Pass it Over

Single-writer in-character stories and journals.
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Philip (DELETED 3507)
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Pass it Over

Post by Philip (DELETED 3507) »

November 14th:

It's been a couple of weird days since arriving to Harper Rock. But maybe it is just a college town. Day and night it is always active. This is good, though. Hopefully a job will be easier to find this way. With a place this big there is bound to be a store that needs a future botanist around. Which reminds me, I should put up an ad in the paper or online about my experiences and see if anyone needs them. That should secure me a job in no time. But I did do one good thing so far: I found a place to live. I get to move in this weekend. I should skip out on this first rent since I am only going to be there a week, though. Seems like the good thing to do. I know I will be living with a guy named Verne. He seems alright. A bit sharp on the business sense. Sucks because I got him high. Oh well. At least I can blackmail him if I need to. Here's hoping I won't. I just hope that the other people that move in are cool. If not things might go bad fast. Oh well, nothing to worry about now. Just keep looking forward.

PS: Write a letter to the city about them fixing the manholes. I fell down one and rolled my ankle. Threaten with law suit to get them marked clearly.

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