Where have YOU been? {every}

For all descriptive play-by-post roleplay set anywhere in Harper Rock (main city).
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Where have YOU been? {every}

Post by Nishaa »

--The following transcript was a live chat roleplay--

<Nishaa> Kill ****, he had said. Micah’s words echoed in her head. Over and over, it was a personal mantra. Ever since Nishaa had found out that Paige and disappeared off the face of the planet, she had sent the woman a text. She had ultimately made a choice of walking a different path of the shadow, she had loved. The communication was poor between the two, she hadn’t heard from her fiance in a while so she decided it was for the best. She was sick of feeling emotions, emotions sucked. So Micah’s advice was welcomed, he had told her to vent and kill things, shoot things so she hunted, night after night a paladin would die at her feet, several actually. She had done things for the faction in between venting, making traps giving them to Micah, and then she’d be back out in the streets hunting blood thieves, gangsters, paladins anything she knew she could kill without repercussions.

Setting herself down in the empty hut she had acquired from Velveteen, she had yet to furnish the damn thing she began to browse the CrowNet with her cellular device. It was then she noticed a name pop up that hadn’t been around for a while. She hadn’t seen her face in a while. She growled. Without a second thought she closed her eyes and summoned her sire to her. She already sat cross legged on the wooden as she brought her onyx orbs up to look at her sire. Her jaw set in a straight line.

“Where the **** have YOU been?” She scolded.

<Every> Away. That had been the only word that danced through the woman’s mind when she wasn’t being harassed by that braying *** of a ghost that had been haunting her since the fight with Micah. She no longer saw Michael, she could no longer hear his voice trying to sooth her from doing something stupid. While she hadn’t left Harper Rock, the woman often went from her spot in The Eyrie to the castle and back. She didn’t talk to many, there was the occasional text message to Nishaa or her grandchilder, she asked Desdemona to keep an eye on Reanna and Kirill. Childish to stay away? Maybe, but it was doing her some good as she finally managed to not hear him for days.

After almost a month, the brunette decided change was in store. She felt less depressed and the lack of organization on her lists was getting to her. The family tree had been updated first. Then the address book. The skill set list could only be updated so far without others actually adding to it, so she did what she could. Then there were things for Tytonidae and her own lockboxes, so when she was done, Every felt productive and slipped back to the castle with the gun that Micah had given her in hand.

She had been hunting for a while and had at least five hundred dollars in her pocket when she felt the familiar tug of a summoning. Snatching up the wallet just before her surroundings changed, her eyebrow twitched at the scolding and her hazel eyes narrowed just slightly at Nishaa before lightening up. “Playing hide and go seek.”

<Nishaa> “Well, don’t” She told her sire. The gun that she cherished at her side. It was against the hardwood flooring of the hut. It was a present from Shan, a woman she knew her sire didn’t like. She had seen the scornful stares at the woman in family meetings. She knew there was history there, but she didn’t care. She liked Shan, and she knew her childe; Abbadon had a thing for her best friend too. It was weird, but she let the two kids rock it. Her onyx orbs stared at the woman who turned her with a curious glance. She knew the woman was… going through the motions. Still the woman had sent her a few emails now and again mostly about her rants but she hadn’t seen the woman face to face in a while. It was unsettling.

“Are you still being a mopey *****?” She asked curiously. She hated it when Every got mopey. She didn’t like to pat the woman on the back and tell her everything would be alright because comforting wasn’t her forte. It wasn’t something she did. Instead she’d usually hit the person, to get them to snap out of it. Her eyes looked at her gun. She debated shooting the woman, as some kind of compensation for her disappearance.

“You are so depressing, sometimes.” She added, her eyes never leaving Every’s as she brought her gaze back up to lock with the brunette’s. Her jaw still set in a straight line. There was no smile there.

<Every> Had she been moping? No. Her thoughts answered that fast enough and she flicked on the safety before tucking the gun in her hand behind the waistband of her worn and faded blue jeans. The snow had seeped into her shirt earlier, the cloth damp, but she paid no mind to it as she shrugged out of her jacket and let it drop onto the ground. She’d pick it up later. “No, I have not been moping. I’ve been ignoring the voice in my head that can’t take a vacation.” Well, that probably made her sound off her hinges even more. The last actual conversation that she and Nishaa had, had been on the phone about sex.

“And, for the record, aren’t I the sire in this relationship?” Not that she minded, really. No one else had checked on her as of late and for sometime, Every had wondered if anyone had noticed her disappearance. She said hello on occasion and welcome to others, but after that last comment from Micah, radio silence had been in check. “Depression can only get you so far.” Reaching up, she removed her L.A. Angels cap from the top of her head and tapped the bill against her thigh.

Hazel eyes narrowed once more as she took in the woman’s expression and it was all she could do not to throw her hands up in frustration as she closed her eyes to count to five mentally before speaking. “Alright, what have I done wrong this time other than try to be sane before being around all the time?”

<Nishaa> “I’ve grown up.” She said, and it was true. Nishaa used to be so care free at the start of her new vampire life. She had come from someone who thought vampires were gods, and should have outed themselves to the humans and claim dominion over there, to protecting the secrecy of the vampires. Which, was a huge jump. She found herself laughing then. Her facial features softening ever so slightly. Then above all else, she had sired. Twice. On top of that one of her childe had sired someone else - making her a grandsire. It made her grow up, and fast. She needed to be stronger to protect them. They had unlocked qualities in Nishaa she never knew she had, strength and compassion mostly. Emotions she wasn’t used to feeling.

“Don’t listen to it then.” She said, referring to the voice in Every’s voice that wouldn’t shut up. She shook her head, and gave off another chuckle. The woman in front of her was claiming insanity at this point. She had to be, to be hearing the dead. She watched as Every threw her hands up in the air, shutting her eyes closed before opening her eyes again and asking her what she had done wrong this time.

“You didn’t say hello.” Was Nishaa’s quipped reply. Shaking her head. “Do you know what the punishment for that is?” She asked curiously, as she canted her head to the side.

<Every> She stared at her childe, minor amusement evident across her features as she gave a small, but distinguishable nod. “Yes, I’m aware of that. Contrary to what seems to be popular belief, despite my antisocialism, I’m very much observant to my surroundings.” Her eyebrows pressed together before she rolled her head on her shoulders, “And I’m very proud of the woman that you’ve become. But, you will always be my headache regardless of how many years there are to be ahead of us.” The brunette folded her arms in front of her chest, “Although I am still wondering what the Mrs. Bunny Rabbit thing was about.” She spoke, referring to Nishaa’s turning before she exhaled in a huff.

“If only Dylan had been that way even when he was alive.” There had been the consideration to go see a priest and see if he’d do an exorcism. Religion had been part of her life in the past although, after her brother’s death, she’d become a skeptic and doubted it would work. What had she done wrong this time? It certainly couldn’t have been just no saying hello, although in all fairness the times she had summoned Nishaa, her childe hadn’t returned the sentiment. But then again, half the time she used to do that, it had been to shoot her ‘headache’ as the woman was fondly called.

Rather than respond, she lifted her eyebrow as if to tell her childe to go ahead.

<Nishaa> Proud. Every was proud of her. That took Nishaa by surprise. Nishaa rubbed the palms of her hands together. As if trying to warm them. “You’re proud?” She questioned. Shaking her head slowly. Her tendrils of dark hair swooshed from side to side. Following her head. Onyx orbs softened a little at those words. She didn’t know what to say, would she need to say thank you? That was the polite thing to do, but those words never left her lips. Instead she chewed on the inside of her lip trying to find the right words. A bark of laughter left her lips then in reference to the bunny rabbit. She knew what it was. The night of her siring, she had been drunk and perhaps a little high. She had been hallucinating, and hallucinated her killer, as a bunny rabbit.

“I was hallucinating.” She said, with another bark of laughter in remembrance. Then her eyes looked at the woman, the laughter stilled in her chest as she caught the glance in Every’s eyes. That daring look. When she was but a fledgling Every would often summon the woman, and shoot her. It was usually to keep her in line, and on her toes - or even to test her reflexes. Nisha had gotten stronger, she felt quicker. She smiled. Taking the dare that Every snared with her eyes.

Quickly her hands gripped around the gun that was at her side, and brought it up to aim, she wasted no time as she let the bullet fly, her finger pressed against the trigger. She smelt the blood, when she looked up from the metal of her gun did she notice the bullet had not only got her sire, but at embedded itself within her sire’s head. Nishaa gasped. Staring.

“Every?” She asked. Waiting for some kind of response from the woman, waiting to see if she could remain standing or if she would fall to the ground. What surprised Nishaa the most was that she was about to hit Every, the whole time of her being a vampire she had never once landed a blow, and now she had. A fatal one at that. How times change.
Every's Headache . Tytonidae
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Re: Where have YOU been? {every}

Post by Every »

--The following transcript was a live chat roleplay--

<Every> “You seem surprised.” The woman replied with an incline of her head, her eyebrow lifting once more. There hadn’t been many times where she was open with her emotions, and at first, she supposed she was always more guarded when she’d first sired Nishaa. Then again, back then, she’d only begun to unravel. The brunette contemplated it momentarily, missing those days. While she was weaker, physically, there hadn’t been as many cracks mentally. There hadn’t been that damn fadebeast, either. “Nothing but honesty.” She lifted her shoulder in a shrug.

A lot had changed in that time. She could tangle with fadebeasts easily, but the most defining piece had certainly been her depression. In the past, as she was alive, alcohol had kept her to a point where she was neither sober, nor drunk. She was numb. These days, she felt overloaded or just not wanting to do anything. “Well, you had lost quite a bit of blood that night too, even before I got ahold of you.” It was one of her better memories. A smile danced across her lips at the sound of the woman’s laugh, even as small as the motion was.

She was usually hard to hit. It came with being a shadow, being faster, and even her sire had a difficult time shooting her once. The ring that was usually on her finger below the one that Velveteen had given her two years before had also been helpful, but on that particular night, Every hadn’t put them on. She didn’t feel the normal heat. So when Nishaa’s bullet connected with her skull, the shock across her features was genuine after she had stumbled backwards.

The brunette fell to one knee, her hand lifting to the wound as her eyes closed against the pain. “*****.” The word escaped past her lips, although she knew on some level she had deserved it. It wasn’t that she had doubted Nishaa, either, but statistics were a ***** sometimes. Clearly, this was one of them. Her thoughts were scrambled, confusing and the headache she had was enough to cause her to crinkle her nose and lower her other knee as her blood dispersed into the air after staying there for a moment.

<Nishaa> She had watched her fall to one knee. Nishaa got up then, she uncurled her legs from their position and moved to Every’s side and knelt down beside the woman placing a palm against the bottom of her back. “Admit it.” She said with a laugh. “That was a ******* great shot right?” She said gripping the woman’s chin with her fingertips and inspecting the wound. She ran a finger across the wound slowly. The wound was deep, but she was sure given time the bullet would come out on it’s own when her skin would begin to repair itself.

“You’ll live though.” She said, and with that she lifted her fingers to the woman’s eye level, holding up two fingers in the shape of the peace sign. “How many fingers?” She had to make sure the woman wasn’t dizzy or anything. What kind of childe would she be if she didn’t make sure she was alright before anything the wound was her own fault. Granted, she was still proud of it. It wasn’t everyday you could make a cracking shot like that, especially against someone more experienced at vampirism than her.

<Every> It felt as if someone were stabbing her in the head with each sound that reached her ears and she was tempted to clamp her hand over Nishaa’s mouth as a sign that she was fine. Vertigo greeted her and as she waited for a few moments, she kept her lips pressed together when bile lifted into her throat. After her stomach settled, she opened one eye enough to peek up at her childe. “Great shot.” She repeated, keeping her words short. There was annoyance evident, but a smile on her lips showed she was proud… other than the fact her head had been the target for it.

Another wave passed over her and she closed her eye before she opened them again. While her vision wasn’t double, it sure wasn’t showing only two fingers. It took her a moment to remember what the number that she wanted was. The last time she’d had a head wound this bad, it had been given to her by Lia, and it had been the first time she’d been sent to the shadow realm. Her heart was usually the bigger target, it seemed. “Three.” Her voice cracked, her fingertips curling into her thighs.

<Nishaa> She took a double take, peering at her own fingertips as if she had forgotten how many she had held up. She shook her head. Pushing against the woman’s shoulder she got her sat down on the ground. Before focusing on the woman, the palms of her hands connected with the flesh of Every’s skin giving the woman blood to hopefully get rid of that dizziness because she obviously couldn't tell she was holding up two fingers and had seemingly guess at three. She shook her head. Pushing more and more blood through her fingertips into the woman’s system.

“It was two, idiot.” she scorned the woman, before giving her a faint smile. She had received another compliment from the woman. She was proud of her yet again. It was a nice shot, and she had agreed that it was a nice shot. Did someone roofie this woman’s blood this morning?

“Thanks though, I thought it was a good shot too myself.” She said with a laugh.

<Every> Just as she would in the past, Every jumped slightly when she felt Nishaa’s hand on her skin before she relaxed. She fell onto her backside without any grace, not caring about how she probably looked doing so before she crossed her legs and leaned forward. She scolded herself inwardly for it and just as she heard a man beginning to laugh at the back of her mind, the dizziness slipped aside. An exhale in relief was given as he was silenced, as well.

“Bite me.” The retort was instant and less forced, but with another throb, her eyes fell shut and she kept them that way. It felt like the floor was moving beneath her. One hand traveled from the side of her head to Nishaa’s arm, tapping as she worked it towards the woman’s shoulder to give it an affectionate squeeze in silent thanks. “Don’t get cocky.” She grumbled.

<Nishaa> Nishaa scoffed. “Me, cocky? Neeeeever.” She let the last one drag out with a sly smile to boot. She tapped the woman’s shoulder over and over as she waited for the woman to heal her wound. She knew the woman was capable of healing herself. Her eyes twinkled with mischief as she told Nishaa to ‘bite her’ so she snapped her fangs at Every, with a suggestive smile. She would as well, if dared too.

“Are you going to heal by any chance?” She asked curiously. Referring to her head wound as she thought about blood healing her again to be sure, but she knew the woman could boost her own blood too. So she sat cross legged in front of the woman, staring at her curiously.

<Every> She would have rolled her eyes had she thought about it. Nishaa and cocky were almost synonyms, or was it anagrams? Antonyms? The words had to proper meaning in her mind at that moment. “Bull.” The brunette grumbled softly before peeking one eye open to look at the female once more.

“Oh. I can do that.” She had forgotten. Both in the sense that she could and that it actually was even possible. Quickening wasn’t a power that she ever needed to use often, so as she focused and the wound was no longer critical, she still felt as if she were hit like a train, but at least she’d be able to feed on her own. “Don’t suppose,” She paused. She focused on what she wanted to say. “You’ve got a vam…” The word escaped her.
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