"--The following transcript was a live chat roleplay--"
Doc: "For his own good.."
Ariadne: She squeaked and covered up her mouth at the sight of the tiny turtles.
Doc: Doc smirked "The headbutt..."
Doc: He looked at her.
Ariadne: She cleared her throat and regained a straight face as Marlin was tackled by the turtles.
Doc: Doc watched her as she stared at the turtles..
Ariadne: "The seagulls are extremely annoying."
Doc: "See.. Gill isnt so bad.."
Ariadne: "No. He figured that he made a mistake. He's a little better now."
Doc: "Only a little..?"
Ariadne: "Yes... there is still some movie left."
Ariadne: "Marlin appears to be loosening up a bit."
Doc: Doc looked at her. "I dislike the father and Dory.. I like Gill"
Ariadne: "I like the shrimp."
Doc: Doc laughed.. "Oh look Krill..."
Ariadne: "Swim away!"
Ariadne: "Oh lord... that's disgusting."
Doc: "It is.. " He said through gritted teeth.
Ariadne: She shuddered as the puffer fish ate some of the algae.
Doc: "I don't want a fish tank. No."
Ariadne: "I think I have one... It has never gotten that dirty."
Doc: "Mortll asked if I wanted one.. I declined.. and now I am very happy I did."
Ariadne: "Mine is very pretty... "
Doc: "I still don't want one.. "
Ariadne: "No one is making you get one."
Doc: "They are in Sydney." Ignoring her comment.
Ariadne: "Yes. Thanks to a helpful whale."
Ariadne: "That doesn't bode well at all."
Doc: "Darla.. looks.. deadly."
Ariadne: "I think it's the pigtails."
Doc: "Yes..and the diabolical look in her eyes.."
Ariadne: "Mostly the pigtails."
Ariadne: "And her mouth..."
Doc: "That was creepy..."
Doc: "See... gill was a good guy.."
Ariadne: I suppose he was. In the end, he almost died to save Nemo."
Ariadne: "Everything looks like it's unraveling for the fish."
Doc: "Nemo.. thats a nice name?"
Doc: He smacks his forehead...
Ariadne: "Dory obviously has some issues."
Doc: "Obviously.."
Ariadne: "I hope he's dead."
Doc: "After all that.. they are going to kill Nemo? "
Doc: : Doc looked at her "Really?"
Ariadne: "Not dead."
Ariadne: "Really. All of this is because of his unwillingness to follow orders. I understand that his father was imposing too many restraints, but going out to touch the 'butt' was a bit extreme."
Doc: "The little turtle is cute.."
Ariadne: "Yes. Squirt is cute."
Doc: "They never caught the barracuda.."
Ariadne: "I guess that will be an unfinished storyline?"
Ariadne: She stared at the fish in bags. "They're all going to die."
Doc: "they will bake in the sun.."
Ariadne: "Hmmmm. I enjoy these credits.”
Doc: 'I like the music.. good dancing music.."
Ariadne: "I agree that it is good."
Ariadne: "So, I suppose I can see how this fits with the synopsis that I read, but I don't think that it was very truthful."
Ariadne: "Next time I promise to fully investigate any movie before watching it."
Doc: "Yes.. in the strictest sense of the words.. they didn't lie."
Doc: Doc checked his phone. '****.. " He showed Ariadne the message.. "I pick the next movie.. but right now.. we gotta go to work.."
Ariadne: She had, shockingly, turned off her phone before the movie started. After seeing Doc's message she shot up and grabbed her gun off of the table. "Indeed. Care to see who can get there first?"
Doc: Doc grinned, "You're on.. " and He dissipated.. and re coalesced in Stag Heath, only to find that Ari had beat him. He sighed.. He shot the Rogue and looked at Ari. "How did you beat me?"
Ariadne: She slung her gun over her back and grinned as the gut wounds she had inflicted on the Rogue began to ooze blood. "I won't tell. I'm allowed to have my secrets."
Doc: "You won this time.. This time.. Next time we will see..."
Ariadne: "Ah, but I enjoy winning. I'm also very determined."
Doc: "As do I.. So don't get used to it.. as I intend to win as well."
Ariadne: "That's debatable. Are you going to Nix's thing this weekend?"
Doc: "Oh god.. is that this weekend?" He made a face.
Ariadne: "Yes. I think she had to move it to Sunday. I recall that you were unsure if you would attend."
Doc: "I will do my best to be there.. because you know, as well as I.. she will never let me forget it.. if I dont."
Ariadne: "No, she wouldn't. It might actually ruin the day for her."
Doc: "Yea.. I will be there.. And I won't french kiss the bride. I promise."
Ariadne: "I would hope not. Were it anyone else I don't think that promise would be needed."
Doc: Doc grinned, "Oh I don't know.. If you were the bride.. I would definitely give it a try.." He holstered his gun, "I am going to head back to Eyrie ."
Ariadne: She stared at him for a moment and crossed her arms. "That implies that I will get married. Computers or my hut?"
Doc: "Your hut..." He grinned and poofed.
Ariadne: She followed, toming back to the tree and making her way to her hut, only to find it empty.
Doc: Doc entered a few minutes later.. "I had to go by the shop..
Ariadne: Tch. What for?"
Doc: "Blood pack.. " He said as he shrugged out of his jacket. he folded it and laid it neatly across the arm of the sofa. "Another movie?"
Ariadne: "I hadn't planned on it, but I'm curious as to what you have in mind."
Doc: "When you mentioned the description of this Nemo movie.. it reminded me of a preview I saw on Netflix." He paused and nodded almost ashamed, "I broke down and bought a subscription to Netflix."
Doc: "But there is a move called 'Taken', that I thought you were talking about.. sounds the same.. except... it was a girl that was taken."
Ariadne: "Can I assume that this one is not animated?"
Doc: "It is live action,.. from what the preview showed. It's an older movie. They have made sequels... But I would like to see the first one before I see the next one."
Ariadne: "It doesn't sound bad. I liked the last movie you picked, so I would be willing to see another if you think it would be worthwhile."
Doc: "I would like to see it.. I can't say if it will hold up to scrutiny, but the fact they made a sequel.. says a lot of people liked it..right?"
Ariadne: "Either a lot of people liked it, or they figured that they could make money off of it."
Doc: "true.. I rather liked that the main guy.. isn't super good looking or young.."
Ariadne: "What's his name? I'd like to look him up."
Doc: "Liam Neeson.. or something like that.. " He said as Phoenix wailed into his head.
Doc: Doc pulled his phone and texted Phoenix.
Ariadne: "Liam... Ni... Ah!" Ari scanned her phone and made an approving face. "He's fairly aesthetically pleasing. Is he a good actor?"
Doc: Doc shrugged, "I don't know. This would be the first movie that I knowingly would see him in?
Ariadne: "We can watch this." She eyed him as he texted. "Everything ok?
Doc: "Phoenix is ... upset." He sighed, needy puddling female. "She was puddling.. and I wasn't around. Apparently I should have ESP and know when she puddles.. and be there."
Doc: "can we do this movie another night?"
Ariadne: "Yes. If you need to go, do so." She eyed her phone as well and texted Velve back. "She may need you tonight anyway."
Doc: Doc realized that if he didn't at least go 'see' Phoenix.. she would only get worse. At Ari's cryptic comment, he nodded, "I appreciate your understanding..."
Ariadne: "Of course. She is your daughter and, last we spoke, you two were still sorting things out. Sorting is good."
Doc: Doc text Phoenix and then looked at Ari. "She is a lot like me.. but too ******* emotional at times.."
Ariadne: "Most females are, yes? Prone to crying and throwing things when very upset. "
Doc: "You don't do that. I mean.. you might shoot me on occasion.. but that's normal. "
Ariadne: "I doubt that the majority of people would consider that 'normal'."
Doc: "I am going to go change and go see Phoenix. And who the **** cares what the majority of the cows think? I don’t.. " he grinned, stood, grabbed his jacket, "Thank you for the movie Ari.."
Ariadne: She smiled and inclined her head. "My pleasure, Doc. Take care of yourself."
The Adventures of D'Ari
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Re: The Adventures of D'Ari
"--The following transcript was a live chat roleplay--"
Ariadne: Ariadne lounged by her car, as much as it was possible for her to lounge, which was not very much. The Bugatti came from her personal collection. She'd never driven it in the city simply because she was worried that it would have drawn too much attention. Here at a car show, it was well suited for display. Doc: Doc had entered a couple of cars into the show. One was an older Rally car. It had been a phase several years back. Something he tried, but it failed to hold his interest for very long. However he still had the car. But being the competitive person he was, he wanted to see how his car stacked up against the rest. He spied Ari as he wandered through the event. He grinned lopsidedly, and headed her way.
Ariadne: Ariadne had taken some time when the show had opened to look at some of the other cars. There was a wide variety and she was pleased to see that almost the entire floor was full. Her eyes swept the room as people, and thralls, began to wander around. Somewhere in transit, she spotted Doc. She wasn't sure if she had expected to see him, but a familiar face was quite welcome and it set her a little at ease as she nodded.
Doc: "Hello Ari.. I never took you for gearhead.." He grinned at her before looking back at the cars, "Which one is your favorite?" He paused, "Nice variety."
Ariadne: "Mine, of course. I'm not above occasional pride and vanity." She reached out ran a finger along the rim on the passenger side mirror. "Aside from that, there is a delightful looking silver thing a few cars over that I might be tempted to steal... "
Doc: Doc turned back to look at Ari with an upraised eyebrow. "Indeed? This is yours?" He looked over the Veyron with a new appreciation. He then slid her a look, "I may have to borrow this..." before looking at the silver one she had mentioned. "If you know who owns it,.. we could arrange a liberation party."
Ariadne: "It is. I never drive it in the city, but I do enjoy it elsewhere. You may be able to convince me to give you a ride sometime, but I doubt I would be persuaded to let you drive. As for the silver thing..." Ari tapped her phone a few times and entered some notes. "I can probably find out who the owner is within a few hours."
Doc: Doc gave her a mock wounded look. "What.. You don't trust me with your car? I'm hurt.. " He placed his right hand over his heart, and grimaced as if in pain. "The pain.. " He then winked at her, as she mentioned getting the owner's name. "Well aren't you just one surprise after another today.. " he lowered his voice, "I will look into getting a storage location.."
Ariadne: Ariadne tilted her head to the side and produced a sly smile. "Doc, I have access to the VIN, license plate, and easily obtained fingerprints. That's at least double what I normally work with on a good day."
Doc: "Well.. I think you have found a new business..." He glanced about to make sure no one was within hearing, "I know a few people that would pay handsomely for the right car with the right amenities.. "
Ariadne: Ariadne chuckled nudged him with her elbow. While she was fairly well known for her winery, fewer people knew about her side business that dealt in acquisitions of a more valuable, or desirable, nature. "You should make sure that these people have my information... Discreetly, of course."
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Re: The Adventures of D'Ari
"--The following transcript was a live chat roleplay--"
Doc: "I will do that." He was learning a lot of knew things about Ari. He knew about her winery, and he presumed she had other ventures, but he wouldn't have thought she was the type to knowingly skirt the law. Vampire law trumped human law, but for her to knowingly break the law, well he hadn't thought her the type. She had a dangerous streak in her. He liked that.
Ariadne: "So, what brings you out? I didn't think you we much for cars either... " She made sure to keep her voice low. As big as Groom Center was, it was still early and there were only a few people milling around.
Doc: "Really? I do enjoy a nice car. I have even have a few brushes with the law in my past.. because people had had a bad habit of mislaying their cars.. and I would find them." He nodded, "I learned pretty quick, that a pos was no substitute for fine set of wheels.."
Ariadne: " And that is likely all the information I need about why I don't let people drive my cars..."
Doc: He winked.. "If you gave me the keys.. you'd have a better chance of getting it back.. "
Ariadne: "Like I said, we can take a ride... I drive. Maybe after you drive me somewhere and I assess your skills, we can discuss a different arrangement."
Doc: "It's a date... I hear there is an Impressionist Art exhibit coming to Toronto..."
Ariadne: Ariadne just stared at him for a moment. After his comments about her painting the other night, she was shocked to hear that he knew about that exhibit, let alone that he would be willing to attend. "Really? I thought you didn't like art that wasn't so... Clean cut. "
Doc: "To be honest.. I can't say I do.. but I am open to be educated. Since you have the background in Art, I figured you would be the perfect one to .. educate me."
Ariadne: Her eyes narrowed as she looked at him. "Fine, but it's not a date. Consider it more of a field trip and be glad that I don't give homework."
Doc: "It was a figure of speech Ari.. " His voice took on a cajoling tone,
Doc: "I'm a married man.. after all."
Ariadne: Ariadne pursed her lips and bit back a comment about how that hadn't stopped him before. That wasn't like her, and his personal life wasn't her business. "Alright. Since we're here, I never did ask which car you liked best."
Doc: "I am not sure I could narrow it down to just one. Especially.. my spawn has one entered.. I have one entered.. and I currently coveting your entry..."
Ariadne: "You have a car here?" She hadn't seen anything that had really said 'Doc' to her, but she may have overlooked something. "Which one?"
Doc: He glanced at the blue Subaru in the corner, "That one.. over there. It's older, I don't really drive much anymore.. but I did at one time."
Ariadne: "The... the blue rally car? You... Drove that?" She stood on her toes and glanced over at it. It was... Unexpected, to say the least. "Well, aren't we full of surprises today."
Doc: Doc shrugged half-heartedly, "You know.. younger, wilder.. thought rallying would be a good hobby.. " He gestured absently, "I enjoyed it for a while.. but sand in the teeth got old fast.."
Ariadne: "You are infinitely fascinating." She managed with a straight face. She sort of meant it, but she wasn't about to let him know. "Infinitely."
Doc: "As are you, Ariadne.. as are you." He smiled at her, "You never struck me as the type of woman to appreciate a nice car.. " He had been watching her caress it while they talked. "I think I could be jealous of that car.."

Ego correctionis silentio grammatica tua
IC Forum username: That Guy
Dressed by Ariadne