The Musings of Keara Aithne

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Keara Aithne
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Re: The Musings of Keara Aithne

Post by Keara Aithne »

27th December 2013


A month passed has since wrote to you last I did. Told you then I did of my affection for Enver and that loved him I did. This changed has not. Love him more I do with every night that passes does. To say that evolved our relationship has, no measure of a lie would be as much and little in this past month changed has. It is these changes of which I write this eve.

Enver asked me has for his wife to be and accepted I have. Bound we are to be under Helios' moon next month. Tell you this I do not for you pain to cause, but deserve you do for this to know. Deanna quite unhappy with me is in this. Tells me she does that approve you would not of this match and yet believe her words I do not. While perhaps thrilled with this match you would not be, as I am sure for such a match with any you would not be, believe I do that you my decision in this would respect.

Perhaps this I should not say but opened he has other doors to me that between us closed were. Describe I shall not what between us passed has as know I do that in this approve you would not. But your approval these days I do not require. While pen this letter I do, wonder I do if these avenues between us explored should have been. Though know I do the answer in that. Nox me pure did keep for this time. This place. For him.

Love and respect you I do, as always, from my first day till my last. No matter to whom I bound am, this never change shall.

Your devoted daughter,

Keara Aithne
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Re: The Musings of Keara Aithne

Post by Keara Aithne »

28th December 2013

Deanna half crazed is. Speaking we are not. Says she does that dishonouring I am Ven’s name. That I a commitment to him made and that matter it should not that separated we are by time and space. Know I do not how her I best handle should? Wish I do that she My Enver could accept. Know I do not why insists she does on saying such things? Think perhaps she thinks that helping she is and yet Ven here is not. Believe I do not he e’er return shall; accept that she must, as in the past she too live should not. Perhaps more time requires she does…for Enver to accept. My heart it would break if problems she continued to cause. Consider than I might have to for her to release and another in her place to summon. No joy do I from these words do I receive. Think on it I rather would not. Hope upon hope I do that learn she shall him to love.


Found I did a relic in the city. Unsure I am as to what it does, but enquire I can in the magic shop where sell I do my wares, when next there I am.


Wondering am if read too much I do? Recently read I have much on how you your partner interested in you can keep. Many such articles are there on the internet to be found. So tried I did something of which I read…successful I would not say it was. Thought I did that Enver mad with me was. But assured me he did that that not so was. In fact…ideas I think this him did give as ran off he did and quite happy he did seem when returned he did. Gifts he says for me tomorrow he has. Asked I did not of what he speaks, as sure I am that wait I can till then. Heard I did his thoughts earlier, so know I do a little of what expect I can.
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Re: The Musings of Keara Aithne

Post by Keara Aithne »

29th December 2013

Yes. Read perhaps too much I do. But book that Enver gifted me has read must be. Looked I have through it but more questions have I now from what seen I have, than had I previously. Keep book I shall in backpack for when resting I am in catacombs. More time and inclination shall I then have for it all to understand. Understand the other gift that bought us he did I do not, but fun shall be for that to learn I am sure. As always in these things, in his hands I am.
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Re: The Musings of Keara Aithne

Post by Keara Aithne »

1st January 2014

In a raid I have been and glad of this I am, as today same troubling issue I have; powers not working are. Glad I am not for raid itself, as issue meant that thrown down the stairs I was by creature. All too easy target I was. Glad I am that Enver here is not for this to notice. Wish I do not for him to worry. Tell him I shall. Likely when reads this he does. If reads this he does. Permission I did to him give but know I do not if use of this arrangement he has made. Hope I do that reads he does. As no secrets wish I from him to keep. Still, told him directly I have not as borrowed I had to someone’s phone for him to email. And believe I do that this conversation best in person done is. Wish I do that I answers had to what this is. That easier this issue would make. Perhaps pattern I shall see in future. Better records perhaps keep I should. Hope I do that powers tomorrow return shall.
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Re: The Musings of Keara Aithne

Post by Keara Aithne »

2nd January 2014

Found I did tome in the city today. Strange was. Heard I did interesting conversation as passed a building a did. Upon investigation, found tome I did. Need collect ingredients for that to use but try it shall do one day soon. Like I do new tome to have with which to play. Though…possibly research first I should what it does. Enver not so happy would be if knew I did not what doing I was before did it I did. Think he still a little wary is of rituals.
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Re: The Musings of Keara Aithne

Post by Keara Aithne »

5th January 2014

Had to tell him I did what done I had. Needs he does to know the woman that marry he will. Wish I do for there no secrets twixt us to be. Worried I did that perhaps leave me he might if knew he did of my passed, but that fear ridiculous was. Loves me he does. Knows he does that changed I am. Changing am still. Though like I do who becoming I am.

Enver second tattoo got today. Like I do not the idea that someone else him had to touch for that to do. Know I do not why bothers me that does…But like that idea I do not. Says he does that next tattoo I shall for him do. Though plans he does not another to have. Mind that also I do not, as no desire have I for his skin to mark. Though need practice I do my art if ever I am tattoos to do. Like I do his new addition…Well…unsure I was at first but then explained it he did. So like it now I do. Even if no explanation had he, sure I am that accustomed to it I would have become. While like the source of his other markings I do not, accustomed to those I have become. His marks they are, so love them too I do. Strange that is to pen. Perhaps scratch that through I should. Then again…no. Fine it is for that to say when love someone you do. Leave it I shall.
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Re: The Musings of Keara Aithne

Post by Keara Aithne »

6th January 2014

Raid in city today. Not so challenging as some is but interesting. Always nice change from routine is for such a thing to try. Liked raid more I did when Enver me did join. Much nicer in here is with him for company. Less distracted am then too, as need think of him so much I need not. Saw Robert too. Briefly. Said hello he did in passing. Need contact him do. Ask how fair he does. Perhaps Enver him to the Asylum should invite.
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Re: The Musings of Keara Aithne

Post by Keara Aithne »

8th January 2014

Wonder do for sanity of mine. Enver me so mad did make and struck him I did. Knew he did not what done he had. When explained his actions he did, reasonable they were. Felt awful did. Strange is when misunderstand him I do. Thought I did that chosen he had with others to rest for me to avoid. Asked perhaps I should have before upset with him became I did. Next time do that I shall. Then no remorse need I feel. Though…threw me he did. Perhaps even we are. Even if like I do when charge of me he does take. Mind I do not when he me does lead.

River us gifts did send for our engagement to celebrate. Thanked her I did via CrowNet. That perhaps best was. Know I do not why chose she did rings and necklace to give. Expected I did not for anything to receive, though today first time hearing from her is on our binding.
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Re: The Musings of Keara Aithne

Post by Keara Aithne »

10th January 2014

Began yesterday I did upon My Love to draw, he perfect canvas for me is upon which I practice can. Need I do to learn upon flesh to draw. While he no good would be for when need I do with ink to begin, perfect he is for first stage of education of mine. Perhaps need I do then upon my own flesh to practise. Tattoo I could perhaps upon my upper thighs. Yesterday I my writing did test by ‘Yours Eternal, Keara’ upon his forearm to draw. Today took I a little longer and some Celtic knotwork upon his other arm did I draw. Thought he did that I this for him meant. But that not so is. If desire have I for him to mark, design something with meaning for him I shall.
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Re: The Musings of Keara Aithne

Post by Keara Aithne »

11th January 2014

So quick apparently I am not. Managed a paladin did today for me to injure. Shot I was by it. Though allow it to live after that I did not. So perhaps they worse for our encounter were. Ullet from my shoulder I have dug. Mind I do not for the wound to have, though ruined it did t-shirt that wearing I was. Liked it I did. While mend perhaps I could the hole. Need I would now for the t-shirt to re-design for that to hide…else…perhaps other holes in t-shirt I could make. That interesting would be.


Ring shopping today Enver and I did go. Thought I did that perhaps more time or effort it would take but so different are our tastes not. Fact that me surprised did, as dress quite differently we do. Though…noticed I have…that Enver a little different these days does dress, to when met him I did. So often did I then him in a suit see. Now more often wears he something of more casual style. Change in dress occurred perhaps after died he did. Though understand that I can if that the cause is, as realm a piece of you can take. Sure on that I am. Though mind that change I do not. Like I do for his arms to see. Even if so strong he is not, like I do his arms. Or perhaps like alone I do for in his arms to be. Hmm…ponder than more perhaps I shall.

Oh. Forget I should not that Enver arranged has for shops installed to be in the Asylum. This perhaps things easier upon us all shall make, as much time there we do spend of late. Consider perhaps I should a room for such things aside to set…once figured out I have how the shops best run should be. Strange it seems for such things in a home to have but practical side of this see I too. If room for them make I do, consider I should renovations to make. Wish I do for our home a home to be. Need there is not for pretence of working Asylum to maintain. Wonder I do if also name of building I should change? Ask family I shall. Do this without their input I shall not.
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