Torn, burned out pages Thea private diary.

Single-writer in-character stories and journals.
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Thea (DELETED 2467)
Posts: 59
Joined: 04 Apr 2012, 02:47

Torn, burned out pages Thea private diary.

Post by Thea (DELETED 2467) »

August the Sixth twenty twelve.

I bought a home today. Don't know if I should of done that. I guess I wanted a reason to talk to someone. I used to be this. This butterfly. That when people saw me they wanted to catch me and show me off. Of course that isnt literal. It just means that I went from being popular to nothing within a night.

Who knew life could change so quickly. How you were something of importance to something begging for attention. I guess im a brat. I always got it my way when I was a human so I figure I would get it in death.

Life or rather unlife is a bore. Maybe I should throw a party? Such an horrible excuse. Though I guess there could be worse things I could do. And feel the wrath of my family. So called family I never met a group of people like this before then again I was sheltered. They fight about everything under the moon and I dont want to get involved for fear I might have a gun pulled on me or a sword.

I guess I should sleep, then again that is all I do.
Thea Bowstrong.
If you've got soul, darling, now come on and show it to me
Thea (DELETED 2467)
Posts: 59
Joined: 04 Apr 2012, 02:47

Re: Torn, burned out pages Thea private diary.

Post by Thea (DELETED 2467) »

Must maintain composure. Must not lose it! BAHHHHHHH! This is something my human family would do! Forget about me and go on long trips! But of course they would buy me a trinkets! And say 'oh we didnt think you would want to go!' I shouldn't drink right about now, maybe ill walk wolf. Poor thing. Who would let such a beautiful dog go? He needs a bath. -_-
Thea Bowstrong.
If you've got soul, darling, now come on and show it to me
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