I'm not working tonight, so I make the most of it.
I need a few supplies, things people can find if they know where to look.
Scalpels; Science surplus stores. Acids; again at some science stores.
Goggles; any place like a Target or Wal-Mart.
Then there are a few other things that I can get just about anywhere.
I take care of my personal items first; shaving cream, toothbrush and razors. I never use a razor more then once and a toothbrush only lasts a week before I do my best to get any saliva off it.
After I get these items, I head to the mall where I know I can get the other things. I usually pretend I'm some science teacher if asked about the stuff, not that it's illegal to get goggles or acids. You can find the stuff online, bit it'll take a couple days to get here. I don't like deviating from my schedule.
Things go off without a hitch, I even take part in a brief exchange with the guy behind the desk.
Nothing personal, just some talk about global warming.
Someone needed a life.
I take my things and head out of the mall.
I skip past the train station.
I need to keep in shape.
Trains dont keep people at their finest.
Plus, I get to make a quick headcount this way.
Three homeless at the station.
Seven in the park.
And a couple here and there.
I'll come back tomorrow and scout better.
I cut past the library and cafe and some building that looked like it had seen a fire.
Then a gas station where I stop and buy a pack of cigarettes.
I sit outside the gas station, unwrap the pack and lit one up.
I'm in no hurry.
I sit in silence and think about her.
I'm sure I'll kill her soon.
I guess it always had to be this way.
She made it this way.
Me or her.
It'd be interesting to see who came out on top.
The master or the protege?
I dig around in my bags, just to double check things, but stop when I hear mumbling.
I look left and, right, then back to left.
I stand to get a better look and think I see a homeless person.
This was going to be a good night.