you tell someone it's so that they have a chance to live one of YOUR dreams? Instead, I gave her a contact she could use to get a hold of me, and warned her once again to clean herself up, and take care of the child.
I know I did the right thing...but why does it still bother me?

OOC Note: Sepsis's journal-Confessions of a Rabid Vampyre, is the product of her deranged mind, and may or may not have happened as described. It is not subject to scrutiny.
- Sepsis
- Posts: 95
- Joined: 26 Aug 2011, 04:58
Re: Confessions Of A Rabid Vampyre (Journal)
February 9, 2015.
My human birthday is today, so I decided to celebrate of course. A half nekked dancing man wearing not much else but a cowboy hat, and a vegan health nut for dinner.
Sounds about like the perfect evening for me.
*A naughty polaroid of a fine looking man has been taped below the entry. Indeed, he is wearing naught but a smile and a cowboy hat. The photo has been signed 'Ride'em'Cowboy..David...xoxo'*
My human birthday is today, so I decided to celebrate of course. A half nekked dancing man wearing not much else but a cowboy hat, and a vegan health nut for dinner.
Sounds about like the perfect evening for me.
*A naughty polaroid of a fine looking man has been taped below the entry. Indeed, he is wearing naught but a smile and a cowboy hat. The photo has been signed 'Ride'em'Cowboy..David...xoxo'*

OOC Note: Sepsis's journal-Confessions of a Rabid Vampyre, is the product of her deranged mind, and may or may not have happened as described. It is not subject to scrutiny.
- Sepsis
- Posts: 95
- Joined: 26 Aug 2011, 04:58
Re: Confessions Of A Rabid Vampyre (Journal)
February 16, 2015-The Fade
I'll kill them all.
Every single last one of them.
From the filthy blood traitors, to the stinking humans who dared lay their vile fingers upon me.
They deserve what they all get.
I'll kill them all.
Every single last one of them.
From the filthy blood traitors, to the stinking humans who dared lay their vile fingers upon me.
They deserve what they all get.

OOC Note: Sepsis's journal-Confessions of a Rabid Vampyre, is the product of her deranged mind, and may or may not have happened as described. It is not subject to scrutiny.