The shot in the darkness

For all descriptive play-by-post roleplay set anywhere in Harper Rock (main city).
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The shot in the darkness

Post by Serendipity »

-The following transcript was in live roleplay chat-

serendipity.drake: *Seren was wandering through the raid, looking for random things. Not really the things that lurked within, more like the things that lurked withins things. She wanted power modules and the guns. She needed them for her traps. She could hear things off in the distance but, she was trying to stay focused and ignore them*

jonah.vedarian: Jonah was hunting in the raid again. The possible rewards were of mild interest to him but his primary reason for being in the building was to clear it out. These groups of gangs drew too much attention to the city and to their kind in general and as long as he could do his part to clear it out, he would. Assault rifle in one massive hand and hammer in the other, he strode from room to room, looking for more of the humans to deal with.

serendipity.drake: *Seren had thought she had caught something out of the corner of her eyes and moved into a room to investigate, Sure enough, a gangster was there. After a brief moment, and her gun discharged, she moved to try and pry the gun from the corpse. Micro Uzi SMGs were very helpful to her in her line of work and being in the corner of the room, she had the cover of the darkness to help with her endevor*

jonah.vedarian: lost internet so not sure if you made a post or not but I can't see it if you did))

serendipity.drake: serendipity.drake: *Seren had thought she had caught something out of the corner of her eyes and moved into a room to investigate, Sure enough, a gangster was there. After a brief moment, and her gun discharged, she moved to try and pry the gun from the corpse. Micro Uzi SMGs were very helpful to her in her line of work and being in the corner of the room, she had the cover of the darkness to help with her endeavor*

jonah.vedarian: The floor looked like it was completely to Jonah. It had been many minutes since he had seen or heard a gangster, but then a series of shots rang out and he turned. Where there was one, there was generally more. Moving quickly, he saw a shadow in the corner. Raising his weapon, he aimed at the center of mass and pulled the trigger quickly, firing a short burst at what he thought was a gangster

serendipity.drake: *She felt the bullet as she was looting the body. It felt like her groin was on fire. Of all places.... *she whimpered and then turned to see Jonah. Her gun aimed as she stared at him* Are you Insane?! The Hell was That for?! *she asked, still doubled over, her hand gripping to herself, trying to slow the bleeding. How ironic*

jonah.vedarian: He didn't realize his mistake until she called out to him. That wasn't a gangster. Mentally berating himself, he closed the distance between them, "Sorry, I thought you were one of these gangsters. How bad is it?"

serendipity.drake: You asshole! *she snapped at him, more due to the pain in her lower region than anything else* How bad is it? I won’t be having sex for a few days, thanks to you.... *she muttered and then sighed, still gripping to her wound* Ugh.... Were you paying attention back there or do you just get really trigger happy and shoot into the air at random?!

jonah.vedarian: He looked at her calmly, "You're in a dark corner in a gangster hideout and you had your back to me." Realizing where she was gripping and what the wound was, he sighed, letting out some of his worry. "That's not too bad, that doesn't matter too much."

serendipity.drake: *she sighed and then shook her head* Excuses.... You are insane and someone should take that gun away from you! *she said, though inside her mind, she was yelling at herself for being so rude. There was no reason for it. As he sighed and spoke though, thats when she lost her temper. Silent range* Do you know what I am?.... *she asked in her silent anger*

jonah.vedarian: "A vampire?" was his serious answer with no trace of sarcasm, simply ignoring the earlier accusation of being insane.

serendipity.drake: *she blinked looking at him and then perked a brow* ..... Are you kidding?

jonah.vedarian: He closed his eyes and squeezed his brow. "I'm sure I could figure out what path but I don't see what that has to do with your...wound? Unless you're a shadow and it's just going to take longer to heal?"

serendipity.drake: *A tilt of her head was given as he spoke. Was he serious?* I'm an Allurist..... *she hissed at him, hoping the importance of that information would strike into his, obviously damaged a bit, brain*

jonah.vedarian: Jonah looked at her and waited for her to finish her statement.

serendipity.drake: *she blinked at him, trying to figure out why it was that the man was just staring at her now. A man that had just shot her, mind you. Staring at her like she was the defective. A man she didn't even know*

jonah.vedarian: "You're an Allurist and..." he prompted, trying to get an answer about what she was trying to imply.

serendipity.drake: *she blinked* Really?.... *she sighed and shook her head* Body language is what we do. How am I supposed to project anything but pain with a Bullet In My Groin!

jonah.vedarian: "It's not that bad," he said in exasperation. "It's barely even a scratch."

serendipity.drake: *she growled a bit and pointed her gun at him again* Can I shoot your **** off then?!

jonah.vedarian: He shrugged dismissively, "If it'll make you feel better."
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Re: The shot in the darkness

Post by Jonah »

--The following transcript was a live chat roleplay--

serendipity.drake: *she blinked and then tilted her head, standing up* Don't you care?

jonah.vedarian: "I've been hurt worse and it's not like I really need it"

serendipity.drake: How.... are you not needing it? *she asked, almost in a state of pure confusion and shock*

jonah.vedarian: "I'm not an allurist so I can't eat so don't produce...waste?" It was his turn to be confused again, not sure what the big deal was.

serendipity.drake: *she blinked a few times, trying to decipher his wording. Food. ****. They didn't go together in any sense of the word unless you were having kinky sex, in which case, they went together in a very fun way* Umm... That makes no sense. Its not like I asked you shoot off your asshole....

jonah.vedarian: He sighed, "I don't drink so I don't piss?"

serendipity.drake: Don't you **** though? *she asked in astonishment that this was the only thing he thought of when it came to his dick*

jonah.vedarian: "I haven'" his discomfort was obvious as he shifted his weight and looked away from her. Even before his turning, he wasn't comfortable around people, especially women. After, there was Wolfyn but he had lost that. he had other difficulties.

serendipity.drake: *Seren blinked and then just stood there, staring. His discomfort was noticeable and yet, she couldn't stop staring. She was so stunned. She had to ask* Do you have a small penis or something? Is that why? Like, you are afraid to be naked with a girl?

jonah.vedarian: " opportunity...or interest in me. Especially now." His nosferatu like features were apparent, as were the heavy scars covering his face and chest.

serendipity.drake: You..... have little to no self esteem, Mister. *she said blinking, not really noticing anything wrong with him at all as everyone was beautiful in their own way*

jonah.vedarian: He shrugs and shakes off the comment, "I can't fix the wound but I can help a little." He takes a step towards her tentatively in case he's not welcome to assist

serendipity.drake: *she gave a soft nod to him and then watched him carefully, still a bit weary of him as she still didn't even know his name much less anything else about him*

jonah.vedarian: "Can I see your arm Miss...?"

serendipity.drake: *She blinked* Its Serendipity. *she commented as she held out her arm straight in front of him*

jonah.vedarian: "Nice to meet you Serendipity, I'm Jonah. This...will hurt a little," he didn't give her much warning before his nails dug into crease of her elbow. The wound open, he focused his energy and black blood flowed into the wound, replacing as much of the blood he had caused her to lose as he could.

serendipity.drake: *she gave a smile and a nod through her pain* Its a pleasure to meet you, Jonah..... though under the circumstances, maybe pleasure is the wrong word *she said and chuckled lightly before a wince moved over her features. The woman sighed a bit before she jerked a bit as his nail pierced her flesh.* Ouch.... *she said as she watched him curiously. She tilted her head and spoke softly* T…...hank you.

jonah.vedarian: He watched her carefully, "Feeling a little better?"

serendipity.drake: *she gave a gently nod of her head* A little, yes. *she commented and smiled* That was nice of you...

jonah.vedarian: "Was the least I could do. I did shoot you."

serendipity.drake: Yes, you did *she gave a chuckle with a nod of her head before wincing again softly* Hurts to laugh.....

jonah.vedarian: Frowning, he asked, "Should be better soon though."

serendipity.drake: *she blinked a bit at the frown* Stop frowning, Jonah....... Nothing to frown about.

jonah.vedarian: He arranged his face in to a more neutral expression. "Well, I'm glad. If you need anything else...I'm pretty easily found."

serendipity.drake: *she smiled and nodded her head happily to that statement* As am I, Jonah. Always around somewhere! And if you need anything at any time, give me a shout.

jonah.vedarian: He gave her a small smile and turned from her to continue clearing the building.

serendipity.drake: *she leaned against the wall and then slide down, taking a few moments to rest, After that, she decided that anything she wanted to do within the building, wasn't plausible with the way she was feeling and pulled her homebound tome from her pocket. A small incantation later and she was at her location to rest*
Jonah Harper Notte
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